982 resultados para acoustic emission sensors


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This paper presents techniques which can lead to diagnosis of faults in a small size multi-cylinder diesel engine. Preliminary analysis of the acoustic emission (AE) signals is outline, including time-frequency analysis and selection of optimum frequency band.The results of applying mean field independent component analysis (MFICA) to separate the AE root mean square (RMS) signals and the effects of changing parameter values are also outlined. The results on separation of RMS signals show thsi technique has the potential of increasing the probability to successfully identify the AE events associated with the various mechanical events within the combustion process of multi-cylinder diesel engines.


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Vibration analysis has been a prime tool in condition monitoring of rotating machines, however, its application to internal combustion engines remains a challenge because engine vibration signatures are highly non-stationary that are not suitable for popular spectrum-based analysis. Signal-to-noise ratio is a main concern in engine signature analysis due to severe background noise being generated by consecutive mechanical events, such as combustion, valve opening and closing, especially in multi-cylinder engines. Acoustic Emission (AE) has been found to give excellent signal-to-noise ratio allowing discrimination of fine detail of normal or abnormal events during a given cycle. AE has been used to detect faults, such as exhaust valve leakage, fuel injection behaviour, and aspects of the combustion process. This paper presents a review of AE application to diesel engine monitoring and preliminary investigation of AE signature measured on an 18-cylinder diesel engine. AE is compared with vibration acceleration for varying operating conditions: load and speed. Frequency characteristics of AE from those events are analysed in time-frequency domain via short time Fourier trasform. The result shows a great potential of AE analysis for detection of various defects in diesel engines.


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This paper presents an experimental investigation into the detection of excessive Diesel knock using acoustic emission signals. Three different dual-fuel Diesel engine operating regimes were induced into a compression ignition (Diesel) engine operating on both straight Diesel fuel and two different mixtures of fumigated ethanol and Diesel. The experimentally induced engine operating regimes were; normal, or Diesel only operation, acceptable dual-fuel operation and dual-fuel operation with excessive Diesel knock. During the excessive Diesel knock operating regime, high rates of ethanol substitution induced potentially damaging levels of Diesel knock. Acoustic emission data was captured along with cylinder pressure, crank-angle encoder, and top-dead centre signals for the different engine operating regimes. Using these signals, it was found that acoustic emission signals clearly distinguished between the two acceptable operating regimes and the operating regime experiencing excessive Diesel knock. It was also found that acoustic emission sensor position is critical. The acoustic emission sensor positioned on the block of the engine clearly related information concerning the level of Diesel knock occurring in the engine whist the sensor positioned on the head of the engine gave no indication concerning Diesel knock severity levels.


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This paper discusses commonly encountered diesel engine problems and the underlying combustion related faults. Also discussed are the methods used in previous studies to simulate diesel engine faults and the initial results of an experimental simulation of a common combustion related diesel engine fault, namely diesel engine misfire. This experimental fault simulation represents the first step towards a comprehensive investigation and analysis into the characteristics of acoustic emission signals arising from combustion related diesel engine faults. Data corresponding to different engine running conditions was captured using in-cylinder pressure, vibration and acoustic emission transducers along with both crank-angle encoder and top-dead centre signals. Using these signals, it was possible to characterise the diesel engine in-cylinder pressure profiles and the effect of different combustion conditions on both vibration and acoustic emission signals.


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This paper presents a study whereby a series of tests was undertaken using a naturally aspirated 4 cylinder, 2.216 litre, Perkins Diesel engine fitted with a piston having an undersized skirt. This experimental simulation resulted in engine running conditions that included abnormally high levels of piston slap occurring in one of the cylinders. The detectability of the resultant Diesel engine piston slap was investigated using acoustic emission signals. Data corresponding to both normal and piston slap engine running conditions was captured using acoustic emission transducers along with both; in-cylinder pressure and top-dead centre reference signals. Using these signals it was possible to demonstrate that the increased piston slap running conditions were distinguishable by monitoring the piston slap events occurring near the piston mid-stroke positions. However, when monitoring the piston slap events occurring near the TDC/BDC piston stroke positions, the normal and excessive piston slap engine running condition were not clearly distinguishable.


