423 resultados para archaea


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Five extremely thermophilic Archaea from hydrothermal vents were isolated, and their DNA polymerases were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein splicing elements (inteins) are present in many archaeal DNA polymerases, but only the DNA polymerase from strain GB-C contained an intein. Of the five cloned DNA polymerases, the Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase was chosen for biochemical characterization. Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase exhibited temperature-sensitive strand displacement activity and apparent Km values for DNA and dNTP similar to those of Thermococcus litoralis DNA polymerase. Six substitutions in the 3'-5' exonuclease motif I were constructed in an attempt to reduce the 3'-5' exonuclease activity of Thermococcus sp. 9 degrees N-7 DNA polymerase. Five mutants resulted in no detectable 3'-5' exonuclease activity, while one mutant (Glul43Asp) had <1% of wild-type activity.


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We present homologies between archaeal and eucaryal DNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RNAP) subunits and transcription factors. The sequences of the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius subunits D, E, and N and alignments with eucaryal homologs are presented here. The similarities between archaeal transcription factors and their eucaryal homologs TFIIB and TBP have been established in other laboratories. The archaeal RNAP subunits H, K, and N, respectively, show high sequence similarity to ABC27, ABC23, and ABC10 beta (found in all three eucaryal RNAPs); subunit D, to AC40 (common to polymerase II and polymerase III) and B44 (polymerase II); and subunit L, to AC19 and B12.5. The similarity of subunit D and its eucaryal homologs to bacterial alpha is limited to the "alpha-motif," which is also present in subunit L and its eucaryal homologs. Genes encoding homologs of the related eucaryal RNAP subunits A12.2/B12.6 and also homologs of eucaryal transcription elongation factors of the TFIIS family have been detected in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius and Thermococcus celer. In archaea, the protein is not an RNAP subunit. Together with the sequence similarities between archaeal box A-containing and eucaryal TATA box-containing promoters, this shows that the archaeal and eucaryal transcription systems are truly homologous and that they differ structurally and functionally from the bacterial transcription machinery. In contrast, however, a number of genes for the archaeal transcription apparatus are organized in clusters resembling the clusters of transcription-associated genes in Bacteria.


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O exossomo é um complexo multiproteico conservado evolutivamente de archaea a eucariotos superiores que desempenha funções celulares essenciais tais como: atividade exoribonucleolítica 3\'→5\', regulação dos níveis de mRNA, maturação de RNAs estruturais e controle de qualidade de RNAs durante os vários estágios do mecanismo de expressão gênica. Em Archaea, o exossomo é composto por até quatro subunidades diferentes, duas com domínios de RNase PH, aRrp41 e aRrp42, e duas com domínios de ligação a RNAs, aCsl4 e aRrp4. Três cópias das proteínas aRrp4 e/ou aCsl4 se associam com o núcleo hexamérico catalítico do anel de RNase PH e completam a formação do complexo. A proteína PaNip7 é um cofator de regulação do exossomo da archaea Pyrococcus abyssi e atua na inibição do complexo enzimático ligando-se simultaneamente ao exossomo e a RNAs. Neste projeto, a reconstituição in vitro do exossomo da archaea Pyrococcus abyssi formado pela proteína de topo PaCsl4 foi obtida. Para tanto foram realizadas análises de interação proteica usando as técnicas de cromatografia de afinidade, gel filtração e SDS-PAGE. Em adição à formação da isoforma PaCsl4-exossomo, um fragmento peptídico correspondente à região C-terminal da PaNip7 foi sintetizado pelo método da fase sólida, purificado por RP-HPLC e o purificado foi caracterizado por LC/ESI-MS almejando realizar futuros experimentos de interação com o exossomo.


