999 resultados para aromatic plants


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Interviews were conducted with fafia (Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng.) Pedersen) collectors from the municipal districts of Querencia do Norte and Porto Rico, where enterprises and buyers of this plant are concentrated. The results allowed us to conclude that both the adults and children make collection. Each adult collects from 50 to 150 kg of roots/day, depending on the collection area, for about 8 months/year. Collections mostly occur all over the year, but the activity becomes more intense from May to August. All families are not exclusively dedicated to fafia collection and also develop other rural activities. They have been collecting fafia for 2 to 13 years, indicating that an intensive exploitation has been present in the region for over a decade. During collection, no plant part is used for replanting the species. The roots are commercialised by regional buyers. The price of the roots varies from US $ 0.07 to US $ 0.13/kg and average gain is about US $ 2,055/family/year, representing a considerable profit for the collectors.


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The work was carried out in nursery of the Agronomical Science College (ASC) UNESP-Botucatu, in period from September 21(st) to October 31(st) 2000. The propagation material (rhizophores) was obtained from plants, which were cultivated in the area of ASC. The rhizophores were selected according to their vigor and size. Healthy rhizophores were chosen between 15 and 25 g, which were treated with benomil (0,6%, 10 minutes). As a basic commercial substratum Solomix((R)) was used with mixing cattle manure and chicken manure in the following proportions: T1- pure substratum; T2 - substratum + cattle manure (1:1), T3- substratum + cattle manure (2:1); T4- substratum + chicken manure (4:1). The yacon rhizophores presented good shoots in all substrata with exception of T4. For all parameters no significant difference between the pure commercial substratum and its mixture with cattle manure were observed; however, the addition the chicken manure in the studied proportions revealed harmful effect on the survival and development of the plantlets. The results indicated, that the viability of smaller size rhizophores was higher as the size conventionally used in Brazil (60 to 80 g).


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The experiment was installed in Lageado Experimental Farm with aim to verify the influence of organic fertilisation (0, 4, 8 and 12 kg of manure/m(2) - with four replications) on leaves and essential oil production of Ocimum gratissimum. The harvesting was done twice (May - autumn and August - winter), and the leaves were separated for extraction of essential oil by Clevenger apparatus. The leaf production and oil content were calculated on dry mass basis. The results showed no statistical difference for organic fertilisation, although significant difference was verified for seasons. The main constituents of essential oil were eugenol and 1,8- cineole. The amount of the eugenol was higher in autumn, while the presence of other components including 1,8-cineole, beta-selinene and trans-caryophyllene were more dominant at wintertime.


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Studies were conducted to show the effect of different substrata on the development of stem cuttings of Lippia alba made of limonene-carvone chemotype. The experiment was done in the College of Agronomical Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, SP, Brazil in 2000. The cuttings were planted in polystyrene trays consisting of 72 cells. The cuttings had about 0.20 m of length and were put in the following substrata:Fine sand (T1), commercial substratum (T2), carbonised rice peel and local soil (T3), local soil, cow manure and carbonised rice peel (T4), vermiculite (T5), and carbonised rice peel (T6). After 40 days the development of stem cuttings were evaluated. High rate of rooting of stem cuttings was verified, with average of 95 10 and no significant difference between the treatments. In relation to dry mass of aerial parts and dry mass of roots, significant differences were found. For dry mass production of aerial parts the commercial substratum (T2) and the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) were optimal. For mass of roots the local soil, cow manure, carbonised rice peel (T4) proved to be the best.


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The present work aimed to verify the early rooting development and the root production in rosemary's (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) cuttings under the influence of treatments with sythetics auxins, boric acid and collecting time. The branches were collected at the end of the season and the stakes were prepared and placed into solutions containing NAA or IBA (25, 50, 75 and 100 pppm) without and with boric acid and then removed to a chamber of nebulization (all experimental work). In all the experimentes, the branches were collected after 30 days, the mean number of rooted cuttings was calculated, along with the mean number of roots per stakes and the dry weight of roots. The end of winter outstood as the best season for all analysed parameters.


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The increase of the antimicrobial resistance and its propagation around the world are the biggest threats to the public health care and to the treatment of diseases caused by microorganisms. Nowadays the antimicrobial resistance has increased abruptly. The essential oils are volatile and aromatic compounds derived from parts of plants as flowers, leafs, fruits, seeds, roots, sprouts, among others. The activity of extracts and essential oils of several plant species have been recognized and studied by empirical methods since a long time, but its antimicrobial activities were confirmed recently. Medicinal plants are used in folk medicine as medicines, antibiotic, analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory. The use of medicinal plants like source of medicines is an alternative of therapeutics for diseases treatment. In Brazil, studies with this goal are very important, once medicinal plants have been used as a choice of treatment and prevention of infections and diseases in health areas. Considering the fact that some products from medicinal plants have antimicrobial properties it is expected that using screening programs, new potential medicaments could be developed. Otherwise, scientific researches focused on determining therapeutic potential of plants are limited, there are lack of scientific studies which confirms the potential antibiotics properties of a large number of plants. The aim of the present study is determinate the antimicrobial activity of 10 medicinal species belonging to CPMA - Collection of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants from CPQBA/UNICAMP. The minimal inhibitory (MIC) and minimal bactericidal or fungicidal concentration (MBC) will be determined against the bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella choleraesuis, Staphylococcus aureus and the yeast Candida albicans. Furthermore, will be conducted chemical identification and fractionation of essential oils and extract with better activity


