991 resultados para accounting profession


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Through its emphasis on compliance with processing rules, the accounting profession remains beset by an inferior notion of 'quality' in financial reporting. The capacity of financial reports to provide a reliable guide for financial choice and action is instead shown to be dependent on establishing correspondence with up-to-date commercial phenomena.


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This study applies the "regulatory space" construct, in concert with the notion of a "logic of appropriateness", to examine the role of the organised accounting profession in expanding and enhancing the domain of accrual accounting to Australian public sector financial reporting, through the advent, operations and output of the PSASB as its participant in regulatory space.


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By far the most important, difficult and complex policy issue to resolve in the context of the extractive industry concerns the accounting for preproduction costs and mineral reserves, and the disclosure of relevant supplementary data about them. The accounting profession has been unable to settle this particular issue, except in the most contrived of senses. Indeed, many consider the issue to be unresolvable. This paper focuses on the primary financial statements and proposes a partial solution to the issue. The Proposed Method describes a set of new procedures and primary financial statements that are intended to be more serviceable and possess greater predictive power than is currently the case.


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Using legitimacy theory this paper contrasts the values portrayed by public accounting firms via their recruitment practices and society's expectations of the responsibilities of a professional accountant. Society confers on organisations legitimacy when the value system of the organisation is congruent with the value system of the larger social system (Deegan, 2006). It is argued that there is increasing incongruence between the value system of public accounting firms (that employ accounting graduates) and society's value system that includes an expectation of accountants to act in the public interest. This study draws on evidence from recent corporate collapses, to question whether the attributes/skills displayed by accountants have reduced their capacity to act in the public interest. Interviews with employers show that preferences for employment are given to graduates who 'fit the culture' of the organisation and have the ability to 'market' the firm to clients. Attributes that define the professional accountant appear to be less highly valued. It is concluded that the attributes valued in the workplace today have the potential to increase the risk of 'severing the social contract' between the accounting profession and society.


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Purpose – The aim of this study is to elicit accountants' perceptions regarding corporate social and environmental accounting and reporting practices in a developing country such as Bangladesh.

Design/methodology/approach – Members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) were surveyed to determine their perceptions on issues pertaining to social and environmental accounting and reporting practices in Bangladesh.

Findings – Whilst the findings show that accountants have positive attitudes toward corporate social and environmental accounting, progress is limited, with the absence of ICAB in making any noticeable effort to develop such practices.

Research implications –
Unlike prior studies, the implications of this study suggest that without international influence, it is less likely that institutional forces in Bangladesh (ICAB and the government) would be effective in dealing with social and environmental accounting and reporting issues.

Originality/value – While prior studies advocate proactive roles of the accounting profession, this study argues that proactive roles are less likely to prevail in the context of Bangladesh without direct intervention from institutional and regulatory authorities in the international arena.


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Purpose – Accounting and water industry experts are developing general-purpose water accounting (GPWA) to report information about water and rights to water. The system has the potential to affect water policies, pricing and management, and investment and other decisions that are affected by GPWA report users' understanding of water risks faced by an entity. It may also affect financial returns to accounting and auditing firms and firms in water industries. In this paper the authors aim to examine the roles of the accounting profession, water industries and other stakeholders in governing GPWA. Recognising that the fate of GPWA depends partly upon regulatory power and economics, they seek to apply regulatory theories that explain financial accounting standards development to speculate about the national and international future of GPWA.

Design/methodology/approach – Official documents, internal Water Accounting Standards Board documents and unstructured interviews underpin the authors' analysis.

Findings – The authors speculate about the benefits that might accrue to various stakeholder groups from capturing the GPWA standard-setting process. They also suggest that internationally, water industries may dominate early GPWA standards development in the public interest and that regulatory capture by accounting or water industry professionals will not necessarily conflict with public interest benefits.

Practical implications – Accounting for water can affect allocations of environmental, economic, social and other resources; also, accounting and water industry professional standing and revenues. In this paper the authors identify factors influencing GPWA standards and standard-setting institutional arrangements, and thereby these resource allocations. The paper generates an awareness of GPWA's emergence and practical implications.

Originality/value –
This is an early study to investigate water accounting standard-setting regulatory influences and their impact.


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Purpose – This study aims to examine accounting professionalization in Ethiopia focusing on how the state, occupational group struggle and transnational accountancy bodies influence the realization of closure.

Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative research approach is employed. Data were collected using document review and oral history approaches.