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Background. The extraction of salt from seawater by means of coastal solar salterns is a very well-described process. Moreover, the characterization of these environments from ecological, biochemical and microbiological perspectives has become a key focus for many research groups all over the world over the last 20 years. In countries such as Spain, there are several examples of coastal solar salterns (mainly on the Mediterranean coast) and inland solar salterns, from which sodium chloride is obtained for human consumption. However, studies focused on the characterization of inland solar salterns are scarce and both the archaeal diversity and the plant communities inhabiting these environments remain poorly described. Results. Two of the inland solar salterns (termed Redonda and Penalva), located in the Alto Vinalopó Valley (Alicante, Spain), were characterized regarding their geological and physico-chemical characteristics and their archaeal and botanical biodiversity. A preliminary eukaryotic diversity survey was also performed using saline water. The chemical characterization of the brine has revealed that the salted groundwater extracted to fill these inland solar salterns is thalassohaline. The plant communities living in this environment are dominated by Sarcocornia fruticosa (L.) A.J. Scott, Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moris) K. Koch, Suaeda vera Forsk. ex Gmelin (Amaranthaceae) and several species of Limonium (Mill) and Tamarix (L). Archaeal diversity was analyzed and compared by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based molecular phylogenetic techniques. Most of the sequences recovered from environmental DNA samples are affiliated with haloarchaeal genera such as Haloarcula, Halorubrum, Haloquadratum and Halobacterium, and with an unclassified member of the Halobacteriaceae. The eukaryote Dunaliella was also present in the samples. Conclusions. To our knowledge, this study constitutes the first analysis centered on inland solar salterns located in the southeastern region of Spain. The results obtained revealed that the salt deposits of this region have marine origins. Plant communities typical of salt marshes are present in this ecosystem and members of the Halobacteriaceae family can be easily detected in the microbial populations of these habitats. Possible origins of the haloarchaea detected in this study are discussed.


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Gene homologs of GlnK PII regulators and AmtB-type ammonium transporters are often paired on prokaryotic genomes, suggesting these proteins share an ancient functional relationship. Here, we demonstrate for the first time in Archaea that GlnK associates with AmtB in membrane fractions after ammonium shock, thus, providing a further insight into GlnK-AmtB as an ancient nitrogen sensor pair. For this work, Haloferax mediterranei was advanced for study through the generation of a pyrE2-based counterselection system that was used for targeted gene deletion and expression of Flag-tagged proteins from their native promoters. AmtB1-Flag was detected in membrane fractions of cells grown on nitrate and was found to coimmunoprecipitate with GlnK after ammonium shock. Thus, in analogy to bacteria, the archaeal GlnK PII may block the AmtB1 ammonium transporter under nitrogen-rich conditions. In addition to this regulated protein–protein interaction, the archaeal amtB-glnK gene pairs were found to be highly regulated by nitrogen availability with transcript levels high under conditions of nitrogen limitation and low during nitrogen excess. While transcript levels of glnK-amtB are similarly regulated by nitrogen availability in bacteria, transcriptional regulators of the bacterial glnK promoter including activation by the two-component signal transduction proteins NtrC (GlnG, NRI) and NtrB (GlnL, NRII) and sigma factor σN (σ54) are not conserved in archaea suggesting a novel mechanism of transcriptional control.


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Subseafloor sediments harbor over half of all prokaryotic cells on Earth (Whitman et al., 1998). This immense number is calculated from numerous microscopic acridine orange direct counts (AODCs) conducted on sediment cores drilled during the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) (Parkes et al., 1994, doi:10.1038/371410a0, 2000, doi:10.1007/PL00010971). Because these counts cannot differentiate between living and inactive or even dead cells (Kepner and Pratt, 1994; Morita, 1997), the population size of living microorganisms has recently been enumerated for ODP Leg 201 sediment samples from the equatorial Pacific and the Peru margin using ribosomal ribonucleic acid targeting catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH) (Schippers et al., 2005, doi:10.1038/nature03302). A large fraction of the subseafloor prokaryotes were alive, even in very old (16 Ma) and deep (>400 m) sediments. In this study, black shale samples from the Demerara Rise (Erbacher, Mosher, Malone, et al., 2004, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.207.2004) were analyzed using AODC and CARD-FISH to find out if black shales also harbor microorganisms.


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We generated draft genome sequences for two cold-adapted Archaea, Methanogenium frigidum and Methanococcoides burtonii, to identify genotypic characteristics that distinguish them from Archaea with a higher optimal growth temperature (OGT). Comparative genomics revealed trends in amino acid and tRNA composition, and structural features of proteins. Proteins from the cold-adapted Archaea are characterized by a higher content of noncharged polar amino acids, particularly Gin and Thr and a lower content of hydrophobic amino acids, particularly Leu. Sequence data from nine methanogen genomes (OGT 15degrees-98degreesC) were used to generate IIII modeled protein structures. Analysis of the models from the cold-adapted Archaea showed a strong tendency in the solvent-accessible area for more Gin, Thr, and hydrophobic residues and fewer charged residues. A cold shock domain (CSD) protein (CspA homolog) was identified in M. frigidum, two hypothetical proteins with CSD-folds in M. burtonii, and a unique winged helix DNA-binding domain protein in M. burtonii. This suggests that these types of nucleic acid binding proteins have a critical role in cold-adapted Archaea. Structural analysis of tRNA sequences from the Archaea indicated that GC content is the major factor influencing tRNA stability in hyperthermophiles, but not in the psychrophiles, mesophiles or moderate thermophiles. Below an OGT of 60degreesC, the GC content in tRNA was largely unchanged, indicating that any requirement for flexibility of tRNA in psychrophiles is mediated by other means. This is the first time that comparisons have been performed with genome data from Archaea spanning the growth temperature extremes. from psychrophiles to hyperthermophiles


