38 resultados para apomixis


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O estudo das palmeiras nativas é importante por seu grande valor econômico e na manutenção das comunidades de várias espécies de vertebrados e invertebrados que se alimentam de seus frutos, sementes e folhas. A eficiência na produção dos frutos das palmeiras está diretamente relacionada com a presença de insetos polinizadores, principalmente besouros, abelhas e moscas. A palmeira Mauritia flexuosa, comumente conhecida como buriti, é a espécie mais abundante do Brasil e é também chamada de “árvore da vida”, por ser 100% utilizável. Este trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia da polinização do buriti em ambiente de restinga, no município de Barreirinhas, Maranhão, Brasil. Para tanto, obteve-se dados sobre fenologia reprodutiva, biologia floral, sistema reprodutivo e visitantes florais. Para o acompanhamento fenológico foram selecionados 25 indivíduos de cada sexo, os quais foram observados de agosto/2009 a outubro/2012. As fenofases de floração e frutificação foram relacionadas com as variáveis climáticas através de correlação de Spearman. O processo de abertura e longevidade floral foi acompanhado durante o pico de floração da espécie, verificando-se a viabilidade polínica, a receptividade estigmática, as regiões emissoras de odor e a ocorrência de termogênese. Para determinar o sistema reprodutivo foram feitos testes de polinização cruzada e apomixia. O transporte de grãos de pólen pelo vento foi observado, por meio de lâminas de vidros untadas com vaselina que permaneceram penduradas próximas às inflorescências pistiladas durante 24 horas. Os visitantes florais foram coletados através do ensacamento de 20 inflorescências de cada sexo, sendo classificados de acordo com a frequência e o comportamento. O buriti apresentou padrão fenológico anual, sincrônico e sazonal, com floração de agosto a novembro e pico de queda dos frutos em setembro, o que corresponde à estação seca, diferindo do observado na Amazônia, onde estes eventos fenológicos ocorreram na estação chuvosa. Esta diferença pode ser justificada pela grande disponibilidade de água na região, o que faz com que o buriti não necessariamente dependa das chuvas para florescer. Este fato foi evidenciado pela correlação significativa negativa das fenofases com a precipitação e com a umidade relativa. A forte incidência solar e a disponibilidade de água no ambiente contribuíram para o sucesso na floração e frutificação do buriti. Além disto, fatores bióticos podem ter exercido influência no comportamento fenológico, cuja estratégia reprodutiva adotada parece ser a sincronização da floração e da frutificação com a atividade dos polinizadores e dispersores. Dessa maneira a espécie garante a sua reprodução em um período ótimo para a germinação de sementes e estabelecimento de plântulas. O sistema reprodutivo do buriti é xenogâmico. O conjunto de características florais, aliado à abundância de pólen e ao forte odor leva a crer que essa palmeira tenha como principal estratégia de polinização a cantarofilia, porém o vento também possui grande importância na polinização. Além de apresentar polinização do tipo misto (ambofilia), as flores do buriti atraíram uma grande variedade de visitantes, cuja riqueza foi maior que a observada na Amazônia.


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Apomictic plants are less dependent on pollinator services and able to occupy more diverse habitats than sexual species. However, such assumptions are based on temperate species, and comparable evaluation for species-rich Neotropical taxa is lacking. In this context, the Melastomataceae is a predominantly Neotropical angiosperm family with many apomictic species, which is common in the Campos Rupestres, endemism-rich vegetation on rocky outcrops in central Brazil. In this study, the breeding system of some Campo Rupestre Melastomataceae was evaluated, and breeding system studies for New World species were surveyed to test the hypothesis that apomixis is associated with wide distributions, whilst sexual species have more restricted areas. The breeding systems of 20 Campo Rupestre Melastomataceae were studied using hand pollinations and pollen-tube growth analysis. In addition, breeding system information was compiled for 124 New World species of Melastomataceae with either wide (1000 km) or restricted distributions. Most (80 ) of the Campo Rupestre species studied were self-compatible. Self-incompatibility in Microlicia viminalis was associated with pollen-tube arrest in the style, as described for other Melastomataceae, but most self-incompatible species analysed showed pollen-tube growth to the ovary irrespective of pollination treatment. Apomictic species showed lower pollen viability and were less frequent among the Campo Rupestre plants. Among the New World species compiled, 43 were apomictic and 77 sexual (24 self-incompatible and 53 self-compatible). Most apomictic (86 ) and self-incompatible species (71 ) presented wide distributions, whilst restricted distributions predominate only among the self-compatible ones (53 ). Self-compatibility and dependence on biotic pollination were characteristic of Campo Rupestre and narrowly distributed New World Melastomataceae species, whilst apomictics are widely distributed. This is, to a certain extent, similar to the geographical parthenogenesis pattern of temperate apomictics.


