39 resultados para Yba2cu3o7
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
The composite SmBa2Cu3O7-delta (Sm-123), obtained by the substitution of the ion Y for Sm in the very well known and studied YBa2Cu3O7-delta (Y-123), is potentially attractive for better understanding superconductivity mechanisms and for its applications as electronic devices. Sm-123 samples show higher critical temperatures than Y-123 ones do and a larger solubility of Sm in Ba-Cu-O solvent, which makes their growth process faster. When oxygen is present interstitially, it strongly affects the physical properties of the material. The dynamics of oxygen can be investigated by anelastic spectroscopy measurements, a powerful technique for the precise determination of the oscillation frequency and the internal friction when atomic jumps are possible. Anelastic spectroscopy allows determining the elasticity modulus (related to the oscillation frequency) and the elastic energy loss (related to the internal friction) as a function of the temperature. The sample was also investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and electric resistivity. The results obtained show a thermally activated relaxation structure composed by at least 3 relaxation processes. These processes may be attributed to the jumps of oxygen atoms present of the Cu-O plane in the orthorhombic phase.
Flux-Line-Lattice Melting and Upper Critical Field of Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta Ceramic Samples
We have conducted magnetoresistance measurements rho(T,H) in applied magnetic fields up to 18 T in Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta ceramic samples which were subjected to different uniaxial compacting pressures. The anisotropic upper critical fields H (c2)(T) were extracted from the rho(T,H) data, yielding and the out-of-plane superconducting coherence length xi (c) (0)similar to 3 . We have also estimated and xi (ab) (0) similar to 90 . In addition to this, a flux-line-lattice (FLL) melting temperature T (m) has been identified as a second peak in the derivative of the magnetoresistance d rho/dT data close to the superconducting transition temperature. An H (m) vs. T phase diagram was constructed and the FLL boundary lines were found to obey a temperature dependence H (m) ae(T (c) /T-1) (alpha) , where alpha similar to 2 for the sample subjected to the higher compacting pressure. A reasonable value of the Lindemann parameter c (L) similar to 0.29 has been found for all samples studied.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Konstruktion und der Aufbau eines Systems zur gepulsten Laserablation von dünnen Schichten beschrieben. Die hohe Flexibilität der Anlage wird ermöglicht durch einen sechsfach-Targethalter und eine Heizerkonstruktion, die einfachen Substrateinbau, hohe Temperaturhomogenität und einen zugänglichen Temperaturbereich von bis zu 1000°C erlaubt. Durch eine komplexe Laser-Optik, die eine homogene Energiedichte auf dem Target sicherstellt, wird eine optimale Filmqualität erreicht.Durch die Entwicklung einer zweistufigen Prozeßführung für Y-stabilisiertes ZrO2 wird eine Wachstumsbasis hoher kristalliner Qualität für funktionale Oxidschichten auf Silizium zur Verfügung gestellt. Es zeigt sich, daß die dielektrischen Eigenschaften der YSZ Schicht stark vom Sauerstoffgehalt, der Grenzflächenmorphologie sowie der Dicke der ersten Schicht abhängig sind. Basierend auf dieser Schicht wurde BaZrO3 als zusätzliche Pufferschicht für den Hochtemperatursupraleiter (HTSL) YBa2Cu3O7 ? untersucht. Unter Verwendung von SrTiO3 Substraten konnte die dielektrische Konstante von BaZrO3 zu ? ? 65 bestimmt sowie das Dispersionsverhalten mittels modifizierter Debye-Gleichungen erklärt werden. Vergleichende Messungen auf einkristallinen SrTiO3 Substraten zeigen eine erhöhte Übergangstemperatur von 90.2 K und eine wesentliche Verbesserung der Oberflächenrauhigkeit des HTSL von 2 nm (rms) durch die Verwendung von BaZrO3 Schichten hoher Qualität. Eine nur wenige Monolagen dicke zusätzliche BaZrO3 Pufferschicht auf YSZ-gepufferten Silizium Substraten verhindert die Ausbildung von ?9° rotierten YBCO Körnern, die üblicherweise bei der direkten Deposition auf YSZ beobachtet werden. Resistive Messungen mit Übergangstemperaturen oberhalb 89 K sind vergleichbar zu Ergebnissen, die für CeO2/YSZ Pufferschichtkombinationen erreicht werden. Durch kontinuierliche Gitteranpassung wurde eine neue Schichtabfolge YBCO/CeO2/YSZ/BaZrO3 für die Erzeugung bi-epitaxialer Korngrenzen-Josephson Kontake gefunden und deren Epitaxiebeziehungen geklärt. Eine in-situ deponierte Schichtabfolge zeigt mit einer Übergangstemperatur von 91.7 K und einer Übergangsbreite von 0.15 K supraleitende Eigenschaften vergleichbar zu den besten bisher auf diesem Gebiet erreichten Ergebnissen. Voruntersuchungen zur Realisierung eines Josephsonkontaktes mit dieser Schichtabfolge zeigen jedoch, daß die erreichten Eigenschaften für die technologische Anwendung nicht ausreichend sind.Die Verwendung einer YSZ/CeO2 Pufferschichtkombination ermöglicht die Herstellung von c Achsen orientiertem ferroelektrischem SrBi2Ta2O9 auf Silizium. Im