992 resultados para altered peptide ligands


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Bombesin receptors are under intense investigation as molecular targets since they are overexpressed in several prevalent solid tumors. We rationally designed and synthesized a series of modified bombesin (BN) peptide analogs to study the influence of charge and spacers at the N-terminus, as well as amino acid substitutions, on both receptor binding affinity and pharmacokinetics. This enabled development of a novel (64/67)Cu-labeled BN peptide for PET imaging and targeted radiotherapy of BN receptor-positive tumors. Our results show that N-terminally positively charged peptide ligands had significantly higher affinity to human gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) than negatively charged or uncharged ligands (IC(50): 3.2±0.5 vs 26.3±3.5 vs 41.5±2.5 nM). The replacement of Nle(14) by Met, and deletion of D-Tyr(6), further resulted in 8-fold higher affinity. Contrary to significant changes to human GRPr binding, modifications at the N-terminal and at the 6(th), 11(th), and 14(th) position of BN induced only slight influences on affinity to mouse GRPr. [Cu(II)]-CPTA-[βAla(11)] BN(7-14) ([Cu(II)]-BZH7) showed the highest internalization rate into PC-3 cells with relatively slow efflux because of its subnanomolar affinity to GRPr. Interestingly, [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 also displayed similar affinities to the other 2 human BN receptor subtypes. In vivo studies showed that [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 had a high accumulation in PC-3 xenografts and allowed for clear-cut visualization of the tumor in PET imaging. In addition, a CPTA-glycine derivative, forming a hippurane-type spacer, enhanced kidney clearance of the radiotracer. These data indicate that the species variation of BN receptor plays an important role in screening radiolabeled BN. As well, the positive charge from the metallated complex at the N-terminal significantly increases affinity to human GRPr. Application of these observations enabled the novel ligand [(64/67)Cu]-BZH7 to clearly visualize PC-3 tumors in vivo. This study provides a strong starting point for optimizing radiopeptides for targeting carcinomas that express any of the BN receptor subtypes.


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The dramatic poor survival of patients diagnosed with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a reflection of the struggles that accompany traditional treatments. Thus, the development of molecular-based targeted therapies represents new windows for intervention. In this study, we hypothesized that we could select peptide-ligands that selectively target GBM based on the idea that the glioma microenvironment may induce or modify the expression of cell surface receptors that could be accessed by circulating peptides. To select the peptides we employed two distinct in vivo screenings. First, a random phage-displayed peptide library was injected into mice bearing intracranial tumors. Phage that bound to tumor were recovered and sequenced. We found that the tumor-derived phage CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC were recovered with the highest frequencies and used for subsequent targeting experiments. Second, the phage peptide library was injected into mice without tumors and phage were recovered from brain and sequenced. A phage-displayed peptide (CRTIGPSVC) with homology to transferrin (Tf) was selected and injected into brain tumor-bearing mice. Results showed that after 6 hours of circulation, the CLSYKGRC, CNKVSTKC and CQSSREKC-phage selectively targeted GBM vasculature. In contrast, Tf-like phage accumulated outside the tumor blood vessels in the cytoplasm of cells located within GBM, suggesting it was internalized in vivo. However, after short periods of circulation this phage was restricted to the tumor vasculature. Importantly, none of the selected phage targeted normal brain cells in animals bearing intracranial tumors. An affinity column coupled to the CNKVSTKC zpeptide was used to identify receptors from GBM. Using mass-spectrometry Vimentin, a marker of glial malignancy, was identified as a potential receptor. Other studies showed that the Tf-like phage bound selectively to Apo-Tf (iron free), with no binding to Holo-Tf (iron loaded) or to Tf receptor (TfR). However, the binding of Tf-like phage to glioma cells that express TfR increased in the presence of Apo-Tf. Thus, the Tf-like phage could indirectly target TfR using the endogenous Tf pathway. We propose that the novel peptides identified in this study could be conjugated to therapeutic or imaging agents for use GBM. ^


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3.L2 T cell receptor transgenic T cells are activated by the 64–76 peptide of the mouse hemoglobin d β chain [Hb(64–76)], and their response is antagonized by the position 72 alanine substitution of this peptide (A72). To test the effect of this altered peptide ligand (APL) on 3.L2 T cell function in vivo, a transgene expressing A72 in major histocompatibility complex II positive cells (A72tg) has been introduced into mice. We demonstrate that 3.L2 T cells, when transferred to A72tg+ mice show a dramatically reduced proliferative response to Hb(64–76). Identical decreased responses were observed using T cells that developed in either A72tg+ or A72tg− hosts. This affect was not attributable to diminished precursor frequency, anergy, or competition for binding to I-Ek molecules. These results unequivocally demonstrate in vivo antagonism by an endogenous APL and characterize a class of self-peptides that, although inefficient in causing deletion in the thymus, effectively modulate T cell responses in the periphery.