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Pollen abortion occurs in virtually all species and often does not prejudice reproductive success. However, large numbers of abnormal pollen grains are characteristic of some groups. Among them is Miconia, in which partial and complete male sterility is often related to apomixis. In this study, we compared the morphology of pollen grains over several developmental stages in Miconia species with different rates of male sterility. Our aim was to improve the knowledge of mechanisms that lead to male sterility in this ecologically important tropical group. Routine techniques for microscopy were used to examine anthers in several developmental stages collected from the apomictic species Miconia albicans and M. stenostachya. Both species are completely male sterile since even the pollen grains with apparently normal cytoplasm were not able to develop a pollen tube. Meiosis is a rare event in M. albicans anthers and happens in an irregular way in M. stenostachya, leading to the pollen abortion. M. albicans has more severe abnormalities than M. stenostachya since even the microspores and pollen grain walls were affected. Moreover, in M. stenostachya, most mitosis occurring during microgametogenesis was also abnormal, leading to the formation of bicellular pollen grains with two similar cells, in addition to the formation of pollen grains of different sizes. Notably, abnormalities in both species did not reach the production of Ubisch bodies, suggesting little or no tapetum involvement in male sterility in these two species.


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To feed a world population growing by up to 160 people per minute, with >90% of them in developing countries, will require an astonishing increase in food production. Forecasts call for wheat to become the most important cereal in the world, with maize close behind; together, these crops will account for ≈80% of developing countries’ cereal import requirements. Access to a range of genetic diversity is critical to the success of breeding programs. The global effort to assemble, document, and utilize these resources is enormous, and the genetic diversity in the collections is critical to the world’s fight against hunger. The introgression of genes that reduced plant height and increased disease and viral resistance in wheat provided the foundation for the “Green Revolution” and demonstrated the tremendous impact that genetic resources can have on production. Wheat hybrids and synthetics may provide the yield increases needed in the future. A wild relative of maize, Tripsacum, represents an untapped genetic resource for abiotic and biotic stress resistance and for apomixis, a trait that could provide developing world farmers access to hybrid technology. Ownership of genetic resources and genes must be resolved to ensure global access to these critical resources. The application of molecular and genetic engineering technologies enhances the use of genetic resources. The effective and complementary use of all of our technological tools and resources will be required for meeting the challenge posed by the world’s expanding demand for food.


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The novel molecular marker technique Randomly Amplified DNA Fingerprinting (RAF) was used to survey genetic relationships between 37 accessions of the tropical fruit G. mangostana (mangosteen) and among 11 accessions from eight other Garcinia species. Although mangosteen is believed to reproduce exclusively through apomixis, our results show that considerable genetic diversity exists within G. mangostana and between other Garcinia species. Among the 37 G. mangostana accessions examined, nine different genotypes were identified which clustered into three distinct groups based on correspondence analysis (reciprocal averaging). For 26 (70%) of the accessions no marker variation was detected over 530 loci screened. A further eight (22%) accessions exhibited very low levels of variation (0.2-1%) suggesting at least one well conservedm angosteen genotype. The remaining three accessions (8%) showed extensive variation (22-31%) compared with the majority of accessions. The three mangosteen groups were 63-70% dissimilar to the other Garcinia species investigated. The genetic diversity identified in this research will assist in the conservation of Garcinia germplasm and provides a valuable framework for the genetic improvement of mangosteen.