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Novel, low-abundance microbial species can be easily overlooked in standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based surveys. We used community genomic data obtained without PCR or cultivation to reconstruct DNA fragments bearing unusual 16S ribosomal RNA ( rRNA) and protein-coding genes from organisms belonging to novel archaeal lineages. The organisms are minor components of all biofilms growing in pH 0.5 to 1.5 solutions within the Richmond Mine, California. Probes specific for 16S rRNA showed that the fraction less than 0.45 micrometers in diameter is dominated by these organisms. Transmission electron microscope images revealed that the cells are pleomorphic with unusual folded membrane protrusions and have apparent volumes of < 0.006 cubic micrometer.


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The microbially mediated anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is the major biological sink of the greenhouse gas methane in marine sediments (doi:10.1007/978-94-009-0213-8_44) and serves as an important control for emission of methane into the hydrosphere. The AOM metabolic process is assumed to be a reversal of methanogenesis coupled to the reduction of sulfate to sulfide involving methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) as syntrophic partners which were describes amongst others in Boetius et al. (2000; doi:10.1038/35036572). In this study, 16S rRNA-based methods were used to investigate the distribution and biomass of archaea in samples from sediments above outcropping methane hydrate at Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia margin off Oregon) and (ii) massive microbial mats enclosing carbonate reefs (Crimea area, Black Sea). Sediment samples from Hydrate Ridge were obtained during R/V SONNE cruises SO143-2 in August 1999 and SO148-1 in August 2000 at the crest of southern Hydrate Ridge at the Cascadia convergent margin off the coast of Oregon. The second study area is located in the Black Sea and represents a field in which there is active seepage of free gas on the slope of the northwestern Crimea area. Here, a field of conspicuous microbial reefs forming chimney-like structures was discovered at a water depth of 230 m in anoxic waters. The microbial mats were sampled by using the manned submersible JAGO during the R/V Prof. LOGACHEV cruise in July 2001. At Hydrate Ridge the surface sediments were dominated by aggregates consisting of ANME-2 and members of the Desulfosarcina-Desulfococcus branch (DSS) (ANME-2/DSS aggregates), which accounted for >90% of the total cell biomass. The numbers of ANME-1 cells increased strongly with depth; these cells accounted 1% of all single cells at the surface and more than 30% of all single cells (5% of the total cells) in 7- to 10-cm sediment horizons that were directly above layers of gas hydrate. In the Black Sea microbial mats ANME-1 accounted for about 50% of all cells. ANME-2/DSS aggregates occurred in microenvironments within the mat but accounted for only 1% of the total cells. FISH probes for the ANME-2a and ANME-2c subclusters were designed based on a comparative 16S rRNA analysis. In Hydrate Ridge sediments ANME-2a/DSS and ANME-2c/DSS aggregates differed significantly in morphology and abundance. The relative abundance values for these subgroups were remarkably different at Beggiatoa sites (80% ANME-2a, 20% ANME-2c) and Calyptogena sites (20% ANME-2a, 80% ANME-2c), indicating that there was preferential selection of the groups in the two habitats.


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The human activities responsible for the ambient degradation in the modern world are diverse. The industrial activities are preponderant in the question of the impact consequences for brazilian ecosystems. Amongst the human activities, the petroliferous industry in operation in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin (PPB) displays the constant risk of ambient impacts in the integrant cities, not only for the human populations and the environment, but also it reaches the native microorganisms of Caatinga ground and in the mangrove sediment. Not hindering, the elaboration of strategies of bioremediation for impacted areas pass through the knowledge of microbiota and its relations with the environment. Moreover, in the microorganism groups associated to oil, are emphasized the sulfate-reducing prokaryotes (SRP) that, in its anaerobic metabolism, these organisms participate of the sulfate reduction, discharging H2S, causing ambient risks and causing the corrosion of surfaces, as pipelines and tanks, resulting in damages for the industry. Some ancestries of PRS integrate the Archaea domain, group of microorganisms whose sequenced genomes present predominance of extremophilic adaptations, including surrounding with oil presence. This work has two correlated objectives: i) the detection and monitoring of the gene dsrB, gift in sulfate-reducing prokaryotes, through DGGE analysis in samples of mDNA of a mangrove sediment and semiarid soil, both in the BPP; ii) to relate genomic characteristics to the ecological aspects of Archaea through in silico studies, standing out the importance to the oil and gas industry. The results of the first work suggest that the petrodegraders communities of SRP persist after the contamination with oil in mangrove sediment and in semiarid soil. Comparing the populations of both sites, it reveals that there are variations in the size and composition during one year of experiments. In the second work, functional and structural factors are the probable cause to the pressure in maintenance of the conservation of the sequences in the multiple copies of the 16S rDNA gene. Is verified also the discrepancy established between total content GC and content GC of the same gene. Such results relating ribosomal genes and the ambient factors are important for metagenomic evaluations using PCR-DGGE. The knowledge of microbiota associated to the oil can contribute for a better destination of resources by the petroliferous industry and the development of bioremediation strategies. Likewise, search to lead to the best agreement of the performance of native microbiota in biogeochemical cycles in Potiguar Petroliferous Basin ecosystem


