89 resultados para allozyme
The genetic population structure of red snapper Lutjanus malabaricus and Lutjanus erythropterus in eastern Indonesia and northern Australia was investigated by allozyme electrophoresis and sequence variation in the control region of mtDNA. Samples were collected from eight sites in Indonesia and four sites in northern Australia for both species. A total of 13 allozyme loci were scored. More variable loci were observed in L. malabaricus than in L. erythropterus. Sequence variation in the control region (left domain) of the mitochondrial genome was assessed by RFLP and direct sequencing. MtDNA haplotype diversity was high (L. erythropterus, 0.95 and L. malabaricus, 0.97), as was intraspecific sequence divergence, (L. erythropterus, 0.0-12.5% and L. malabaricus, 0.0-9.5%). The pattern of mtDNA haplotype frequencies grouped both species into two broad fisheries stocks with a genetic boundary either between Kupang and Sape (L. malabaricus) or between Kupang and Australian Timor Sea (L. erythropertus). The allozyme analyses revealed similar boundaries for L. erythropterus. Seven allozymes stocks compared to two mtDNA stocks of L. malabaricus including Ambon, which was not sampled with mtDNA, however, were reported. Possible reasons for differences in discrimination between the methods include: i) increased power of multiple allozyme loci over the single mtDNA locus, ii) insufficient gene sampling in the mtDNA control region and iii) relative evolutionary dynamics of nuclear (allozyme loci) and mitochondrial DNA in these taxa. Allozyme and haplotype data did not distinguish separate stocks among the four Australian locations nor the central Indonesian (Bali and Sape locations) for both L. malabaricus and L. erythropterus.
Allozyme electrophoresis was used to investigate the genetic stock structure of snapper, Pagrus auratus (Bloch and Schneider) on the east coast of Australia. Spatial variation in allele frequency was examined at nine polymorphic loci. The results support a single, relatively weak genetic disjunction among the P. auratus populations north of Sydney (latitude 33°52?) but south of Forster (latitude 31°58?) on the central coast of New South Wales. There was also evidence for genetic isolation by distance on the east coast. The influence of the East Australian Current (EAC) in transporting larvae to the south, coupled with the general northward migration pattern of adult snapper is believed to be responsible for maintaining a panmictic snapper population on much of the east coast of Australia.
This study addressed the large-scale molecular zoogeography in two brackish water bivalve molluscs, Macoma balthica and Cerastoderma glaucum, and genetic signatures of the postglacial colonization of Northern Europe by them. The traditional view poses that M. balthica in the Baltic, White and Barents seas (i.e. marginal seas) represent direct postglacial descendants of the adjacent Northeast Atlantic populations, but this has recently been challenged by observations of close genetic affinities between these marginal populations and those of the Northeast Pacific. The primary aim of the thesis was to verify, quantify and characterize the Pacific genetic contribution across North European populations of M. balthica and to resolve the phylogeographic histories of the two bivalve taxa in range-wide studies using information from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear allozyme polymorphisms. The presence of recent Pacific genetic influence in M. balthica of the Baltic, White and Barents seas, along with an Atlantic element, was confirmed by mtDNA sequence data. On a broader temporal and geographical scale, altogether four independent trans-Arctic invasions of Macoma from the Pacific since the Miocene seem to have been involved in generating the current North Atlantic lineage diversity. The latest trans-Arctic invasion that affected the current Baltic, White and Barents Sea populations probably took place in the early post-glacial. The nuclear genetic compositions of these marginal sea populations are intermediate between those of pure Pacific and Atlantic subspecies. In the marginal sea populations of mixed ancestry (Barents, White and Northern Baltic seas), the Pacific and Atlantic components are now randomly associated in the genomes of individual clams, which indicates both pervasive historical interbreeding between the previously long-isolated lineages (subspecies), and current isolation of these populations from the adjacent pure Atlantic populations. These mixed populations can be characterized as self-supporting hybrid swarms, and they arguably represent the most extensive marine animal hybrid swarms so far documented. Each of the three swarms still has a distinct genetic composition, and the relative Pacific contributions vary from 30 to 90 % in local populations. This diversity highlights the potential of introgressive hybridization to rapidly give rise to new evolutionarily and ecologically significant units in the marine realm. In the south of the Danish straits and in the Southern Baltic Sea, a broad genetic transition zone links the pure North Sea subspecies M. balthica rubra to the inner Baltic hybrid swarm, which has about 60 % of Pacific contribution in its genome. This transition zone has no regular smooth clinal structure, but its populations show strong genotypic disequilibria typical of a hybrid zone maintained by the interplay of selection and gene flow by dispersing pelagic larvae. The structure of the genetic transition is partly in line with features of Baltic water circulation and salinity stratification, with greater penetration of Atlantic genes on the Baltic south coast and in deeper water populations. In all, the scenarios of historical isolation and secondary contact that arise from the phylogeographic studies of both Macoma and Cerastoderma shed light to the more general but enigmatic patterns seen in marine phylogeography, where deep genetic breaks are often seen in species with high dispersal potential.
