986 resultados para Zuloaga, Angel María
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This article discusses the production history and social context of the 1981 Australian film, The Killing of Angel Street, directed by Donald Crombie. The article is Part 21 in a series on the National Film and Sound Archive's Kodak/Atlab Cinema Collection.
Synopsis and review of the Australian feature film The Killing of Angel Street, directed by Donald Crombie.
Myceugenia rufa is a rare and endemic species from the coast of central Chile. There are no published studies describing flower, fruit or seed anatomy. Forty-two accessions were collected from across the geographic range of the species. Reproductive structures were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin, sectioned and stained with Safranin O and Fast green. Anatomy of floral buds, mature flowers, fruits and seeds was described. Reproductive anatomy matches that of other Myrtaceae, such as presence of druses, internal phloem and schizogenous secretory cavities in buds, flowers, fruits and seeds. The anatomy and development of reproductive structures of M. rufa might enhance the understanding for future studies regarding natural reproduction and conservation programs.
Species of fleshy-fruited Myrtaceae are generally associated with humid environments and their vegetative anatomy is mainly mesophytic. Myrceugenia rufa is an endemic and rare species from arid zones of the coast of central Chile and there are no anatomical studies regarding its leaf anatomy and environmental adaptations. Here we describe the leaf micromorphology and anatomy of the species using standard protocols for light and scanning electron microscopy. The leaf anatomy of M. rufa matches that of other Myrtaceae, such as presence of druses, schizogenous secretory ducts and internal phloem. Leaves of M. rufa exhibit a double epidermis, thick cuticle, abundant unicellular hairs, large substomatal chambers covered by trichomes and a dense palisade parenchyma. Leaf characters of M. rufa confirm an anatomical adaptation to xerophytic environments.
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Electroreception is an ancient sense found in many aquatic animals, including sharks, which may be used in the detection of prey, predators and mates. Wobbegong sharks (Orectolobidae) and angel sharks (Squatinidae) represent two distantly related families that have independently evolved a similar dorso-ventrally compressed body form to complement their benthic ambush feeding strategy. Consequently, these groups represent useful models in which to investigate the specific morphological and physiological adaptations that are driven by the adoption of a benthic lifestyle. In this study, we compared the distribution and abundance of electrosensory pores in the spotted wobbegong shark (Orectolobus maculatus) with the Australian angel shark (Squatina australis) to determine whether both species display a similar pattern of clustering of sub-dermal electroreceptors and to further understand the functional importance of electroreception in the feeding behaviour of these benthic sharks. Orectolobus maculatus has a more complex electrosensory system than S. australis, with a higher abundance of pores and an additional cluster of electroreceptors positioned in the snout (the superficial ophthalmic cluster). Interestingly, both species possess a cluster of pores (the hyoid cluster, positioned slightly posterior to the first gill slit) more commonly found in rays, but which may be present in all benthic elasmobranchs to assist in the detection of approaching predators.
Angel Investing in Finland: An Analysis Based on Agency Theory and the Incomplete Contracting Theory
Wealthy individuals - business angels who invest a share of their net worth in entrepreneurial ventures - form an essential part of an informal venture capital market that can secure funding for entrepreneurial ventures. In Finland, business angels represent an untapped pool of capital that can contribute to fostering entrepreneurial development. In addition, business angels can bridge knowledge gaps in new business ventures by means of making their human capital available. This study has two objectives. The first is to gain an understanding of the characteristics and investment behaviour of Finnish business angels. The strongest focus here is on the due diligence procedures and their involvement post investment. The second objective is to assess whether agency theory and the incomplete contacting theory are useful theoretical lenses in the arena of business angels. To achieve the second objective, this study investigates i) how risk is mitigated in the investment process, ii) how uncertainty influences the comprehensiveness of due diligence as well as iii) how control is allocated post investment. Research hypotheses are derived from assumptions underlying agency theory and the incomplete contacting theory. The data for this study comprise interviews with 53 business angels. In terms of sample size this is the largest on Finnish business angels. The research hypotheses in this study are tested using regression analysis. This study suggests that the Finnish informal venture capital market appears to be comprised of a limited number of business angels whose style of investing much resembles their formal counterparts’. Much focus is placed on managing risks prior to making the investment by strong selectiveness and by a relatively comprehensive due diligence. The involvement is rarely on a day-to-day basis and many business angels seem to see board membership as a more suitable alternative than involvement in the operations of an entrepreneurial venture. The uncertainty involved does not seem to drive an increase in due diligence. On the contrary, it would appear that due diligence is more rigorous in safer later stage investments and when the business angels have considerable previous experience as investors. Finnish business angels’ involvement post investment is best explained by their degree of ownership in the entrepreneurial venture. It seems that when investors feel they are sufficiently rewarded, in terms of an adequate equity stake, they are willing to involve themselves actively in their investments. The lack of support for a relationship between increased uncertainty and the comprehensiveness of due diligence may partly be explained by an increasing trend towards portfolio diversification. This is triggered by a taxation system that favours investments through investment companies rather than direct investments. Many business angels appear to have substituted a specialization strategy that builds on reducing uncertainty for a diversification strategy that builds on reducing firm specific (idiosyncratic) risk by holding shares in ventures whose returns are not expected to exhibit a strong positive correlation.