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Monoterpenes, present in aromatic plants, are known to inhibit bone resorption in vivo. In this in vitro study, they inhibited the activation of osteoclasts only at high concentrations but inhibited the formation at much lower concentrations. Therefore, monoterpenes may act in vivo directly on osteoclastogenesis. INTRODUCTION: Monoterpenes are the major components of essential oils, which are formed in many plants. Typically, they are found in herbs and certain fruits. When fed to rats, they inhibit bone resorption by an unknown mechanism. In this study, their effect on the activity and formation of osteoclasts in vitro was studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The effect of monoterpenes on the development of osteoclasts was studied in co-cultures of bone marrow cells and osteoblasts and in cultures of spleen cells grown with colony stimulating factor (CSF)-1 and RANKL. In cultures of primary osteoblasts, alkaline phosphatase activity and levels of mRNA encoding RANKL and osteoprotegerin (OPG) mRNA (RT-PCR), and in osteoblast and spleen cell cultures, lactate dehydrogenase activity, a measure of toxicity, were determined. The activity of isolated rat osteoclasts was determined by counting the osteoclasts with actin rings using histofluorometry. RESULTS: The monoterpenes inhibited the formation of osteoclasts more strongly in co-cultures (> or = 1 microM) than in cultures of spleen cells (> or = 10 microM). They had a minor effect on osteoblasts. Toxic effects were not observed. The inhibition of the formation of osteoclasts was not reversed by the addition of farnesol and geranylgeraniol, excluding an effect of the monoterpenes through the mevalonate pathway. A high concentration of 1 mM was required to inhibit the activation of osteoclasts. This effect, shown for menthol and borneol, was reversible. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the monoterpenes inhibit bone resorption in vivo through a direct effect on the formation of osteoclasts acting mainly on the hemopoietic cells.


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A ma rendelkezésre álló informatika infrastruktúra, a naponta gyarapodó adat- és tudásbázisok az extrém időjárási események gyakoriságának statisztikailag igazolható változásait, várható eltolódásait számszerűsítik. Tanulmányunkban a Magyarország területére leskálázott RegCM3.1 regionális klímamodellt használtuk a szőlő-, a cseresznye- és a meggytermesztés egyes kockázati tényezőinek mennyiségi jellemzésére a Közép-magyarországi régió térségében. Vizsgálatainkat a szőlő, a cseresznye és a meggy jövőbeni termésbiztonságára vonatkozó kedvezőtlen hatásokat (sérülékenység), illetve a javuló termesztési feltételeket szintetizáló, azok hasznosságát kifejező függvények, segítségével végeztük el az 1961-1990-es referencia-időszakra, valamint a 2021-2050-es és a 2071-2100-as időszeletre. A sérülékenység és kockázatelemzés a klímapolitika és az alkalmazkodási stratégia fontos eleme, melynek egyik célja a sérülékeny területek, de ugyanígy a pozitív változás előtt álló régiók, kistérségek mind pontosabb feltárása. Ehhez a klímaváltozással összefüggésbe hozható indikátorokat és mutatókat dolgoztunk ki, melyek egyúttal jellemzik az adott mezőgazdasági tevékenységet a termésbiztonság szemszögéből. A magyarországi természetföldrajzi nagytájak, az agroökológiai középtájak (kistérségek), a régiók, a kistérségek és a termőhelyek a klíma- és az időjárás-változás valószínűsíthető hatásaira – adottságaik alapján – azonban nem egyformán érzékenyek és sérülékenyek. A kapott eredmények egy jövőben átfogó Mezőgazdasági Tájérték Index, vagy a klímapolitika szintjén ugyancsak tervezett Nemzeti Alkalmazkodási Index (NAI) kiinduló elemei lehetnek a Közép-magyarországi Régióban.


