This work aims to analyse the composition, abundance and distribution of the Penaeidea species which occur in the Ubatuba Bay (23 degrees 26'S and 45 degrees 02'W). The samples were monthly collected from October/1992 to September/1993. Each collect was composed of two parallel radials: the first (radial ''A'') was carried out in the mid region of the bay and the second one (radial ''B'') in the bay mouth. The trawls took one hour in a boat equipped with one otter-trawl (10 mm of mesh). The registered environmental factors were depth, bottom water temperature, granulometric composition and organic content of the sediment. After the trawls, the shrimp were separated from other marine organisms and counted. Eight species of shrimp were obtained: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri; Artemesia longinaris; Penaeus (L.) schmitti; P. (F.) brasiliensis; Trachypenaeus; constrictus; Sicyonia typica; S. dorsalis and Pleoticus muelleri. The most abundant species were X. kroyeri, A. longinaris, P. muelleri and T. constrictus. It was verified a very strong seasonality among the species. The X. kroyeri species occurred in both radials along the months but its abundance decreased from a November to March. Such fact is attributed to the temperature which reached a minimum value of 20 degrees C during this period. The species A. longinaris and P. muelleri were more frequent in the radial B which was caracterized by 14 +/- 1.3 m of depth, low organic content in the sediment (2.97%) and granulometric composition of medium sand. The distribution and abundance of these shrimps in the bay, beyond the hydrological features can be related to biotic factors as food availability, migration, inter and intra specific relations (competition, predation, etc.).
We investigated the sexual maturity, reproductive period and juvenile recruitment (both associated with salinity and temperature of bottom water) and sex-ratio of Xiphopenaeus kroyeri in Santos Bay, São Paulo. Monthly samples were obtained from June 2008 through May 2009 along four transects. Individuals were measured, sexed and the developmental stage of the reproductive system was macroscopically determined. The mean carapace length of females was larger than that of males. Females attained physiological maturity with 25.5 mm and males with 16.8 mm. The reproductive period was continuous with higher proportions of reproductive females in autumn. Although not significant, in February occurs a peak of reproductive females similar to March. An intermediate peak of these females occurs between August and October and it contributed to the recruitment in summer. The smallest amount of juveniles after the main peak of spawning (February, March and April) can be explained by migration or consequences of open access for fishery that occurs on June. The overall sex-ratio was approximately 1:1. However, when considering the spatial distribution, we observed a greater amount of reproductive females in shallow waters in the bay. The differential distribution between the sexes could be associated with appropriated areas to spawn. The current legal off-season occurs between March and May, and, according to our results of the frequency of reproductive females, we suggest the inclusion of February in the off-season.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
No estuário de Marapanim-PA, pouco conhecimento existe sobre larvas de camarão, organismos de elevada importância ecológica e alguns de grande valor econômico. Com o objetivo de estudar a composição específica, a densidade e a distribuição espaço-temporal destas larvas no estuário em relação aos períodos do ano (seco, transição e chuvoso), zonas do estuário (1, 2 e 3), locais de coleta (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2 e B3) e perfis (A e B), foram realizadas coletas mensais de agosto/06 a julho/07. As amostras biológicas foram obtidas através de arrastos horizontais em cada local de coleta à aproximadamente 0,5 m da superfície da coluna d’água, com auxílio de uma rede de plâncton cônica (abertura de 0,5 m e malha de 200 μm). Também foram colhidos dados abióticos como, temperatura, salinidade e pH da água. No estuário de Marapanim-PA foram encontradas 4.644 larvas de camarão, compreendendo as infra-ordens Penaeidea e Caridea. Dentre as espécies e/ou famílias encontradas, as mais abundantes foram Alpheus estuariensis (302,59 larvas/m3), Palaemonidae (97,05 larvas/m3) e Sergestidae no estádio de elaphocaris (90,47 larvas/m3) , sendo A. estuariensis a mais frequente (76,39%). O período seco apresentou maior densidade, diversidade e riqueza de larvas de camarão. Na análise de agrupamento da densidade mensal das larvas houve a formação de três grupos, ao nível de similaridade de 65%, nos quais A. estuariensis foi dominante, além de ser a espécie que mais contribuiu para a similaridade dentro destes. A diferença entre agrupamentos se deu principalmente devido à densidade das larvas de Sergestidae, Palaemonidae e Xiphopenaeus kroyeri. Entre os fatores abióticos estudados, a salinidade foi o fator que mais influenciou a distribuição espaço-temporal das larvas de camarão no estuário de Marapanim-PA, região importante para o recrutamento dos estádios iniciais do ciclo de vida de algumas espécies.
