958 resultados para aromatase inhibitor


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Aromatase inhibitors effectively prevent breast cancer recurrence and development of new contralateral tumours in postmenopausal women. We assessed the efficacy and safety of the aromatase inhibitor anastrozole for prevention of breast cancer in postmenopausal women who are at high risk of the disease.


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La grossesse est un état physiologique particulier où de nombreux changements fonctionnels et structuraux surviennent. Chez la rate, pour répondre aux besoins grandissants du fœtus, l’artère utérine se développe pour atteindre le double de son diamètre original avant parturition. Par conséquent, le débit sanguin utérin augmente d’environ vingt fois. Pour ce faire, les vaisseaux utérins sont l’objet d’un remodelage caractérisé par une hypertrophie et une hyperplasie des différentes composantes de la paroi. De plus, ce remodelage est complètement réversible après la parturition, par opposition au remodelage vasculaire « pathologique » qui affecte les artères systémiques, dans l’hypertension chronique, par exemple. La grossesse s’accompagne aussi de modifications hormonales importantes, comme les œstrogènes dont la concentration s’accroît progressivement au cours de cette période. Elle atteindra une concentration trois cents fois plus élevée avant terme que chez une femme non gravide. Cette hormone possède de multiples fonctions, ainsi qu’un mode d’action à la fois génomique et non génomique. Considérant l’ensemble de ces éléments, nous avons formulé l’hypothèse que l’œstradiol serait responsable de modifier la circulation utérine durant la grossesse, par son action vasorelaxante, mais aussi en influençant le remodelage de la vasculature utérine. Nous avons montré que le 17β-Estradiol (17β-E2) produit une relaxation due à un effet non génomique des artères utérines en agissant directement sur le muscle lisse par un mécanisme indépendant du monoxyde d’azote et des récepteurs classiques aux œstrogènes (ERα, ERβ). De plus, la relaxation induite par le 17β-E2 dans l’artère utérine durant la gestation est réduite par rapport à celle des artères des rates non gestantes. Ceci serait attribuable à une diminution de monoxyde d’azote provenant de la synthase de NO neuronale dans les muscles lisses des artères utérines. Nos résultats démontrent que le récepteur à l’œstrogène couplé aux protéines G (GPER), la protéine kinase A (PKA) et la protéine kinase G (PKG) ne sont pas impliqués dans la signalisation intracellulaire associée à l’effet vasorelaxant induit par le 17β-E2. Cependant, nous avons montré une implication probable des canaux potassiques sensibles au voltage, ainsi qu’un rôle possible des canaux potassiques de grande conductance activés par le potentiel et le calcium (BKCa). En effet, le penitrem A, un antagoniste présumé des canaux potassiques à grande conductance, réduit la réponse vasoralaxante du 17β-E2. Toutefois, une autre action du penitrem A n’est pas exclue, car l’ibériotoxine, reconnue pour inhiber les mêmes canaux, n’a pas d’effet sur cette relaxation. Quoi qu’il en soit, d’autres études sont nécessaires pour obtenir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes impliqués dans la relaxation non génomique sur le muscle lisse des artères utérines. Quant à l’implication de l’œstrogène sur le remodelage des artères utérines durant la gestation, nous avons tenté d’inhiber la synthèse d’œstrogènes durant la gestation en utilisant un inhibiteur de l’aromatase. Plusieurs paramètres ont été évalués (paramètres sanguins, réactivité vasculaire, pression artérielle) sans changements significatifs entre le groupe contrôle et celui traité avec l’inhibiteur. Le même constat a été fait pour le dosage plasmatique de l’œstradiol, ce qui suggère l’inefficacité du blocage de l’aromatase dans ces expériences. Ainsi, notre protocole expérimental n’a pas réussi à inhiber la synthèse d’œstrogène durant la grossesse chez le rat et, ce faisant, nous n’avons pas pu vérifier notre hypothèse. En conclusion, nous avons démontré que le 17β-E2 agit de façon non génomique sur les muscles lisses des artères utérines qui implique une action sur les canaux potassiques de la membrane cellulaire. Toutefois, notre protocole expérimental n’a pas été en mesure d’évaluer les effets génomiques associés au remodelage vasculaire utérin durant la gestation et d’autres études devront être effectuées.


