920 resultados para antisense RNA
直到九十年代,以利用拟南芥菜和金鱼草突变体克隆到花器官发育基因为重要标志的植物发育研究取得了重大突破。但由于开花决定过程分子控制机理研究进展却较为缓慢。以mRNA人手利用差异筛选技术获得春化相关基因克隆(verc203,verc17),Northem blot初步证明这些克隆对春化处理的特异性。根据反义RNA理论和技术对克隆化verc203基因功能进行研究。另外,从纯化蛋白人手,在金针菇中克隆到新的溶血性毒蛋白编码基因,并在细菌中得到表达,这一实验为利用此途径来克隆发育调控蛋白的编码基因进行了有益的技术路线探索。本研究的具体结果如下: 1. 春化相关基因(verc203)对冬小麦花发育调控 根据反义RNA的理论和技术进一步证明verc203在冬小麦开花启动和花发育过程中的可能控制作用。将verc203 DNA序列插入带有CaMV35S启动子和GUS基因的pBI221表达载体, 使之能在植物中高效表达反义RNA,并以转正义基因植株作为对照。通过花粉管途径转基因方法,得到326粒反义质粒冬小麦转化种子和1 98粒正义质粒冬小麦转化种子.所有转化处理种子和正常小麦种子萌发后,经春化处理,与未春化冬小麦植株一起培养直到对照植株达到成熟期。实验观察发现,转反义基因植株的抽穗受到明显的阻抑,开花过程大大推迟。其中表达较强的6株转基因植株甚至晚花五十多天。还发现一些表达较弱的植株尽管晚花20到30天,但花器官发育却受到影响,如,雄蕊缺失,穗发育异常等。Southemblot和PCR实验结果表明外源基因整合到转基因植株基因组。 Northrenblot以及报告基因(GUS)活性等实验证明反义基因在转反义基因植株RNA水平上得到高效表达。同时,GUS基因在蛋白质水平上得到表达。基于上述实验,有理由认为ver203基因可能是控制冬小麦春化诱导的成花启动和花发育过程中的主要基因之一。 2. 金针菇毒蛋白flammutoxin编码基因的克隆及其在细菌中的表达 利用色谱分离技术及SDS.PAGE电泳技术从金针菇(Flammuleina velutips)分离得到一种分子量为31 kDa、对人血红细胞具有溶血活性的蛋白质(flammutoxin),通过蛋白质序列微量分析技术测得其N-端3 1个氨基酸顺序。利用氨基酸序列推测其编码基因序列信息,通过RT - PCR克隆到一个由973个核苷酸组成的编码基因,5’端93个核苷酸编码肽链序列与测得flammutoxin N-端氨基酸序列完全相同。基因序列同源性分析表明在GenBank (USA),EMBL Database (Europe)和DDBJ (Japan)基因序列数据库中未找到与之同源的基因序列。这个基因与载体p-半乳糖苷酶部分基因编码的融合蛋白在E coli细胞中有效地得到表达。表达产物的SDS-PAGE,Western blot和溶血活性实验表明它是flammutoxin蛋白原编码基因。并对融合蛋白的溶血活性降低原因作了讨论。
一. 小麦相关基因ver203F cDNA全序列克隆与功能分析 根据本实验室通过差异筛选技术克隆到的与春化相关的基因cDNA verc203的序列,设计PCR 5’端PCR引物,利用RACE(rapid amplification of cDNA ends)克隆策略,得到春化相关基因ver203基因的同源基因ver203F cDNA的3’端序列,长度为1,197bp。Northern分析表明ver203F全长约为1.5 kb,且其表达具有春化处理的特异性。根据3’RACE克隆的ver203F 3 ’端核苷酸序列设计了3’端PCR引物,利用5’RACE克隆到该基因的5’端片段,经DNASIS核酸分析软件分析将5’45RACE和3’RACE DNA序列拼接合并,得到ver203F全长cDNA,从TdT加尾5’末端到poly A全长为1,561 bp,5’端起始密码子ATG上游非编码区-1~-192共了192bp,终止密码子TGA到poly A的非编码区有253bp,cDNA编码区全长1,119 bp,推测编码373氨基酸残基。国际基因序列数据库检索表明该基因序列(GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ:AB012013)与大麦茉莉酸诱导基因有部分同源性。因上推测该基因在调控开花过程中可能参与茉莉酸介导的信号传导途径,ver203F作用的发挥可能需要其它蛋白的参与,或ver203F本身就是一个受体蛋白。 为了研究ver203F基因的功能,将通过3’RACE克隆到的ver203F 3’端序到分别构建正义和反义植物表达载体,通过花粉管通道法、农杆菌介导的叶圆片法以及农杆菌介导的真空转化法分别转化小麦、烟草和拟南芥菜。获得转基因植株后,PCR、DNA Dob Blot、Southern Blot分析以及GUS活性检测证明外源基因已整合到转基因植株中,并得到表达。在获得的小麦、烟草和拟南芥菜转基因植株中,它们开花时间都相应地推迟,表明正常植物体内该基因在控制营养生长向生殖生长的转变中起作用。ver203F可以影响小麦和拟南茶菜花序的发育,首先无论正义还是反义都使得花序的发育受到抑制,在小麦中表现为顶部小穗退化,在拟南芥菜中表现为顶花。其次在转化正义基因的转基因拟南芥菜中,观察到产生的顶花为对称的两朵或以对称的两朵顶花基部为生长点长出丛生花,这种对称花的麦型小麦小穗中小花的表型相类似,说明ver203F基因可能在小麦小花的发育过程中也起着重要作用。 二. 春化相关基因ver17在开花过程中功能的分析 以春化处理冬小麦(京冬1号)幼苗cDNA为材料,通过减法杂交与差异筛选得到春化相关cDNA克隆verc17。为了研究该基因的功能,以包含CaMV 35S启动子的pBI221为载体,将ver17cDNA片段分别从两个方向插入pBI221的BamH I-Sma I, Xba I-BamH I间,构建正义和反义表达质粒:p17S和p17X,通过花粉管通道法转化小麦。对T0和T1两代转基因小麦的观察发现,在转化反义基因p17X的转基因小麦首先表现为抽穗推迟,其次穗的顶部和基部小穗严重退化,另外还发现转化反义基因的小麦败育现象严重(主要是花粉败育),因此推测ver17基困能可具有以下几方面的特点:a.春化诱导型表达;b.促进植物开花;c.促进穗顶端和基部花的发育,减少其退化;d.影响雄蕊的发育。
