983 resultados para ab initio quantum chemical method and calculations


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The SCF/DZP and MP2/DZP methods of ab initio quantum chemistry have been utilized to study the structure, vibrational spectra, binding energy, and barrier to internal rotation of methyl isocyanide-borane and acetonitrile-borane adducts. The eclipsed conformation of the complexes was predicted to be a minimum, and the staggered form is a transition state with a barrier height of about 10 cal/mol. The vibrational analyses of CH3NC-BH3 and CH3CN-BH3 and several of their isotopomers have been carried out by the GF matrix method. Computations have also been carried out for free CH3NC and CH3CN in order to investigate the changes in CH3NC and CH3CN as a result of their complex formation with BH3. To obtain an acceptable set of force constants, a recently proposed procedure ''RECOVES'' has been utilized. The increase in the N=C/C=N stretching force constant of CH3NC/CH3CN on adduct formation is interpreted with the help of Parr and Borkman's model. The binding energies for the two adducts have been determined taking basis set superposition error (BSSE) into consideration. The effect of the BSSE on structure, dipole moment, and vibrational frequencies of CH3CN and CH3NC is also evaluated. The predicted infrared band intensities for the two complexes are in good agreement with the experimentally observed features, and they have been utilized in the assignment of vibrational frequencies.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, generated by laser flash photolysis of phenylsilane, have been carried out to obtain rate constants for its bimolecular reaction with HCL The reaction was studied in the gas phase at 10 Torr total pressure in SF6 bath gas, at five temperatures in the range of 296-611 K. The second-order rate constants fitted the Arrhenius equation: log(k/cm(3) molecule(-1) s(-1)) = (-11.51 +/- 0.06) + (1.92 +/- 0.47 kJ mol(-1))/RTIn10 Experiments at other pressures showed that these rate constants were unaffected by pressure in the range of 10-100 Torr, but showed small decreases in value of no more than 20% ( +/- 10%) at I Toff, at both the highest and lowest temperatures. The data are consistent with formation of an initial weakly bound donor-acceptor complex, which reacts by two parallel pathways. The first is by chlorine-to-silicon H-shift to make vibrationally excited chlorosilane, SiH3Cl*, which yields HSiCl by H-2 elimination from silicon. In the second pathway, the complex proceeds via H-2 elimination (4-center process) to make chlorosilylene, HSiCl, directly. This interpretation is supported by ab initio quantum calculations carried out at the G3 level which reveal the direct H-2 elimination route for the first time. RRKM modeling predicts the approximate magnitude of the pressure effect but is unable to determine the proportions of each pathway. The experimental data agree with the only previous measurements at room temperature. Comparisons with other reactions of SiH2 are also drawn.


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Time-resolved kinetic studies of the reaction of silylene, SiH2, with H2O and with D2O have been carried out in the gas phase at 297 K and at 345 K, using laser flash photolysis to generate and monitor SiH2. The reaction was studied independently as a function of H2O (or D2O) and SF6 (bath gas) pressures. At a fixed pressure of SF6 (5 Torr), [SiH2] decay constants, k(obs), showed a quadratic dependence on [H2O] or [D2O]. At a fixed pressure of H2O or D2O, k(obs) Values were strongly dependent on [SF6]. The combined rate expression is consistent with a mechanism involving the reversible formation of a vibrationally excited zwitterionic donor-acceptor complex, H2Si...OH2 (or H2Si...OD2). This complex can then either be stabilized by SF6 or it reacts with a further molecule of H2O (or D2O) in the rate-determining step. Isotope effects are in the range 1.0-1.5 and are broadly consistent with this mechanism. The mechanism is further supported by RRKM theory, which shows the association reaction to be close to its third-order region of pressure (SF6) dependence. Ab initio quantum calculations, carried out at the G3 level, support the existence of a hydrated zwitterion H2Si...(OH2)(2), which can rearrange to hydrated silanol, with an energy barrier below the reaction energy threshold. This is the first example of a gas-phase-catalyzed silylene reaction.


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We present a systematic investigation of the nature and strength of the hydrogen bonding in HX···HX and CH3X…HX (X = Br, Cl and F) dimers using ab initio MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations in the framework of the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM) and electron localisation functions (ELFs) methods. The electron density of the complexes has been characterised, and the hydrogen bonding energy, as well as the QTAIM and ELF parameters, is consistent, providing deep insight into the origin of the hydrogen bonding in these complexes. It was found that in both linear and angular HX…HX and CH3X…HX dimers, F atoms form stronger HB than Br and Cl, but they need short (∼2 Å) X…HX contacts.