The intense interest in social Hymenoptera, on account of their elaborate sociality and the paradox of altruism, has often suffered from considerable gender imbalance. This is partly due to the fact that worker behaviour and altruism are restricted to the females and partly because males often live off the nest. Yet, understanding the males, especially in the context of mating biology is essential even for understanding the evolution of sociality. Mating patterns have a direct bearing on the levels of intra-colony genetic relatedness, which in turn, along with the associated costs and benefits of worker behaviour, are central to our understanding of the evolution of sociality. Although mating takes place away from the nest in natural colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, mating can be observed in the laboratory if a male and a female are placed in a transparent, aerated plastic container, and both wasps are in the range of 5-20 days of age. Here, we use this setup and show that males, but not females, mate serially with multiple partners. The multiple mating behaviour of the males is not surprising because in nature males have to mate with a number of females, only a few of whom will go on to lay eggs. The reluctance of R. marginata females to mate with multiple partners is consistent with the expectation of monogamy in primitively eusocial species with totipotent females, although the apparent discrepancy with a previous work with allozyme markers in natural colonies suggesting that females may sometimes mate with two or three different males remains to be resolved.
Thirty individuals of each species of Indian major carps, i.e., Catla catla, Cirrhinus cirrhosus (C. mrigala) and Labeo rohita, obtained from a nursery near Mymensingh, Bangladesh were analysed by means of allozyme electrophoresis. Twenty-one loci were studied. Several loci revealed significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations caused by deficiency of heterozygotes, indicating Wahlund effects due to problems with species identification. Moreover, bimodal distributions of individual heterozygosity within the three putative species indicated hybridisation. This was confirmed using analysis of individual admixture proportions, as individuals misidentified to species and hybrids between species were observed. Furthermore, factorial correspondence analysis to visualize genetic relationships among individuals revealed three distinct groups containing misclassified individuals, along with some intermediate individuals interpreted as hybrids. Ten