木质素是植物体中具重要生物功能的次生代谢产物。然而纸浆生产主要是将原料中的木质素与用于造纸的纤维素分离,该工艺过程产生了造纸工业的主要污染废液,并且增加造纸成本。本研究目的在于利用反义RNA技术,在分子水平调节木质素的生物合成,降低中国特有造纸树种毛白杨的木质素含量,培育更适于我国造纸工业的原料树种。以下为本研究已取得的相关研究进展: 1.通过RT-PCR技术,从毛白杨中克隆了木质素生物合成的三个相关酶的cDNAs,它们分别为咖啡酸甲基转移酶(caffeic acid O-methyltransferase,COMT)、咖啡酰CoA甲基转移酶(caffeoyl Co-enzyme A O-methyltransferase,CCoAOMT)及香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate: CoA ligase,4CL)。序列分析显示了毛白杨这三个基因与杨属中其它种的相应基因cDNA核苷酸序列高度同源。Northern点杂交分析表明,COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因在毛白杨正在生长的次生木质部中高水平表达,其表达高峰与树木的木质化进程同步;而在叶与叶柄中,这三个基因均不表达。COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL是木质素生物合成的相关酶,该表达特征与其基因功能相一致。本研究克隆的COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因的cDNAs已在GenBank注册登记,接受号分别为AF237777、AF240466、AF314180 (publish on Jan l,2002)。 2.通过一系列的DNA重组,构建了携带反义COMT、CCoAOMT或4CLcDNA的反义表达载体以及同时整合反义COMT与CCoAOMT cDNA的双价反义表达载体,PCR扩增与酶切检测确证构建无误。 3.以田间取材的速生三倍体毛白杨B19、B331及B304的茎尖、叶片与嫩茎为外殖体,首次获得了三倍体毛白杨的组培再生试管苗,并建立了速生三倍体毛白杨的组培再生系统,为通过基因工程改良其造纸性能奠定了基础。 4.农杆菌介导转化烟草,PCR与PCR-Southern检测表明我们获得了整合反义COMT、CCoAOMT cDNA及反义COMT及CCoAOMT cDNA共整合的转基因烟草。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因烟草的总RNA进行NoIthern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA均已表达。转基因烟草的木质素分析将有助于对COMT及CCoAOMT两个甲基化酶功能的认识。 5.通过农杆菌介导,将反义CCoAOMT cDNA转入欧洲山杨与银白杨的杂交杨(P tremulaXP.alba)。经PCR,PCR-Southern及Southern检测,确认获得了转基因植株。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于CCoAOMT cDNA反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因杂交杨总RNA进行Northern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA已在转录水平表达。测定生长5-6个月的转基因杨树下部茎杆的Klason木质素含量,结果显示其中一个株系的Klason木质素含量比野生型对照下降17.9%,表明抑制杨树内源CCoAOMT基因表达可有效降低转基因植株的木质素含量。
The gonad is an essential organ for generating sperm and ova in vertebrates. This review describes several pilot studies on gonad gene manipulation and development in fish. With antisense RNA techniques, we suppressed the gonad development, and thus the fertility, of an antisense gonadotropin-releasing hormone (sGnRH) transgenic common carp. Then, using a tissue-specific exogenous gene excision strategy with sexual compensation, we knocked out the gonad-specific transgene. Under the control of the rainbow trout protamine promoter, the transgenic fish expressed the reporter gene eGFP specifically in the spermary. These results indicate that the fish gonad is a new model organ that can improve contemporary biotechnology experiments. Herein we discuss the potential of fish gonad manipulation for resolving important biosafety problems regarding transgenic fish generation and producing the new transgenic animal bioreactor.
Regulation of autoinducer 2 production and luxS expression in a pathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strain
Edwardsiella tarda is a bacterial pathogen that can infect both humans and animals. TX1, an Ed. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish, was found to produce autoinducer 2 (Al-2)-like activity that was growth phase dependent and modulated by growth conditions. The gene coding for the Al-2 synthase was cloned from TX1 and designated luxS(Et). LuxS(Et) was able to complement the Al-2 mutant phenotype of Escherichia coli strain DH5 alpha. Expression Of luxS(Et) correlated with Al-2 activity and was increased by glucose and decreased by elevated temperature. The effect of glucose was shown to be mediated through the cAMP-CRP complex, which repressed luxS(Et) expression. Overexpression of luxS(Et) enhanced Al-2 activity in TX1, whereas disruption of luxS(Et) expression by antisense RNA interference (i) reduced the level of Al-2 activity, (ii) impaired bacterial growth under various conditions, (iii) weakened the expression of genes associated with the type III secretion system and biofilm formation, and (iv) attenuated bacterial virulence. Addition of exogenous Al-2 was able to complement the deficiencies in the expression of TTSS genes and biofilm production but failed to rescue the growth defects. Our results (i) demonstrated that the Al-2 activity in TX1 is controlled at least in part at the level of luxS(Et) expression, which in turn is regulated by growth conditions, and that the temporal expression of luxS(Et) is essential for optimal bacterial infection and survival; and (ii) suggested the existence in Ed. tarda of a LuxS/Al-2-mediated signal transduction pathway that regulates the production of virulence-associated elements.
Regulation of autoinducer 2 production and luxS expression in a pathogenic Edwardsiella tarda strain
Edwardsiella tarda is a bacterial pathogen that can infect both humans and animals. TX1, an Ed. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish, was found to produce autoinducer 2 (Al-2)-like activity that was growth phase dependent and modulated by growth conditions. The gene coding for the Al-2 synthase was cloned from TX1 and designated luxS(Et). LuxS(Et) was able to complement the Al-2 mutant phenotype of Escherichia coli strain DH5 alpha. Expression Of luxS(Et) correlated with Al-2 activity and was increased by glucose and decreased by elevated temperature. The effect of glucose was shown to be mediated through the cAMP-CRP complex, which repressed luxS(Et) expression. Overexpression of luxS(Et) enhanced Al-2 activity in TX1, whereas disruption of luxS(Et) expression by antisense RNA interference (i) reduced the level of Al-2 activity, (ii) impaired bacterial growth under various conditions, (iii) weakened the expression of genes associated with the type III secretion system and biofilm formation, and (iv) attenuated bacterial virulence. Addition of exogenous Al-2 was able to complement the deficiencies in the expression of TTSS genes and biofilm production but failed to rescue the growth defects. Our results (i) demonstrated that the Al-2 activity in TX1 is controlled at least in part at the level of luxS(Et) expression, which in turn is regulated by growth conditions, and that the temporal expression of luxS(Et) is essential for optimal bacterial infection and survival; and (ii) suggested the existence in Ed. tarda of a LuxS/Al-2-mediated signal transduction pathway that regulates the production of virulence-associated elements.