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Kutatásunkban egyedi, fatörzsön mért nedváramlási adatokra támaszkodva megvizsgáltuk, hogy hogyan változik a vízfelvétel mértéke intenzív módon művelt, sűrű ültetésű cseresznyeültetvényben. Számításokat végeztünk a fák és az ültetvény egészének vízfogyasztására vonatkozóan, a vegetációs időszak bizonyos hónapjaira. Kiszámítottuk, hogy helyi körülmények között hogyan változik a haszonnövény transzspirációs index értéke korai érésű, intenzív cseresznyeültetvényre. A nedváramlás és a légköri viszonyok – mint külső vezérlő tényezők – között fennálló kapcsolatrendszer megismeréséhez a hőmérséklettel, a globálsugárzással, a telítési hiánnyal és a széllel való kapcsolatot vizsgáltuk. Méréseinket a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Soroksári Kísérleti Üzem és Tangazdaságában végeztük 2008-tól 2011-ig a vegetációs időszakokban.


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Munkánk célja az volt, hogy műszeres vizsgálatokkal pontosabb adatokat nyerjünk az intenzív cseresznyeültetvények levélzetének fotoszintetikus aktivitásáról és transzspirációjáról, melyek felhasználásával becsülni lehet gyümölcstermő ültetvények, mint jelentős biológiailag aktív zöldfelületek hozzájárulását és szerepét a légkör CO2 tartalmának megkötéséhez. Adatainkkal pontosítani lehet az ültetvények vízfelhasználására vonatkozó ismereteket is.


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A fafajok megválasztása döntő jelentőségű az energiatermelő faültetvény tervezésénél, mert csak a termőhelynek megfelelő, gyorsan növő, nagy produkciójú fafajok és fajták jöhetnek számításba. A fajta és termőhelyi kérdések tisztázása érdekében 2011 tavaszán a tangazdaság soroksári területén mintegy 1500 m2-en kísérleti ültetvényt hoztunk létre 5 fűz és 9 nyárfajtával, ill. egyéb kontroll fajtákkal. Vizsgáltuk ezek növekedési erélyét valamint a termőhely talajtani és klimatikus adottságait, továbbá a technológiát és hatékonyságot.


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Historically, grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaf characterisation has been a driving force in the identification of cultivars. In this study, ampelometric (foliometric) analysis was done on leaf samples collected from hand-pruned, mechanically pruned and minimally pruned ‘Sauvignon blanc’ and ‘Syrah’ vines to estimate the impact of within-vineyard variability and a change in bud load on the stability of leaf properties. The results showed that within-vineyard variability of ampelometric characteristics was high within a cultivar, irrespective of bud load. In terms of the O.I.V. coding system, zero to four class differences were observed between minimum and maximum values of each characteristic. The value of variability of each characteristic was different between the three levels of bud load and the two cultivars. With respect to bud load, the number of shoots per vine had a significant effect on the characteristics of the leaf laminae. Single leaf area and lengths of veins changed significantly for both cultivars, irrespective of treatment, while angle between veins proved to be a stable characteristic. A large number of biometric data can be recorded on a single leaf; the data measured on several leaves, however, are not necessarily unique for a specific cultivar. The leaf characteristics analysed in this study can be divided into two groups according to the response to a change in bud load, i.e. stable (angles between the veins, depths of sinuses) and variable (length of the veins, length of the petiole, single leaf area). The variable characteristics are not recommended to be used in cultivar identification, unless the pruning method/bud load is known.


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Aims: In the Mediterranean areas of Europe, leishmanisasis is one of the most emerging vector-borne diseases. Members of genus Phlebotomus are the primary vectors of the genus Leishmania. To track the human health effect of climate change it is a very important interdisciplinary question to study whether the climatic requirements and geographical distribution of the vectors of human pathogen organisms correlate with each other. Our study intended to explore the potential effects of ongoing climate change, in particular through a potential upward altitudinal and latitudinal shift of the distribution of the parasite Leishmania infantum, its vectors Phlebotomus ariasi, P. neglectus, P. perfiliewi, P. perniciosus, and P. tobbi, and some other sandfly species: P. papatasi, P. sergenti, and P. similis. Methods: By using a climate envelope modelling (CEM) method we modelled the current and future (2011-2070) potential distribution of 8 European sandfly species and L. infantum based on the current distribution using the REMO regional climate model. Results: We found that by the end of the 2060’s most parts of Western Europe can be colonized by sandfly species, mostly by P. ariasi and P. pernicosus. P. ariasi showed the greatest potential northward expansion. For all the studied vectors of L. infantum the entire Mediterranean Basin and South-Eastern Europe seemed to be suitable. L. infantum can affect the Eastern Mediterranean, without notable northward expansion. Our model resulted 1 to 2 months prolongation of the potentially active period of P. neglectus P. papatasi and P. perniciosus for the 2060’s in Southern Hungary. Conclusion: Our findings confirm the concerns that leishmanisais can become a real hazard for the major part of the European population to the end of the 21th century and the Carpathian Basin is a particularly vulnerable area.