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We demonstrated for the first time by ab initio density functional calculation and molecular dynamics simulation that C0.5(BN)0.5 armchair single-walled nanotubes (NT) are gapless semiconductors and can be spontaneously formed via the hybrid connection of graphene/BN Nanoribbons (GNR/BNNR) at room temperature. The direct synthesis of armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 via the hybrid connection of GNR/BNNR is predicted to be both thermodynamically and dynamically stable. Such novel armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 NTs possess enhanced conductance as that observed in GNRs. Additionally, the zigzag C0.5(BN)0.5 SWNTs are narrow band gap semiconductors, which may have potential application for light emission. In light of recent experimental progress and the enhanced degree of control in the synthesis of GNRs and BNNR, our results highlight an interesting avenue for synthesizing a novel specific type of C0.5(BN)0.5 nanotube (gapless or narrow direct gap semiconductor), with potentially important applications in BNC-based nanodevices.


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The hydrogenation kinetics of Mg is slow, impeding its application for mobile hydrogen storage. We demonstrate by ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations that the reaction path can be greatly modified by adding transition metal catalysts. Contrasting with Ti doping, a Pd dopant will result in a very small activation barrier for both dissociation of molecular hydrogen and diffusion of atomic H on the Mg surface. This new computational finding supports for the first time by ab initio simulationthe proposed hydrogen spillover mechanism for rationalizing experimentally observed fast hydrogenation kinetics for Pd-capped Mg materials.


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We demonstrated for the first time by ab initio density functional calculation and molecular dynamics simulation that C0.5(BN)0.5 armchair single-walled nanotubes (NT) are gapless semiconductors and can be spontaneously formed via the hybrid connection of graphene/BN Nanoribbons (GNR/BNNR) at room temperature. The direct synthesis of armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 via the hybrid connection of GNR/BNNR is predicted to be both thermodynamically and dynamically stable. Such novel armchair C0.5(BN)0.5 NTs possess enhanced conductance as that observed in GNRs. Additionally, the zigzag C0.5(BN)0.5 SWNTs are narrow band gap semiconductors, which may have potential application for light emission. In light of recent experimental progress and the enhanced degree of control in the synthesis of GNRs and BNNR, our results highlight an interesting avenue for synthesizing a novel specific type of C0.5(BN)0.5 nanotube (gapless or narrow direct gap semiconductor), with potentially important applications in BNC-based nanodevices.


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Computer simulations have become an important tool in physics. Especially systems in the solid state have been investigated extensively with the help of modern computational methods. This thesis focuses on the simulation of hydrogen-bonded systems, using quantum chemical methods combined with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. MD simulations are carried out for investigating the energetics and structure of a system under conditions that include physical parameters such as temperature and pressure. Ab initio quantum chemical methods have proven to be capable of predicting spectroscopic quantities. The combination of these two features still represents a methodological challenge. Furthermore, conventional MD simulations consider the nuclei as classical particles. Not only motional effects, but also the quantum nature of the nuclei are expected to influence the properties of a molecular system. This work aims at a more realistic description of properties that are accessible via NMR experiments. With the help of the path integral formalism the quantum nature of the nuclei has been incorporated and its influence on the NMR parameters explored. The effect on both the NMR chemical shift and the Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling Constants (NQCC) is presented for intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The second part of this thesis presents the computation of electric field gradients within the Gaussian and Augmented Plane Waves (GAPW) framework, that allows for all-electron calculations in periodic systems. This recent development improves the accuracy of many calculations compared to the pseudopotential approximation, which treats the core electrons as part of an effective potential. In combination with MD simulations of water, the NMR longitudinal relaxation times for 17O and 2H have been obtained. The results show a considerable agreement with the experiment. Finally, an implementation of the calculation of the stress tensor into the quantum chemical program suite CP2K is presented. This enables MD simulations under constant pressure conditions, which is demonstrated with a series of liquid water simulations, that sheds light on the influence of the exchange-correlation functional used on the density of the simulated liquid.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to explore possible catalytic effects on the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface when carbon is incorporated into Mg materials. The computational results imply that a C atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the subsurface and occupy an fcc interstitial site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The effect of subsurface C on the dissociation of H-2 on the Mg(0001) surface is found to be relatively marginal: a perfect sublayer of interstitial C is calculated to lower the barrier by 0.16 eV compared with that on a pure Mg(0001) surface. Further calculations reveal, however, that sublayer C may have a significant effect in enhancing the diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the sublayers through fcc channels. This contributes new physical understanding toward rationalizing the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.


