63 resultados para arbitrariness


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Some years ago, it was shown how fermion self-interacting terms of the Thirring-type impact the usual structure of massless two-dimensional gauge theories [1]. In that work only the cases of pure vector and pure chiral gauge couplings have been considered and the corresponding Thirring term was also pure vector and pure chiral respectively, such that the vector ( or chiral) Schwinger model should not lose its chirality structure due to the addition of the quartic interaction term. Here we extend this analysis to a generalized vector and axial coupling both for the gauge interaction and the quartic fermionic interactions. The idea is to perform quantization without losing the original structure of the gauge coupling. In order to do that we make use of an arbitrariness in the definition of the Thirring-like interaction.


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In this work we reexamine quantum electrodynamics of atomic electrons in the Coulomb gauge in the dipole approximation and calculate the shift of atomic energy levels in the context of Dalibard, Dupont-Roc and Cohen-Tannoudji formalism by considering the variation rates of physical observable. We then analyze the physical interpretation of the ordering of operators in the dipole approximation interaction Hamiltonian in terms of field fluctuations and self-reaction of atomic electrons, discussing the arbitrariness in the statistical functions in second-order bound-state perturbation theory. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel strategy to handle divergences typical of perturbative calculations is implemented for the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model and its phenomenological consequences investigated. The central idea of the method is to avoid the critical step involved in the regularization process, namely, the explicit evaluation of divergent integrals. This goal is achieved by assuming a regularization distribution in an implicit way and making use, in intermediary steps, only of very general properties of such regularization. The finite parts are separated from the divergent ones and integrated free from effects of the regularization. The divergent parts are organized in terms of standard objects, which are independent of the ( arbitrary) momenta running in internal lines of loop graphs. Through the analysis of symmetry relations, a set of properties for the divergent objects are identified, which we denominate consistency relations, reducing the number of divergent objects to only a few. The calculational strategy eliminates unphysical dependencies of the arbitrary choices for the routing of internal momenta, leading to ambiguity-free, and symmetry-preserving physical amplitudes. We show that the imposition of scale properties for the basic divergent objects leads to a critical condition for the constituent quark mass such that the remaining arbitrariness is removed. The model becomes predictive in the sense that its phenomenological consequences do not depend on possible choices made in intermediary steps. Numerical results are obtained for physical quantities at the one-loop level for the pion and sigma masses and pion-quark and sigma-quark coupling constants.


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We estimate the dissipation coefficient Γ that appears in Ginzburg-Landau-Langevin equations that describe phenomenologically the deconfinement transition in QCD. This is done through the implementation of Glauber dynamics of pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory. The coefficient Γ is extracted from the short-time exponential growth of the equal time correlation function of the order parameter. Although the absolute determination of Γ is ambiguous due to the difficulties in relating real time and Monte Carlo time, its relative temperature dependence can be obtained with much less arbitrariness. © 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A partir do aporte teórico da Abordagem das Capacitações e tendo como referência metodológica a técnica dos Conjuntos Fuzzy, este artigo apresenta um indicador-síntese de pobreza multidimensional para os estados brasileiros. Todavia, diferentemente de outros estudos, a contribuição deste artigo é diminuir o grau de arbitrariedade na escolha das dimensões da pobreza, considerando o cumprimento das metas dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento do Milênio (PNUD, 2003). Os resultados apontam uma delimitação espacial bem definida no país, com os estados das Norte e Nordeste situando-se entre os dez de maiores índices, com exceção do estado do Rio Grande do Sul.


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Culture and the arts in Brazil were impacted directly by the military coup from 1964 onwards. In spite of repression and censorship, the activity of intellectuals and artists in the pre-1964 period was not interrupted nor became stagnant, but gained even greater force due to the presence of control and restrictions by the institutions of repression over against the freedom of creation and thought. As in many sectors of cultural production, literature played a vigorously combative role against the arbitrariness of the regime and implemented “projects of resistance” on the basis of key elements of representation. This occurred, for instance, through the writing and circulation of works such as Pessach: a travessia, by journalist Carlos Heitor Cony, and Quarup, by journalist Antonio Callado. The two novels enabled a broad debate on the narrative form and the scope of involvement in the literature of the 1960s, such as the confrontation between Paulo Francis and Ferreira Gullar in the pages of Revista Civilização Brasileira, which is the focus of this article.


