211 resultados para Zweischleifenrechnungen, LEP, ILC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Os experimentos foram conduzidos em culturas comerciais de algodoeiros na região de Dourados no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, durante a safra 1996/97. Observaram-se os seguintes aspectos do parasitismo natural em ovos de Alabama argillacea Hübner e Heliothis virescens Fabricius por Trichogramma pretiosum Riley: índice de parasitismo, razão sexual e número de adultos emergidos por ovo. Realizou-se coleta semanal de ovos dos lepidópteros e sua incubação em laboratório. Aos 31 dias após a emergência das plantas (DAE), não se observou parasitismo nos ovos de A. argillacea. Porém, a partir de 58 dias (DAE), acima de 60% dos ovos estavam parasitados por T. pretiosum, atingindo em algumas avaliações quase 100%. Apesar da baixa ocorrência de ovos de H. virescens, esses também apresentaram elevado índice de parasitismo por T. pretiosum. O número de fêmeas emergidas dos ovos parasitados geralmente foi maior do que o de machos. Fêmeas representaram em torno de 60% do total de adultos emergidos na maioria das coletas efetuadas. O número de adultos emergidos por ovo de A. argillacea e H. virescens foi ao redor de dois. Na região de Dourados, portanto, o parasitismo natural em ovos de A. argillacea e H. virescens por T. pretiosum é elevado, mesmo com as freqüentes aplicações de inseticidas.


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Natural predation first instar larvae of the cotton leafworm (CLW) A. argillacea was studied in cotton fields in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during 1986. The presence of naturally occurring arthropod predators showed a first instar larvae predation rate of 78.6 and 88.9% after 24 h and 48 h of exposure, respectively. A predator prey ratio of 1 : 1 (1 CLW key predator per 1 prey/plant) maintained a level of no more than 1 CLW small larvae per plant. The most evident arthropod predators in the studied fields were: beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), ants Pheidole sp. and Conomyrma sp.; Dermaptera Doru lineare (Eschs); Hemiptera Geocoris sp., and Orius insidiosus Say; and the spiders Theridion volubile, Chrysso pulcherrima, Misumenops sp., Chiracanthium sp., and Oxyopes salticus Hentz.


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The electrophoretical protein patterns of hypopharyngeal glands, larval food of Melipona, and royal jelly of Apis were compared.Since protein patterns of hypopharyngeal glands from newly emerged workers, brood cell provisioners and foragers are similar to freshly deposited larval food, the identical protein bands probably represent actual gland secretion. This suggests that, as in Apis, the glands secrete proteins to the larval food, and maintain this ability throughout life, although at slightly different intensities, according to the activity of the bees.The similarity on the electrophoretic profiles of the major larval food protein in Apis and Melipona is an interesting finding because of its probable evolutionary significance.


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We illustrate the sensitivities of LEP experiments to leptonic signals associated to models where supersymmetry (SUSY) is realized with spontaneous breaking of R-parity. We focus on missing transverse momentum plus acoplanar muon events (p Τ + μ + μ -) arising from lightest neutralino single production xv as well as pair production xx, followed by x decays, where x denotes the lightest neutralino. We show that the integrated luminosity achieved at LEP already starts probing the basic parameters of the theory. We discuss the significance of these constraints for the simplest spontaneous R-parity breaking models and their relevance for future searches of SUSY particles.


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A complete set of dimension-six effective contact interactions involving Higgs, gauge bosons and quarks is studied. Limits on the coefficients of these new operators are obtained from the experimental values of the Z and W gauge bosons widths.


