727 resultados para additional key words and phrases


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Una de las dificultades principales en el desarrollo de software es la ausencia de un marco conceptual adecuado para su estudio. Una propuesta la constituye el modelo transformativo, que entiende el desarrollo de software como un proceso iterativo de transformación de especificaciones: se parte de una especificación inicial que va transformándose sucesivamente hasta obtener una especificación final que se toma como programa. Este modelo básico puede llevarse a la práctica de varias maneras. En concreto, la aproximación deductiva toma una sentencia lógica como especificación inicial y su proceso transformador consiste en la demostración de la sentencia; como producto secundario de la demostración se deriva un programa que satisface la especificación inicial. La tesis desarrolla un método deductivo para la derivación de programas funcionales con patrones, escritos en un lenguaje similar a Hope. El método utiliza una lógica multigénero, cuya relación con el lenguaje de programación es estudiada. También se identifican los esquemas de demostración necesarios para la derivación de funciones con patrones, basados en la demostración independiente de varias subsentencias. Cada subsentencia proporciona una subespecificación de una ecuación del futuro programa a derivar. Nuestro método deductivo está inspirado en uno previo de Zohar Manna y Richard Waldinger, conocido como el cuadro deductivo, que deriva programas en un lenguaje similar a Lisp. El nuevo método es una modificación del cuadro de estos autores, que incorpora géneros y permite demostrar una especificación mediante varios cuadros. Cada cuadro demuestra una subespecificación y por tanto deriva una ecuación del programa. Se prevén mecanismos para que los programas derivados puedan contener definiciones locales con patrones y variables anónimas y sinónimas y para que las funciones auxiliares derivadas no usen variables de las funciones principales. La tesis se completa con varios ejemplos de aplicación, un mecanismo que independentiza el método del lenguaje de programación y un prototipo de entorno interactivo de derivación deductiva. Categorías y descriptores de materia CR D.l.l [Técnicas de programación]: Programación funcional; D.2.10 [Ingeniería de software]: Diseño - métodos; F.3.1 [Lógica y significado de los programas]: Especificación, verificación y razonamiento sobre programas - lógica de programas; F.3.3 [Lógica y significado de los programas]: Estudios de construcciones de programas - construcciones funcionales; esquemas de programa y de recursion; 1.2.2 [Inteligencia artificial]: Programación automática - síntesis de programas; 1.2.3 [Inteligencia artificial]: Deducción y demostración de teoremas]: extracción de respuesta/razón; inducción matemática. Términos generales Programación funcional, síntesis de programas, demostración de teoremas. Otras palabras claves y expresiones Funciones con patrones, cuadro deductivo, especificación parcial, inducción estructural, teorema de descomposición.---ABSTRACT---One of the main difficulties in software development is the lack of an adequate conceptual framework of study. The transformational model is one such proposal that conceives software development as an iterative process of specifications transformation: an initial specification is developed and successively transformed until a final specification is obtained and taken as a program. This basic model can be implemented in several ways. The deductive approach takes a logical sentence as the initial specification and its proof constitutes the transformational process; as a byproduct of the proof, a program which satisfies the initial specification is derived. In the thesis, a deductive method for the derivation of Hope-like functional programs with patterns is developed. The method uses a many-sorted logic, whose relation to the programming language is studied. Also the proof schemes necessary for the derivation of functional programs with patterns, based on the independent proof of several subsentences, are identified. Each subsentence provides a subspecification of one equation of the future program to be derived. Our deductive method is inspired on a previous one by Zohar Manna and Richard Waldinger, known as the deductive tableau, which derives Lisp-like programs. The new method incorporates sorts in the tableau and allows to prove a sentence with several tableaux. Each tableau proves a subspecification and therefore derives an equation of the program. Mechanisms are included to allow the derived programs to contain local definitions with patterns and anonymous and synonymous variables; also, the derived auxiliary functions cannot reference parameters of their main functions. The thesis is completed with several application examples, i mechanism to make the method independent from the programming language and an interactive environment prototype for deductive derivation. CR categories and subject descriptors D.l.l [Programming techniques]: Functional programming; D.2.10 [Software engineering]: Design - methodologies; F.3.1 [Logics and meanings of programa]: Specifying and verifying and reasoning about programs - logics of programs; F.3.3 [Logics and meanings of programs]: Studies of program constructs - functional constructs; program and recursion schemes; 1.2.2 [Artificial intelligence]: Automatic programming - program synthesis; 1.2.3 [Artificial intelligence]: Deduction and theorem proving - answer/reason extraction; mathematical induction. General tenas Functional programming, program synthesis, theorem proving. Additional key words and phrases Functions with patterns, deductive tableau, structural induction, partial specification, descomposition theorem.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report the state-of-the-art of servitization by presenting a clinical review of literature currently available on the topic. The paper aims to define the servitization concept, report on its origin, features and drivers and give examples of its adoption along with future research challenges. Design/methodology/approach – In determining the scope of this study, the focus is on articles that are central and relevant to servitization within a wider manufacturing context. The methodology consists of identifying relevant publication databases, searching these using a wide range of key words and phrases associated with servitization, and then fully reviewing each article in turn. The key findings and their implications for research are all described. Findings – Servitization is the innovation of an organisation's capabilities and processes to shift from selling products to selling integrated products and services that deliver value in use. There are a diverse range of servitization examples in the literature. These tend to emphasize the potential to maintain revenue streams and improve profitability. Practical implications – Servitization does not represent a panacea for manufactures. However, it is a concept of significant potential value, providing routes for companies to move up the value chain and exploit higher value business activities. There is little work to date that can be used to help practitioners. Originality/value – This paper provides a useful review of servitization and a platform on which to base more in-depth research into the broader topic of service-led competitive strategy by drawing on the work from other related research communities.