Osteopontin is a secreted, integrin-binding and phosphorylated acidic glycoprotein, which has an important role in tumour progression. We have shown that Wnt, Ets, AP-1, c-jun and beta-catenin/Lef-1/Tcf-1 stimulates OPN transcription in rat mammary carcinoma cells by binding to a specific promoter sequence. However, co-repressors of OPN have not been identified. In this study, we have used the bacterial two-hybrid system to isolate cDNA-encoding proteins that bind to OPN and modulate its role in malignant transformation. Using this approach we isolated interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 gene (IFITM3) as a potential protein partner. We show that IFITM3 and OPN interact in vitro and in vivo and that IFITM3 reduces osteopontin (OPN) mRNA expression, possibly by affecting OPN mRNA stability. Stable transfection of IFITM3 inhibits OPN, which mediates anchorage-independent growth, cell adhesion and cell invasion. Northern blot analysis revealed an inverse mRNA expression pattern of IFITM3 and OPN in human mammary cell lines. Inhibition of IFITM3 by antisense RNA promoted OPN protein expression, enhanced cell invasion by parental benign non-invasive Rama 37 cells, indicating that the two proteins interact functionally as well. We also identified an IFITM3 DNA-binding domain, which interacts with OPN, deletion of which abolished its inhibitive effect on OPN. This work has shown for the first time that IFITM3 physically interacts with OPN and reduces OPN mRNA expression, which mediates cell adhesion, cell invasion, colony formation in soft agar and metastasis in a rat model system. Oncogene (2010) 29, 752-762; doi: 10.1038/onc.2009.379; published online 9 November 2009
Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a Gram-negative bacterium that preys on other Gram-negative bacteria. The lifecycle of B. bacteriovorus alternates between an extracellular flagellated and highly motile non-replicative attack-phase cell and a periplasmic non-flagellated growth-phase cell. The prey bacterium containing periplasmic bdellovibrios becomes spherical but osmotically stable, forming a structure known as the bdelloplast. After completing the growth phase, newly formed bdellovibrios regain their flagellum and escape the bdelloplast into the environment, where they encounter more prey bacteria. The obligate predatory nature of B. bacteriovorus imposes a major difficulty to introducing mutations in genes directly involved in predation, since these mutants could be non-viable. This work reports the cloning of the B. bacteriovorus 109J motAB operon, encoding proteins from the flagellar motor complex, and a genetic approach based on the expression of a motA antisense RNA fragment to downregulate motility. Periplasmic bdellovibrios carrying the plasmid expressing antisense RNA displayed a marked delay in escaping from bdelloplasts, while the released attack-phase cells showed altered motility. These observations suggest that a functionally intact flagellar motor is required for the predatory lifecycle of B. bacteriovorus. Also, the use of antisense RNA expression may be a useful genetic tool to study the Bdellovibrio developmental cycle.