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Recently we have described an HPMA copolymer conjugate carrying both the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide (AGM) and doxorubicin (Dox) as combination therapy. This showed markedly enhanced in vitro cytotoxicity compared to the HPMA copolymer-Dox (FCE28068), a conjugate that demonstrated activity in chemotherapy refractory breast cancer patients during early clinical trials. To better understand the superior activity of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM, here experiments were undertaken using MCF-7 and MCF-7ca (aromatase-transfected) breast cancer cell lines to: further probe the synergistic cytotoxic effects of AGM and Dox in free and conjugated form; to compare the endocytic properties of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM and HPMA copolymer-Dox (binding, rate and mechanism of cellular uptake); the rate of drug liberation by lysosomal thiol-dependant proteases (i.e. conjugate activation), and also, using immunocytochemistry, to compare their molecular mechanism of action. It was clearly shown that attachment of both drugs to the same polymer backbone was a requirement for enhanced cytotoxicity. FACS studies indicated both conjugates have a similar pattern of cell binding and endocytic uptake (at least partially via a cholesterol-dependent pathway), however, the pattern of enzyme-mediated drug liberation was distinctly different. Dox release from PK1 was linear with time, whereas the release of both Dox and AGM from HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM was not, and the initial rate of AGM release was much faster than that seen for the anthracycline. Immunocytochemistry showed that both conjugates decreased the expression of ki67. However, this effect was more marked for HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM and, moreover, only this conjugate decreased the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2. In conclusion, the superior in vitro activity of HPMA copolymer-Dox-AGM cannot be attributed to differences in endocytic uptake, and it seems likely that the synergistic effect of Dox and AGM is due to the kinetics of intracellular drug liberation which leads to enhanced activity. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Designer drug: A polymer therapeutic was designed for a combination therapy of breast cancer. N-(2-Hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide was used as the model polymer platform to prepare a unimolecular polymer conjugate (see picture, radius of gyration: 12.8 nm) that combines an endocrine (the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide, blue) and a chemotherapeutic agent (the anthraxcycline antibiotic doxorubicin, red).


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Endocrine therapies target the activation of the oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) via distinct mechanisms, but it is not clear whether breast cancer cells can adapt to treatment using drug-specific mechanisms. Here we demonstrate that resistance emerges via drug-specific epigenetic reprogramming. Resistant cells display a spectrum of phenotypical changes with invasive phenotypes evolving in lines resistant to the aromatase inhibitor (AI). Orthogonal genomics analysis of reprogrammed regulatory regions identifies individual drug-induced epigenetic states involving large topologically associating domains (TADs) and the activation of super-enhancers. AI-resistant cells activate endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis (CB) through stable epigenetic activation in vitro and in vivo. Mechanistically, CB sparks the constitutive activation of oestrogen receptors alpha (ERα) in AI-resistant cells, partly via the biosynthesis of 27-hydroxycholesterol. By targeting CB using statins, ERα binding is reduced and cell invasion is prevented. Epigenomic-led stratification can predict resistance to AI in a subset of ERα-positive patients


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In vivo and in vitro assays were performed with S91 murine melanoma cells aiming to investigate the effects of testosterone and photoperiod on tumor growth and melanogenesis (tyrosinase activity). In vivo assays were performed by inducing melanoma tumors in castrated mice receiving increasing concentrations of testosterone and submitted to varying photoperiod regimens. The results demonstrated that the increase of melanin content was higher in animals submitted to the longest days, thus demonstrating the importance of photoperiod length in melanin synthesis. Increase in tumor growth and protein content was observed in testosterone-treated animals submitted to 12L:12D; in testosterone-treated animals submitted to 4L:20D and 20L:4D tumor growth was significantly smaller. In S91 cultured cells, testosterone increased cell proliferation and reduced tyrosinase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Radioactive binding assays demonstrated that the hormone was acting through low affinity testosterone receptors, since the presence of aromatase inhibitor did not affect the binding assay in a statistically significant way, and all the in vitro experiments were performed in the presence of the inhibitor. Our in vivo data added to the in vitro results corroborate the hypothesis that S91 melanoma cells directly respond to testosterone and that this effect is modulated by light.


