986 resultados para active surveillance


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PURPOSE: Men are living longer with prostate cancer. In a two-country study, we investigated the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of prostate cancer survivors up to 18 years post-diagnosis.

METHODS: Postal questionnaires were administered in 2012 to 6559 prostate cancer (ICD10 C61) survivors 2-18 years post-diagnosis, identified through population-based cancer registries in Ireland. HRQoL was measured using QLQ-C30 and QLQ-PR25. HRQoL, functional and symptom scores were compared by primary treatment(s) using multiple linear regression.

RESULTS: Fifty-four percent responded (n = 3348). After controlling for socio-demographic and clinical factors, global HRQoL varied significantly by primary treatment (p < 0.001); compared to radical prostatectomy (RP), survivors who received androgen deprivation therapy alone (ADT; p < 0.001) or external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) without concurrent ADT (p = 0.001) had significantly lower global HRQoL. The global HRQoL of men who received brachytherapy (p = 0.157), EBRT with concurrent ADT (p = 0.940) or active surveillance/watchful waiting (p = 0.388) was not significantly different from men treated with RP. There were statistically and clinically significant differences in general (fatigue, pain, dyspnoea, appetite loss, constipation, diarrhoea, financial difficulties) and disease-specific symptoms (sexual, urinary, bowel, ADT) by primary treatment. Fatigue and insomnia scores were high for survivors in all treatment groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Prostate cancer survivors' long-term HRQoL varied with primary treatment.

IMPLICATIONS OF CANCER SURVIVORS: Population-based information regarding statistically and clinically significant treatment effects on long-term global HRQoL, symptom burden and functionality should be provided during treatment decision-making. Screening for symptoms and utilising interventions during long-term follow-up may improve survivors' HRQoL.


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Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging has been increasingly used for detection, localization and staging of prostate cancer over the last years. It combines high-resolution T2 Weighted-Imaging and at least two functional techniques, which include Dynamic Contrast–Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy. Although the combined use of a pelvic phased-array and an Endorectal Coil is considered the state-of-the-art for Magnetic Resonance Imaging evaluation of prostate cancer, Endorectal Coil is only absolute mandatory for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Spectroscopy at 1.5 T. Sensitivity and specificity levels in cancer detection and localization have been improving with functional technique implementation, compared to T2 Weighted-Imaging alone. It has been particularly useful to evaluate patients with abnormal PSA and negative biopsy. Moreover, the information added by the functional techniques may correlate to cancer aggressiveness and therefore be useful to select patients for focal radiotherapy, prostate sparing surgery, focal ablative therapy and active surveillance. However, more studies are needed to compare the functional techniques and understand the advantages and disadvantages of each one. This article reviews the basic principles of prostatic mp-Magnetic Resonance Imaging, emphasizing its role on detection, staging and active surveillance of prostate cancer.


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EMOND, Alan et al. The effectiveness of community-based interventions to improve maternal and infant health in the Northeast of Brazil. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública/ Pan American Journal of Public Health , v.12, n.2, p.101-110, 2002