Arachidonic acid release in cells highly over expressing cytosolic phospholipase A2 has been attributed to mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 on serine-505. To investigate the role of cytosolic phospholipase A2 in cellular physiology, we attempted to inhibit cytosolic phospholipase A2 in the intact cell employing an antisense RNA strategy. Swiss 3T3 cells were stably transfected with an antisense cytosolic phospholipase A2 expression vector. A clone of cells with reduced immunodetectable cytosolic phospholipase A2, compared to a vector transfected cell line, was identified by Western blotting and a corresponding decrease in phospholipase A2 activity was confirmed by enzymatic assay in cell free extracts. However, arachidonic acid release from intact cells in response to agonists was not different between antisense and control cell lines. Thus, arachidonic acid release in intact cells with decreased cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity is likely to be modulated by rate limiting factors that are extrinsic to cytosolic phospholipase A2.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), which inhibits apoptosis and promotes angiogenesis, is expressed in cancers suppressing immune surveillance. Its biological role in human glioblastoma is, however, only poorly understood. We examined in-vivo expression of MIF in 166 gliomas and 23 normal control brains by immunohistochemistry. MIF immunoreactivity was enhanced in neoplastic astrocytes in WHO grade II glioma and increased significantly in higher tumour grades (III-IV). MIF expression was further assessed in 12 glioma cell lines in vitro. Quantitative RT-PCR showed that MIF mRNA expression was elevated up to 800-fold in malignant glioma cells compared with normal brain. This translated into high protein levels as assessed by immunoblotting of total cell lysates and by ELISA-based measurement of secreted MIF. Wild-type p53-retaining glioma cell lines expressed higher levels of MIF, which may be connected with the previously described role of MIF as a negative regulator of wild-type p53 signalling in tumour cells. Stable knockdown of MIF by shRNA in glioma cells significantly increased tumour cell susceptibility towards NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Furthermore, supernatant from mock-transfected cells, but not from MIF knockdown cells, induced downregulation of the activating immune receptor NKG2D on NK and CD8+ T cells. We thus propose that human glioma cell-derived MIF contributes to the immune escape of malignant gliomas by counteracting NK and cytotoxic T-cell-mediated tumour immune surveillance. Considering its further cell-intrinsic and extrinsic tumour-promoting effects and the availability of small molecule inhibitors, MIF seems to be a promising candidate for future glioma therapy.
The predatory bacterium Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus uses flagellar motility to locate regions rich in Gram-negative prey bacteria, colliding and attaching to prey and then ceasing flagellar motility. Prey are then invaded to form a "bdelloplast" in a type IV pilus-dependent process, and prey contents are digested, allowing Bdellovibrio growth and septation. After septation, Bdellovibrio flagellar motility resumes inside the prey bdelloplast prior to its lysis and escape of Bdellovibrio progeny. Bdellovibrio can also grow slowly outside prey as long flagellate host-independent (HI) cells, cultured on peptone-rich media. The B. bacteriovorus HD100 genome encodes three pairs of MotAB flagellar motor proteins, each of which could potentially form an inner membrane ion channel, interact with the FliG flagellar rotor ring, and produce flagellar rotation. In 2004, Flannagan and coworkers (R. S. Flannagan, M. A. Valvano, and S. F. Koval, Microbiology 150:649-656, 2004) used antisense RNA and green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression to downregulate a single Bdellovibrio motA gene and reported slowed release from the bdelloplast and altered motility of the progeny. Here we inactivated each pair of motAB genes and found that each pair contributes to motility, both predatorily, inside the bdelloplast and during HI growth; however, each pair was dispensable, and deletion of no pair abolished motility totally. Driving-ion studies with phenamil, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), and different pH and sodium conditions indicated that all Mot pairs are proton driven, although the sequence similarities of each Mot pair suggests that some may originate from halophilic species. Thus, Bdellovibrio is a "dedicated motorist," retaining and expressing three pairs of mot genes.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.
Gene therapy is predicated upon efficient gene transfer. While viral vectors are the method of choice for transformation efficiency, the immunogenicity and safety concerns remain problematic. Non-viral vectors, on the other hand, have shown high degrees of safety and are mostly non-immunogenic in nature. However, non-viral vectors usually suffer from low levels oftransformation efficiency and transgene expression. Thus, increasing transformation efficiency ofnon-viral vectors, in particular by calcium phosphate co-precipitation technique, is a way of generating a suitable vector for gene therapy and is the aim of this study. It is a long known fact that different cell lines have different transfection efficiencies regardless oftransfection methodology (Lin et a!., 1994). Using commonly available cell lines Madine-Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK), HeLa and Human Embryonic Kidney (HEK-293), we have shown a decreasing trend ofDNase activity based on a plasmid digestion assay. From densitometry studies, as much as a 40% reduction in DNase activity was observed when comparing HEK-293 (least active) to MDBK (most active). Using various biochemical assays, it was determined that DNase y, in particular, was expressed more highly in MDBK cells than both HeLa and HEK-293. Upon cloning of the bovine DNase y gene, we utilized the sequence information to construct antisense expressing plasmids via both traditional antisense RNA (pASDGneoM) and siRNA (psiRNA-S4, psiRNA-S11 and psiRNA-S16). For the construction ofpASDGneoM, the 3' end of the DNase y was inserted in opposite orientation under a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter such that the expression ofRNA complementary to the DNase 2 ymRNA occurred. For siRNA plasmids, the sequence was screened to yield optimal short sequences for siRNA inhibition. The silencing ofbovine DNase y led to an increase in transfection efficiency based on traditional calcium phosphate co-precipitation technique; stable clones of siRNA-producing MDBK cell lines (psiRNA-S4 Bland psiRNA-S4 B4) both demol).strated 4-fold increases in transfection efficiency. Furthermore, serial transfection of antisense DNase y plasmid pASDGneoM and reporter pCMV-~ showed a maximum of 8-fold increase in transfection efficiency when the two separate transfections were carried out 4 hours apart (i.e. transfection ofpASDGneoM, separated by four hours, then transfection ofpCMV-~). Together, these results demonstrate the involvement ofDNase y in reducing transfection efficiency, at least by traditional calcium phosphate technique.
