958 resultados para ZN2 IONS
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
In this study, it was demonstrated that -galactosidase can be deactivated and reactivated with EDTA and divalent metal ions. The enzyme was deactivated after 20 minutes in EDTA solution. Maximal deactivation at the lowest EDTA concentration (10-3 mol.L-1) occurred in the presence of Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.0). The enzyme recovered 50% of its initial activity after 10 minutes at Mg2+concentrations higher than 0.1 mmol.L-1. Experimental concentrations of 0.1 mmol.L-1 Mn2+ and 1.0 mmol.L-1 Co2+ were sufficient to reactivate the enzyme to around 300% of the control activity for the Mn2+ ion and nearly 100% for the Co2+ ion. The enzyme gradually lost its activity when the Co2+ concentration was 10-2 mol.L-1. Ni2+ and Zn2+ were unable to restore the catalytic activity. Km app and Vmax app were 1.95 0.05 mmol.L-1 and 5.40 0.86x10-2 mmol.min-1.mg-1, with o-NPG as substrate. Optimal temperature and pH were 34oC and 7.5. The half-life (t1/2) at 30C was 17.5 min for the holoenzyme and 11.0 min for the apoenzyme. With respect to pH variation, the apoenzyme proved to be more sensitive than the holoenzyme. Keywords: -galactosidase. Divalent metallic ions. Enzyme activity. Stability. RESUMO Efeito de ons metlicos divalentes na atividade e estabilidade da -galactosidase isolada de Kluyveromyces lactis Este estudo demonstra como a -galactosidase pode ser desativada e reativada usando EDTA e ons metlicos divalentes. A enzima foi desativada aps 20 minutos na presena de EDTA. Desativao mxima para a menor concentrao de EDTA (10-3 mol.L-1) ocorreu na presena do tampo Tris-HCl. A enzima recuperou 50% de sua atividade inicial aps 10 minutos na presena de Mg2+ em concentraes superiores a 0,1mmol.L-1. Concentraes de 10-4 e 10-3mol.L-1 de Mn2+ e Co2+ foram suficientes para reativar a enzima em 300% comparado ao controle de ons Mn2+ e aproximadamente 100% para ons Co2+. A enzima perdeu gradualmente a sua atividade quando a concentrao foi de 10-2 mol.L-1. Ni2+ e Zn2+ foram incapazes de restabelecer a atividade cataltica. Km app e Vmax app foram 1,95 0,05 mmol.L-1 e 5,40 0,86 x 10-2 mmol.min-1.mg-1. A temperatura e pH timos foram 34C e 7,5. A meia vida da holoenzima foi de 17,5 min a 30C e para a apoenzima foi de 11,0 min a 30C. Quanto variao de pH, a apoenzima provou ser mais sensvel que a holoenzima. Palavras-chave: -galactosidase. ons metlicos divalentes. Atividade enzimtica. Estabilidade.
The deposition of Cu2+ and Zn2+ from aqueous solution has been investigated by a combination of classical molecular dynamics, density functional theory, and a theory developed by the authors. For both cases, the reaction proceeds through two one-electron steps. The monovalent ions can get close to the electrode surface without losing hydration energy, while the divalent ions, which have a stronger solvation sheath, cannot. The 4s orbital of Cu interacts strongly with the sp band and more weakly with the d band of the copper surface, while the Zn4s orbital couples only to the sp band of Zn. At the equilibrium potential for the overall reaction, the energy of the intermediate Cu+ ion is only a little higher than that of the divalent ion, so that the first electron transfer can occur in an outer-sphere mode. In contrast, the energy of the Zn+ ion lies too high for a simple outer-sphere reaction to be favorable; in accord with experimental data this suggests that this step is affected by anions.
