980 resultados para aortic lymph node
Twenty per cent of sentinel lymph node (SLN)-positive melanoma patients have positive non-SLN lymph nodes in completion lymph node dissection (CLND). We investigated SLN tumour load, non-sentinel positivity and disease-free survival (DFS) to assess whether certain patients could be spared CLND. Sentinel lymph node biopsy was performed on 392 patients between 1999 and 2005. Median observation period was 38.8 months. Sentinel lymph node tumour load did not predict non-SLN positivity: 30.8% of patients with SLN macrometastases (> or =2 mm) and 16.4% with micrometastases (< or =2 mm) had non-SLN positivity (P=0.09). Tumour recurrences after positive SLNs were more than twice as frequent for SLN macrometastases (51.3%) than for micrometastases (24.6%) (P=0.005). For patients with SLN micrometastases, the DFS analysis was worse (P=0.003) when comparing those with positive non-SLNs (60% recurrences) to those without (17.6% recurrences). This difference did not translate into significant differences in DFS: patients with SLN micrometastasis, either with (P=0.022) or without additional positive non-SLNs (P<0.0001), fared worse than patients with tumour-free SLNs. The 2-mm cutoff for SLN tumour load accurately predicts differences in DFS. Non-SLN positivity in CLND, however, cannot be predicted. Therefore, contrary to other studies, no recommendations concerning discontinuation of CLND based on SLN tumour load can be deduced.
Summary : Antigen-specific T lymphocytes constantly patrol the body to search for invading pathogens. Given the large external and internal body surfaces that need to be surveyed, a sophisticated strategy is necessary to facilitate encounters between T cells and pathogens. Dendritic cells present at all body surfaces are specialized in capturing pathogens and bringing them to T zones of secondary lymphoid organs, such as the lymph nodes and the spleen. Here, dendritic cells present antigenic fragments and activate the rare antigen-specific T lymphocytes. This induction of an immune response is facilitated in multiple ways by a dense network of poorly characterized stromal cells, termed fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs). They constitutively produce the chemokines CCL21 and CCL19, which attract naïve T cells and dendritic cells into the T zone. Further, they provide an adhesion scaffold for dendritic cells and a migration scaffold for naïve T cells, allowing efficient screening of dendritic cell by thousands of T cells. FRCs also form a system of microchannels (conduits) that allows rapid transport of antigen or cytokines from the subcapsular sinus to the T zone. We characterized lymph node FRCS by flow cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy, real time PCR and functional assays and could show that FRCs are a unique type of myofibroblasts which produce the T cell survival factor IL-7. This function was shown to be critically involved in regulating the size of the peripheral T cell pool and further demonstrates the importance of FRCs in maintaining immunocompetence. As we observed that some dendritic cells also express the receptor for IL-7, we expected a similar function of IL-7 in their survival. Surprisingly, we found no role for IL-7 in their survival but in their development. Analysis of hematopoietic precursors suggested that part of the dendritic cell pool develops out of an IL-7 dependent precursor, which maybe shared with lymphocytes. During the induction of an immune response, lymph node homeostasis is drastically altered when the lymph node expands several-fold in size to accommodate many more lymphocytes. Here, we describe that this expansion of the T zone is accompanied by the activation and proliferation of FRCs thereby preserving T zone architecture and function. This expansion of the FRC network is regulated by antigen-independent and -dependent events. It demonstrates the incredible plasticity of this organ allowing clonal expansion of antigen-specific lymphocytes. Résumé : Les lymphocytes T, spécifiques pour un antigène particulier, patrouillent constamment le corps à la recherche de l'invasion de pathogène. A cause des grandes surfaces externes et internes du corps, une stratégie sophistiquée est nécessaire afin de faciliter les rencontres entre les cellules T et les agents pathogènes. Les cellules dendritiques présentes dans toutes les surfaces du corps sont spécialisées dans la capture des agents pathogènes et dans le transport vers les zones T des organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphatiques et la rate. Dans ces organes, les cellules dendritiques présentent les fragments antigéniques et activent les lymphocytes T rares. L'induction de cette réponse immunitaire est facilitée de différentes manières par un réseau dense de cellules strornales mal caractérisé, appelées 'fibroblastic reticular tells' (FRCs). FRCs produisent constitutivement les chimiokines CCL21 et CCL19, qui attirent les lymphocytes T naïfs et les cellules dendritiques vers la zone T. En outre, elles donnent une base d'adhérence pour les cellules dendritiques et elles attirent les cellules T naïves vers les cellules dendritiques. Les FRCs forment des petits canaux (ou conduits) qui permettent le transport rapide d'antigènes solubles ou de cytokines vers la zone T. Nous avons caractérisé les FRCs par cytométrie en flux, immunofluorescence et par PCR en temps réel et nous avons démontré que les FRCs sont un type unique de rnyofibroblastes qui produisent un facteur de survie des cellules T, l'Interleukine-7. Il a été démontré que cette fonction est cruciale afin d'augmenter la taille et la diversité du répertoire de cellules T, et ainsi, maintenir l'immunocompétence. Comme nous avons observé que certaines cellules dendritiques expriment également le récepteur de l'IL-7, nous avons testé une fonction similaire dans leur survie. Étonnamment, nous n'avons pas trouvé de rôle pour l'IL-7 dans leur survie, mais dans leur développement. L'analyse des précurseurs hématopoïétiques a suggéré qu'une fraction des cellules dendritiques se développe à partir des précurseurs dépendants de l'IL-7, qui sont probablement partagés avec les lymphocytes. Au cours de l'induction d'une réponse immunitaire, l'homéostasie du ganglion lymphatique est considérablement modifiée. En effet, sa taille augmente considérablement afin d'accueillir un plus grand nombre de lymphocytes. Nous décrivons ici que cet élargissement de la zone T est accompagné par l'activation et 1a prolifération des FRCs, préservant l'architecture et la fonction de la zone T. Cette expansion du réseau des FRCs est régie par des évènements à la fois dépendants et indépendants de l'antigène. Cela montre l'incroyable plasticité de cet organe qui permet l'expansion clonale des lymphocytes T spécifiques.
Purpose: Pelvic radiation therapy (RT) represents a therapeutic option in the treatment of node-positive prostate cancer but it remains controversial, because of its high rate toxicities. New radiation technique such as IMRT may reduce these complications. In this study, we aimed to assess the rate of toxicities according to CTC-NCI.v3 in such patients treated with either 3DCRT or IMRT (Tomotherapy).Methods and Materials: From January 2008 to December 2010, data were analyzed from 30 consecutive patients including 29 node-positive prostate cancer undergoing definitive or adjuvant RT (IMRT and/or 3DCRT) after radical prostatectomy and lymphadenectomy combined to hormonal therapy. Median age was 66 years (range : 52-83). Median preoperative PSA value was 12 ng/ml (range: 2.72-165). According to the pT-classification, there were 4 pT2, 7 pT3a, 10 pT3b, and 1 pT4 patients. Pathologic positive lymph nodes were found in 23 patients. Radiologic positive lymph nodes were found in 5 patients. Two patients were node negative. Gleason score was ranging between 7 to 10. Twelve patients were treated by Tomotherapy including 4 with simultaneous integrated boost (SIB). Eighteen patients were treated by Tomotherapy including 2 with SIB to the whole pelvis and 3DCRT boost to the prostate. V50% for bladder and rectum were recorded. Acute and late toxicities were assessed according to CTC-NCI.v3 classification.Results: With a median follow-up of 17 months, only one patient presented nodal and metastatic failure. Urinary incontinence was graded 1 after surgery for 6 patients and grade 2 in two. Sexual impuissance was noted in 3 patients. Acute toxicities during RT were proctitis grade 0 in 23 patients (76.5%), grade 1 in 7 (23.5%). Nocturia grade 1 in 9 patients. Interruption of treatment was seen in only case because of grade 3 urinary incontinence. Late effects included erectile dysfunction in 5 patients (83%) and one patient had grade 3proctitis requiring colostomy 3 months after RT. Median Dose-Volume Histogram according to radiation techniques V50% bladder V50% rectum Tomotherapy (IMRT) 36.25 Gy 39 Gy Tomotherapy + 3DCRT 41.26 Gy 39.18 GyConclusion: Based on our above-mentioned findings, there is no a significant difference in morbidity in patients treated with Tomotherapy or Tomotherapy with 3DCRT boost.