Findings – Accounting professionalization in Ethiopia was initiated by the state to strengthen the country's financial system. Owing to a change of state ideology to communism in 1974, a strategy of developing accounting professionals as government-employed experts was pursued. The return to a market-oriented economy in 1991 has seen a trend towards a more autonomous accountancy profession. Inflow of UK capital in the early twentieth century and activities of the UK-based Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in recent decades have influenced Ethiopia's accountancy. Its professional and financial power has enabled ACCA to make arrangements with Ethiopian Professional Association of Accountants and Auditors (EPAAA) and consolidate its position in Ethiopia's accountancy by controlling EPAAA's member training and certification.

Originality/value – The literature on accounting professional projects in developing countries has focused on imperialistic influence in former British colonies. The present study extends this literature by illustrating how British influence has continued to extend beyond Britain's former colonial possessions. This enables an understanding of the dynamics of accounting professional projects in the developing world with analytical dimensions building on the hitherto dominant lens of “formal” colonial connection.


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Abstract: The increasing significance of ethics in the accounting profession is evidenced by the seminal events that witnessed the collapse of major corporations (eg. Enron and WorldCom); regulatory interventions (eg. Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the USA and the CLERP 9 Act in Australia); and calls for increased ethics interventions in the accounting curriculum. This project has two objectives: to investigate the nature of ethics education in the Australian accounting curriculum and how it has changed from 2000 to 2012; and to analyse the barriers to enhancing ethics education by soliciting the opinions of Heads of Department/Schools of Australian universities. Compared with early empirical evidence, universities responded to the call for ethics education with increased levels of ethics intervention, but had failed to enhance the extent of ethics education coverage in the intervening period in which the data were collected. He lack of qualified staff and research opportunities represent major obstacles to the enhancement of ethics education.


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Purpose This paper seeks to advance the understanding of the relevance of management accounting (MA) as a profession by examining societal role expectations of MA professionals in Australia.Methodology/approach The study presented in this paper is based on a questionnaire survey.Findings Findings of the study show that Australian MA professionals are expected to have skills in cost management, corporate social responsibility, carbon accounting, risk management, business analysis, corporate governance, and asset valuations. The demand of MA professionals exceeded the pool of MA talents in Australia. The role expectations of MA professionals from different stakeholder groups are fairly consistent.Social implications The study adds to the immigration institution discussion by demonstrating that there are inadequate professionals in Australia with the skills and experience in MA to meet the projected demand. Australia has very little option but to fill the supply-side shortfall in the short-term with overseas MA professionals.Originality/value The study adds to the literature of the societal relevance of MA by providing evidence of an increasing demand for MA skills in Australia.


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Purpose – This paper seeks to examine the disempowering and/or empowering role of accounting in the context of Indigenous Australians.

Design/methodology/approach – A total of thirty-one interviewees participated in this study, which included eighteen self-identified Indigenous Australians and thirteen non- Indigenous Australians. A qualitative research methodology, and in particular an oral history method, was chosen because of its ability to support a deeper and richer form of inquiry. Bourdieu's concepts provide the framework for mobilizing and analysing the findings of this study.

Findings – The damaging role of accounting in the context of Indigenous peoples has largely stemmed from non-Indigenous peoples providing accounting services for Indigenous peoples. The evidence and analysis provided by this study postulates a constructive way forward of accounting’s role in contributing to the empowerment of Indigenous Australians.Research

limitations/implications – Limitations include being a non-Indigenous researcher conducting research in an Indigenous context, which may have prevented some interviewees from feeling comfortable to openly share their experiences and insights.

Practical implications - As this study’s findings have supported the theory that accounting skills can be used in an empowering way when used ‘by’ Indigenous peoples, Indigenous Australians should be actively supported by the accounting bodies to gain the qualifications needed for membership of the accounting profession.

Originality/value - This study contributes to the expanding accounting literature that locates the role of accounting in the context of Indigenous peoples by proposing accounting as a tool of empowerment.


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The professional identity of management accountants (MAs) is evolving. According to 8,727 descriptors expressed by 1,158 participants, a range of characteristics of MAs are competing in shaping the identity of future MAs. Respondents strongly valued qualities such as professional principles, hard work, intelligence, analytical and forward thinking in MAs. Further, more innovative, dynamic and people-oriented qualities were strongly suggested for future MAs, with roles relating to multi-skilled business integrator, business partner/advisor, leader, change agent, and decision enabler/maker. Cultivating leadership qualities in the management accounting profession is critical according to participants. Projecting a positive image of the profession and CIMA, and innovative training in management and leadership skills can further support MAs to meet future challenges. Most of all, understanding business and continued personal development by individual MAs is highly valued in shaping the future leadership identity of MAs. Our quantitative data show positive relationships between the professional identification, image and reputation, and leadership qualities of MAs. This suggests that the more one identifies with the profession, the more one is likely to report higher levels of leadership qualities that support members to internalise the desired meaning of their profession and to create a positive image and reputation. After the financial crisis of 2008–2009, the image of financial professions has been tarnished and unpredictable markets and unstable employment opportunities have challenged the profession across all sectors. Many respondents, especially CIMA members, suggested that the turmoil of the financial crisis did not impact negatively but rather elevated the pivotal role of MAs in contributing to cost efficiency and value creation.