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Obesity affects sex hormone secretion, which can negatively influence prostatic structure, homeostasis, and disease. This investigation aimed to evaluate the repercussions of obesity induced by a high-fat diet on the rat prostate, with or without treatment with the aromatase inhibitor, Letrozole. Adult Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet (20% saturated fat, O) for 15 weeks to induce obesity or received a balanced diet (4% fat, C). Then, a group of C and O rats were daily treated with Letrozole (1 mg/kg b.w. per day) for 2 weeks (CL and OL, respectively). Subsequently, ventral prostate was processed for analysis by transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and Western blotting. Obesity decreased 70% of the testosterone plasma level. The prostate showed epithelial atrophy and dilated acini in the intermediate portion and epithelial wrinkling in the distal tips. The relative frequency of smooth muscle alpha-actin in the O group increased by 67%. Ultrastructurally, epithelial cells in obese animals presented altered secretory organelles, lipid droplets, and thicker subjacent fibromuscular layer. Letrozole treatment caused a partial restoration of the prostatic changes caused by obesity. Obesity increased the prostatic content of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) by 150%, and Letrozole treatment increased this protein even more in the control and obese groups. This investigation shows that obesity provokes structural and ultrastructural changes in the epithelium of rat prostate; these changes might affect gland homeostasis and physiology. The epithelial and smooth muscle cell hyperplasia and increased FGF-2 expression observed in this experimental model of obesity/insulin-resistance might explain the high frequency of benign prostatic hyperplasia in insulin-resistant men.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this study, we evaluated the effects of obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet on prostate morphophysiology, focusing on cell proliferation, expression of androgen (AR) and estrogen receptors (ER) and proteins of the insulin signaling pathway. Adult male Wistar rats were fed a high-fat diet (20% fat) for 15 weeks, whereas control animals received a balanced diet (4% fat). Both groups were then divided and treated for 2 weeks with 1 mg/kg body weight/day of the aromatase inhibitor letrozole or vehicle only. The ventral prostate was analyzed with immunohistochemical, histopathological, stereological, and Western blotting methods. Obese rats showed insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and reduced plasma testosterone levels. The incidence of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) was 2.7 times higher in obese rats and affected 0.4% of the gland compared with 0.1% PIN areas found in control rats. Obesity doubled cell proliferation in both prostate epithelium and stroma. AR content decreased in the prostate of obese rats and estrogen receptor beta (ER beta) increased in this group. Protein levels of insulin receptor substrate 1 and protein kinase B diminished in the obese group, whereas phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) increased significantly. Most structural changes observed in the prostate of obese rats normalized after letrozole treatment, except for increased stromal cell proliferation and ER beta expression, which might be associated with insulin resistance. This experimental model of obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet increases cell proliferation in rat prostate. Such alterations are associated with decreased levels of AR and increased ER beta and PI3K proteins. This change can facilitate the establishment of proliferative lesions in rat prostate.