Gegensatz hierzu führt die direkte Deposition auf Silizium zu polykristallinem SrBi2Ta2O9 oder zur Ausbildung der Pyrochlor Phase, wenn nur YSZ als Pufferschicht verwendet wird. Obwohl die Polarisierung von SrBi2Ta2O9 in der ab-Ebene liegt, konnte in MFIS Strukturen ein Speicherfenster von maximal 0.87 V beobachtet werden, was eine Verbesserung um nahezu einen Faktor drei im Vergleich zu polykristallinem SrBi2Ta2O9 bedeutet. Messungen an ferroelektrischen Kondesatorstrukturen ergeben Hystereseschleifen mit einer remanenten Polarisierung von Pr = 6.5 µC/cm2 sowie einem Koerzitivfeld von Ec = 35 kV/cm. AFM Messungen im Piezo-Response Modus zeigen ferroelektrische Domänen, die durch Anlegen einer Gleichspannung reversibel umpolarisiert werden können. Im Nicht-Kontakt AFM Modus wurde die lokale Polarisierung der Schichten zu 3.4 µC/cm2 bestimmt. Weiterhin wurde eine alternative Pufferschichtkombination SrZrO3/YSZ zur Erzeugung von a-Achsen orientiertem SrBi2Ta2O9 untersucht. SrZrO3 zeigt a Achsen Orientierung in vier Wachstumsdomänen, die durch ein Model erklärt werden können. Die SrBi2Ta2O9 Schicht zeigt a Achsen sowie (116)-orientierte Körner mit derselben Domänenstruktur. Die dielektrische Konstanten von SrZrO3 und SrBi2Ta2O9 wurden zu ? ? 29 und ? ? 20 bestimmt. Die beobachteten Speicherfenster sind allerdings nicht ferroelektrischer Natur, sondern wahrscheinlich durch mobile Ionen und Ladungsfangstellen in den Pufferschichten verursacht. Die stark abgesenkte dielektrische Konstante von SrBi2Ta2O9 kann durch die im Vergleich zu polykristallinem verkleinerte Korngröße erklärt werden.
The understanding of the coupling between superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) layers decoupled by non superconducting PrBa2Cu3O7 (PBCO) layers in c-axis oriented superlattices was the aim of this thesis. For this purpose two conceptually different kind of transport experiments have been performed. rnrnIn the first type of transport experiments the current is flowing parallel to the layers. Here the coupling is probed indirectly using magnetic vortex lines, which are penetrating the superlattice. Movement of the vortex segments in neighbouring YBCO layers is more or less coherent depending on the thickness of both the superconducting and non superconducting layers. This in-plane transport was measured either by sending an external current through bridges patterned in the superlattice or by an induced internal current. rnThe vortex-creep activation energy U was determined by analysis of the in-plane resistive transition in an external magnetic field B oriented along the c-axis. The activation energies for two series of superlattices were investigated. In one series the thickness of the YBCO layers was constant (nY=4 unit cells) and the number of the PBCO unit cells was varied, while in the other the number of PBCO layers was constant (nP=4) and nY varied. The correlation length of the vortex system was determined to be 80 nm along the c-axis direction. It was found that even a single PBCO unit cell in a superlattice effectively cuts the flux lines into shorter weakly coupled segments, and the coupling of the vortex systems in neighbouring layers is negligible already for a thickness of four unit cells of the PBCO layers. A characteristic variation of the activation energy for the two series of superlattices was found, where U0 is proportional to the YBCO thickness. A change in the variation of U0 with the current I in the specimen was observed, which can be explained in terms of a crossover in the vortex creep process, generated by the transport current. At low I values the dislocations mediated (plastic) vortex creep leads to thermally assisted flux-flow behaviour, whereas at high current the dc transport measurements are dominated by elastic (collective) creep.rnThe analysis of standard dc magnetization relaxation data obtained for a series superlattices revealed the occurrence of a crossover from elastic (collective) vortex creep at low temperature to plastic vortex creep at high T. The crossover is generated by the T dependent macroscopic currents induced in the sample. The existence of this creep crossover suggests that, compared with the well known Maley technique, the use of the normalized vortex creep activation energy is a better solution for the determination of vortex creep parameters.rnrnThe second type of transport experiments was to measure directly a possible Josephson coupling between superconducting CuO2 double planes in the superlattices by investigation of the transport properties perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Here three different experiments have been performed. The first one was to pattern mesa structures photolithographically as in previous works. The second used three-dimensional nanostructures cut by a focused ion beam. For the these two experiments insufficient patterning capabilities prevented an observation of the Josephson effect in the current voltage curves. rnA third experiment used a-axis and (110) oriented YBCO films, where in-plane patterning can in principle be sufficient to measure transport perpendicular to