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The inactivation of phosphorylated nitrate reductase (NR) by the binding of 14-3-3 proteins is one of a very few unambiguous biological functions for 14-3-3 proteins. We report here that serine and threonine residues at the +6 to +8 positions, relative to the known regulatory binding site involving serine-543, are important in the interaction with GF14ω, a recombinant plant 14-3-3. Also shown is that an increase in ionic strength with KCl or inorganic phosphate, known physical effectors of NR activity, directly disrupts the binding of protein and peptide ligands to 14-3-3 proteins. Increased ionic strength attributable to KCl caused a change in conformation of GF14ω, resulting in reduced surface hydrophobicity, as visualized with a fluorescent probe. Similarly, it is shown that the 5′ isomer of AMP was specifically able to disrupt the inactive phosphorylated NR:14-3-3 complex. Using the 5′-AMP fluorescent analog trinitrophenyl-AMP, we show that there is a probable AMP-binding site on GF14ω.


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In T cell-deficient conditions, naïve T cells undergo spontaneous “homeostatic” proliferation in response to contact with self-MHC/peptide ligands. With the aid of an in vitro system, we show here that homeostatic proliferation is also cytokine-dependent. The cytokines IL-4, IL-7, and IL-15 enhanced homeostatic proliferation of naïve T cells in vitro. Of these cytokines, only IL-7 was found to be critical; thus, naïve T cells underwent homeostatic proliferation in IL-4− and IL-15− hosts but proliferated minimally in IL-7− hosts. In addition to homeostatic proliferation, the prolonged survival of naïve T cells requires IL-7. Thus, naïve T cells disappeared gradually over a 1-month period upon adoptive transfer into IL-7− hosts. These findings indicate that naïve T cells depend on IL-7 for survival and homeostatic proliferation.


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Conventional major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes encode molecules that present intracellular peptide antigens to T cells. They are ubiquitously expressed and regulated by interferon gamma. Two highly divergent human MHC class I genes, MICA and MICB, are regulated by promoter heat shock elements similar to those of HSP70 genes. MICA encodes a cell surface glycoprotein, which is not associated with beta 2-microglobulin, is conformationally stable independent of conventional class I peptide ligands, and almost exclusively expressed in gastrointestinal epithelium. Thus, this MHC class I molecule may function as an indicator of cell stress and may be recognized by a subset of gut mucosal T cells in an unusual interaction.


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Inflammatory infiltrates in tissue-specific autoimmune disease comprise a collection of T cells with specificity for an antigen in the target organ. These specific cells recruit a population of nonspecific T cells and macrophages. The rare tissue-specific T cells in the infiltrate have the capacity to regulate both the influx and the efflux of cells from the tissue. Administration of an altered peptide ligand for the specific T cell which triggers autoimmunity can lead to the regression of the entire inflammatory ensemble in a few hours. Interleukin 4 is a critical cytokine involved in the regression of the inflammatory infiltrate.


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Src homology 3 (SH3) domains are conserved protein modules 50-70 amino acids long found in a variety of proteins with important roles in signal transduction. These domains have been shown to mediate protein-protein interactions by binding short proline-rich regions in ligand proteins. However, the ligand preferences of most SH3 domains and the role of these preferences in regulating SH3-mediated protein-protein interactions remain poorly defined. We have used a phage-displayed library of peptides of the form X6PXXPX6 to identify ligands for eight different SH3 domains. Using this approach, we have determined that each SH3 domain prefers peptide ligands with distinct sequence characteristics. Specifically, we have found that the Src SH3 domain selects peptides sharing the consensus motif LXXRPLPXpsiP, whereas Yes SH3 selects psiXXRPLPXLP, Abl SH3 selects PPXthetaXPPPpsiP, Cortactin SH3 selects +PPpsiPXKPXWL, p53bp2 SH3 selects RPXpsiPpsiR+SXP, PLCgamma SH3 selects PPVPPRPXXTL, Crk N-terminal SH3 selects psiPpsiLPpsiK, and Grb2 N-terminal SH3 selects +thetaDXPLPXLP (where psi, theta, and + represent aliphatic, aromatic, and basic residues, respectively). Furthermore, we have compared the binding of phage expressing peptides related to each consensus motif to a panel of 12 SH3 domains. Results from these experiments support the ligand preferences identified in the peptide library screen and evince the ability of SH3 domains to discern subtle differences in the primary structure of potential ligands. Finally, we have found that most known SH3-binding proteins contain proline-rich regions conforming to the ligand preferences of their respective SH3 targets.