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ZusammenfassungrnrnrnZwei 18F-markierte Derivate des Aromataseinhibitors Letrozol 5, [18F]FML 17 und [18F]FEL 18, sowie die benötigten Markierungsvorläufer sollten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt werden. Die Referenzverbindungen [19F]FML 17 und [19F]FEL 18 wurden synthetisiert und bei Novartis bereits auf ihre in vitro Eigenschaften untersucht. Nach erfolgreicher Radiomarkierung der beiden Derivate sollten erste in vitro und in vivo Untersuchungen mit den radiomarkierten Verbindungen durchgeführt werden. Zusätzlich zu diesen beiden Derivaten wurde ein drittes radiofluoriertes Letrozolderivat, [18F]FPL 19, und der entsprechende Markierungsvorläufer synthetisiert.rnrnZur Direktmarkierung von [18F]FML 17 mit [18F]Fluorid wurden drei Markierungsvorläufer mit verschiedenen Abgangsgruppen (TosMV-FML 7, MesMV-FML 8 and BrMV-FML 20) in 68 %, 66 % und 30 % Ausbeute hergestellt. Die Radiomarkierung von TosMV-FML 7 lieferte [18F]FML 17 in max. 30 % Ausbeute. Die Markierungsausbeuten waren unstabil und nicht reproduzierbar. Versuche, die Markierungsausbeuten durch Variation von Reaktionsparametern wie Temperatur, Lösungsmittel und Basensystem zu optimieren und zu stabilisiern, blieben erfolglos. Die Radiomarkierungsversuche der beiden anderen Markierungsvorläufer, MesMV-FML 8 und BrMV-FML 20, ergaben ebenfalls nicht das gewünschte Produkt [18F]FML 17.rnrnUm radiofluoriertes [18F]FEL 18 zu erhalten, wurden zwei Strategien untersucht. Ein Ansatz ist eine 18F-Direktmarkierung geeigneter Markierungsvorläufer, die andere Strategie eine 18F Fluoralkylierung von Letrozol 5 mit prosthetischen Gruppen wie 2-[18F]Fluorethyltosylat ([18F]FETos) oder 1-Brom-2-[18F]fluorethan ([18F]BFE). Im letzten Schritt der Synthese der Direktmarkierungsvorläufer konnten die benötigten Markierungsvorläufer nicht isoliert werden. Stattdessen wurde die Bildung von Nebenprodukten beobachtet. Die Radiomarkierung von Letrozol 5 mit [18F]FETos oder [18F]BFE ergab kein [18F]FEL 18. Im Verlauf der Radiomarkierung wurde die Bildung eines nicht radioaktiven Nebenproduktes beobachtet. Die Verwendung von Iodid-Salzen zur in situ-Bildung von 1-[18F]Fluor-2-iodethan, eines noch reaktiveren Fluoralkylierungsagens, konnte das Ergebnis der Radiomarkierungsreaktionen nicht verbessern.rnrnDie Synthese des dritten Letrozolderivates, [18F]FPL 19, verlief erfolgreich. Der benötigte Markierungsvorläufer zur Direktmarkierung mit 18F, TosMV-FPL 16, konnte in 59 % Ausbeute hergestellt werden. Das Einfügen einer dritten Methylengruppe zwischen dem Letrozolrest und dem radioaktiven Label führte zu stabilen, reproduzierbaren radiochemischen Ausbeuten zwischen 30 % und 45 %.rnrnDa die radiochemischen Ausbeuten der 18F-Direktmarkierung des TosMV-FML 7 zur Herstellung von [18F]FML 17 nicht stabilisiert werden konnten, wurden keine weitereführenden in vitro oder in vivo Untersuchungen vorgenommen. Die radiomarkierte Verbindung [18F]FEL 18 konnte über keine der beiden Markierungsstrategien synthetisiert werden. Daher konnten keine in vitro oder in vivo Experimente durchgeführt werden. Die erfolgreiche Radiomarkierung des neuen dritten Letrozolderivates, [18F]FPL 19, macht nun weitere in vitro und in vivo Testungen der 19F Referenzverbindung und des 18F-Analogs erforderlich. Ähnliche Eigenschaften wie für die beiden bereits evaluierten Verbindungen, FML 17 and FEL 18, können erwartet werden.rnrnDiese Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation zwischen der Novartis International AG, Basel und der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.rnrn