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
Although nickel is a toxic metal for living organisms in its soluble form, its importance in many biological processes recently emerged. In this view, the investigation of the nickel-dependent enzymes urease and [NiFe]-hydrogenase, especially the mechanism of nickel insertion into their active sites, represent two intriguing case studies to understand other analogous systems and therefore to lead to a comprehension of the nickel trafficking inside the cell. Moreover, these two enzymes have been demonstrated to ensure survival and colonization of the human pathogen H. pylori, the only known microorganism able to proliferate in the gastric niche. The right nickel delivering into the urease active site requires the presence of at least four accessory proteins, UreD, UreE, UreF and UreG. Similarly, analogous process is principally mediated by HypA and HypB proteins in the [NiFe]-hydrogenase system. Indeed, HpHypA and HpHypB also have been proposed to act in the activation of the urease enzyme from H. pylori, probably mobilizing nickel ions from HpHypA to the HpUreE-HpUreG complex. A complete comprehension of the interaction mechanism between the accessory proteins and the crosstalk between urease and hydrogenase accessory systems requires the determination of the role of each protein chaperone that strictly depends on their structural and biochemical properties. The availability of HpUreE, HpUreG and HpHypA proteins in a pure form is a pre-requisite to perform all the subsequent protein characterizations, thus their purification was the first aim of this work. Subsequently, the structural and biochemical properties of HpUreE were investigated using multi-angle and quasi-elastic light scattering, as well as NMR and circular dichroism spectroscopy. The thermodynamic parameters of Ni2+ and Zn2+ binding to HpUreE were principally established using isothermal titration calorimetry and the importance of key histidine residues in the process of binding metal ions was studied using site-directed mutagenesis. The molecular details of the HpUreE-HpUreG and HpUreE-HpHypA protein-protein assemblies were also elucidated. The interaction between HpUreE and HpUreG was investigated using ITC and NMR spectroscopy, and the influence of Ni2+ and Zn2+ metal ions on the stabilization of this association was established using native gel electrophoresis, light scattering and thermal denaturation scanning followed by CD spectroscopy. Preliminary HpUreE-HpHypA interaction studies were conducted using ITC. Finally, the possible structural architectures of the two protein-protein assemblies were rationalized using homology modeling and docking computational approaches. All the obtained data were interpreted in order to achieve a more exhaustive picture of the urease activation process, and the correlation with the accessory system of the hydrogenase enzyme, considering the specific role and activity of the involved protein players. A possible function for Zn2+ in the chaperone network involved in Ni2+ trafficking and urease activation is also envisaged.
A novel atomic force microscope with a magnetically oscillated tip has provided unprecedented resolution of small DNA fragments spontaneously adsorbed to mica and imaged in situ in the presence of divalent ions. Kinks (localized bends of average angle 78) were observed in axially strained minicircles consisting of tandemly repeated d(A)5 and d(GGGCC[C]) sequences. The frequency of kinks in identical minicircles increased 4-fold in the presence of 1 mM Zn2+ compared with 1 mM Mg2+. Kinking persisted in mixed Mg2+/Zn2+ electrolytes until the Zn2+ concentration dropped below 100 M, indicating that this type of kinking may occur under physiological conditions. Kinking appears to replace intrinsic bending, and statistical analysis shows that kinks are not localized within any single sequence element. A surprisingly small free energy is associated with kink formation.
The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms
The presence of calcium, iron, and zinc bound to human milk secretory IgA (sIgA) was investigated. The sIgA components were first separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and then identified by electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (ESI MS MS). The metal ions were detected by flame atomic absorption spectrometry after acid mineralization of the spots. The results showed eight protein spots corresponding to the IgA heavy chain constant region. Another spot was identified as the transmembrane secretory component. Calcium was bound to both the transmembrane component and the heavy chain constant region, while zinc was bound to the heavy chain constant region and iron was not bound with the identified proteins. The association of a metal ion with a protein is important for a number of reasons, and therefore, the findings of the present study may lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of action and of additional roles that sIgA and its components play in human milk.
Vacuolar H+-ATPase is a large multi-subunit protein that mediates ATP-driven vectorial H+ transport across the membranes. It is widely distributed and present in virtually all eukaryotic cells in intracellular membranes or in the plasma membrane of specialized cells. In subcellular organelles, ATPase is responsible for the acidification of the vesicular interior, which requires an intraorganellar acidic pH to maintain optimal enzyme activity. Control of vacuolar H+-ATPase depends on the potential difference across the membrane in which the proton ATPase is inserted. Since the transport performed by H+-ATPase is electrogenic, translocation of H+-ions across the membranes by the pump creates a lumen-positive voltage in the absence of a neutralizing current, generating an electrochemical potential gradient that limits the activity of H+-ATPase. In many intracellular organelles and cell plasma membranes, this potential difference established by the ATPase gradient is normally dissipated by a parallel and passive Cl- movement, which provides an electric shunt compensating for the positive charge transferred by the pump. The underlying mechanisms for the differences in the requirement for chloride by different tissues have not yet been adequately identified, and there is still some controversy as to the molecular identity of the associated Cl--conducting proteins. Several candidates have been identified: the ClC family members, which may or may not mediate nCl-/H+ exchange, and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. In this review, we discuss some tissues where the association between H+-ATPase and chloride channels has been demonstrated and plays a relevant physiologic role.
