745 resultados para amylose content
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Starch isolated from non-edible Aesculus hippocastanum seeds was characterized and used for preparing starch-based materials. The apparent amylose content of the isolated starch was 33.1%. The size of starch granules ranged from 0.7 to 35 pm, and correlated with the shape of granules (spherical, oval and irregular). The chain length distribution profile of amylopectin showed two peaks, at polymerization degree (DP) of 12 and 41-43. Around 53% of branch unit chains had DP in the range of 11-20. A. hippocastanum starch displayed a typical C-type pattern and the maximum decomposition temperature was 317 degrees C.Thermoplastic starch (TPS) prepared from A. hippocastanum with glycerol and processed by melt blending exhibited adequate mechanical and thermal properties. In contrast, plasticized TPS with glycerol:malic acid (1:1) showed lower thermal stability and a pasty and sticky behavior, indicating that malic acid accelerates degradation of starch during processing. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Peruvian carrot and cassava starches were ground in a ball mill for 4, 8, 16, and 32 h and their structural and physicochemical characteristics were determined. Results obtained from HPAEC-PAD, GPC, and amylose content indicated a breaking of hydrogen bounds and α-(1 [RIGHTWARDS ARROW] 6) linkages of the starch molecules after treatment. X-ray diffractograms showed that the milling provided a reduction in the crystalline area of the starch granules. Most of the starch granules displayed agglomeration after 4 h of milling, when observed under a scanning electron microscope, and after 16 h a shapeless mass was observed for Peruvian carrot starch. Solubility and water absorption capacity of the starches increased with an increase in the milling time, while RVA profiles showed a progressive reduction of peak, breakdown, and final viscosities, as well as the development of initial viscosity. Gelatinization temperatures and enthalpies were reduced. Prolonged ball milling accelerated the enthalpy relaxation in both starches. These results confirmed a partial gelatinization of the starches, which was 82.6% for Peruvian carrot and 65.4% for cassava starches after 32 h of milling. The Peruvian carrot starch was more affected by the ball milling because of both its lower amylose content and the defects in its crystalline structure
This work evaluated the physicochemical and structural properties of rice starch of the cultivars IAC 202 and IRGA 417 modified by irradiation. Starch samples were irradiated by (60)Co in doses 1, 2 and 5kGy, on a rate of 0.4kGy/h. A control not irradiated was used for comparison. The granule morphology and A-type X-ray diffraction pattern were not altered by irradiation. There was an increase in amylose content, carboxyl content and acidity with irradiation. Gamma radiation did not affect the thermal properties of IAC202, but increased gelatinization temperature of IRGA417, in the higher dose (5kGy). The number of long chains of amylopectin was reduced and short chains were increased for IAC202, whereas for IRGA 417, the opposite was observed, probably due to cross-linking of starch chains. Starches had their physicochemical and structural properties modified by irradiation differently.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O amido é um ingrediente com grande versatilidade de aplicação, e as sementes de jaca, fruto bem difundido, porém pouco aproveitado no Brasil, contêm uma quantidade considerável de amido, sendo ainda fonte de ferro e proteínas. Dessa maneira, os objetivos desse projeto foram a obtenção da farinha de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, a extração do amido utilizando diferentes solventes, e a caracterização de suas propriedades físico-químicas, estruturais e funcionais, bem como a caracterização reológica de dispersões/géis de amido em cisalhamento estacionário e oscilatório. A extração alcalina do amido, além de reduzir significativamente o conteúdo de lipídeos e proteínas, deixando o amido mais puro, promoveu um aumento no teor de amilose e influenciou diretamente as características de inchamento e solubilidade, que apresentaram aumento significativo a partir da temperatura de 70 °C. O aumento da temperatura ocasionou aumento no poder de inchamento e solubilidade, que foi mais pronunciado para a variedade dura, porém esses valores ainda foram considerados baixos (< 17%). Os amidos de sementes de jaca apresentaram grânulos lisos, arredondados e em forma de sino, com formato mais truncado para o amido extraído com hidróxido de sódio. O diâmetro médio dos grânulos de amido foi menor para a extração alcalina, mas sempre com comportamento monomodal. Foi observado um padrão de difração de Raios-X do tipo A para todas as amostras estudadas, e o índice de cristalinidade foi maior para os amidos de sementes de jaca dura, com uma