per cent of all C. catla and L. rohita had been erroneously identified to species, and 40 per cent of all presumptive C. catla were hybrids between C. catla x C. cirrhosus and C. catla x L. rohita. In the case of C. cirrhosus, 37 per cent of the samples were C. cirrhosus x L. rohita hybrids. Thirty per cent of all presumptive L. rohita turned out to be hybrids between L. rohita x C. catla and L. rohita x C. cirrhosus. The high incidence of hybrids in C. catla might be responsible for slower growth of the fish in aquaculture.
石荠苎属(Mosla (Benth.) Buch.-Hamilt. ex Maxim.)是唇形科的一个小属,仅分布于东亚,该属复杂的变异式样一直困扰着系统学家.本论文是对该属进行三年物种生物学研究的结果.本研究从居群生物学出发,在广泛的野外调查后选取了47个居群进行取样和观察,在控制环境因素的实验设计条件下,测量了31个居群53个形态性状并分析了其变异规律;在扫描电镜下观察了含外类群在内的6属38个居群的花粉和小坚果表面微形态:对27个居群做了细胞学研究:对22个居群15个酶系统做了等位酶分析,获得了28个位点的资料;进行了35个组合的796次人工杂交.综合上述各方面资料的分析结果,对石荠苎属的形态变异与进化、居群分化、生殖隔离、物种形成、类群划分,以及起源和扩展作了详细的分析和讨论. 形态特征的数量遗传学分析表明,叶片大小和形状、苞片形态、花序(果序)和花萼(果期花萼)的复杂变异式样是造成分类混乱的主要原因.叶片大小和形状在小鱼仙草(M. dianthera)中呈现幅度很宽的连续变异,极端情况常分别被描述为不同的种,如M.remottllora和M.grosseserrata.少数突变体以及种间偶尔产生的杂交个体在苞片和花序形态上表现异常,都曾引起分类的混乱.本研究已经澄清M. bracteata和M. tamdaoensis是突变体,而M. exfoliata和M. longispica则是种间杂种.M.fomosana花萼上唇裂片长度的变异是导致分类困难的另一个原因,是小鱼仙草花萼上唇中裂片变异的极端类型。 通过比较分析揭示了石荠苎属中苞片形状、花序结构、花朵大小、花萼形态、小坚果和花粉粒表面纹饰以及染色体的变异和演化趋势,苞片由发达的叶状类型向披针形方向演化;花序由花朵疏离的松散状向紧缩的头状类型演化;花萼由近辐射对称,五个裂片近等长向二唇形演化;花冠由发达、鲜艳向退化方向演化:小坚果由具旋涡状深雕纹向具网纹类型演化;花粉粒由无明显突起向有明显条文或块状突起的类型演化;核型由不对称性小向不对称性增强发展;繁育系统由以异交为主向以自交为主演化,并且带动一系列花部形态的相关变异. 等位酶分析结果表明,石荠苎属种内的进化以遗传变异的积累和繁育系统的转变造成的居群间分化为主要特征.杭州石荠苎各居群的平均遗传距离为0.026,聚类分析结果发现7个居群明显分化为两支,居群3704,4704和3712为一支,其他居群为一支,等位酶资料获得的结果也得到形态和生殖特征的支持.3704、4704和3712在毛被、花朵大小、小坚果大小和颜色在均与其他居群有差异,繁育系统上,这三个居群表现出更明显的异交特性.小鱼仙草居群之间遗传分化甚至大于少数亲缘种之间的遗传分化,平均遗传距离达到0.034,但杂交实验发现,居群之间并不存在生殖隔离,不同的居群之间在叶片大小、叶形、苞片长短和花萼上唇中裂片的长短也有所不同.杭州石荠苎和小鱼仙草种内居群之间的形态和等位酶分化说明居群之问正处于分化和物种形成的早期阶段,生殖隔离还没有建立。 突变(包括染色体结构变异)的积累和繁育系统的转变是石荠苎属物种形成的基础,苏州石荠苎和石荠苎的分化是由于染色体结构变异的积累,具体表现在核型不对称性上的差异,造成生殖隔离.另一些比较明显的物种形成机制为:染色体多倍化,形成M.pauciflora;染色体结构变异,如随体染色体的臂间易位,产生M.cavaleriei;繁育系统由异交转变为自交产生M.chinensis.另外,在物种形成过程中,花期和生态位分化等促进了生殖隔离的完善. 石荠苎属形态上界限清楚,而且存在生殖隔离的种有八个,它们是小花荠苎(M.cavaleriei Levl.);石香薷 (M. chinensis Maxim.);小鱼仙草 (M. dianthera (Buch.-Hamilt. ex Roxb.) Maxim.);杭州石荠苎(M.hangchouensis Matsuda);日本石荠苎(M. japonica (Benth.) Maxim.);疏花荠苎(M. pauciflora (C. Y. Wu) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li);石荠苎(M. punctulata (J.F. Gmelin) Nakai)和苏州石荠苎(M. soochouensis Matsuda). 石荠苎属的近缘属是香薷属(Elsholtzia)、香简草属(Keiskea)和紫苏属(Perilla)。石荠苎属与近缘属的分化大约在260万年之前,因为那时石荠苎属的祖先就发生了分化,形成以杭州石荠苎一一石香薷的祖先和以小花荠苎一一小鱼仙草的祖先为代表的两条进化主线,从香薷属和香简草属的现代分布式样-以及石荠苎属的分布特点推断,华东地区可能是石荠苎属的起源和演化的舞台,华东地区具有最大的种类多样性、变异性、特有性和多度.