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When people are put aside in the society we have what is called as social marginalization. However there is a wider or even severe marginalization, i. e., the state marginalization, which is the difficulty of the citizen to recognize himself in the state. What is intended here is to identify the main features of such marginalization, its effects upon the state itself and the possible means to overcome it. In order to fulfill this aim it is taken what it is considered to be a meaningfull manifestation of the state marginalization, that is the privatization of public services. These services are usually free but it does not mean that they cost nothing because they are granted by the payment of taxes and so can be at the disposal of everyone. When these services are dealt by the private initiative then a barrier is build and many can only continue to have what should be their right if they pay more than they already do with the taxes. As an example of it we have the privatization of many highways in the state of São Paulo. A certain comunity reacted towards it but all the questions were dismissed AURORA ano V número 9 - DEZEMBRO DE 2011 ISSN: 1982-8004 http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/índex.php/aurora/. 166 by the authorities as something impossible to solve. The contradictions between the private and the public interests were solved by the legal formality but they show themselves to be expression of arbitrariness and indetermination. One comes to the conclusion that the privatization is the identification of the State with the bourgeois and civil society that turns the public thing into a private thing. Despite of all this and also because of all this the recovered knowledge about the meaning of the State and the exposition of this new marginalization may promote an ongoing striving towards a necessary mobilizing process.


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The definition of the sample size is a major problem in studies of phytosociology. The species accumulation curve is used to define the sampling sufficiency, but this method presents some limitations such as the absence of a stabilization point that can be objectively determined and the arbitrariness of the order of sampling units in the curve. A solution to this problem is the use of randomization procedures, e. g. permutation, for obtaining a mean species accumulation curve and empiric confidence intervals. However, the randomization process emphasizes the asymptotical character of the curve. Moreover, the inexistence of an inflection point in the curve makes it impossible to define objectively the point of optimum sample size.


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The intensity of regional specialization in specific activities, and conversely, the level of industrial concentration in specific locations, has been used as a complementary evidence for the existence and significance of externalities. Additionally, economists have mainly focused the debate on disentangling the sources of specialization and concentration processes according to three vectors: natural advantages, internal, and external scale economies. The arbitrariness of partitions plays a key role in capturing these effects, while the selection of the partition would have to reflect the actual characteristics of the economy. Thus, the identification of spatial boundaries to measure specialization becomes critical, since most likely the model will be adapted to different scales of distance, and be influenced by different types of externalities or economies of agglomeration, which are based on the mechanisms of interaction with particular requirements of spatial proximity. This work is based on the analysis of the spatial aspect of economic specialization supported by the manufacturing industry case. The main objective is to propose, for discrete and continuous space: i) a measure of global specialization; ii) a local disaggregation of the global measure; and iii) a spatial clustering method for the identification of specialized agglomerations.


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Il lavoro di ricerca che si presenta è suddiviso in tre capitoli nei quali, da altrettanti punti di osservazione, è analizzato il tema della instabilità del lavoro. Nel primo capitolo, il candidato evidenzia le cause che hanno determinato il vorticoso aumento di utilizzo dei contratti di lavoro flessibili e, a tal proposito, da un prospettiva extra-nazionale, analizza le direttive europee e, i principi comuni e le guidelines che, nel percorso di sviluppo della strategia europea per l’occupazione, hanno posto la flexicurity come modello di mercato europeo tipico; dalla medesima prospettiva, prendendo spunto dai cambiamenti del mercato globale, si pone attenzione all’analisi economica del diritto del lavoro e, in particolare, alle conseguenze che le trasformazioni economiche generano sulla capacità di questa materia di tenere elevato il grado di sicurezza occupazionale connesso alla stipula dei contratti di lavoro. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato al ruolo svolto in Italia dai sindacati sul tema della flessibilità. In tal senso, l’autore evidenzia come la funzione “istituzionale” cui sono chiamate anche le organizzazioni dei lavoratori abbia caratterizzato le scelte di politica sindacale in materia di lavori temporanei; è così preso in esame il concetto di flessibilità “contrattata”, come già emerso in dottrina, e si teorizza la differenza tra rinvii “aperti” e rinvii “chiusi”, quali differenti forme di delega di potere normativo alle parti sociali in materia di flessibilità. Nel terzo ed ultimo capitolo l’autore tenta di evidenziare i vantaggi e le funzioni che derivano dall’utilizzo del contratto a termine, quale principale forma di impiego flessibile del nostro mercato del lavoro. Premessi tali benefici viene formulato un giudizio critico rispetto al grado di liberalizzazione che, con le ultime riforme, è stato ammesso per questo istituto sempre più strumento di arbitrio del datore di lavoro nella scelta della durata e delle condizioni di svolgimento della prestazione di lavoro.


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The overarching question of this dissertation is: “why does the public debt grow, and why are fiscal (debt) crises repetitive and so widespread?” A special focus in answering this question is given to a fiscal constitution, which contains a country-specific set of laws, rules and regulations, and guides decision making in the area of fiscal policy. By shaping incentives and limiting arbitrariness, the fiscal constitution determines the course of fiscal policy and fiscal outcomes in the long term. This dissertation does not give, however, an exhaustive response to the overarching question. Instead it asks much narrower questions, which are selected after reviewing and identifying the main weaknesses and gaps in the modern literature on fiscal constitutions.