938 resultados para alta risoluzione Trentino Alto Adige data-set climatologia temperatura giornaliera orografia complessa


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Parkinson's disease (PD) is a degenerative illness whose cardinal symptoms include rigidity, tremor, and slowness of movement. In addition to its widely recognized effects PD can have a profound effect on speech and voice.The speech symptoms most commonly demonstrated by patients with PD are reduced vocal loudness, monopitch, disruptions of voice quality, and abnormally fast rate of speech. This cluster of speech symptoms is often termed Hypokinetic Dysarthria.The disease can be difficult to diagnose accurately, especially in its early stages, due to this reason, automatic techniques based on Artificial Intelligence should increase the diagnosing accuracy and to help the doctors make better decisions. The aim of the thesis work is to predict the PD based on the audio files collected from various patients.Audio files are preprocessed in order to attain the features.The preprocessed data contains 23 attributes and 195 instances. On an average there are six voice recordings per person, By using data compression technique such as Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) number of instances can be minimized, after data compression, attribute selection is done using several WEKA build in methods such as ChiSquared, GainRatio, Infogain after identifying the important attributes, we evaluate attributes one by one by using stepwise regression.Based on the selected attributes we process in WEKA by using cost sensitive classifier with various algorithms like MultiPass LVQ, Logistic Model Tree(LMT), K-Star.The classified results shows on an average 80%.By using this features 95% approximate classification of PD is acheived.This shows that using the audio dataset, PD could be predicted with a higher level of accuracy.


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The Resident Assessment Instrument-Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) 2.0 is designed to collect the minimum amount of data to guide care planning and monitoring for residents in long-term care settings. These data have been used to compute indicators of care quality. Use of the quality indicators to inform quality improvement initiatives is contingent upon the validity and reliability of the indicators. The purpose of this review was to systematically examine published and grey research reports in order to assess the state of the science regarding the validity and reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 Quality Indicators (QIs).

We systematically reviewed the evidence for the validity and reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 QIs. A comprehensive literature search identified relevant original research published, in English, prior to December 2008. Fourteen articles and one report examining the validity and/or reliability of the RAI-MDS 2.0 QIs were included.

The studies fell into two broad categories, those that examined individual quality indicators and those that examined multiple indicators. All studies were conducted in the United States and included from one to a total of 209 facilities. The number of residents included in the studies ranged from 109 to 5758. One study conducted under research conditions examined 38 chronic care QIs, of which strong evidence for the validity of 12 of the QIs was found. In response to these findings, the 12 QIs were recommended for public reporting purposes. However, a number of observational studies (n=13), conducted in "real world" conditions, have tested the validity and/or reliability of individual QIs, with mixed results. Ten QIs have been studied in this manner, including falls, depression, depression without treatment, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, weight loss, bedfast, restraint, pressure ulcer, and pain. These studies have revealed the potential for systematic bias in reporting, with under-reporting of some indicators and over-reporting of others.


Evidence for the reliability and validity of the RAI-MDS QIs remains inconclusive. The QIs provide a useful tool for quality monitoring and to inform quality improvement programs and initiatives. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting the QI results and other sources of evidence of the quality of care processes should be considered in conjunction with QI results.


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Privacy preserving on data mining and data release has attracted an increasing research interest over a number of decades. Differential privacy is one influential privacy notion that offers a rigorous and provable privacy guarantee for data mining and data release. Existing studies on differential privacy assume that in a data set, records are sampled independently. However, in real-world applications, records in a data set are rarely independent. The relationships among records are referred to as correlated information and the data set is defined as correlated data set. A differential privacy technique performed on a correlated data set will disclose more information than expected, and this is a serious privacy violation. Although recent research was concerned with this new privacy violation, it still calls for a solid solution for the correlated data set. Moreover, how to decrease the large amount of noise incurred via differential privacy in correlated data set is yet to be explored. To fill the gap, this paper proposes an effective correlated differential privacy solution by defining the correlated sensitivity and designing a correlated data releasing mechanism. With consideration of the correlated levels between records, the proposed correlated sensitivity can significantly decrease the noise compared with traditional global sensitivity. The correlated data releasing mechanism correlated iteration mechanism is designed based on an iterative method to answer a large number of queries. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed correlated differential privacy solution enhances the privacy guarantee for a correlated data set with less accuracy cost. Experimental results show that the proposed solution outperforms traditional differential privacy in terms of mean square error on large group of queries. This also suggests the correlated differential privacy can successfully retain the utility while preserving the privacy.