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The human skin not only provides passive protection as a physical barrier against external injury, but also mediates active surveillance via epidermal cell surface receptors that recognize and respond to potential invaders. Primary keratinocytes and immortalized cell lines, the commonly used sources to investigate immune responses of cutaneous epithelium are often difficult to obtain and/or potentially exhibit changes in cellular genetic make-up. Here we investigated the possibility of using salivary epithelial cells (SEC) to evaluate the host response to cutaneous microbes. Elevated secretion of IFN-γ and IL-12 was observed in the SEC stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus, a transient pathogen of the skin, as mono species biofilm as compared to SEC stimulated with a commensal microbe, the Staphylococcus epidermidis. Co-culture of the SEC with both microbes as dual species biofilm elicited maximum cytokine response. Stimulation with S. aureus alone but not with S. epidermidis alone induced maximum toll-like receptor-2 (TLR-2) expression in the SEC. Exposure to dual species biofilm induced a sustained upregulation of TLR-2 in the SEC for up to an hour. The data support novel application of the SEC as efficient biospecimen that may be used to investigate personalized response to cutaneous microflora. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Os rotavírus se constituem nos principais agentes causadores de gastroenterite grave entre crianças com idades inferiores a 5 anos, tanto nos países desenvolvidos quanto naqueles em desenvolvimento, com pico de incidência entre 6 e 24 meses de vida. Em termos globais, estima-se que pelo menos 500.000 óbitos por ano se associem a esse enteropatógeno. Um extenso ensaio clínico de fase 111, randomizado na proporção de 1 :1, controlado por placebo e duplo-cego, envolvendo 11 países da América Latina e a Finlândia se levou a efeito objetivando-se avaliar a eficácia e segurança de uma vacina atenuada, de origem humana, contra rotavírus, denominada RIX4414. Na totalidade, recrutaram-se mais de 63.000 crianças. Em Belém, Pará, tais estudos envolveram 3.218 indivíduos aos quais se administraram duas doses de vacina ou placebo, no segundo e quarto meses de idade. Desse total avaliou-se um subgrupo de 653 crianças quanto à eficácia da vacina, com acompanhamento ao longo de 1 a 2 anos, quando se registraram 37 episódios de GE grave por rotavírus, 75,6% (28/37) dos quais no grupo placebo e 24,3% (9/37) entre os vacinados, daí se inferindo eficácia da vacina de 68,8% (IC95% 32.0-87,0) nos primeiros dois anos de vida. No que se refere à intensidade desses episódios, notou-se maior eficácia contra os classificados como muito graves (escore de Ruuska & Vesikari ≥ 15), alcançando níveis de 83% (IC95% 22-96). No grupo placebo observou-se risco cumulativo, quanto ao desenvolvimento de gastroenterite grave por rotavírus, 4 vezes superior em relação ao vacinado. Quanto aos sorotipos de rotavírus G1 e não-G1, evidenciou-se proteção de 51 % (IC95% -30 - 81) e 82% (IC95% 37-95), respectivamente, denotando-se proteção tanto homotípica quanto heterotípica. De particular relevância se constituiu a proteção frente ao G9 [93% (IC95% 47-99)], dado o caráter emergente global desse sorotipo, além do seu potencial quanto a desencadear quadros diarréicos rotineiramente mais graves. A eficácia da vacina contra episódios de GE de qualquer etiologia alcançou 35,3% (IC95% 11,6-52,9), do que se depreende o expressivo impacto em potencial da vacinação contra rotavírus em termos de saúde pública. No que se refere à segurança desse imunizante, não se observaram diferenças significativas do ponto de vista estatístico, entre os grupos vacina e placebo, no que concerne à ocorrência de eventos adversos graves. Não se registrou qualquer caso de intussuscepção entre os sujeitos participantes, mercê de extensiva vigilância ativa nos hospitais de referência. Os resultados encontrados nesse estudo corroboram os já descritos em ensaios multicêntricos como um todo, em vários continentes, consolidando os indicadores quanto à eficácia e segurança da vacina RIX4414 quando administrada em duas doses a crianças saudáveis.