RNA interference (RNAi) is a recently discovered process, in which double stranded RNA (dsRNA) triggers the homology-dependant degradation of cognate messenger RNA (mRNA). In a search for new components of the RNAi machinery in Dictyostelium, a new gene was identified, which was called helF. HelF is a putative RNA helicase, which shows a high homology to the helicase domain of Dicer, to the helicase domain of Dictyostelium RdRP and to the C. elegans gene drh-1, that codes for a dicer related DExH-box RNA helicase, which is required for RNAi. The aim of the present Ph.D. work was to investigate the role of HelF in PTGS, either induced by RNAi or asRNA. A genomic disruption of the helF gene was performed, which resulted in a distinct mutant morphology in late development. The cellular localization of the protein was elucidated by creating a HelF-GFP fusion protein, which was found to be localized in speckles in the nucleus. The involvement of HelF in the RNAi mechanism was studied. For this purpose, RNAi was induced by transformation of RNAi hairpin constructs against four endogenous genes in wild type and HelF- cells. The silencing efficiency was strongly enhanced in the HelF K.O. strain in comparison with the wild type. One gene, which could not be silenced in the wild type background, was successfully silenced in HelF-. When the helF gene was disrupted in a secondary transformation in a non-silenced strain, the silencing efficiency was strongly improved, a phenomenon named here “retrosilencing”. Transcriptional run-on experiments revealed that the enhanced gene silencing in HelF- was a posttranscriptional event, and that the silencing efficiency depended on the transcription levels of hairpin RNAs. In HelF-, the threshold level of hairpin transcription required for efficient silencing was dramatically lowered. The RNAi-mediated silencing was accompanied by the production of siRNAs; however, their amount did not depend on the level of hairpin transcription. These results indicated that HelF is a natural suppressor of RNAi in Dictyostelium. In contrast, asRNA mediated gene silencing was not enhanced in the HelF K.O, as shown for three tested genes. These results confirmed previous observations (H. Martens and W. Nellen, unpublished) that although similar, RNAi and asRNA mediated gene silencing mechanisms differ in their requirements for specific proteins. In order to characterize the function of the HelF protein on a molecular level and to study its interactions with other RNAi components, in vitro experiments were performed. Besides the DEAH-helicase domain, HelF contains a double-stranded RNA binding domain (dsRBD) at its N-terminus, which showed high similarity to the dsRBD domain of Dicer A from Dictyostelium. The ability of the recombinant dsRBDs from HelF and Dicer A to bind dsRNA was examined and compared. It was shown by gel-shift assays that both HelF-dsRBD and Dicer-dsRBD could bind directly to long dsRNAs. However, HelF-dsRBD bound more efficiently to dsRNA with imperfect matches than to perfect dsRNA. Both dsRBDs bound specifically to a pre-miRNA substrate (pre-let-7). The results suggested that most probably there were two binding sites for the proteins on the pre-miRNA substrate. Moreover, it was shown that HelF-dsRBD and Dicer-dsRBD have siRNA-binding activity. The affinities of the two dsRBDs to the pre-let-7 substrate were also examined by plasmon surface resonance analyses, which revealed a 9-fold higher binding affinity of the Dicer-dsRBD to pre-let-7 compared to that of the HelF-dsRBD. The binding of HelF-dsRBD to the pre-let-7 was impaired in the presence of Mg2+, while the Dicer-dsRBD interaction with pre-let-7 was not influenced by the presence of Mg2+. The results obtained in this thesis can