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The purpose of this paper is to examine consumers' experience of a performing arts service to identify the predictors of audience behaviour especially as related to positive repurchase intention. Experiential service settings such as the performing arts have been cited in recent research as service contexts that may challenge current theory that repurchase intention is driven by service quality and customer satisfaction. It is posited that consumer emotions and the hedonic nature of the consumption experience may complicate the evaluation process to repurchase intention in a setting such as the performing arts. Qualitative semi-structured indepth interviews were undertaken of twenty-six performing arts consumers using a pool of questions and prompts developed from a review of the extant literature. Transcribed field notes were examined for key words and phrases and data was divided into the main emergent themes related to each of the questions and also coded for confirmation and is-confirmation of the extant literature constructs and relationships. The dimensions of service experience,price, service quality, target goal-directed emotions and non-target appraisal emotions were identified as driving repurchase intention in a performing arts setting. Customer satisfaction in this setting appears to result from emotional factors rather than expectancy dis-confirmation. This research supports the notion that an experiential consumption experience such as the performing arts will challenge the current theory of the drivers of repurchase intention and suggests that a more thorough large scale examination of these dimensions in this service setting is warranted.


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Actividades de entretenimiento para que los niños mejoren las habilidades en: lectura, escritura, dibujo, contar, jugar, lenguaje. Los símbolos que aparecen en cada página les sirven de guía visual para las actividades propuestas, que les ayudan a mejorar la comprensión verbal y escrita, la atención visual y la destreza con las manos.


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Actividades de entretenimiento para que los niños mejoren las habilidades en: lectura, escritura, dibujo, contar, jugar, lenguaje. Los símbolos que aparecen en cada página les sirven de guía visual para las actividades propuestas, que les ayudan a mejorar la comprensión verbal y escrita, la atención visual y la destreza con las manos.


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Arranged by radical, with stroke and phonetic indexes.


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Purpose: Clear recommendations on how to guide patients with cancer on home parenteral nutrition (HPN) are lacking as the use of HPN in this population remains a controversial issue. Therefore, the aims of this study were to rank treatment recommendations and main outcome indicators to ensure high-quality care and to indicate differences in care concerning benign versus malignant patients. Methods: Treatment recommendations, identified from published guidelines, were used as a starting point for a two-round Delphi approach. Comments and additional interventions proposed in the first round were reevaluated in the second round. Ordinal logistic regression with SPSS 2.0 was used to identify differences in care concerning benign versus malignant patients. Results: Twenty-seven experts from five European countries completed two Delphi rounds. After the second Delphi round, the top three most important outcome indicators were (1) quality of life (QoL), (2) incidence of hospital readmission and (3) incidence of catheter-related infections. Forty-two interventions were considered as important for quality of care (28/42 based on published guidelines; 14/42 newly suggested by Delphi panel). The topics 'Liver disease' and 'Metabolic bone disease' were considered less important for cancer patients, together with use of infusion pumps (p = 0.004) and monitoring of vitamins and trace elements (p = 0.000). Monitoring of QoL is considered more important for cancer patients (p = 0.03). Conclusion: Using a two-round Delphi approach, we developed a minimal set of 42 interventions that may be used to determine quality of care in HPN patients with malignancies. This set of interventions differs from a similar set developed for benign patients. © 2012 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.