星果草属至今仍包括两个种,它在毛茛科中的系统位置存在争议。本文针对该属的物种划分以及它在毛茛科中的系统位置所存在的问题,在云南东北和四川西南交界处,选择了5个居群(包括典型的近全缘型、裂叶型以及它们的中间类型),研究了16个形态性状的变异式样和规律;在扫描电镜下观察了它们的花粉形态,在光镜下统计了4个居群的花粉萌发孔类型;对这5个居群12个酶系统进行了等位酶分析,获得了19个位点的资料;对星果草属及相关的3个属进行了胚胎学研究,获得了星果草属较完整的胚胎学资料 和相关属的部分胚胎学特征。综合上述研究结果和前人的研究资料,对星果草属的形态变异、居群分化、种类划分和它的系统位置进行了分析和讨论,结果如下: l.形态上出现了中间类型是该属存在物种划分问题的主要原因。作者通过形态性状的分析发现,以前作为该属现存两个种的鉴别性状(叶形、叶片大小、植株高矮和叶柄被毛与否)为不稳定的性状,在居群内或居群间呈现连续变异,不能作为分种的鉴别性状;我们考察了根、花部器官的性状以后也未发现它们存在明显间断的性状。 2.居群水平的孢粉学研究表明,三种萌发孔类型(散孔型、散沟型以及它们的中间类型)出现在同一居群内,说明该性状在星果草属的种类划分中具有有限的系统学意义。值得提出的是萌发孔类型在不同居群中出现的频率不同,这种频率与叶形是相关的:叶片裂得越深,散孔类型的花粉所占的比例越大;反之,叶片裂得越浅,散沟类型的花粉所占的比例越大。 3.通过对这5个居群的细胞学研究,作者发现它们均为二倍体(2n=16),染色体从大到小逐渐过渡,不具有二型性,为R-型染色体;绥江与马边居群(均为典型的裂叶型)的核型资料表明它们的第一对染色体短臂上具有随体。该结果不同于杨亲二等对裂叶型的核型报道。为了探讨星果草属的进化机制还有必要对它的细胞学做进一步研究。 4.等位酶资料表明居群间的基因分化系数达到53.4%,说明居群间遗传分化程度较高。星果草属植物以营养繁殖为主,种子传播主要以重力所介导,又是高山或亚高山分布的植物,这些因素都不利于居群间的基因交流,致使居群间发生很强的遗传分化;居群间的遗传一致度值变化范围为0. 723--0. 912,其中峨眉居群(大多为典型的近全缘型)与绥江居群(典型的裂叶型)的遗传一致度值(0. 845),仅稍低于马边居群与绥江居群的遗传一致度值(0.912);聚类结果表明这5个居群分为两支,峨眉居群与天全居群聚为一支;其余三个居群聚为另一支,这与与形态分化相吻合。 5.该属胚胎学不少特征与毛莨科其它属相似:花药壁发育为双子叶型,腺质绒毡层,胞质分裂为同时型,成熟花粉为二细胞:双珠被,珠孔仅由内珠被形成,蓼型胚囊,胚胎发生属柳叶菜型。但是假厚珠心与双珠被的特殊组合,有别于毛莨科其它类群。我们还首次报道了鸡爪草属、黄连属和人字果属的部分胚胎学特征。 基于以上形态学、孢粉学、细胞学和等位酶的分析结果,作者认为将星果草属处理为单种属,种下分为两个亚种较为合适。并认为星果草属为金莲花亚科中的自然类群,并与金莲花亚科中金莲花族关系较近,给予族的等级较为合适。
本文采用物种生物学的方法分析了绵枣[Scilla sinensis (Lour.) Merr.]多倍体复合体细胞地理、形态、生态适应和发育节律的变异。此外,还对AA细胞型居群进行了等位酶分析和杂交实验。结果如下: 1. 细胞学检查秀自中国境内45个居群,检出AA、AB、BB、AAA、BBB和AABB 6个细胞型。多数居群由1种细胞型组成。AA几乎占据着该复合体在中国的整个分布区。BB仅局限于华中和华东地区。AABB分布于华中和华东地区的北侧、东北地区的东南部及台湾岛。45个居的细胞型组成以细胞地理分布图表示。总结前人与我们的工作,该复合体中已发现12个整倍体细胞型(AA、AB、BB、AAA、ABB、BBB、AAAA、AABB、ABBB、BBBB、AABBB和AAABBB)和各种基于多倍体的非整倍体。其基本细胞型为AA、BB和AABB。AA分布于除日本和大陆上BB分布区中心外该复合体的整个分布区。BB分布中国华东和华中地区、朝鲜的济州岛和日本。AABB分布日本、朝鲜和中国东北地区的东南部及华中、华东地区的东侧。另外,BB居群染色体数量最多,AABB次之,而AA最低。 2. 野外调查和栽培实验表明AA细胞型在中国东部和西部地区间存在形态和生态分化,东部居群形态变异较小,其共同特征是纺锤形鳞茎,红褐色;根茎短柱状;叶多灰绿色,蜡质明显,斜升;花葶较强壮而直立;花紫红色;子房每室1胚珠。西部为AA细胞型的现代变异中心,居群间形态变异大,区别于东部居群的特点是鳞茎纺锤形或近球形,根茎短柱状或盘状,叶鲜绿色,蜡质不明显,平卧地面;花葶1-4枝,直立,多花葶时斜升;花白色或淡红色,子房每室胚珠1 ~ 2枚。AA和BB细胞型是向着适于不同地理区的环境发展,因而具有不同的形态和生物学特性的两个类型。BB鳞茎近球形,黄褐色,根茎不明显,为盘状;叶墨绿色,柔软而平卧地面,是适于阴湿的林下环境的结果。春季萌发较早,约在3月初,其夏季休眠特性刚好可渡过华中地区东部夏季的高温多雨,待秋季温度下降时开花结实。而AA划适应了光照较强而干旱的山坡草地灌丛的类型。其发育节律变异较大,但萌动较BB晚,无夏季休眠。AABB细胞型的形态介于两祖先二倍体之间,没有形成独特的生态适应和发育节律。 3. 对AA细胞型的等位酶分析表明,该种的居群表现出较高的遗传变异(A = 2.0, P = 58.6%, H_o = 0.172 和 H_e = 0.185)。居群间存在较明显的分化(F_(ST) = 0.314)。东西两地区间也存在遗传分化。 4. AA居群间多数组合的F_1都低于对照的花粉育性和结实率。尤其是东部和西部居群间组合的F_1花粉育性和结实率极低,几近不育。如果仅仅考虑该复合体的形态变异,它只能作为一个形态复杂多变的种,Scilla sinensis (Lour) Merr.。可是如此处理就掩盖了其细胞型间清晰的进化关系。为弥补这一缺陷,当研究细胞型间的进化关系时,可采用生物学和概念。AA细胞型为S. sinensis (Lour.) Merr., 可分两亚种:subsp. sinensis 和 subsp. alboviridis (Hand.-Mazz.) K. Y. Ding。BB细胞型为S. thunbergii Miyabe et Kudo。而ABB及含有A和B染色体组的多倍体作为杂交种S. x sino-japonica K.Y.Ding。两个二倍体种形态界限很清楚,但AABB的存在湮灭了两者的间断。