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The Src homology 3 (SH3) domain is a 50-aa modular unit present in many cellular proteins involved in intracellular signal transduction. It functions to direct protein-protein interactions through the recognition of proline-rich motifs on associated proteins. SH3 domains are important regulatory elements that have been demonstrated to specify distinct regulatory pathways important for cell growth, migration, differentiation, and responses to the external milieu. By the use of synthetic peptides, ligands have been shown to consist of a minimum core sequence and to bind to SH3 domains in one of two pseudosymmetrical orientations, class I and class II. The class I sites have the consensus sequence ZP(L/P)PP psi P whereas the class II consensus is PP psi PPZ (where psi is a hydrophobic residue and Z is a SH3 domain-specific residue). We previously showed by M13 phage display that the Src, Fyn, Lyn, and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) SH3 domains preferred the same class I-type core binding sequence, RPLPP psi P. These results failed to explain the specificity for cellular proteins displayed by SH3 domains in cells. In the current study, class I and class II core ligand sequences were displayed on the surface of bacteriophage M13 with five random residues placed either N- or C-terminal of core ligand residues. These libraries were screened for binding to the Src, Fyn, Lyn, Yes, and PI3K SH3 domains. By this approach, additional ligand residue preferences were identified that can increase the affinity of SH3 peptide ligands at least 20-fold compared with core peptides. The amino acids selected in the flanking sequences were similar for Src, Fyn, and Yes SH3 domains; however, Lyn and PI3K SH3 domains showed distinct binding specificities. These results indicate that residues that flank the core binding sequences shared by many SH3 domains are important determinants of SH3 binding affinity and selectivity.


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Another class of growth hormone (GH) secretagogues has been discovered by altering the backbone structure of a flexible linear GH-releasing peptide (GHRP). In vitro and in vivo characterization confirms these GH secretagogues as the most potent and smallest (M(r) < 500) reported. Anabolic efficacy is demonstrated in rodents with intermittent delivery. A convergent model of the bioactive conformation of GHRPs is developed and is supported by the NMR structure of a highly potent cyclic analog of GHRP-2. The model and functional data provide a logical framework for the further design of low-molecular weight secretagogues and illustrate the utility of an interdisciplinary approach to elucidating potential bound-state conformations of flexible peptide ligands.


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HLA-DR13 has been associated with resistance to two major infectious diseases of humans. To investigate the peptide binding specificity of two HLA-DR13 molecules and the effects of the Gly/Val dimorphism at position 86 of the HLA-DR beta chain on natural peptide ligands, these peptides were acid-eluted from immunoaffinity-purified HLA-DRB1*1301 and -DRB1*1302, molecules that differ only at this position. The eluted peptides were subjected to pool sequencing or individual peptide sequencing by tandem MS or Edman microsequencing. Sequences were obtained for 23 peptides from nine source proteins. Three pool sequences for each allele and the sequences of individual peptides were used to define binding motifs for each allele. Binding specificities varied only at the primary hydrophobic anchor residue, the differences being a preference for the aromatic amino acids Tyr and Phe in DRB1*1302 and a preference for Val in DRB1*1301. Synthetic analogues of the eluted peptides showed allele specificity in their binding to purified HLA-DR, and Ala-substituted peptides were used to identify the primary anchor residues for binding. The failure of some peptides eluted from DRB1*1302 (those that use aromatic amino acids as primary anchors) to bind to DRB1*1301 confirmed the different preferences for peptide anchor residues conferred by the Gly-->Val change at position 86. These data suggest a molecular basis for the differential associations of HLA-DRB1*1301 and DRB1*1302 with resistance to severe malaria and clearance of hepatitis B virus infection.