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Controvérsias existem sobre os benefícios da hemodiálise de alto fluxo e alta eficiência em relação a hemodiálise convencional. Este estudo compara, através de parâmetros clínicos, laboratoriais, avaliação do sistema nervoso periférico e autônomo, os pacientes em hemodiálise convencional(HDC) e, após, em hemodiálise de alto fluxo e alta eficiência(HDAF), usando os mesmos parâmetros da cinética da uréia, por um período de tempo de 4-8 meses em cada modalidade de tratamento hemodialitico. O sistema nervoso periférico foi avaliado através da miografia e da neurografia de membros superiores e inferiores. O estudo da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca, através de seis índices no domínio do tempo, foi usado para avaliar o sistema nervoso autônomo nestes pacientes. Não houve diferença quanto às manifestações intradialíticas nos dois tipos de hemodiálise e nem alteração dos níveis tensionais no período de acompanhamento. Na avaliação laboratorial, verificou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a HDC e HDAF nos seguintes parâmetros: creatinina(9,6mg/dl±2,3x10,9mg/dl±2,0;p<0,01),reserva alcalina (16,5mEq/l±2,5x18,2mEq/l±2,7; p<0,05), ácido úrico(6,3mg/dl±1,3x7,1mg/dl±1,64;p<0,01), fósforo(6,4mg/dl±1,3x7,2mg/dl ±1,4;p<0,01) e albumina(4,1mg/ml±0,5x3,8mg/ml±0,27;p<0,01). Observou-se melhora significativa da velocidade de condução sensitiva do nervo ulnar na HDAF(40,72m/s±5,11x48,01m/s±7,7;p<0,05). Houve redução significativa da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca nos pacientes urêmicos em hemodiálise, comparativamente ao grupo de indivíduos normais. Concluiu-se que não houve diferença significativa nos parâmetros clínicos entre os dois tipos de hemodiálise. Observou-se redução significativa da albumina na HDAF, bem como aumento significativo da creatinina, reserva alcalina, fósforo e ácido úrico. Houve melhora significativa da velocidade de condução sensitiva do nervo ulnar nos pacientes em HDAF. Os pacientes em hemodiálise apresentam deterioração significativa do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo comparativamente ao grupo controle.