本文综合形态学、孢粉学和细胞学以及等位酶分析的实验证据,阐明了中国华中铁角蕨复合体(Asplenium sarelii Hook. Complex)中两个四倍体种的起源问题,并从生物系统学的角度讨论了其中多个种的分类学问题。过去认为的四倍体的“华中铁角蕨”被证明是起源于二倍体华中铁角蕨(A. sarelii Hook.)和二倍体细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)的杂交,并被处理为新种:武当铁角蕨(A. wudangense Z.R. Wang et X. Hou, sp. nov.)。 而变异铁角蕨(A. varians Wall., Hook. et Grev.)则被认为起源于二倍体细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)和二倍体尖齿铁角蕨(A. argutum Ching)的杂交或二者同源四倍体的杂交。根据原细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)和尖齿铁角蕨(A. argutum Ching)在宏观和微观特征上的相似性,以及二者的遗传一致度(0.581~0.705),本文将这两个种处理为细茎铁角蕨(A. tenuicaule Hayata)的两个亚种:细茎亚种(ssp. tenuicaule)和尖齿亚种(ssp. argutum (Ching) Vaine, Rashbach et Reichst., ined.)。依据形态和遗传上的相似性以及各自占有一定部分重叠的分布区域,原云南铁角蕨(A. yunnanense Franch.)、宝兴铁角蕨(A. moupinense Franch.)和云南铁角蕨深裂铁角蕨变种(A. yunnanense Franch. var daraeiforme(Franch.)H. S. Kung)被处理为云南铁角蕨(A. yunnanense Franch.)的三个亚种:云南铁角蕨亚种(ssp. yunnanense)、宝兴铁角蕨亚种(ssp. moupinense (Franch.)Z. R. Wang et X. Hou, st. nov.)和深裂铁角蕨亚种(ssp. daraeiforme(Franch.)Z. R. Wang et X. Hou, st. nov.)。 同时,本文运用孢粉学、细胞学、生态学和形态学的综合手段,处理了中国铁角蕨(Asplenium trichomanes L. s. l.)的种下分类问题,划分了中国该种的四个亚种:原亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. trichomanes,喜钙亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. inexpectans Lovis,四倍亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. quadrivalens D. E. Meyer emend. Lovis,粗轴亚种A. trichomanes L. ssp. pachyrachis (Christ) Lovis et Reichst.,并将一个变种:哈如变种A. trichomanes L. var. harovii Moore emend. Midle,归并入粗轴亚种ssp. pachyrahcis (Christ) Lovis et Reichst.,同时提供了它们在中国的分布情况。查阅研究PE的标本时发现一些定名为为A. trichomanes L. var. centrochinense Christ(中国变种)的模式标本碎片,因在形态上和倍性上均不同于已知分类群,认为应给予种的分类地位。
物种形成是生物进化的重要步骤,是进化生物学中的基本问题。研究一些关键地区植物的物种形成,将提高对这些地区植物区系发生与发展的认识,横断山区就是这样一个非常独特与关键的地区。本文通过对主要分布于横断山区的紫乌头A.delavayi复合体进行nrDNA ITS序列、等位酶与RAPD分析,初步探讨了横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的起源与物种形成。同时对使用RAPD与等位酶数据研究群体遗传结构的方法进行了探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. ITS序列研究 对乌头属27个类群的ITS序列进行了简约法与邻接法的研究,两种方法得到的系统发育树基本一致。乌头亚属的蔓乌头系 Ser. Volublia不是一个单系起源的类群,显拄乌头系 Ser. Sstylosa 与兴安乌头系Ser. Ambigua各自作为单系起源也没有得到支持。特产于云南西北部横断山区的一些种之间存在非常近的系统发育关系,说明这些种是近期物种形成的产物。紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的不同类群在系统发育树上被分到不同的分支中,含西南乌头A. episcopale的分支最为独特,处于系统发育树靠近基部的位置;松潘乌头 A.sunpanense与四川西北部的弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum组成一个分支,另一个分支含土官村乌头A.tuguancunense、紫乌头A.delavayi、玉龙乌头A.stapfianum与黄草乌A.vilmorinianum; 表明紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个独立的起源,因而该复合体在遗传上是不成立的。但是为了讨论与叙述的方便,本研究仍使用紫乌头A.delavayi复合体这个名字。 2. 等位酶研究 用10种酶系统14个位点,对紫乌头A.delavayi分布于云南横断山区的4种8个居群进行了等位酶分析。结果表明横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体居群的遗传多样性明显低于北美和欧洲的乌头属植物。呈垂直替代关系的紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum居群之间出现有规律的遗传多样性变化,表明冰川对横断山区植物的遗传多样性有重大影响。