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This paper investigates the outsourcing of income tax return preparation by Australian accounting firms. It identifies the extent to which firms are currently outsourcing accounting services or considering outsourcing accounting services, with a focus on personal and business income tax return preparation. The motivations and barriers for outsourcing by Australian accounting firms are also considered in this paper. Privacy, security of client data, and the competence of the outsourcing provider's staff have been identified as risks associated with outsourcing. An expectation relating to confidentiality of client data is also examined in this paper. Statistical analysis of data collected from a random sample of Australian accounting firms using a survey questionnaire provided the empirical data for the paper. The results indicate that the majority of Australian accounting firms are either currently outsourcing or considering outsourcing accounting services, and firms are outsourcing taxation preparation both onshore and offshore. The results also indicate that firms expect the volume of outsourced work to increase in the future. In contrast to the literature identifying labour arbitrage as the primary driver for organisations choosing to outsource, this study found that the main factors considered by accounting firms in the decision to outsource were to expedite delivery of services to clients and to enable the firm to focus on core competencies. Data from this study also supports the literature which ndicates that not all tax practitioners are adhering to codes of conduct in relation to client confidentiality. Research identifying the extent to which accounting services are outsourced is limited, therefore significant contributions to the academic literature and the accounting profession are provided by this ndicates that not all tax practitioners are adhering to codes of conduct in relation to client confidentiality. Research identifying the extent to which accounting services are outsourced is limited, therefore significant contributions to the academic literature and the accounting profession are provided by this study.


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Com o advento da internet o ensino a distância se apresenta como uma perspectiva de formação para milhares de cidadãos, permitindo a interiorização do ensino de qualidade e levando a oportunidade de formação àqueles que estão localizados longe dos grandes centros. O ensino a distância permite derrubar as barreiras geográficas que mantém o aluno do interior do Estado apartado do acesso ao ensino público gratuito e de qualidade. No entanto, a aplicação da metodologia EaD deve ser feita de forma a respeitar as características locais sem prescindir dos princípios que o norteiam. A carência de profissionais de contabilidade na esfera pública é significativa. Desta forma, esse trabalho se insere na perspectiva de avaliar se a metodologia da EaD apresenta alguma diferença para o ensino de contabilidade. Através de pesquisa caracterizada em sua metodologia como descritiva, realizada de forma quantitativa que emprega lógica dedutiva, resultante em uma pesquisa aplicada, é traçado um paralelo entre o ensino a distância e o ensino presencial por meio do estudo das disciplinas de contabilidade ministradas nos cursos de Administração da UFRRJ, observando que o curso a distância é oferecido no âmbito do Consórcio Cederj. Através de um conjunto de questionários, foi traçado o perfil do aluno cursista e dos potenciais alunos que ingressarão no curso, bem como a percepção que eles têm da carreira de contador. Foi desenvolvido um estudo sistemático da eficiência das ferramentas oferecidas pela metodologia do EaD como facilitador da aprendizagem, bem como a comparação entre a metodologia do ensino a distância e o presencial, tanto sob a ótica dos alunos quanto do professores. Entre as conclusões verifica-se, através das cidades investigadas, que a população do interior do Estado, prestes a ingressar em um curso superior, desconhece ou tem uma noção muito superficial da profissão de contador e não tem interesse pela carreira de ciências contábeis como opção para o vestibular. Outra conclusão que a pesquisa revela demonstra que a metodologia do EaD é uma poderosa ferramenta para capilarizar o ensino, seja a formação superior como também a formação continuada, sem perda de qualidade para metodologia presencial.


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In the early 1980s, a landmark study identified significant poor reporting practice in UK charities. As a consequence, a journey was commenced with the aim of improving accounting and reporting as a basis for enhancing accountability by charities. Much of this change has been effected through the publication of evolving Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs) on accounting and reporting by charities. This paper analyses the evolution of the SORP through time using insights from stakeholder theory, and argues that the key stakeholders influencing the evolving SORP have been government and the accounting profession.