Rapport de synthèse : Le ganglion sentinelle (GS) se défini comme le premier ganglion de la chaîne ganglionnaire qui draine le territoire anatomique où siège une tumeur et, par conséquent, celui ayant le plus de possibilités de recevoir des métastases. La combinaison des deux techniques de détection du GS existantes, lymphoscintigraphie et coloration, permettent de déceler le GS dans 95-100% des cas. Le taux d'attente métastatique du GS varie entre 16 et 21 % des patients. Dans 50 à 87% des cas, le GS est le seul site de métastase et la probabilité de trouver des micro-métastases dans des ganglions appartenant aux relais supérieurs sans atteinte du GS est estimée à moins de 2%. Ces chiffres relèvent l'importance de la détection du GS. L'emploi de cette technique offre de nombreux avantages par rapport à la lymphadénéctomie élective que nous décrirons. Selon Rousseau et al., il existe une probable association entre le statut du GS et la survie de la maladie. Cette interprétation et celles d'autres auteurs soulignent la pertinence clinique du statut du GS dans le mélanome. En ce qui concerne la survie sans maladie (DFS) et la survie globale (OS), aucune différence significative n'a été observée entre les patients ayant subi une résection complète immédiate des ganglions lymphatiques et ceux qui d'abord ont subi une résection chirurgicale et analyse du GS secondaire, suivies par une dissection élective en cas de positivité. L'objectif de cette étude prospective était d'évaluer la pertinence de la positivité tumorale du GS dans l'évaluation des risques de rechute du mélanome. Cette étude a confirmé l'intérêt de la scintigraphie des ganglions lymphatiques (associée à la technique de coloration par bleu et celle de détection par sonde portable) dans l'identification du GS comme approche thérapeutique au stade précoce du mélanome. Elle a montré, en autre, que le statut du GS et l'indice de Breslow sont des facteurs de risque indépendants importants de rechute chez des patients atteints d'un mélanome au stade précoce. La combinaison de ces deux paramètres a permis de créer des groupes de patients à risque de rechute différents qui pourraient conduire à l'adaptation des protocoles de thérapie en fonction de ces risques.
PURPOSE: A multicenter, phase II trial investigated the efficacy and toxicity of neoadjuvant docetaxel-cisplatin in locally advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and examined prognostic factors for patients not benefiting from surgery. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ninety patients with previously untreated, potentially operable stage IIIA (mediastinoscopically pN2) NSCLC received three cycles of docetaxel 85 mg/m2 day 1 plus cisplatin 40 mg/m2 days 1 and 2, with subsequent surgical resection. RESULTS: Administered dose-intensities were docetaxel 85 mg/m2/3 weeks (range, 53 to 96) and cisplatin 95 mg/m2/3 weeks (range, 0 to 104). The 265 cycles were well tolerated, and the overall response rate was 66% (95% confidence interval [CI], 55% to 75%). Seventy-five patients underwent tumor resection with positive resection margin and involvement of the uppermost mediastinal lymph node in 16% and 35% of patients, respectively (perioperative mortality, 3%; morbidity, 17%). Pathologic complete response occurred in 19% of patients with tumor resection. In patients with tumor resection, downstaging to N0-1 at surgery was prognostic and significantly prolonged event-free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS; P =.0001). At median follow-up of 32 months, the median EFS and OS were 14.8 months (range, 2.4 to 53.4) and 33 months (range, 2.4 to 53.4), respectively. Local relapse occurred in 27% of patients with tumor resection, with distant metastases in 37%. Multivariate analyses identified mediastinal clearance (hazard ratio, 0.22; P =.0003) and complete resection (hazard ratio, 0.26; P =.0006) as strongly prognostic for increased survival. CONCLUSION: Neoadjuvant docetaxel-cisplatin is effective and tolerable in stage IIIA pN2 NSCLC. Resection is recommended only for patients with mediastinal downstaging after chemotherapy.