Este estudo investigou a biodiversidade e a distribuição espaço-temporal da abundância das populações de camarões e descreveu a estrutura populacional de Farfantepenaeus subtilis em um estuário amazônico. Os camarões foram coletados mensalmente de agosto de 2006 a julho de 2007 nos períodos chuvoso (janeiro a junho) e seco (julho a dezembro) com arrasto-de-fundo e arrasto-de-praia nos setores Médio-Superior (MS), Médio (M) e Inferior (I). Em cada setor dois locais foram amostrados, nos quais dois arrastos de fundo de cinco minutos cada e, três arrastos praiais de 150 m2 cada um foram realizados. As variáveis: temperatura, pH e salinidade da água e granulometria e matéria orgânica do sedimento foram analisadas. Para cada camarão foram anotados os Comprimentos Total (CT) e do Cefalotórax (CC), peso total, sexo e estádio de maturação gonadal. A salinidade diferiu significativamente entre os setores I e MS (p<0,05) e o M apresentou baixo teor de matéria orgânica. Em todos os setores os grãos arenosos foram predominantes no substrato, destacando-se a areia fina no setor M. Foram coletados 11.939 camarões, distribuídos em doze espécies e seis famílias. Palaemonidae e Penaeidae tiveram maior riqueza com cinco e três espécies, respectivamente. Penaeidae, Sergestidae e Palaemonidae apresentaram maior abundância, com Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, F. subtilis, Acetes marinus e Nematopalaemon schmitti, contribuindo com 43, 31, 21 e 1,3% do total capturado, respectivamente. As espécies F. subtilis, X. kroyeri e Litopenaeus schmitti contribuíram com 97% da biomassa total. A densidade e a biomassa de F. subtilis diferiram entre o chuvoso e seco (p<0,05), sendo maior no chuvoso. No chuvoso, a densidade de X. kroyeri foi mais elevada nos setores M e I e no seco nos setores MS e M, com maior biomassa no I em ambos períodos sazonais. A densidade e a biomassa de A. marinus foi elevada no setor I (p<0,05). A salinidade, areia, silte e argila influenciaram significativamente a distribuição espaço-temporal da abundância dos camarões (p<0,05). O CC das fêmeas de F. subtilis foi superior aos machos com 13,7 mm e 12,8 mm, respectivamente, e diferiu em março (p<0,05). As fêmeas foram mais abundantes e a razão sexual foi de 0,8:1 com destaque para janeiro, fevereiro, maio e o total analisado (p<0,05). Camarões desenvolvidos ocorreram no chuvoso e a abundância de juvenis foi maior de janeiro a junho quando ocorre o pico mais intenso de desova em mar aberto.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study presents new information on the feeding habits of the Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, in the Western South Atlantic. Nine stomach contents of S. frontalis incidentally caught in fishing operations conducted by the gillnet fleet based on main harbour of Cananeia (25 degrees 00' S; 47 degrees 55'W), southeastern Brazil, were analyzed. These specimens were captured between 2005 and 2007. A total of 1 422 cephalopod beaks, 147 otoliths and three crustaceans were recovered from the stomach contents. The dolphins assessed preyed on at least eight different fish species of the families Trichiuridae, Carangidae, Sparidae, Merluccidae, Engraulidae, Sciaenidae, Congridae and Scombridae, five cephalopod species of the families Loliginidae, Sepiolidae, Tremoctopodidae and Thysanoteuthidae, and one shrimp species of the Penaeidae family. Based on the analysis of the Index of Relative Importance (IRI), the Atlantic cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, was the most important fish species represented. Of the cephalopods, the squid Doryteuthis plei was by far the most representative species. Several items were reported for the first time as prey of the S. frontalis: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, Tremoctopus violaceus, Semirossia tenera, Merluccius hubbsi, Pagrus pagrus and Paralonchurus brasiliensis. S. frontalis presented teuthophagous and ichthyofagous feeding habits, with apparent predominance of the first, and preyed mainly on pelagic and demersal items.
This study presents new information on the feeding habits of the Atlantic spotted dolphins, Stenella frontalis, in the Western South Atlantic. Nine stomach contents of S. frontalis incidentally caught in fishing operations conducted by the gillnet fleet based on main harbour of Cananéia (25°00'S; 47°55'W), southeastern Brazil, were analyzed. These specimens were captured between 2005 and 2007. A total of 1 422 cephalopod beaks, 147 otoliths and three crustaceans were recovered from the stomach contents. The dolphins assessed preyed on at least eight different fish species of the families Trichiuridae, Carangidae, Sparidae, Merluccidae, Engraulidae, Sciaenidae, Congridae and Scombridae, five cephalopod species of the families Loliginidae, Sepiolidae, Tremoctopodidae and Thysanoteuthidae, and one shrimp species of the Penaeidae family. Based on the analysis of the Index of Relative Importance (IRI), the Atlantic cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, was the most important fish species represented. Of the cephalopods, the squid Doryteuthis plei was by far the most representative species. Several items were reported for the first time as prey of the S. frontalis: Xiphopenaeus kroyeri, Tremoctopus violaceus, Semirossia tenera, Merluccius hubbsi, Pagrus pagrus and Paralonchurus brasiliensis. S. frontalis presented teuthophagous and ichthyofagous feeding habits, with apparent predominance of the first, and preyed mainly on pelagic and demersal items.
Sex ratio data of two species of penaeid prawns Metapenaues kutchensis George, George and Rao, 1963 and Parapenaeopsis sculptilis (Heller, 1862), occurring in the Gulf of Kachchh, were statistically analysed. A preponderance of females was observed in both the species and the ratio of male to female for both years combined for M. kutchensis and P. sculptilis was found to be 1:15 and 1:2.7, respectively. Chi-square analysis revealed significant difference in the sex ratio of the two species.
Diogenes senex Heller, 1865 sensu stricto is redescribed from specimens collected in Australia, particularly in and around the type locality of Sydney. A neotype has been designated. Comparisons of this material with other specimens identified as D. senex by a number of authors has shown that at present only the Australian material truly represents Heller's taxon.