39 resultados para atheism
1. Bd. Einleitung. Teufelsfurcht und Aufklärung im sogenannten Mittelalter. -- 2. Bd. Entdeckung der Natur und des Menschen. Lachende zweifler. Niederlande, England. -- 3. Bd. Aufklärung in Frankreich und in Deutschland. Die grosse Revolution (1. bis 11. Abschnitt) -- 4. Bd. Aufklärung. Grosse Revolution (12. bis 14. Abschnitt) Die letzten hundert Jahre. Reaktion. Materialismus. Gottlose mystik.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
A obra literária de José Saramago, ao desconstruir a ideia de Deus, pode demonstrar um Deus não-institucionalizado, com características mais autênticas, profundas e produtoras de sentido. A hipótese desta pesquisa está em torno da possibilidade de apontar, na obra do escritor português, aspectos de uma riqueza teológica não encontrada tão facilmente em obras teológicas de caráter dogmático ou sistemático, cujo propósito seja explicitamente revelar Deus. Desta forma, o escritor seria um profeta, no sentido de ser aquele que vai contra o pensamento predominante na sociedade. Portanto, a literatura de Saramago pode ser reconhecida como uma voz profética no mundo contemporâneo. O objetivo da pesquisa é estabelecer relação entre teologia e literatura na obra de José Saramago, especificamente nos romances O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo e Caim, com o intuito de demonstrar, tendo como referência a teologia da cultura de Paul Tillich, que as obras de Saramago, ao afirmarem seu ateísmo, contribuem para afirmar uma fé autêntica e reflexiva.
Between 1978 and 1990 five newspapers close to Jean-Marie Le Pen's Front National had the choice of defining their stand on so-called révisionnisme which in its extreme form denied the existence of the Shoah, considering it to be the fabrication of a Jewish conspiracy. Within révisionnisme, a négationniste discourse affirmed that the gas chambers never existed, while a relativiste discourse denied that the Shoah was an act of genocide. However, most of the extreme-right newspapers did not adopt the cause of révisionnisme, even if they sometimes evinced an indulgence towards it. Only the weekly Rivarol and the militant François Brigneau who worked for Minute, Présent and National Hebdo and wrote the most on the subject openly espoused révisionnisme. The reasons for their stance included neo-fascist views, belief in a Jewish conspiracy. Their stance was in keeping with ideas commonly expressed in French neo-fascist circles that made for a révisionnisme of exculpation. On the other hand, the French Catholic intégriste milieu close to the Front National, which is represented by the newspapers Présent and Aspects de la France, was not generally révisionniste, notwithstanding the occasionnal expressions of relativisme by persons in the schismatic lefebvriste movement or close to Présent. This rejection of révisionnisme by Catholics on the extreme right was conditioned by various factors: the nature of Maurras's nationalisme intégral and anti-Semitism transmitted by I' Action française; the Catholic Church's modified position on the Jews; and the (offensive) atheism of the upholders of révisionnisme. This same révisionnisme extended beyond latter-day Nazi sympathisers. In its French version, it served to unite elements of the extreme right and the extreme left, as witness the role played by La Vieille Taupe, the extreme left group which was (and is) the leading publisher in France of tracts favouring révisionnisme.
Apple is a collection of poems that explores the connection between human relationships and the evolution of an identity. Multiple speakers investigate gender and sexuality, plentitude and poverty, atheism and Christianity in order to better understand some of the forces that affect a woman's consciousness. An awareness of perceived dualities, such as self and other, reason and faith, nature and technology, socialization and loneliness are central to this exploration. The poems employ various forms, such as ultra-talk narratives, lyrical meditations, prose poetry, epistolary poems and hypertext. The variety of structure and form in the collection mirrors the variety of approaches the speakers employ to move closer and further away from the subjects at hand. The rhetorical posture employed in each poem is directly linked to the speaker's relationship with the audience, which is an excellent example of a human relationship affecting the evolution of an identity.
This essay began as a hybrid critical/creative paper that was presented as part of an all-female panel discussing the intersections between writing and extreme violence. My own paper was on the relationship between my creative nonfiction novel The Museum of Atheism and the real life murder of six-year-old beauty queen, JonBenet Ramsey. This essay is an attempt to represent the writing process of the creative nonfiction author, and to consider the ways in which critical theory can be used to highlight, or conversely obscure, fictional writing. In addition to considering the effect of using a real story, a true crime, as the basis for a semi-fictional work, this essay will also consider the relationship I had as a writer to my publisher, editor and agent, and their interventions in the writing process to ensure that facts were deliberately skewed or warped in order to avoid litigation. Finally, I will consider my own relationship to the material, and the impact that this had on the writing process.
La existencia de un hilo conductor entre distintas corrientes del feminismo histórico español, desde los presupuestos del laicismo, ha sido ya puesta de manifiesto. En este artículo se intenta analizar dicho proceso desde la educación femenina, lo que permite incorporar nuevas protagonistas al universo femenino laico. El debate sobre religión-laicismo, moral y emancipación de las mujeres subyace al interés por la instrucción femenina. Las estrategias educativas emprendidas en las escuelas neutras y laicas, frente al modelo de la Iglesia católica, se plasman en la implantación de una educación mixta o en la coeducación. Se subraya asimismo la pluralidad de formas de entender el racionalismo y el laicismo, desde la religiosidad de espiritistas y masonas del siglo XIX al ateísmo de las anarquistas del siglo XX.
Syftet med studien var att jämföra grad av coping samt grad av livstillfredsställelse mellan religiösa personer och de som anser sig vara icke troende. För att testa skillnaderna mellan religiösa och ateister gjordes stickprov med data från 30 religiösa och 103 ateister. Mätinstrumentet REI skapades för att mäta graden av tro eller icke tro i avseende att jämföra resultatet mot den trosuppfattning som deltagarna själva hade angivit. Ett Mann–Whitney U test visade att det inte fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan deltagarnas självskattning av tro och resultatet från REI. Resultat från oberoende t-test avseende livstillfredsställelse visar att religiösa och ateister inte signifikant skilde sig åt. Signfikanta skillnader återfanns i oberoende t-test avseende emotionsbaserad, problemfokuserad och dysfunktionell coping. De religiösa och ateistiska grupperna skiljde sig mest i emotionsbaserad coping som hade högst effektstyrka enligt Cohens d (d = 1,39) i jämförelse med effektstyrkan för problemfokuserad och dysfunktionell coping.