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A leishmaniose tegumentar (LT) encontra-se em expansão no Estado do Pará, Brasil. Juruti é um dos 143 municípios desse Estado e atualmente cenário de grandes transformações ambientais devido à mineração de bauxita, o que poderá influenciar o padrão de transmissão. Objetivo: Este estudo buscou elucidar aspectos epidemiológicos relevantes para o controle da LT em Juruti. Materiais e Métodos: A frequência de LT e o perfil dos pacientes no hospital municipal "Francisco Barros" foram determinados de janeiro a dezembro/2007. Espécies de flebotomíneos silvestres existentes no entorno de uma área de prospecção da bauxita foram também descritas, durante levantamento entomológico em janeiro/2008 (armadilha Shannon/18h às 20h/2 noites). Em 21 indivíduos, portadores de lesão cutânea suspeita de LT, biópsias de pele foram realizadas entre fevereiro e junho de 2007. Neste grupo procedeu-se ao diagnóstico parasitológico (esfregaço corado e cultura), molecular e teste intradérmico de Montenegro. Utilizaram-se sondas de DNA ribossomal (PCR-SSUrDNA) gênero específicas (S4, S12; S17, S18) e de G6PD, para distinguir o subgênero Viannia (ISVC, ISVA: ISVC, ISVG) e a espécie L. (V.) braziliensis (ISVC, ISVA; ISVC, ISVB). Resultados: No ano de 2007 foram confirmados 42 casos novos de LT, com média mensal inferior a quatro (3,5 ± 0,8), maior frequência em julho (11) e menor em junho e novembro (0). A maioria dos pacientes foi de homens (41/42, 98%) com menos de 20 anos (<10 anos: 30%; 10-20: 57%; 20-40: 12%). A maioria também residia em localidades rurais (33/42, 79%), incluindo áreas impactadas pela mineração (19/42, 45%), e exercia atividades de risco (28/42, 67%). Doze eram funcionários de empresas (29%). A análise molecular das 21 amostras identificou 12 resultados positivos para o gênero Leishmania (57%), sendo 11 (52%) parasitologicamente confirmados. A PCRG6PD identificou 75% das amostras como sendo L. (V.) braziliensis. As demais (3/12, 25%) não hibridizaram com os oligonucleotídeos da PCR-G6PD e, por isso, os produtos da reação de nested-PCR SSUrDNA foram clonados e sequenciados, confirmando que se tratavam de Leishmania (Viannia) sp. Apenas 9/12 (75%) casos confirmados pelos métodos parasitológico e/ou olecular tiveram reações de hipersensibilidade tardia em resposta ao antígeno de Montenegro, cujos diâmetros variaram de 7 a 40mm (16,3 ± 3,2). Capturaram-se 105 flebotomíneos de 13 espécies nas seguintes frequências: 1- Lutzomyia (Ps.) geniculata (23, 22%), 2- Lutzomyia (Ps.) paraensis (21, 20%), 3- Lutzomyia (Ps.) complexa (18, 17%), 4-Lutzomyia (Ps.) davisi (10, 10%), 5- Lutzomyia (N.) flaviscutellata (13, 13%) e outras oito espécies (20, 18%). Discussão: Espécies de Leishmania do subgênero Viannia, sobretudo L. (V.) braziliensis predominam em Juruti, o que é compatível com o extenso diâmetro das reações cutâneas observadas ao antígeno de Montenegro e com os relatos comuns de persistência e recidiva, apesar do tratamento específico. Entre os flebotomíneos antropófilos destacam-se L. (Ps.) complexa (17%) e L. (Ps.) flaviscutellata (13%) por serem vetores de L. (V.) braziliensis e L. (L.) amazonensis respectivamente, associadas às formas severas da LT humana. Conclusão: Medidas de controle em Juruti devem priorizar a redução da morbidade, diagnóstico precoce, busca ativa de LT humana, vigilância entomológica e de microambientes no entorno da área de impacto de mineração.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Introduction: The widespread screening programs prompted a decrease in prostate cancer stage at diagnosis, and active surveillance is an option for patients who may harbor clinically insignificant prostate cancer (IPC). Pathologists include the possibility of an IPC in their reports based on the Gleason score and tumor volume. This study determined the accuracy of pathological data in the identification of IPC in radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. Materials and Methods: Of 592 radical prostatectomy specimens examined in our laboratory from 2001 to 2010, 20 patients harbored IPC and exhibited biopsy findings suggestive of IPC. These biopsy features served as the criteria to define patients with potentially insignificant tumor in this population. The results of the prostate biopsies and surgical specimens of the 592 patients were compared. Results: The twenty patients who had IPC in both biopsy and RP were considered real positive cases. All patients were divided into groups based on their diagnoses following RP: true positives (n = 20), false positives (n = 149), true negatives (n = 421), false negatives (n = 2). The accuracy of the pathological data alone for the prediction of IPC was 91.4%, the sensitivity was 91% and the specificity was 74%. Conclusion: The identification of IPC using pathological data exclusively is accurate, and pathologists should suggest this in their reports to aid surgeons, urologists and radiotherapists to decide the best treatment for their patients.