redução estimada em 70% para os amidos obtidos por extração alcalina. A temperatura de gelatinização dos amidos de semente de jaca foi considerada alta (70-100 °C). Os amidos de sementes de jaca dura obtidos na extração com água apresentaram maiores valores de viscosidade de pico e de Breakdown, que representa menor resistência mecânica. A extração com solução de NaOH 0,1 M aumentou a tendência a retrogradação de ~36% (extração aquosa) para 64% e 45% dos amidos de sementes de jaca das variedades mole e dura, respectivamente. Todas as amostras apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico (n < 1) nas concentrações e temperaturas estudadas, e as dispersões e/ou géis de amido obtidos pela extração alcalina com NaOH apresentaram menor tixotropia e maiores valores de viscosidade. Os modelos Lei da Potência e Herschel Bulkley apresentaram ótimos ajustes aos pontos experimentais (R² ~0,998) para as amostras com 2 e 6 % de amido, respectivamente, porém para a concentração de 5%, o melhor modelo foi função da variedade do fruto usado na obtenção do amido. A dependência das propriedades reológicas com a temperatura foi analisada pela equação de Arrhenius e a energia de ativação foi baixa (15-25 kJ/mol). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, as amostras com 5 e 6% de amido apresentaram comportamento de gel fraco e o aumento da concentração desse polissacarídeo produziu um aumento na elasticidade do material. Os módulos de armazenamento (G\') associados à elasticidade do gel de amido aumentaram durante o seu resfriamento nos ensaios de varredura de temperatura, o que pode ser relacionado à recristalização da amilose durante esse processo e mantiveram-se praticamente constantes no aquecimento isotérmico a 80 °C, sugerindo boa estabilidade térmica do gel. A farinha isolada da semente de jaca pode ser considerada fonte de fibras e apresentou elevados teores de proteínas (~14-16%) e ferro (~85-150 mg/kg). A distribuição do tamanho de partículas da farinha apresentou comportamento bimodal, com grânulos arredondados, presença de fibras e uma matriz proteica envolvendo os grânulos de amido. As propriedades de pasta revelaram maior pico de viscosidade para a farinha de semente de jaca mole. As características encontradas sugerem que os amidos de semente de jaca poderiam ser aplicados na produção de filmes biodegradáveis, e a farinha da semente de jaca poderia ser utilizada em substituição parcial à farinha convencional na fabricação de bolos e biscoitos.
Os grãos de quinoa possuem excelente balanço nutricional além das propriedades funcionais, comparativamente superior à dos cereais. A quinoa é cultivada em diversos países e, devido às suas características, têm aumentado o interesse de pesquisadores e consumidores. A quinoa contém pericarpo branco, no entanto, existem grãos com pericarpo vermelho e preto, e todos os tipos são utilizados como alimento em diferentes preparações. Com o objetivo de avaliar as características de grãos de quinoa, amostras de cor branca, preta e vermelha foram analisadas quanto às propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais dos grãos e do amido extraído das diferentes amostras. O amido, extraído pelo método alcalino, foi submetido as análises de teor de amilose, difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), propriedades térmicas (por DSC-Differential Scanning Calorimeter) e propriedades de pasta (por RVA- Rapid Visco Analyser), além de suscetibilidade à hidrólise enzimática e cor. A composição físico-química dos grãos de quinoa apresentou como principais diferenças o teor de cinzas, fibras e amido. O teor de amilose variou de 13,6% a 21,3%, entre as amostras de amido; os padrões de cristalinidade dos amidos foram de tipo A, típico dos cereais; e, a cristalinidade relativa variou de 25,4 a 29,6 %; as micrografias obtidas por MEV apresentaram as formas poliédricas dos grânulos de amido. Os viscoamilogramas, obtidos para os diferentes amidos, mostraram um comportamento semelhante entre as amostras brancas e pretas. As propriedades térmicas de retrogradação das amostras de quinoa vermelha apresentaram uma menor taxa de retrogradação que variou de 7,5 a 8,5 %; as cultivares brancas apresentaram as maiores taxas de retrogradação de 19,0 a 25,4 %. A hidrólise enzimática dos grânulos de amido, analisada em equivalentes de maltose, variou de 7,2 a 8,7 mg/mL, com uma velocidade maior para a cultivar BSyB, em 60 minutos. O amido extraído das amostras brancas de quinoa apresentou valor de luminosidade de 99,0 e os amidos extraídos das amostras de cor vermelha e preta apresentaram em torno de 97,0. As análises realizadas neste estudo ampliam o conhecimento das características da quinoa de cor branca, vermelha e preta, além de mostrar que a cultivar brasileira (BSyB) apresenta características diferenciadas em vários parâmetros. Devido as suas propriedades todas as amostras analisadas possuem potencial para futuras aplicações tecnológicas.