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Human C5a is a plasma protein with potent chemoattractant and pro-inflammatory properties, and its overexpression correlates with severity of inflammatory diseases. C5a binds to its G protein-coupled receptor (C5aR) on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNLs) through a high-affinity helical bundle and a low-affinity C terminus, the latter being solely responsible for receptor activation. Potent and selective C5a antagonists are predicted to be effective anti-inflammatory drugs, but no pharmacophore for small molecule antagonists has yet been developed, and it would significantly aid drug design. We have hypothesized that a turn conformation is important for activity of the C terminus of C5a and herein report small cyclic peptides that are stable turn mimics with potent antagonism at C5aR on human PMNLs. A comparison of solution structures for the C terminus of C5a, small acyclic peptide ligands, and cyclic antagonists supports the importance of a turn for receptor binding. Competition between a cyclic antagonist and either C5a or an acyclic agonist for C5aR on PMNLs supports a common or overlapping binding site on the C5aR. Structure-activity relationships for 60 cyclic analogs were evaluated by competitive radioligand binding with C5a (affinity) and myeloperoxidase release (antagonist potency) from human PMNLs, with 20 compounds having high antagonist potencies (IC50, 20 nM(-1) muM). Computer modeling comparisons reveal that potent antagonists share a common cyclic backbone shape, with affinity-determining side chains of defined volume projecting from the cyclic scaffold. These results define a new pharmacophore for C5a antagonist development and advance our understanding of ligand recognition and receptor activation of this G protein-coupled receptor.


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CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) play an important role in containment of virus replication in primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV's ability to mutate to escape from CTL pressure is increasingly recognized; but comprehensive studies of escape from the CD8 T cell response in primary HIV infection are currently lacking. Here, we have fully characterized the primary CTL response to autologous virus Env, Gag, and Tat proteins in three patients, and investigated the extent, kinetics, and mechanisms of viral escape from epitope-specific components of the response. In all three individuals, we observed variation beginning within weeks of infection at epitope-containing sites in the viral quasispecies, which conferred escape by mechanisms including altered peptide presentation/recognition and altered antigen processing. The number of epitope-containing regions exhibiting evidence of early CTL escape ranged from 1 out of 21 in a subject who controlled viral replication effectively to 5 out of 7 in a subject who did not. Evaluation of the extent and kinetics of HIV-1 escape from >40 different epitope-specific CD8 T cell responses enabled analysis of factors determining escape and suggested that escape is restricted by costs to intrinsic viral fitness and by broad, codominant distribution of CTL-mediated pressure on viral replication.


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Despite vast efforts and expenditures in the past few decades, malaria continues to kill millions of persons every year, and new approaches for disease control are urgently needed. To complete its life cycle in the mosquito, Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria, has to traverse the epithelia of the midgut and salivary glands. Although strong circumstantial evidence indicates that parasite interactions with the two organs are specific, hardly any information is available about the interacting molecules. By use of a phage display library, we identified a 12-aa peptide-salivary gland and midgut peptide 1 (SM1)-that binds to the distal lobes of the salivary gland and to the luminal side of the midgut epithelium, but not to the midgut surface facing the hemolymph or to ovaries. The coincidence of the tissues with which parasites and the SM1 peptide interact suggested that the parasite and peptide recognize the same surface ligand. In support of this hypothesis, the SM1 peptide strongly inhibited Plasmodium invasion of salivary gland and midgut epithelia. These experiments suggest a new strategy for the genetic manipulation of mosquito vectorial capacity.


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It is already known that progressive degeneration of cholinergic neurons in brain areas such as the hippocampus and the cortex leads to memory deficits, as observed in Alzheimer's disease. This work verified the effects of the infusion of amyloid-beta (A beta) peptide associated to an attentional rehearsal on the density of alpha 7 nicotinic cholinergic receptor (nAChR) in the brain of male Wistar rats. Animals received intracerebroventricular infusion of A beta or vehicle (control - C) and their attention was stimulated weekly (Stimulated A beta group: S-A beta and Stimulated Control group: SC) or not (Non-Stimulated A beta group: N-SA beta and Non-Stimulated Control group: N-SC), using an active avoidance apparatus. Conditioned avoidance responses (CAR) were registered. Chronic infusion of A beta caused a 37% reduction in CAR for N-SA beta. In S-A beta, this reduction was not observed. At the end, brains were extracted and autoradiography for alpha 7 nAChR was conducted using [I-125]-alpha-bungarotoxin. There was an increase in alpha 7 density in hippocampus, cortex and amygdala of SA beta animals, together with the memory preservation. In recent findings from our lab using mice infused with A beta and the alpha 7 antagonist methyllycaconitine, and stimulated weekly in the same apparatus, it was observed that memory maintenance was abolished. So, the increase in alpha 7 density in brain areas related to memory might be related to a participation of this receptor in the long-lasting change in synaptic plasticity, which is important to improve and maintain memory consolidation.