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Objective: To identify differences in the evolution of children with non-severe acute lower respiratory tract infection between those with and without radiographically diagnosed pneumonia. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: A public university pediatric hospital in Salvador, Northeast Brazil. Patients: Children aged 2-59 months. Methods: By active surveillance, the pneumonia cases were prospectively identified in a 2-year period. Each case was followed-up for changes in various clinical symptoms and signs. Demographic, clinical and radiographic data were recorded in standardized forms. Exclusion was due to antibiotic use in the previous 48 hours, signs of severe disease, refusal to give informed consent, underlying chronic illness, hospitalization in the previous 7 days or amoxicillin allergy. Chest X-ray (CXR) was later read by at least 2 independent pediatric radiologists. Main Outcome Measures: Radiographic diagnosed pneumonia based on agreed detection of pulmonary infiltrate or pleural effusion in 2 assessments. Results: A total of 382 patients receiving amoxicillin were studied, of whom, 372 (97.4%) had concordant radiographic diagnosis which was pneumonia (52%), normal CXR (41%). and others (7%). By multivariate analysis, age (OR=1.03; 95% CI: 1.02-1.05), disease >= 5days (OR = 1.04; 95% CI: 1.001-1.08), reduced pulmonary expansion (OR = 3.3; 95% CI: 1.4-8.0), absence of wheezing (OR = 0.5; 95% CI: 0.3-0.9), crackles on admission (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.2-3.5), inability to drink on day 1 (OR = 4.2; 95% CI: 1.05-17.3), consolidation percussion sign (OR = 7.0; 95% CI: 1.5-32.3), tachypnea (OR = 2.0; 95% CI: 1.09-3.6) and fever (OR = 3.6; 95% CI: 1.4-9.4) on day 2 were independently associated with pneumonia. The highest positive predictive value was at the 2nd day of evolution for tachypnea (71.0%) and fever (81.1%). Conclusion: Persistence of fever or tachypnea up to the second day of amoxicillin treatment is predictive of radiographically diagnosed pneumonia among children with non-severe lower respiratory tract diseases.


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The emergency of infection by highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAI) subtype H5N1 has focused the attention of the world scientific community, requiring the prompt provision of effective control systems for early detection of the circulation of low pathogenic influenza H5 viruses (LPAI) in populations of wild birds to prevent outbreaks of highly pathogenic (HPAI) in populations of domestic birds with possible transmission to humans. The project stems from the aim to provide, through a preliminary analysis of data obtained from surveillance in Italy and Europe, a preliminary study about the virus detection rates and the development of mathematical models, an objective assessment of the effectiveness of avian influenza surveillance systems in wild bird populations, and to point out guidelines to support the planning process of the sampling activities. The results obtained from the statistical processing quantify the sampling effort in terms of time and sample size required, and simulating different epidemiological scenarios identify active surveillance as the most suitable for endemic LPAI infection monitoring in wild waterfowl, and passive surveillance as the only really effective tool in early detecting HPAI H5N1 circulation in wild populations. Given the lack of relevant information on H5N1 epidemiology, and the actual finantial and logistic constraints, an approach that makes use of statistical tools to evaluate and predict monitoring activities effectiveness proves to be of primary importance to direct decision-making and make the best use of available resources.


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BACKGROUND: In order to optimise the cost-effectiveness of active surveillance to substantiate freedom from disease, a new approach using targeted sampling of farms was developed and applied on the example of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and enzootic bovine leucosis (EBL) in Switzerland. Relevant risk factors (RF) for the introduction of IBR and EBL into Swiss cattle farms were identified and their relative risks defined based on literature review and expert opinions. A quantitative model based on the scenario tree method was subsequently used to calculate the required sample size of a targeted sampling approach (TS) for a given sensitivity. We compared the sample size with that of a stratified random sample (sRS) with regard to efficiency. RESULTS: The required sample sizes to substantiate disease freedom were 1,241 farms for IBR and 1,750 farms for EBL to detect 0.2% herd prevalence with 99% sensitivity. Using conventional sRS, the required sample sizes were 2,259 farms for IBR and 2,243 for EBL. Considering the additional administrative expenses required for the planning of TS, the risk-based approach was still more cost-effective than a sRS (40% reduction on the full survey costs for IBR and 8% for EBL) due to the considerable reduction in sample size. CONCLUSIONS: As the model depends on RF selected through literature review and was parameterised with values estimated by experts, it is subject to some degree of uncertainty. Nevertheless, this approach provides the veterinary authorities with a promising tool for future cost-effective sampling designs.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess whether the influenza peak in populations precedes the annual peak for invasive pneumococcal infections (IPI) in winter. DESIGN: Ecological study. Active surveillance data on influenza A and IPI in children up to 16 years of age collected from 1997 to 2003 were analysed. SETTING: Paediatric hospitals in Germany. Patients: Children under 16 years of age. RESULTS: In all years under study, the influenza A season did not appear to affect the IPI season (p = 0.49). Specifically, the influenza peak never preceded the IPI peak. CONCLUSION: On a population level there was no indication that the annual influenza epidemic triggered the winter increase in the IPI rate or the peak of the IPI distribution in children.