The photo-Fenton process (Fe(2+)/Fe(3+), H(2)O(2), UV light) is one of the most efficient and advanced oxidation processes for the mineralization of the organic pollutants of industrial effluents and wastewater. The overall rate of the photo-Fenton process is controlled by the rate of the photolytic step that converts Fe(3+) back to Fe(2+). In this paper, the effect of sulfate or chloride ions on the net yield of Fe(2+) during the photolysis of Fe(3+) has been investigated in aqueous solution at pH 3.0 and 1.0 in the absence of hydrogen peroxide. A kinetic model based on the principal reactions that occur in the system fits the data for formation of Fe(2+) satisfactorily. Both experimental data and model prediction show that the availability of Fe(2+) produced by photolysis of Fe(3+) is inhibited much more in the presence of sulfate ion than in the presence of chloride ion as a function of the irradiation time at pH 3.0.
The analysis of Macdonald for electrolytes is generalized to the case in which two groups of ions are present. We assume that the electrolyte can be considered as a dispersion of ions in a dielectric liquid, and that the ionic recombination can be neglected. We present the differential equations governing the ionic redistribution when the liquid is subjected to an external electric field, describing the simultaneous diffusion of the two groups of ions in the presence of their own space charge fields. We investigate the influence of the ions on the impedance spectroscopy of an electrolytic cell. In the analysis, we assume that each group of ions have equal mobility, the electrodes perfectly block and that the adsorption phenomena can be neglected. In this framework, it is shown that the real part of the electrical impedance of the cell has a frequency dependence presenting two plateaux, related to a type of ambipolar and free diffusion coefficients. The importance of the considered problem on the ionic characterization performed by means of the impedance spectroscopy technique was discussed. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
A new target station providing Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and residual gas analysis (RGA) for in situ observation of ion-induced changes in polymers has been installed at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research. The installations as well as first in situ measurements at room temperature are presented here. A foil of polyimide Kapton HN (R) was irradiated with 1.1 GeV Au ions. During irradiation several in situ FT-IR spectra were recorded. Simultaneously outgassing degradation products were detected with the RGA. In the IR spectra nearly all bands decrease due to the degradation of the molecular structure. In the region from 3000 to 2700 cm(-1) vibration bands of saturated hydrocarbons not reported in literature so far became visible. The outgassing experiments show a mixture of C(2)H(4), CO, and N(2) as the main outgassing components of polyimide. The ability to combine both analytical methods and the opportunity to measure a whole fluence series within a single experiment show the efficiency of the new setup. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3571301]
In this work we present a complete characterization and magnetic study of vanadium oxide/hexadecylamine nanotubes (VO(x)/Hexa NT's) doped with Co(2)+ and Ni(2+) ions. The morphology of the NT's has been characterized by transmission electron microscopy, while the metallic elements have been quantified by the instrumental neutron activation analysis technique. The static and dynamic magnetic properties were studied by collecting data of magnetization as a function of magnetic field and temperature and by electron paramagnetic resonance. At difference of the majority reports in the literature, we do not observe magnetic dimers in vanadium oxide nanotubes. Also, we observed that the incorporation of metallic ions (Co(2+), S = 3/2 and Ni(2+), S = 1) decreases notably the amount of V(4+) ions in the system, from 14-16% (nondoped case) to 2%-4%, with respect to the total vanadium atoms (fact corroborated by XPS experiments) anyway preserving the tubular nanostructure. The method to decrease the amount of V(4+) in the nanotubes improves considerably their potential technological applications as Li-ion batteries cathodes. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3580252]
This work investigates the influence of the addition of cerium (IV) ions on the anticorrosion properties of organic-inorganic hybrid coatings applied to passivated tin coated steel. In order to evaluate the specific effect of cerium (IV) addition on nanostructural features of the organic and inorganic phases of the hybrid coating, the hydrolytic polycondensation of silicon alkoxide and the radical polymerization of the methyl methacrylate (MMA) function were induced separately. The corrosion resistance of the coatings was evaluated by means of linear polarization, Tafel type curves and electrochemical impedance measurements. The impedance results obtained for the hybrid coatings were discussed based on an electrical equivalent circuit used to fit the experimental data. The electrochemical results clearly showed the improvement of the protective properties of the organic-inorganic hybrid coating mainly when the cerium (IV) was added to the organic phase solution precursor, which seemed to be due to the formation of a more uniform and densely reticulated siloxane-PMMA film. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work, the effect of cerium (IV) ammonium nitrate (CAN) addition on the polymerization of bis-[triethoxysilyl]ethane (BTSE) film applied on carbon steel was studied. The electrochemical characterization of the films was carried out in 0.1 mol L(-1) NaCl solution by open-circuit potential measurements, anodic and cathodic polarization curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Morphological and chemical characterization were performed by atomic force microscopy (AFM), contact angle measurements, infrared-spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and thermogravimetric analysis. The results have clearly shown the improvement on the protective properties of the Ce(4+) modified film as a consequence of the formation of a more uniform and densely reticulated silane film. A mechanism is proposed to explain the accelerating role of Ce(4+) ions on the cross-linking of the silane layer. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.