Le prélèvement des ganglions sentinelles apparaît comme une technique séduisante pour l'évaluation ganglionnaire des cancers du col utérin de faible stade. La sélection d'une population à bas risque de métastase ganglionnaire, un entraînement minimal et le respect de quelques règles simples permettent de limiter le risque de faux négatif au minimum. La technique apporte des informations supplémentaires sur le plan anatomique en identifiant des ganglions situés en dehors des zones habituelles de curage, et sur le plan histologique avec la mise en évidence de cellules tumorales isolées et surtout de micrométastases dont la valeur pronostique est suspectée Sentinel node biopsy appears as a promising technique for the assessment of nodal disease in early cervical cancers. Selection of a population with a low risk of nodal metastasis, a minimal training, and simple rules allow a low false negative rate. Sentinel node biopsy provides supplementary information, such as anatomical information (nodes outside of routine lymphadenectomy areas) and histological information (isolated tumors cells and micrometastases).
Objective: Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is a validated staging technique for breast carcinoma. Some women are exposed to have a second SLNB due to breast cancer recurrence or a second neoplasia (breast or other). Due to modi- fied anatomy, it has been claimed that previous axillary surgery represents a contra-indication to SLNB. Our objective was to analyse the literature to assess if a second SLNB is to be recommended or not. Methods: For the present study, we performed a review of all published data during the last 10 years on patients with previous axilla surgery and second SLNB. Results: Our analysis shows that second SLNB is feasible in 70%. Extra-axillary SNs rate (31%) was higher after radical lymph node dissection (ALND) (60% - 84%) than after SLNB alone (14% - 65%). Follow-up and com- plementary ALND following negative and positive second SLNB shows that it is a reliable procedure. Conclusion: The review of literature confirms that SLNB is feasible after previous axillary dissection. Triple technique for SN mapping is the best examination to highlight modified lymphatic anatomy and shows definitively where SLNB must be per- formed. Surgery may be more demanding as patients may have more frequently extra-axillary SN only, like internal mammary nodes. ALND can be avoided when second SLNB harvests negative SNs. These conclusions should however be taken with caution because of the heterogeneity of publications regarding SLNB and surgical technique.
The management of lymph nodes in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients is currently still debated. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), pigmented epithelioid melanocytoma (PEM), and other rare skin neoplasms have a well-known risk to spread to regional lymph nodes. The use of sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) could be a promising procedure to assess this risk in clinically N0 patients. Metastatic SNs have been observed in 4.5-28% SCC (according to risk factors), in 9-42% MCC, and in 14-57% PEM. We observed overall 30.8% positive SNs in 13 consecutive patients operated for high-risk nonmelanoma skin cancer between 2002 and 2011 in our institution. These high rates support recommendation to implement SLNB for nonmelanoma skin cancer especially for SCC patients. Completion lymph node dissection following positive SNs is also a matter of discussion especially in PEM. It must be remembered that a definitive survival benefit of SLNB in melanoma patients has not been proven yet. However, because of its low morbidity when compared to empiric elective lymph node dissection or radiation therapy of lymphatic basins, SLNB has allowed sparing a lot of morbidity and could therefore be used in nonmelanoma skin cancer patients, even though a significant impact on survival has not been demonstrated.