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The taxonomy of the N(2)-fixing bacteria belonging to the genus Bradyrhizobium is still poorly refined, mainly due to conflicting results obtained by the analysis of the phenotypic and genotypic properties. This paper presents an application of a method aiming at the identification of possible new clusters within a Brazilian collection of 119 Bradryrhizobium strains showing phenotypic characteristics of B. japonicum and B. elkanii. The stability was studied as a function of the number of restriction enzymes used in the RFLP-PCR analysis of three ribosomal regions with three restriction enzymes per region. The method proposed here uses Clustering algorithms with distances calculated by average-linkage clustering. Introducing perturbations using sub-sampling techniques makes the stability analysis. The method showed efficacy in the grouping of the species B. japonicum and B. elkanii. Furthermore, two new clusters were clearly defined, indicating possible new species, and sub-clusters within each detected cluster. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present the results of the combination of searches for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a W or Z boson and decaying into bb̄ using the data sample collected with the D0 detector in pp̄ collisions at √s=1.96TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We derive 95% C.L. upper limits on the Higgs boson cross section relative to the standard model prediction in the mass range 100GeV≤M H≤150GeV, and we exclude Higgs bosons with masses smaller than 102 GeV at the 95% C.L. In the mass range 120GeV≤M H≤145GeV, the data exhibit an excess above the background prediction with a global significance of 1.5 standard deviations, consistent with the expectation in the presence of a standard model Higgs boson. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The study of the objects LaTène type found in middle-eastern alpine region (Trentino Alto Adige-Südtirol, Engadina, North Tirol, Voralberg and Villach basin) is aimed to a better comprehension of the complex net of relationships established among the Celts, settled both in the central Europe territories and, since the IV century b.C., in the Po Plain, and the local populations. The ancient authors, who called the inhabitants of this area Raeti, propose for this territory the usual pattern according to which, the population of a region was formed consequently to a migration or was caused by the hunting of pre-existing peoples. The archaeologists, in the last thirty years, recognized a cultural facies typical of the middle-eastern alpine territory during the second Iron Age, and defined that as Fritzens-Sanzeno culture (from the sites of Fritzens, Inn valley, and Sanzeno, Non Valley). The so-called Fritzens-Sanzeno culture spread out without breaks from the material culture of the final Bronze Age and the first Iron Age. This local substratum, characterized by a ceramic repertoire strongly standardized, by peculiar architectural solutions and by a particular typology of rural sacred places (Brandopferplätze), accepted, above all during the second Iron Age, the strong influences coming from the Etruscan world and from the Celtic one (evident in the presence of objects of ornament, of glass artefacts, of elements of the weaponry and of coins). The objects LaTène type become, with different degrees of reliability, important markers of the relationships existing between the Celts and the Raeti, although the ways of interaction (cultural influence, people's movements, commercial exchanges, gifts among élites etc.) is not still clear. The revision of published data and the study of unpublished materials allows to define a rich and articulated picture both to chronological level and to territorial one.


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Il 17 agosto 1999 un violento terremoto di Mw 7,4 (terremoto di Izmit) ha interessato l’area del Golfo di Izmit, dove il segmento settentrionale della Faglia Nord-Anatolica (FNA) entra nel Mare di Marmara. Oltre a causare enormi danni e un numero di vittime altissimo (oltre 20000), la dislocazione orizzontale di oltre 5 metri in prossimità dell’epicentro ha caricato tettonicamente il segmento della FNA verso Istanbul. Da qui, l’importanza di un modello geologico-strutturale condiviso dalla comunità scientifica per questo ramo della Faglia Nord Anatolica, per la formulazione dei modelli di stima del rischio sismico in una zona della Turchia molto densamente popolata (oltre 12 milioni di persone). I numerosi studi di geologia e geofisica marina condotti nel Golfo di Izmit e più in generale nel Mare di Marmara, hanno avuto un grosso impulso in concomitanza del terremoto del 1999 e negli anni successivi, quando il Mare di Marmara è stato inserito tra i siti di importanza strategica. Nonostante la grande mole di dati raccolti e le pubblicazioni di lavori importanti che hanno contribuito a portare nuova luce sulla geologia di questo territorio complesso, permangono ancora incertezze e controversie sui rapporti le tra la formazione del bacino di Marmara e la FNA. Questo lavoro di tesi ha lo scopo di esaminare la cinematica della FNA nell’area del Mare di Marmara, in generale, ed in particolare lungo i vari bacini allineati lungo il ramo settentrionale: da Est verso Ovest, il Bacino di Cinarcik, il Bacino di Kumburgaz, il Bacino Centrale ed il Bacino di Tekirdag. Analizzeremo la natura e il grado di attività dei segmenti individuati da zone di trasferimento (bending o overstep) e tenteremo di cartografare la geometria, lo stile strutturale e la lunghezza di ciascun segmento, per effettuare una stima del potenziale sismogenetico di ciascun ramo utilizzando relazioni empiriche.


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