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Endocrine treatment for breast cancer was introduced more than a century ago. The discovery of hormone receptors has allowed targeting of endocrine treatment to patients whose primary tumours express these receptors. In the adjuvant setting, different approaches are used in premenopausal or postmenopausal women. In premenopausal patients, suppression of ovarian function and the use of tamoxifen are the most important therapeutic options, even though questions on timing, duration, and combination of these compounds remain unanswered. The use of aromatase inhibitors in combination with ovarian-function suppression is currently under investigation in the premenopausal setting. In postmenopausal patients, aromatase inhibitors given after 2-3 years or 5 years of tamoxifen have shown a significant benefit over tamoxifen alone. However, questions on this treatment also remain unanswered. For example, whether all patients should receive an aromatase inhibitor or whether some subgroups of patients might be optimally treated by tamoxifen alone is yet to be established. In this paper we review the published work on adjuvant endocrine treatment in breast cancer and provide recommendations from the 2007 St Gallen International Conference on Primary Therapy of Early Breast Cancer.


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BACKGROUND Adjuvant therapy with an aromatase inhibitor improves outcomes, as compared with tamoxifen, in postmenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer. METHODS In two phase 3 trials, we randomly assigned premenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive early breast cancer to the aromatase inhibitor exemestane plus ovarian suppression or tamoxifen plus ovarian suppression for a period of 5 years. Suppression of ovarian estrogen production was achieved with the use of the gonadotropin-releasing-hormone agonist triptorelin, oophorectomy, or ovarian irradiation. The primary analysis combined data from 4690 patients in the two trials. RESULTS After a median follow-up of 68 months, disease-free survival at 5 years was 91.1% in the exemestane-ovarian suppression group and 87.3% in the tamoxifen-ovarian suppression group (hazard ratio for disease recurrence, second invasive cancer, or death, 0.72; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.60 to 0.85; P<0.001). The rate of freedom from breast cancer at 5 years was 92.8% in the exemestane-ovarian suppression group, as compared with 88.8% in the tamoxifen-ovarian suppression group (hazard ratio for recurrence, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.55 to 0.80; P<0.001). With 194 deaths (4.1% of the patients), overall survival did not differ significantly between the two groups (hazard ratio for death in the exemestane-ovarian suppression group, 1.14; 95% CI, 0.86 to 1.51; P=0.37). Selected adverse events of grade 3 or 4 were reported for 30.6% of the patients in the exemestane-ovarian suppression group and 29.4% of those in the tamoxifen-ovarian suppression group, with profiles similar to those for postmenopausal women. CONCLUSIONS In premenopausal women with hormone-receptor-positive early breast cancer, adjuvant treatment with exemestane plus ovarian suppression, as compared with tamoxifen plus ovarian suppression, significantly reduced recurrence. (Funded by Pfizer and others; TEXT and SOFT ClinicalTrials.gov numbers, NCT00066703 and NCT00066690, respectively.).


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Rebound-associated vertebral fractures may follow treatment discontinuation of highly potent reversible bone antiresorptives, resulting from the synergy of rapid bone resorption and accelerated microdamage accumulation in trabecular bone. INTRODUCTION The purposes of this study are to characterize rebound-associated vertebral fractures following the discontinuation of a highly potent reversible antiresorptive therapy based on clinical observation and propose a pathophysiological rationale. METHODS This study is a case report of multiple vertebral fractures early after discontinuation of denosumab therapy in a patient with hormone receptor-positive non-metastatic breast cancer treated with an aromatase inhibitor. RESULTS Discontinuation of highly potent reversible bone antiresorptives such as denosumab may expose patients to an increased fracture risk due to the joined effects of absent microdamage repair during therapy followed by synchronous excess activation of multiple bone remodelling units at the time of loss-of-effect. We suggest the term rebound-associated vertebral fractures (RVF) for this phenomenon characterized by the presence of multiple new clinical vertebral fractures, associated with either no or low trauma, in a context consistent with the presence of high bone turnover and rapid loss of lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) occurring within 3 to 12 months after discontinuation (loss-of-effect) of a reversible antiresorptive therapy in the absence of secondary causes of bone loss or fractures. Unlike atypical femoral fractures that emerge from failure of microdamage repair in cortical bone with long-term antiresorptive treatment, RVF originate from the synergy of rapid bone resorption and accelerated microdamage accumulation in trabecular bone triggered by the discontinuation of highly potent reversible antiresorptives. CONCLUSIONS Studies are urgently needed to i) prove the underlying pathophysiological processes suggested above, ii) establish the predictive criteria exposing patients to an increased risk of RVF, and iii) determine appropriate treatment regimens to be applied in such patients.