聚类分析的结果与ITS分析的结果基本一致,西南乌头A. episcopale仍然是较为独特的一类;其余3个种的居群聚为一类,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传一致度非常高,超过0.95。8个居群的主成分分析没有证实西南乌头A. episcopale中存在杂交渗入。Mantel 检验的结果显示8个居群之间的遗传趋异程度与地理距离之间显著相关。基因分化系数GST与近交系数FIS均显示这些居群不是以异交为主。居群间每代迁移个体数Nm显示这些居群间基因流较弱。 3. RAPD研究 用20个随机引物得到117个RAPD位点,对23个居群进行研究。其中19个属于紫乌头A.delavayi复合体,4个属于与之近缘的瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum。根据RAPD表型频率与单倍型频率,分别对23个居群进行了聚类分析。结果显示这两种方法所得结果高度一致,而且也与ITS和等位酶的分析结果基本一致。西南乌头A. episco pale仍然是最为独特一个分支,在本文中称为分支1。其余的居群聚成两个关系较近的大分支,一个分支包含所有分布于云南与四川西南部横断山区的居群,称为分支2,另一个包括所有分布于四川西北部与北部横断山区、重庆东北部、湖北西部与陕西的居群。大部分种处于同一分支中,只有弯喙乌头A.campylorrhynchum与瓜叶乌头A.hemsleyanum的居群分别被聚在分支2与分支3中,完全符合居群的地理位置。从3个分支内的聚类关系可以看出居群间遗传趋异等级与地理隔离程度明显相关。在遗传多样性水平上,分支1明显比分支2和分支3低许多,分支2又高于分支3。 在分支2内部,紫乌头A.delavayi与玉龙乌头A.stapfianum之间的遗传多样性变化与等位酶结果相同。在分支3的松潘乌头 A.sunpanense 5个居群中,横断山区海拔最高的2个居群遗传多样性最低。将23个居群划分成不同等级进行AMOVA分析,结果表明总遗传多样性主要分布于地区间,其次是居群间,居群内遗传多样性所占比例很低。 4.群体遗传结构研究中的数据处理方法 本研究结果表明,在使用RAPD表型数据进行AMOVA分析时,最好采用欧氏距离平方系数。本研究还说明,计算GST的两种不同方法将导致结果不同,而要与Hamrick and Godt(1990)的总结进行对比的话,最好使用他们采用的计算方法。 基于以上研究结果,可得出如下结论:⑴ 紫乌头A.delavayi复合体有3个不同的起源。西南乌头A. episcopale是一个古特有种,其余均为近期物种形成的产物。⑵地理隔离在横断山区紫乌头A.delavayi复合体的物种形成过程中影响最大。而地理隔离主要起因于连续分布区的片段化与瓶颈效应,而这两个原因又与横断山区的地质历史与冰川进退密切相关。
通过野外观察,发现羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata Maxim.在形态上相似于短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata DC.及大叶铁线莲C. heracleifolia DC.,推测羽叶铁线莲为后二者杂交产生。本文从形态学、解剖学、孢粉学、分子生物学等方面寻找证据,为这一推测寻找证据: 1. 形态学 通过野外观察结合标本馆工作,对这三个种的外部形态性状及其变异进行全面的分析,以探讨羽叶铁线莲C. pinnata在形态上与二假定亲本的异同及其产生原因。发现花、叶、习性等性状,在二假定亲本种种内稳定,但种间差异很大,在羽叶铁线莲中,性状变异的幅度正是处于二假定亲本差异之间。 2.解剖学 在光学显微镜及扫描电镜下,观察了这三种铁线莲的叶表皮特征,结果表明:叶片上表皮均不具有气孔器,下表皮气孔器类型均为无规则型;表皮细胞多为不规则形,仅在短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的上表皮中为近多边形;上表皮角质膜均具细条纹,下表皮角质膜均具环状或放射状波状嵴。 在扫描电镜下对瘦果形态及宿存花柱进行观察,结果表明:瘦果均密被长柔毛,并有蜡质颗粒状附属物。 在三个种植物之间叶表皮和瘦果的特征均无明显差别,对解释所讨论的问题意义不大。 3.孢粉学 在扫描电镜下对这三种铁线莲的花粉粒进行观察,结果表明:短尾铁线莲的花粉粒具三沟;大叶铁线莲的杂性株中花粉高度败育,说明其杂性株其实即为雌株;羽叶铁线莲的花粉也高度败育,但本种均为两性株,支持本种为杂交种的推测。 4.等位酶研究 利用莽草酸脱氢酶SKD和苹果酸脱氢酶MDH对采自3个居群的羽叶铁线莲大叶铁线莲和短尾铁线莲进行等位酶试验,结果显示在短尾铁线莲与大叶铁线莲中分别出现种内一致的谱带,而羽叶铁线莲则显示出二者杂合的带型。这一结果有力的支持了羽叶铁线莲是由短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲杂交产生的推测。 5.居群遗传结构分析 利用随机扩增多态性DNA标记(RAPD)分别检测三个种的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构。15个随机引物对这三个种共160个个体 (短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata 五个居群73个个体;大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia五个居群75个个体;羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata三个居群12个个体。)进行分析,总共得到123个用于分析的条带。我们对这三个种扩增出的条带按照居群进行了聚类分析,结果表明这三个种在聚类树上能够很好的区分开,但是种内居群间没有表现出地理分布式样方面的信息;个体水平上聚类结果表明,百花山采到的7株无法确定的铁线莲幼苗有6株是短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata另外一株是羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata,这说明在幼苗形态上二者差别不大;我们对这三个种分别进行了居群遗传结构的分析,结果表明:短尾铁线莲C. brevicaudata的多态条带比率为90.65%,遗传变异主要分布在居群内,居群间分化较小,而大叶铁线莲Clematis heracleifolia的多态条带比率为90.76%,居群间遗传变异占30.52%,居群间有明显分化。羽叶铁线莲Clematis pinnata的遗传多样性很低,有可能是由于营养繁殖造成的。 6.DNA序列分析 选取叶绿体基因组的trn L-F序列和核基因组的ITS序列进行了测序分析。发现从三个种十个个体得到的trn L-F序列之间几乎没有差异,在640 bp中只得到了3个信息位点。对ITS测序过程中发现短尾铁线莲可直接用PCR产物测序,而对大叶铁线莲和羽叶铁线莲必须进行克隆测序,由于时间关系,我们得到的序列不足以进行进一步分析。 基于以上研究结果,我们初步认为羽叶铁线莲是通过短尾铁线莲和大叶铁线莲的杂交而起源,并根据我们观察到的变异式样对羽叶铁线莲系的一些种类进行了分类学处理。