The stromal scaffold of the lymph node (LN) paracortex is built by fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs). Conditional ablation of lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) expression in LN FRCs and their mesenchymal progenitors in developing LNs revealed that LTβR-signaling in these cells was not essential for the formation of LNs. Although T cell zone reticular cells had lost podoplanin expression, they still formed a functional conduit system and showed enhanced expression of myofibroblastic markers. However, essential immune functions of FRCs, including homeostatic chemokine and interleukin-7 expression, were impaired. These changes in T cell zone reticular cell function were associated with increased susceptibility to viral infection. Thus, myofibroblasic FRC precursors are able to generate the basic T cell zone infrastructure, whereas LTβR-dependent maturation of FRCs guarantees full immunocompetence and hence optimal LN function during infection.
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor of the trachea with concomitant granulomatous lymph node lesions.
We report herein the case of a 57-year-old lady who had two concomittant lesions, an inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor in the trachea, and severe granulomatous lesions in the adjacent hilar lymph nodes. While these two lesions shared histological and some immunohistochemical features lesions. They differed in terms of ALK-1 expression, which was positive in the tracheal tumor and negative in the lymph nodes. The discussion of the case circles around putative pathophysiological links between the lesions. The authors favor the idea that the lymph nodes present a sarcoid-like granulomatous reaction to the inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor in the trachea over a coexistence of two independent entities. However, no conclusive evidence for this interpretation can be presented based on the existing literature.
OBJECTIVE: Prospective analysis of the morbidity and outcome of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) technique in a consecutive series of patients with early-stage melanoma. METHODS: Between 1997 and 1998, 60 patients with stage IB-II malignant melanoma underwent SLN dissection. Preoperative dynamic lymphoscintigraphy with mapping of the lymph vessels and lymph nodes and location of the sentinel node was performed the day before SLN dissection. SLN was identified by use of the blue dye technique. SLN was assessed for histopathological and immunohistochemical examination. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were recorded. Follow-up consisted of repetitive clinical examination with lymph nodes status, laboratory and radiologic findings. RESULTS: Tumor-positive SLN was observed in 18% of the patients and stage II disease was found in 91% of the patients with positive SLN. Breslow thickness was the only significant factor predicting involvement of a SLN (p = 0.02). In 36% of the positive SLN, metastases could be assessed only by immunohistochemical examination. Postoperative complications after SLN dissection were observed in 5% in comparison with 36% after elective lymph node dissection. After a mean follow-up of 32 months, recurrence was observed in 3% with a mean disease-free survival of 8 months. Overall survival was 82% and 90% in patients with positive and negative SLN, respectively. Overall mortality was 15%, due to distant metastases in 78% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Staging of early-stage melanoma with the SLN dissection by use of the blue dye technique combined to lymphoscintigraphy and immunohistochemistry is reliable and safe, with less morbidity than elective lymphadenectomy. Long-term follow-up is mandatory to establish the exact reliability of SLN dissection.
In this paper, we present the segmentation of the headand neck lymph node regions using a new active contourbased atlas registration model. We propose to segment thelymph node regions without directly including them in theatlas registration process; instead, they are segmentedusing the dense deformation field computed from theregistration of the atlas structures with distinctboundaries. This approach results in robust and accuratesegmentation of the lymph node regions even in thepresence of significant anatomical variations between theatlas-image and the patient's image to be segmented. Wealso present a quantitative evaluation of lymph noderegions segmentation using various statistical as well asgeometrical metrics: sensitivity, specificity, dicesimilarity coefficient and Hausdorff distance. Acomparison of the proposed method with two other state ofthe art methods is presented. The robustness of theproposed method to the atlas selection, in segmenting thelymph node regions, is also evaluated.
To investigate a recently developed lymphadenopathy can be simple or complex. The medical history, presence or not of symptoms, the general physical examination, and the localization and characteristics of the adenopathy, most often lead to a diagnosis and therapy when indicated. Among young adults, the etiology is either infectious or reactive, rarely tumoral, as opposed to elderly persons. The most important step is to look at signs of severity (or non banality) such as an increased size, hard consistency, supra-clavicular location, an immunocompromised host, a history of Tb exposition. If present, these signs will trigger a biopsy with cyto- or histopathological examination mostly to rule out a malignant tumor. This article reviews the practical steps of an investigation of an isolated adenopathy in an adult patient.