Increasing interests in the use of starch as biodegradable plastic materials demand, amongst others, accurate information on thermal properties of starch systems particularly in the processing of thermoplastic starch (TPS), where plasticisers (water and glycerol) are added. The specific heat capacity of starch-water-glycerol mixtures was determined within a temperature range of 40-120degreesC. A modulated temperature differential scanning calorimeter (MTDSC) was employed and regression equations were obtained to predict the specific heat capacity as a function of temperature, water and glycerol content for four maize starches of differing amylose content (0 - 85%). Generally, temperature and water content are directly proportional to the specific heat capacity of the systems, but the influence of glycerol content on the thermal property varied according to the starch type.
Recent research involving starch grains recovered from archaeological contexts has highlighted the need for a review of the mechanisms and consequences of starch degradation specifically relevant to archaeology. This paper presents a review of the plant physiological and soil biochemical literature pertinent to the archaeological investigation of starch grains found as residues on artefacts and in archaeological sediments. Preservative and destructive factors affecting starch survival, including enzymes, clays, metals and soil properties, as well as differential degradation of starches of varying sizes and amylose content, were considered. The synthesis and character of chloroplast-formed 'transitory' starch grains, and the differentiation of these from 'storage' starches formed in tubers and seeds were also addressed. Findings of the review include the higher susceptibility of small starch grains to biotic degradation, and that protective mechanisms are provided to starch by both soil aggregates and artefact surfaces. These findings suggest that current reasoning which equates higher numbers of starch grains on an artefact than in associated sediments with the use of the artefact for processing starchy plants needs to be reconsidered. It is argued that an increased understanding of starch decomposition processes is necessary to accurately reconstruct both archaeological activities involving starchy plants and environmental change investigated through starch analysis. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Starch has properties that make it one of the most studied biopolymers today. It is biodegradable, biocompatible, stable and non-toxic. This work has synthesis of starch and tapioca microparticles, through chemical modification by crosslinking with sodium tripolyphosphate agent in concentrations 7.5 and 15% (m / m). The amylose content was measured for starch and commercial cassava starch at 21.8% and 28.6%, respectively. According to the solubility index, processing in basic medium does not change the solubility of the material, but the addition of crosslinking agent increases this index, which changed from 12.8% for the control unprocessed, to 22.4% for the A5R15 sample. Soluble starch-based materials had a significant increase in the crosslinking density by increasing the concentration of crosslinker, from 1.4 in A5R7,5 sample, to 1.9 in A5R15. The cassava starch-based materials exhibited an opposite behavior: to increase the concentration of crosslinker crosslinking density decreased significantly in F5R7.5 from 2.9, to 1.9 in F5R15 sample. The point of zero charge (PZC) shows that below pH 4 the surface is positively charged. The surface area data is between 3,04 and 1,15 m2.g-1. The pore volume between 2.94 and 1.33 cm3.g-1 and pore size around 1.5 nm. The SEM indicates uneven distribution of microparticles, which are smooth, with no ridges. The maximum adsorption capacity of the materials were tested at pH 7.7 and for A5R15 and CA sample, at pH 2, 5, 6 and 9. It is noted that the processing in basic medium reduces the adsorption capacity of CA and CF in respect fo A and F. The adsorption in A5R15 sample has great dependency on the pH, reaching a value of 587 μg.g-1 in pH 7.7. The samples A5R15 and F5R7,5 adsorbed similar amounts, according to the statistical analysis, and significantly higher than their respective controls and showed lower desorption, indicating that the modification process was effective to control the release of methylene blue. The infrared spectra not show the characteristic bands of the phosphate bonds to the material formed, however, developments in hydroxyl characteristic band suggest modification in the way this group was linked after the reaction. After adsorption, the infrared spectra show different format in the band of hydroxyl. PCA analysis shows that the greatest changes observed in the IR spectra are observed in the region of 3500 cm-1. Thermal analysis showed three thermal events related to dehydration and material degradation. It is observed that the processing increases the temperature to the first mass loss, fixed at 12%, but not observed increased stability due to the presence of crosslinker or process.
The physical, chemical and pasting properties of the flour and isolated starches from six different bean cultivars (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were investigated in order to obtain information for application in new products. The protein and total starch contents of the bean flours ranged from 17.72 to 20.27% and from 39.68 to 43.78%, respectively. The bean starches had low amounts of proteins, lipids and ash and showed an amylose content ranging between 45.32 and 51.11% and absolute density values between 1.55 and 1.78 g.cm?3. The bean starch granules were round to oval with a smooth surface. Results viscoamylographic profiles of the starches and flours showed the possibility of selecting cultivars for specific applications according to these characteristics.