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This thesis represents a major step forward in understanding the link between the development of combustion related faults in diesel engines and the generation of acoustic emissions. The findings presented throughout the thesis provide a foundation so that future diesel engine monitoring systems are able to more effectively detect and monitor developing faults. In undertaking this research knowledge concerning engine function and relevant failure mechanisms was combined with different modelling methods to generate a framework that was used to effectively identify fault related activity within acoustic emissions recorded from different engines.


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Low speed rotating machines which are the most critical components in drive train of wind turbines are often menaced by several technical and environmental defects. These factors contribute to mount the economic requirement for Health Monitoring and Condition Monitoring of the systems. When a defect is happened in such system result in reduced energy loss rates from related process and due to it Condition Monitoring techniques that detecting energy loss are very difficult if not possible to use. However, in the case of Acoustic Emission (AE) technique this issue is partly overcome and is well suited for detecting very small energy release rates. Acoustic Emission (AE) as a technique is more than 50 years old and in this new technology the sounds associated with the failure of materials were detected. Acoustic wave is a non-stationary signal which can discover elastic stress waves in a failure component, capable of online monitoring, and is very sensitive to the fault diagnosis. In this paper the history and background of discovering and developing AE is discussed, different ages of developing AE which include Age of Enlightenment (1950-1967), Golden Age of AE (1967-1980), Period of Transition (1980-Present). In the next section the application of AE condition monitoring in machinery process and various systems that applied AE technique in their health monitoring is discussed. In the end an experimental result is proposed by QUT test rig which an outer race bearing fault was simulated to depict the sensitivity of AE for detecting incipient faults in low speed high frequency machine.


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This study presents an acoustic emission (AE) based fault diagnosis for low speed bearing using multi-class relevance vector machine (RVM). A low speed test rig was developed to simulate the various defects with shaft speeds as low as 10 rpm under several loading conditions. The data was acquired using anAEsensor with the test bearing operating at a constant loading (5 kN) andwith a speed range from20 to 80 rpm. This study is aimed at finding a reliable method/tool for low speed machines fault diagnosis based on AE signal. In the present study, component analysis was performed to extract the bearing feature and to reduce the dimensionality of original data feature. The result shows that multi-class RVM offers a promising approach for fault diagnosis of low speed machines.


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Acoustic emission technique has become a significant and powerful structural health monitoring tool for structures. Researches to date have been done on crack location, fatigue crack propagation in materials and severity assessment of failure using acoustic emission technique. Determining severity of failure in steel structures using acoustic emission technique is still a challenge to accurately determine the relationship between the severity of crack propagation and acoustic emission activities. In this study three point bending test on low carbon steel samples along with acoustic emission technique have been used to determine crack propagation and severity. A notch is introduced at the tension face of the loading point to the samples to initiate the crack. The results show that the percentage of load drop of the steel specimen has a reciprocal relationship with the crack opening i.e. crack opening zones are influenced by the loading rate. In post yielding region, common acoustic emission signal parameters such as, signal strength, energy and amplitudes are found to be higher than those at pre-yielding and at yielding.


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Effective fuel injector operation and efficient combustion are two of the most critical aspects when Diesel engine performance, efficiency and reliability are considered. Indeed, it is widely acknowledged that fuel injection equipment faults lead to increased fuel consumption, reduced power, greater levels of exhaust emissions and even unexpected engine failure. Previous investigations have identified fuel injector related acoustic emission activity as being caused by mechanisms such as fuel line pressure build-up; fuel flow through injector nozzles, injector needle opening and closing impacts and premixed combustion related pulses. Few of these investigations however, have attempted to categorise the close association and interrelation that exists between fuel injection equipment function and the acoustic emission generating mechanisms. Consequently, a significant amount of ambiguity remains in the interpretation and categorisation of injector related AE activity with respect to the functional characteristics of specific fuel injection equipment. The investigation presented addresses this ambiguity by detailing a study in which AE signals were recorded and analysed from two different Diesel engines employing the two commonly encountered yet fundamentally different types of fuel injection equipment. Results from tests in which faults were induced into fuel injector nozzles from both indirect-injection and direct-injection engines show that functional differences between the main types of fuel injection equipment results in acoustic emission activity which can be specifically related to the type of fuel injection equipment used.