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A model of human leucopenia has been developed further in the female mouse. Following daily administration to female mice of 50 mg/kg of the aromatase inhibitor aminoglutethimide, significant falls in platelet and white cell counts occurred after 2 and 3 weeks. At week 4, drug dosage was stopped and the cell counts recovered at the end of that week, although on rechallenge at the beginning of week 5, both platelet and white cell counts fell rapidly. Administration to the mice of structural analogues of aminoglutethimide, such as WSP-3, glutethimide and 4-nitroglutethimide, showed no reductions in platelet and white cell counts. The haemotoxicity of aminoglutethimide over 21 days was unaffected by the presence of either the P-450 inhibitor SKF-525A or the hepatic P-450 inducer phenobarbitone. However, the co-administration of cimetidine abolished the haemotoxicity of aminoglutethimide in terms of platelet and white cell levels. In in vitro studies, both aminoglutethimide and WSP-3 were oxidised to cytotoxic species, although aminoglutethimide was significantly more cytotoxic than WSP-3. The NADPH-dependent covalent binding of 14C aminoglutethimide to mouse microsomes in vitro was significantly reduced by the presence of cimetidine. The activation of the compound to reactive species in vitro, the inhibitory effects of cimetidine in vivo and in vitro, as well as the rapid fall in the in vivo white cell count on rechallenge with aminoglutethimide suggest that this model illustrates a form of leucopenia which may be related to hapten formation and subsequent immune-mediated platelet and white cell lysis. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The emergence of tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor resistance is a major problem in the treatment of breast cancer. The molecular signaling mechanism of antiestrogen resistance is not clear. Understanding the mechanisms by which resistance to these agents arise could have major clinical implications for preventing or circumventing it. Therefore, in this dissertation we have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying antiestrogen resistance by studying the contributions of reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced redox signaling pathways in antiestrogen resistant breast cancer cells. Our hypothesis is that the conversion of breast tumors to a tamoxifen-resistant phenotype is associated with a progressive shift towards a pro-oxidant environment of cells as a result of oxidative stress. The hypothesis of this dissertation was tested in an in vitro 2-D cell culture model employing state of the art biochemical and molecular techniques, including gene overexpression, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting, confocal imaging, ChIP, Real-Time RT-PCR, and anchorage-independent cell growth assays. We observed that tamoxifen (TAM) acts like both an oxidant and an antioxidant. Exposure of tamoxifen resistant LCC2 cell to TAM or 17 beta-estradiol (E2) induced the formation of reactive oxidant species (ROS). The formation of E2-induced ROS was inhibited by co-treatment with TAM, similar to cells pretreated with antioxidants. In LCC2 cells, treatments with either E2 or TAM were capable of inducing cell proliferation which was then inhibited by biological and chemical antioxidants. Exposure of LCC2 cells to tamoxifen resulted in a decrease in p27 expression. The LCC2 cells exposed to TAM showed an increase in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187. Conversely, antioxidant treatment showed an increase in p27 expression and a decrease in p27 phosphorylation on T157 and T187 in TAM exposed cells which were similar to the effects of Fulvestrant. In line with previous studies, we showed an increase in the binding of cyclin E-Cdk2 and in the level of p27 in TAM exposed cells that overexpressed biological antioxidants. Together these findings highly suggest that lowering the oxidant state of antiestrogen resistant LCC2 cells, increases LCC2 susceptibility to tamoxifen via the cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27.