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Microbes associated with marine sponges play significant roles in host physiology. Remarkable levels of microbial diversity have been observed in sponges worldwide through both culture-dependent and culture-independent studies. Most studies have focused on the structure of the bacterial communities in sponges and have involved sponges sampled from shallow waters. Here, we used pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes to compare the bacterial and archaeal communities associated with two individuals of the marine sponge Inflatella pellicula from the deep-sea, sampled from a depth of 2,900 m, a depth which far exceeds any previous sequence-based report of sponge-associated microbial communities. Sponge-microbial communities were also compared to the microbial community in the surrounding seawater. Sponge-associated microbial communities were dominated by archaeal sequencing reads with a single archaeal OTU, comprising similar to ∼60% and similar to ∼72% of sequences, being observed from Inflatella pellicula. Archaeal sequencing reads were less abundant in seawater (similar to ∼11% of sequences). Sponge-associated microbial communities were less diverse and less even than any other sponge-microbial community investigated to date with just 210 and 273 OTUs (97% sequence identity) identified in sponges, with 4 and 6 dominant OTUs comprising similar to ∼88% and similar to ∼89% of sequences, respectively. Members of the candidate phyla, SAR406, NC10 and ZB3 are reported here from sponges for the first time, increasing the number of bacterial phyla or candidate divisions associated with sponges to 43. A minor cohort from both sponge samples (similar to ∼0.2% and similar to ∼0.3% of sequences) were not classified to phylum level. A single OTU, common to both sponge individuals, dominates these unclassified reads and shares sequence homology with a sponge associated clone which itself has no known close relative and may represent a novel taxon.


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Archaeal transcription utilizes a complex multisubunit RNA polymerase and the basal transcription factors TBP and TF(II)B, closely resembling its eukaryal counterpart. We have uncovered a tight physical and functional interaction between RNA polymerase and the single-stranded DNA-binding protein SSB in Sulfolobus solfataricus. SSB stimulates transcription from promoters in vitro under TBP-limiting conditions and supports transcription in the absence of TBP. SSB also rescues transcription from repression by reconstituted chromatin. We demonstrate the potential for promoter melting by SSB, suggesting a plausible basis for the stimulation of transcription. This stimulation requires both the single-stranded DNA-binding domain and the acidic C-terminal tail of the SSB. The tail forms a stable interaction with RNA polymerase. These data reveal an unexpected role for single-stranded DNA-binding proteins in transcription in archaea.


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Homologous recombinational repair is an essential mechanism for repair of double-strand breaks in DNA. Recombinases of the RecA-fold family play a crucial role in this process, forming filaments that utilize ATP to mediate their interactions with singleand double-stranded DNA. The recombinase molecules present in the archaea (RadA) and eukaryota (Rad51) are more closely related to each other than to their bacterial counterpart (RecA) and, as a result, RadA makes a suitable model for the eukaryotic system. The crystal structure of Sulfolobus solfataricus RadA has been solved to a resolution of 3.2 A° in the absence of nucleotide analogues or DNA, revealing a narrow filamentous assembly with three molecules per helical turn. As observed in other RecA-family recombinases, each RadA molecule in the filament is linked to its neighbour via interactions of a short b-strand with the neighbouring ATPase domain. However, despite apparent flexibility between domains, comparison with other structures indicates conservation of a number of key interactions that introduce rigidity to the system, allowing allosteric control of the filament by interaction with ATP. Additional analysis reveals that the interaction specificity of the five human Rad51 paralogues can be predicted using a simple model based on the RadA structure.