Little is known about the ocean distributions of wild juvenile coho salmon off the Oregon-Washington coast. In this study we report tag recoveries and genetic mixed-stock estimates of juvenile fish caught in coastal waters near the Columbia River plume. To support the genetic estimates, we report an allozyme-frequency baseline for 89 wild and hatchery-reared coho salmon spawning populations, extending from northern California to southern British Columbia. The products of 59 allozyme-encoding loci were examined with starch-gel electrophoresis. Of these, 56 loci were polymorphic, and 29 loci had P0.95 levels of polymorphism. Average heterozygosities within populations ranged from 0.021 to 0.046 and averaged 0.033. Multidimensional scaling of chord genetic distances between samples resolved nine regional groups that were sufficiently distinct for genetic mixed-stock analysis. About 2.9% of the total gene diversity was due to differences among populations within these regions, and 2.6% was due to differences among the nine regions. This allele-frequency data base was used to estimate the stock proportions of 730 juvenile coho salmon in offshore samples collected from central Oregon to northern Washington in June and September-October 1998−2000. Genetic mixed-stock analysis, together with recoveries of tagged or fin-clipped fish, indicates that about one half of the juveniles came from Columbia River hatcheries. Only 22% of the ocean-caught juveniles were wild fish, originating largely from coastal Oregon and Washington rivers (about 20%). Unlike previous studies of tagged juveniles, both tag recoveries and genetic estimates indicate the presence of fish from British Columbia and Puget Sound in southern waters. The most salient feature of genetic mixed stock estimates was the paucity of wild juveniles from natural populations in the Columbia River Basin. This result reflects the large decrease in the abundances of these populations in the last few decades.
Intergeneric hybridization between the epinepheline serranids Cephalopholis fulva and Paranthias furcifer in waters off Bermuda was investigated by using morphological and molecular characters. Putative hybrids, as well as members of each presumed parent species, were analyzed for 44 morphological characters and screened for genetic variation at 16 nuclear allozyme loci, two nuclear (n)DNA loci, and three mitochondrial (mt)DNA gene regions. Four of 16 allozyme loci, creatine kinase (CK-B*), fumarase (FH*), isocitrate dehydrogenase (ICDH-S*), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH-B*), were unique in C. fulva and P. furcifer. Restriction fragments of two nuclear DNA intron regions, an actin gene intron and the second intron in the S7 ribosomal protein gene, also exhibited consistent differences between the two presumed parent species. Restriction fragments of three mtDNA regions—ND4, ATPase 6, and 12S/16S ribosomal RNA—were analyzed to identify maternal parentage of putative hybrids. Both morphological data and nuclear genetic data were found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the putative hybrids were the result of interbreeding between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Mean values of 38 morphological characters were different between presumed parent species, and putative hybrids were intermediate to presumed parent species for 33 of these characters. A principal component analysis of the morphological and meristic data was also consistent with hybridization between C. fulva and P. furcifer. Thirteen of 15 putative hybrids were heterozygous at all diagnostic nuclear loci, consistent with F1 hybrids. Two putative hybrids were identified as post-F1 hybrids based on homozygosity at one nuclear locus each. Mitochondrial DNA analysis showed that the maternal parent of all putative hybrid individuals was C. fulva. A survey of nuclear and mitochondrial loci of 57 C. fulva and 37 P. furcifer from Bermuda revealed no evidence of introgression between the parent species mediated by hybridization.
Golden monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana), namely the snub-nosed monkey, is a well-known endangered primate, which distributes only in the central part of mainland China. As an effort to understand the current genetic status as well as population history of this species, we collected a sample of 32 individuals from four different regions, which cover the major habitat of this species. Forty-four allozyme loci were surveyed in our study by allozyme electrophoresis, none of which was found to be polymorphic. The void of polymorphism compared with that of other nonhuman primates is surprising particularly considering that the current population size is many times larger than that of some other endangered species. Since many independent loci are surveyed in this Study, the most plausible explanation for our observation is that the population has experienced a recent bottleneck. We used a coalescent approach to explore various scenarios of population bottleneck and concluded that the most recent bottleneck could have happened within the last 15,000 years. Moreover, the proposed simulation approach could be useful to researchers who need to analyze the non- or low-polymorphism data.