the superconducting planes. Therefore the deposition of films with this unusual growth orientation was optimized and investigated. The structural and microstructural evolution of c-axis to a-axis orientation was monitored using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and magnetization measurements. Films with full a-axis alignment parallel to the substrate normal could be achieved on (100)SrTiO3. Due to the symmetry of the substrate the c-axis direction in-plane is twofold. Transferring the deposition conditions to films grown on (110)SrTiO3 allowed the growth of (110) oriented YBCO films with a unique in-plane c-axis orientation. While these films were of high quality by crystallographic and macroscopic visual inspection, electron microscopy revealed a coherent crack pattern on a nanoscale. Therefore the actual current path in the sample was not determined by the macroscopic patterning which prohibited investigations of the in-plane anisotropy in this case.rn
In this study, the mechanical properties of YBa2Cu3O7−x, obtained by the Bridgman technique, were examined using a Berkovich tip indenter on the basal plane (0 0 1). Intrinsic hardness was measured by nanoindentation tests and corrected using the Nix and Gao model for this material. Furthermore, Vickers hardness tests were performed, in order to determine the possible size effect on these measurements. The results showed an underestimation of the hardness value when the tests were performed with large loads. Moreover, the elastic modulus of the Bridgman samples was 128 ± 5 GPa. Different residual imprints were visualised by atomic force microscopy and a focused ion beam, in order to observe superficial and internal fracturing. Mechanical properties presented a considerable reduction at the interface. This effect could be attributed to internal stress generated during the texturing process. In order to corroborate this hypothesis, an observation using transmission electron microscopy was performed.
In this study two YBa2Cu3O7−δ bulk superconductors were evaluated, with the aim of analyzing the influence of the processing method (TSMG and Bridgman) and the test temperature on their mechanical behavior. The relationship between their mechanical properties and fracture micromechanisms has also been studied. Both materials were tested at room and at service temperature. TPB tests were carried out to determine their mechanical behavior, strength and toughness. Moreover, one of the two materials, characterized by transversal microstructural anisotropy, was tested in two directions. Hardness of both materials at nano and micro scale was studied. The results show that the mechanical behavior of the materials is controlled by the defects and cracks that have been introduced during the processing of the materials. A good degree of agreement was found between the experimental crack defects detected by means of SEM and those gathered from the fracture mechanical analysis of the experimental data
The metallic state of high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors, characterized by unusual and distinct temperature dependences in the transport properties(1-4), is markedly different from that of textbook metals. Despite intense theoretical efforts(5-11), our limited understanding is impaired by our inability to determine experimentally the temperature and momentum dependence of the transport scattering rate. Here, we use a powerful magnetotransport probe to show that the resistivity and the Hall coefficient in highly doped Tl2Ba2CuO6+delta originate from two distinct inelastic scattering channels. One channel is due to conventional electron electron scattering; the other is highly anisotropic, has the same symmetry as the superconducting gap and a magnitude that grows approximately linearly with temperature. The observed form and anisotropy place tight constraints on theories of the metallic state. Moreover, in heavily doped non-superconducting La2-xSrxCuO4, this anisotropic scattering term is absent(12), suggesting an intimate connection between the origin of this scattering and superconductivity itself.
The objective of this research was to find Young's elastic modulus for thin gold films at room and cryogenic temperatures based on the flexional model which has not been previously attempted. Electrical Sonnet simulations and numerical methods using Abacus for the mechanical responses were employed for this purpose. A RF MEM shunt switch was designed and a fabrication process developed in house. The switch is composed of a superconducting YBa2Cu3O7 coplanar waveguide structure with an Au bridge membrane suspended above an area of the center conductor covered with BaTiO3 dielectric. The Au membrane is actuated by the electrostatic attractive force acting between the transmission line and the membrane when voltage is applied. The value of the actuation force will greatly depend on the switch pull-down voltage and on the geometry and mechanical properties of the bridge material. Results show that the elastic modulus for Au thin film can be 484 times higher at cryogenic temperature than it is at room temperature.