Resumen: El presente trabajo se propone analizar el sentido y la funcionalidad del tema de la muerte del santo en el contexto de la crisis que afecta a Europa en el siglo XIV, a través de la muerte de Santa María Egipciaca –una de las santas medievales más populares– narrada en la Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, un poema castellano compuesto en el temprano siglo XIII pero transmitido a fines del siglo XIV en el manuscrito K-III-4 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
María Angélica Barreda, nacida en La Plata, el 16 de mayo de 1887, fue la primera abogada argentina. Estudió en la escuela normal, con la dirección de Mary Olstine Graham, quien había llegado al país desde Boston, convocada por Domingo F. Sarmiento. Mary O’Graham (1842-1903) no llegó a ver graduada a su ex alumna, ni tampoco a otras mujeres prestigiosas, como fueron la educadora Ada María Elflein, Josefina Passadori, conocida autora de textos escolares, o las escritoras Martha Mercader y Aurora Venturini, por citar solo algunas de las muchas egresadas de esa escuela, orgullo de los platenses.
A quienes hayan seguido atentamente los cursos de moral de fray Domingo María Basso, no les resultará difícil identificar los puntos de doctrina en los que se revela como un intérprete original del Doctor Angélico, desde la controvertida temática de la materia y la forma del pecado hasta el tema de la recta ratio sobre el que versó su tesis doctoral defendida en 1962 en la prestigiosa Universidad de Friburgo (Suiza). Al tema de la recta ratio están vinculados, en su reflexión, el tema del apetito recto natural y el del apetito o deseo natural de ver a Dios. Este último, desarrollado en el apéndice al capítulo primero de su libro recientemente editado, Los Fundamentos de la Moral 1, es el que nos proponemos exponer en este estudio. Presentaremos la enseñanza del Padre Basso en el marco de dos posiciones opuestas siguiendo el mismo desarrollo de su propia reflexión: la opinión más generalizada de los autores tomistas y la del teólogo jesuita Henri de Lubac.
Derecho natural y iusnaturalismos recopila las presentaciones realizadas por prestigiosos autores con ocasión de dos encuentros iusfilosóficos internacionales, llevados a cabo por única vez –en razón de la afinidad de sus ejes temáticos– de forma conjunta, en la ciudad de Arequipa, entre el 24 y el 26 de octubre de 2012: las “VIII Jornadas Internacionales de Derecho Natural” y las “III Jornadas de Filosofía del Derecho”. Aquello da cuenta, en cierto modo, de lo que el título de la obra adelanta por sí mismo: la columna vertebral del libro, el núcleo temático que subyace en cada uno de los trabajos que lo integran es un reexamen del iusnaturalismo a la luz de las problemáticas actuales y de los principales debates jurídicos contemporáneos que ponen en jaque sus doctrinas tradicionales y exigen, muchas veces, su reinterpretación. La coordinación de la obra, a cargo de los profesores José Chávez-Fernández Postigo y Rafael Santa María D’Angelo, es minuciosa: su organización está intencionalmente pensada para acompañar al lector en un camino de comprensión simultánea del verdadero iusnaturalismo –de sus bases fundantes y de su correcta interpretación– y del contexto ideológico actual...