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Ab initio density functional calculations were performed to study finite-length zigzag (7, 0) @ (16, 0) double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) with H-termination at the open ends. We find that such a DWCNT nanodot displays a very large magnetic moment at the zigzag edges and the ground state displays symmetric anti-ferromagnetic coupling. When an external electric field is applied along the direction of tube axis, a gap is opened for one spin channel, whereas another spin channel remains metallic, i.e. half metallicity occurs. Our results suggest an important new avenue for the development of CNT-based spintronic materials with enhanced properties.


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In this work, ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to study the structural and electronic properties of diazonium reagent functionalized (4, 4) single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). We find the aryl group covalently bonds with SWCNT and prefers to be perpendicular to the side wall of nanotube. It has a rotational barrier of 0.35 eV around the formed aryl-tube bond axis and should be thermodynamically stable at room temperature. Additionally, new peaks appeared around the Fermi energy in the density of state (DOS) due to the weak band dispersion. Increasing of the coverage of the functional group will result in significant upshift of the Fermi level.


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Ab initio density functional theory (DFT) calculations are performed to explore possible catalytic effects on the dissociative chemisorption of hydrogen on a Mg(0001) surface when carbon is incorporated into Mg materials. The computational results imply that a C atom located initially on a Mg(0001) surface can migrate into the subsurface and occupy an fcc interstitial site, with charge transfer to the C atom from neighboring Mg atoms. The effect of subsurface C on the dissociation of H2 on the Mg(0001) surface is found to be relatively marginal: a perfect sublayer of interstitial C is calculated to lower the barrier by 0.16 eV compared with that on a pure Mg(0001) surface. Further calculations reveal, however, that sublayer C may have a significant effect in enhancing the diffusion of atomic hydrogen into the sublayers through fcc channels. This contributes new physical understanding toward rationalizing the experimentally observed improvement in absorption kinetics of H2 when graphite or single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) are introduced into the Mg powder during ball milling.


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The surface structures of the Si(113)-(1 X 1), Si(113)-(3 X 1) and Si(113)-(3 X 2) have been studied theoretically by means of an ab initio quantum chemical CNDO method. We address not only the importance of the surface energy but also the energy minimization and the barrier height in the different structural conversion. We found that (1) the relaxed Si(113)-(1 X 1) structure. (2) the Si(113)-(3 X 1) close to the Si(113) Ranke (3 X 1)-2 model; (3) the atomic positions of Si(113)-(3 X 2) corrugated arrangement. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The inhibition effect of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc), copper phthalocyanine (CuPc) and copper phthalocyanine tetrasulfuric tetrasodium salt (CuPc center dot S(4)center dot Na-4) on mild steel in I mol/l HCl in the concentration range of 1.0 X 10(-5) to 1.0 X 10(-3) mol/l was investigated by electrochemical test, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectrometer (SEM/EDS) and quantum chemical method. The potentiodynamic polarization curves of mild steel in hydrochloric acid containing these compounds showed both cathodic and anodic processes of steel corrosion were suppressed, and the Nyquist plots of impedance expressed mainly as a capacitive loop with different compounds and concentrations. For all these phthalocyanines, the inhibition efficiency increased with the increase in inhibitor concentration, while the inhibition efficiencies for these three phthalocyanines with the same concentration decreased in the order Of CuPc center dot S(4)center dot Na-4 > CuPc > H2Pc according to the electrochemical measurement results. The SEM/EDS analysis indicated that there are more lightly corroded and oxidative steel surface for the specimens after immersion in acid solution containing 1.0 x 10(-3) mol/l phthalocyanines than that in blank. The quantum chemical calculation results showed that the inhibition efficiency of these phthalocyanines increased with decrease in molecule's LUMO energy, which was different from the micro-cyclic compounds. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Three triazole derivatives (4-chloro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (CATM), 4-methoxyl-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (MATM) and 4-fluoro-acetophenone-O-1'-(1',3',4'-triazolyl)-metheneoxime (FATM)) have been synthesized as new inhibitors for the corrosion of mild steel in acid media. The inhibition efficiencies of these inhibitors were evaluated by means of weight loss and electrochemical techniques such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and polarization curves. Then the surface morphology was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The adsorption of triazole derivatives is found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm, and the thermodynamic parameters were determined and discussed. The relationship between molecular structure of these compounds and their inhibition efficiency has been investigated by ab initio quantum chemical calculations. The electronic properties such as the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy levels, energy gap (LUMO-HOMO), dipole moment and molecular orbital densities were computed. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.