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Testis cancer is the most frequent solid malignancy in young men. The majority of patients present with clinical stage I disease and about 50% of them are nonseminomatous germ cell tumors. In this initial stage of disease there is a subgroup of patients at high risk with a likelihood of more than 50% for relapse. Treatment options for these patients include: retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND), albeit 6-10% of patients will relapse outside the field of RPLND, active surveillance with even higher relapse rates and adjuvant chemotherapy. As most of these patients have the chance to become long-term survivors, avoidance of long-term side effects is of utmost importance. This review provides information on the potential of chemotherapy to achieve a higher chance of cure for patients with high-risk clinical stage I disease than its therapeutic alternatives and addresses toxicity and dose dependency.


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BACKGROUND: The broad enforcement of active surveillance for bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in 2000 led to the discovery of previously unnoticed, atypical BSE phenotypes in aged cattle that differed from classical BSE (C-type) in biochemical properties of the pathological prion protein. Depending on the molecular mass and the degree of glycosylation of its proteinase K resistant core fragment (PrPres), mainly determined in samples derived from the medulla oblongata, these atypical cases are currently classified into low (L)-type or high (H)-type BSE. In the present study we address the question to what extent such atypical BSE cases are part of the BSE epidemic in Switzerland. RESULTS: To this end we analyzed the biochemical PrPres type by Western blot in a total of 33 BSE cases in cattle with a minimum age of eight years, targeting up to ten different brain regions. Our work confirmed H-type BSE in a zebu but classified all other cases as C-type BSE; indicating a very low incidence of H- and L-type BSE in Switzerland. It was documented for the first time that the biochemical PrPres type was consistent across different brain regions of aging animals with C-type and H-type BSE, i.e. independent of the neuroanatomical structure investigated. CONCLUSION: Taken together this study provides further characteristics of the BSE epidemic in Switzerland and generates new baseline data for the definition of C- and H-type BSE phenotypes, thereby underpinning the notion that they indeed represent distinct prion disease entities.


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UNLABELLED Ex vivo studies have shown that the gastrin releasing peptide receptor (GRPr) is overexpressed on almost all primary prostate cancers, making it a promising target for prostate cancer imaging and targeted radiotherapy. METHODS Biodistribution, dosimetry and tumor uptake of the GRPr antagonist ⁶⁴Cu-CB-TE2A-AR06 [(⁶⁴Cu-4,11-bis(carboxymethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazabicyclo(6.6.2)hexadecane)-PEG₄-D-Phe-Gln-Trp-Ala-Val-Gly-His-Sta-LeuNH₂] were studied by PET/CT in four patients with newly diagnosed prostate cancer (T1c-T2b, Gleason 6-7). RESULTS No adverse events were observed after injection of ⁶⁴Cu-CB-TE2A-AR06. Three of four tumors were visualized with high contrast [tumor-to-prostate ratio > 4 at 4 hours (h) post injection (p.i.)], one small tumor (T1c, < 5% tumor on biopsy specimens) showed moderate contrast (tumor-to-prostate ratio at 4 h: 1.9). Radioactivity was cleared by the kidneys and only the pancreas demonstrated significant accumulation of radioactivity, which rapidly decreased over time. CONCLUSION ⁶⁴Cu-CB-TE2A-AR06 shows very favorable characteristics for imaging prostate cancer. Future studies evaluating ⁶⁴Cu-CB-TE2A-AR06 PET/CT for prostate cancer detection, staging, active surveillance, and radiation treatment planning are necessary.