be used to postulate a model for HelF function. In this, HelF acts as a nuclear suppressor of RNAi in wild type cells by recognition and binding of dsRNA substrates. The protein might act as a surveillance system to avoid RNAi initiation by fortuitous dsRNA formation or low abundance of dsRNA trigger. If the protein acts as an RNA helicase, it could unwind fold-back structures in the nucleus and thus lead to decreased RNAi efficiency. A knock-out of HelF would result in initiation of the RNAi pathway even by low levels of dsRNA. The exact molecular function of the protein in the RNAi mechanism still has to be elucidated. RNA interferenz (RNAi) ist ein in jüngster Zeit entdeckter Mechanismus, bei dem doppelsträngige RNA Moleküle (dsRNA) eine Homologie-abhängige Degradation einer verwandten messenger-RNA (mRNA) auslösen. Auf der Suche nach neuen Komponenten der RNAi-Maschinerie in Dictyostelium konnte ein neues Gen (helF) identifiziert werden. HelF ist eine putative RNA-Helikase mit einer hohen Homologie zur Helikasedomäne der bekannten Dicerproteine, der Helikasedomäne der Dictyostelium RdRP und zu dem C. elegans Gen drh-1, welches für eine Dicer-bezogene DExH-box RNA Helikase codiert, die am RNAi-Mechanismus beteiligt ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Funktion von HelF im Zusammenhang des RNAi oder asRNA induzierten PTGS zu untersuchen. Es wurde eine Unterbrechung des helF-Gens auf genomischer Ebene (K.O.) vorgenommen, was bei den Mutanten zu einer veränderten Morphologie in der späten Entwicklung führte. Die Lokalisation des Proteins in der Zelle konnte mit Hilfe einer GFP-Fusion analysiert werden und kleinen Bereichen innerhalb des Nukleus zugewiesen werden. Im Weiteren wurde der Einfluss von HelF auf den RNAi-Mechanismus untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wurde RNAi durch Einbringen von RNAi Hairpin-Konstrukten gegen vier endogene Gene im Wiltypstamm und der HelF--Mutante induziert. Im Vergleich zum Wildtypstamm konnte im HelF--Mutantenstamm eine stark erhöhte „Silencing“-Effizienz nachgewiesen werden. Ein Gen, welches nach RNAi Initiation im Wildtypstamm unverändert blieb, konnte im HelF--Mutantenstamm erfolgreich stillgelegt werden. Durch sekundäres Einführen einer Gendisruption im helF-Locus in einen Stamm, in welchem ein Gen nicht stillgelegt werden konnte, wurde die Effizienz des Stilllegens deutlich erhöht. Dieses Phänomen wurde hier erstmals als „Retrosilencing“ beschrieben. Mit Hilfe von transkriptionellen run-on Experimenten konnte belegt werden, dass es sich bei dieser erhöhten Stilllegungseffizienz um ein posttranskriptionelles Ereignis handelte, wobei die Stillegungseffizienz von der Transkriptionsstärke der Hairpin RNAs abhängt. Für die HelF--Mutanten konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Schwellenwert zum Auslösen eines effizienten Stillegens dramatisch abgesenkt war. Obwohl die RNAi-vermittelte Genstilllegung immer mit der Produktion von siRNAs einhergeht, war die Menge der siRNAs nicht abhängig von dem Expressionsniveau des Hairpin-Konstruktes. Diese Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass es sich bei der HelF um einen natürlichen Suppressor des RNAi-Mechanismus in Dictyostelium handelt. Im Gegensatz hierzu war die as-vermittelte Stilllegung von drei untersuchten Genen im HelF-K.O. im Vergleich zum Wildyp unverändert. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigten frühere Beobachtungen (H. Martens und W. Nellen, unveröffentlicht), wonach die Mechanismen für RNAi und asRNA-vermittelte Genstilllegung unterschiedliche spezifische Proteine benötigen. Um die Funktion des HelF-Proteins auf der molekularen Ebene genauer zu charakterisieren und die Interaktion mit anderen RNAi-Komponenten zu untersuchen, wurden in vitro Versuche durchgeführt. Das HelF-Protein enthält, neben der DEAH-Helikase-Domäne eine N-terminale Doppelstrang RNA bindende Domäne (dsRBD) mit einer hohen Ähnlichkeit zu der dsRBD des Dicer A aus Dictyostelium. Die dsRNA-Bindungsaktivität der beiden dsRBDs aus HelF und Dicer A wurde analysiert und verglichen. Es konnte mithilfe von Gel-Retardationsanalysen gezeigt werden, dass sowohl HelF-dsRBD als auch Dicer-dsRBD direkt an lange dsRNAs binden können. Hierbei zeigte sich, dass die HelF-dsRBD eine höhere Affinität zu einem imperfekten RNA-Doppelstrang besitzt, als zu einer perfekt gepaarten dsRNA. Für beide dsRBDs konnte eine spezifische Bindung an ein pre-miRNA Substrat nachgewiesen werden (pre-let-7). Dieses Ergebnis legt nah, dass es zwei Bindestellen für die Proteine auf dem pre-miRNA Substrat gibt. Überdies hinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass die dsRBDs beider Proteine eine siRNA bindende Aktivität besitzen. Die Affinität beider dsRBDs an das pre-let-7 Substrat wurde weiterhin mit Hilfe der Plasmon Oberflächen Resonanz untersucht. Hierbei konnte eine 9-fach höhere Bindeaffinität der Dicer-dsRBD im Vergleich zur HelF-dsRBD nachgewiesen werden. Während die Bindung der HelF-dsRBD an das pre-let-7 durch die Anwesenheit von Mg2+ beeinträchtigt war, zeigte sich kein Einfluß von Mg2+ auf das Bindeverhalten der Dicer-dsRBD. Mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit gewonnen Ergebnisse lässt sich ein Model für die Funktion von HelF postulieren. In diesem Model wirkt HelF durch Erkennen und Binden von dsRNA Substraten als Suppressor von der RNAi im Kern. Das Protein kann als Überwachungsystem gegen eine irrtümliche Auslösung von RNAi wirken, die durch zufällige dsRNA Faltungen oder eine zu geringe Häufigkeit der siRNAs hervorgerufen sein könnte. Falls das Protein eine Helikase-Aktivität besitzt, könnte es rückgefaltete RNA Strukturen im Kern auflösen, was sich in einer verringerten RNAi-Effizienz wiederspiegelt. Durch Ausschalten des helF-Gens würde nach diesem Modell eine erfolgreiche Auslösung von RNAi schon bei sehr geringer Mengen an dsRNA möglich werden. Das Modell erlaubt, die exakte molekulare Funktion des HelF-Proteins im RNAi-Mechanismus weiter zu untersuchen.
"Funktionelle Analyse der LC-FACS in Dictyostelium discoideum" Das Dictyostelium discoideum Gen fcsA kodiert für ein 75 kDa großes Protein. Es kann durch Homologieanyalysen der Amino-säuresequenz zu den "long-chain fatty acyl-CoA"-Synthetasen ge-rechnet werden, die lang-kettige Fettsäuren durch die kovalente Bindung von Coenzym A akti-vie-ren und damit für diverse Reak-tionen in Stoffwechsel und Molekül-Synthese der Zelle verfügbar machen. Die hier untersuchte D. discoideum LC-FACS lokalisiert als peripher assoziiertes Protein an der cytosolischen Seite der Membran von Endo-somen und kleiner Vesikel. Bereits kurz nach der Bildung in der frühen sauren Phase kann die Lokalisation der LC-FACS auf Endosomen ge-zeigt werden. Sie dissoziiert im Laufe ihrer Neutra-li-sierung und kann auf späten Endosomen, die vor ihrer Exocytose stehen nicht mehr nach-gewiesen werden. Ein Teil der kleinen die in der gesamte Zelle verteilten kleinen Vesikel zeigt eine Kolokalisation mit lysosomalen Enzymen. Trotz des intrazellulären Verteilungs-mus-ters, das eine Beteiligung dieses Pro-teins an der Endocytose nahe-legt, konnte kein signifikanter Rückgang der Pino- und Phagocytose-Rate in LC-FACS Nullmutanten beobachtet werden. Der endo-cy-to-ti-sche Transit ist in diesen Zellen etwas verlängert, außerdem zeigen die Endosomen einen deutlich erhöhten pH-Wert, was zu einer weniger effektiven Prozessierung eines lysosomalen Enzyms führt (a-Mannosidase). Die Funktion der LC-FACS ist die Aufnahme von langkettigen Fettsäuren aus dem Lumen der Endosomen.