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We study chargino pair production at LEP II in supersymmetric models with spontaneously broken R-parity. We perform signal and background analyses, showing that a large region of the parameter space of these models can be probed through chargino searches at LEP II. In particular, we determine the attainable limits on the chargino mass as a function of the magnitude of the effective bilinear R-parity violation parameter ∈, demonstrating that LEP II is able to unravel the existence of charginos with masses almost up to their kinematical limit even in the case of R-parity violation. This requires the study of several final state topologies since the usual MSSM chargino signature is recovered as ∈ → 0. Moreover, for sufficiently large ∈ values, for which the chargino decay mode χ ± → τ ± J dominates, we find through a dedicated Monte Carlo analysis that the χ ± mass bounds are again very close to the kinematic limit. Our results establish the robustness of the chargino mass limit, in the sense that it is basically model-independent. They also show that LEP II can establish the existence of spontaneous R-parity violation in a large region of parameter space should charginos be produced. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We study the effects of new dimension-6 operators, resulting from a general SU(3)C ⊗ SU(2)L ⊗ U(1)Y invariant effective Lagrangian, on three jet production at LEP and at the Next Linear Collider. Contributions to the total event rate and to some event shape variables are analysed in order to establish bounds on these operators. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We show that the accumulated CERN LEP-II data taken at √s = 130-206 GeV can establish more restrictive bounds on doubly charged bilepton couplings and masses than any other experiment so far. We also analyze the discovery potential of a prospective linear collider operating in both e+e- and e γ modes.


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The biological control of Diatraea saccharalis is regarded as one of the best examples of successful classical biological control in Brazil. Since the introduction of the exotic parasitoid, Cotesia flavipes, the decrease in D. saccharalis infestation in sugarcane fields has been attributed to the effectiveness of this agent. Native Tachinidae fly parasitoids (Lydella minense and Paratheresia claripalpis) have also been implicated in the success. Quantitative data confirming the actual contribution of these agents to the control of D. saccharalis are, however, rather scant. The purpose of this study was to investigate the spatial pattern of parasitism of these parasitoids in D. saccharalis populations at two large spatial scales (fields and zones). To investigate this subject, a large data set comprising information collected from a sugarcane mill located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil (São João sugarcane mill) was analysed. When regressions between the proportion parasitism against host density were computed, the percentage of significant regressions with either a positive or a negative slope was very small at both spatial scales for both parasitoid species. Regressing the densities of tachinid-parasitized hosts against host densities per field showed that these parasitoids presented a 'moderate aggregative' response to host densities, as 53.33% of the regressions were positively significant. Cotesia flavipes was 'weakly aggregated' on host densities at the field level, because only 33.33% of the regressions were positively significant. At the zone level, neither aggregative nor spatial proportion parasitism responses were evident for either parasitoid species due to the small percentage of significant regressions computed.


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The perceived exertion has been a target of several investigations, many times with association with objective physiological indicators in exercise. Recently, the identification of the perceived exertion threshold (PET) was proposed in the water running, which presented no difference in relation to the critical velocity. Theoretically, both parameters would be indicators of the maximum steady state of variables such as V̇O2 and blood lactate. The objective of this work was to verify the coincidence between PET, critical power (PCrit) and an indicator of maximum V̇O2 steady state (PCrit') in cycle ergometer. Eight male participants were submitted to progressive effort test in order to determine V̇O2peak (46.7 ± 8.5 ml/kg/min) and to four rectangular tests until exhaustion for the estimation of the critical power model parameters, PET and PCrit'. The hyperbolic relation between mechanical power and time spent for the V̇O2peak to be reached in each test was used for the PCrit' estimation, considered as the asymptote in the power axis, and the portion of the anaerobic work capacity (CTAnaer) depleted up to the establishment of the V̇O2peak (CTAnaer'). In order to identify PET, the straight lines angular coefficients of the perceived exertion in time (ordinate) and the powers used (abscissa) were adjusted to a linear function that provided a point in the power axis in which the perceived exertion would be kept indefinitely stable. The parameters PCrit and CTAnaer were estimated by means of the power-time non-linear equation. In order to compare the estimations of PET, PCrit and PCrit', the analysis of variance ANOVA for repeated measurements was employed, and the associations were established through the Pearson correlation. CTAnaer and CTAnaer' were compared through the t test. PET (180 W ± 61 W), PCrit (174 W ± 43 W) and PCrit' (176 W ± 48 W) were not significantly different and the correlations were of 0.92-0.98. CTAnaer' (14,080 ± 5,219 J) was lower than CTAnaer (22,093 ± 9,042 J). One concludes that the PET predicts the intensity of PCrit and PCrit' with accuracy.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)