998 resultados para Yrven, Marcelle (1904-1949)


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo.


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2 cartas (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; 225x170mm . Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 14


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9 cartas (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 139x215mm y 217x274mm. Ubicación: Caja 1 - Carpeta 25


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16 cartas + 1 tarjeta postal (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 210x300mm y 150x105mm


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Two fishermen pulling a net in a boat in Lune Estuary, North West England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Houses close to River Lune at Lancaster, North West England, UK. This photo shows the polluted River Lune in July 1949. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Cockersand Abbey Lighthouse, in River Lune the Baulk, River Lune estuary on the Lancashire Fylde peninsula in the North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Photo of a check trap in Abbeystead Fish Pass in the River Wyre in 1949. The River Wyre is located in the North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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River Clough Farfield Weir showing a gap made for migratory fish in June 1949 (Lune). This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954. This Album was held by the EA North West.


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ChurchTown Weir in the River Wyre, North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Nesta dissertação abordaremos a indumentarista, professora e feminista Sophia Jobim Magno de Carvalho (1904 1968). Sophia Jobim nascida Maria Sofia Pinheiro Machado Jobim, em Avaré em 19 de Setembro de 1904. Fundou em 1947, a primeira sede do Clube Soroptimista no Brasil, em sua casa com Bertha Lutz, ocupando o cargo de presidente durante quatro anos. Em 1949, ocupa o cargo de regente da disciplina de Indumentária e Arte Decorativa na Escola Nacional de Belas-Artes (ENBA). Através desse cargo, Sophia viajava para colecionar peças de diferentes países e apresentá-los nas suas aulas, além de fundar o primeiro museu de indumentária da América Latina, em sua casa, em Santa Teresa RJ, em 1960. Após sua morte por embolia pulmonar, em 1968, seu acervo é totalmente doado ao Museu Histórico Nacional, instituição na qual se graduou no Curso de Museologia, em 1963. Com este trabalho pretendemos trazer à tona uma parcela do material doado por Sophia e evidenciando suas ações como feminista, trazendo para o trabalho a discussão em torno do individuo utilizando como teóricos Georg Simmel e Gilberto Velho. A formação da ENBA, e a cooptação dos intelectuais no Estado Novo são temas a serem mobilizados durante o trabalho, além da sociabilidade como forma de análise do período e do campo por onde Sophia caminhou. Através deste trabalho buscamos proporcionar uma breve visão sobre Sophia Jobim e contribuir aos estudos sobre o feminismo e a individualidade.


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As California entered its sixth consecutive year of drought, the onset of a positive sea surface temperature anomaly in the equatorial Pacific and other indicators of a developing ENSO event were observed. This brought the following question from the media, water officials, and the public: What effect will El Niño have on the current rainfall season in general and on the intraseasonal distribution of rain in particular? To answer the question, the historical San Francisco rainfall record was examined in relationship to previous ENSO events.


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Length frequency distributions of the sea bream collected during the period 1953 to 1958 have been analysed. The increase in average sizes of the sea bream with depth suggests a movement to deeper waters with increase in size. By numbers, the sea bream is more abundant between 21 and 30 fathoms than in deeper areas. The recruitment was continuous and regular. There is no sign of entry or progression of a dominant brood throughout the period under study. Length frequency distribution shows three distinct modes. The first mode occurs regularly but does not progress beyond 40cm, recruitment being balanced by natural and fishing mortality. The other two which are not regular are probably the result of fishing outside regular areas. Short sections of “growth” lines which fit into one another when extrapolated, are evident. The larger lines obtained by extrapolation are parallel to one another. These tentative "growth lines" indicate that this species which enters the fishing grounds, when 15 cm or larger in length are exploited by the trawl fishery for a period of three to four years. This species appears to be six months old when it enters the fishing grounds and increases in length by about 37.5 cm in the next 30 months. Later growth slows down. The average size of the specimens sampled continued to get smaller from 1953 till 1957. It is shown that this reduction in size is due to increased fishing effort.