979 resultados para Wrist Posture


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Wrist pulse signals contain important information about the health of a person and hence diagnosis based on pulse signals has assumed great importance. In this paper we demonstrate the efficacy of a two term Gaussian model to extract information from pulse signals. Results have been obtained by conducting experiments on several subjects to record wrist pulse signals for the cases of before exercise and after exercise. Parameters have been extracted from the recorded signals using the model and a paired t-test is performed, which shows that the parameters are significantly different between the two groups. Further, a recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine is used to perform classification between the groups. An average classification accuracy of 99.46% is obtained, along with top classifiers. It is thus shown that the parameters of the Gaussian model show changes across groups and hence the model is effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to the two different recording conditions. The study has potential applications in healthcare.


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Blood travels throughout the body and thus its flow is modulated by changes in body condition. As a consequence, the wrist pulse signal contains important information about the status of the human body. In this work we have employed signal processing techniques to extract important information from these signals. Radial artery pulse pressure signals are acquired at wrist position noninvasively for several subjects for two cases of interest, viz. before and after exercise, and before and after lunch. Further analysis is performed by fitting a bi-modal Gaussian model to the data and extracting spatial features from the fit. The spatial features show statistically significant (p < 0.001) changes between the groups for both the cases, which indicates that they are effective in distinguishing the changes taking place due to exercise or food intake. Recursive cluster elimination based support vector machine classifier is used to classify between the groups. A high classification accuracy of 99.71% is achieved for the exercise case and 99.94% is achieved for the lunch case. This paper demonstrates the utility of certain spatial features in studying wrist pulse signals obtained under various experimental conditions. The ability of the spatial features in distinguishing changing body conditions can be potentially used for various healthcare applications. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Impedance control can be used to stabilize the limb against both instability and unpredictable perturbations. Limb posture influences motor noise, energy usage and limb impedance as well as their interaction. Here we examine whether subjects use limb posture as part of a mechanism to regulate limb stability. Subjects performed stabilization tasks while attached to a two dimensional robotic manipulandum which generated a virtual environment. Subjects were instructed that they could perform the stabilization task anywhere in the workspace, while the chosen postures were tracked as subjects repeated the task. In order to investigate the mechanisms behind the chosen limb postures, simulations of the neuro-mechanical system were performed. The results indicate that posture selection is performed to provide energy efficiency in the presence of force variability.


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This paper investigates the effects of antenna detuning on wireless devices caused by the presence of the human body,particularly the wrist. To facilitate repeatable and consistent antenna impedance measurements, an accurate and low cost human phantom arm, that simulates human tissue at 433MHz frequencies, has been developed and characterized. An accurate and low cost hardware prototype system has been developed to measure antenna return loss at a frequency of 433MHz and the design, fabrication and measured results are presented. This system provides a flexible means of evaluating closed-loop reconfigurable antenna tuning circuits for use in wireless mote applications.


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To examine the role of the effector dynamics of the wrist in the production of rhythmic motor activity, we estimated the phase shifts between the EMG and the task-related output for a rhythmic isometric torque production task and an oscillatory movement, and found a substantial difference (45-52degrees) between the two. For both tasks, the relation between EMG and task-related output (torque or displacement) was adequately reproduced with a physiologically motivated musculoskeletal model. The model simulations demonstrated the importance of the contribution of passive structures to the overall dynamics and provided an account for the observed phase shifts in the dynamic task. Additional simulations of the musculoskeletal model with added load suggested that particular changes in the phase relation between EMG and movement may follow largely from the intrinsic muscle dynamics, rather than being the result of adaptations in the neural control of joint stiffness. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to (models of) interlimb coordination in rhythmic tasks. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It has often been supposed that patterns of rhythmic bimanual coordination in which homologous muscles are engaged simultaneously, are performed in a more stable manner than those in which the same muscles are activated in an alternating fashion. In order to assess the efficacy of this constraint, the present study investigated the effect of forearm posture (prone or supine) on bimanual abduction-adduction movements of the wrist in isodirectional and non-isodirectional modes of coordination. Irrespective of forearm posture, non-isodirectional coordination was observed to be more stable than isodirectional coordination. In the latter condition, there was a more severe deterioration of coordination accuracy/stability as a function of cycling frequency than in the former condition. With elevations in cycling frequency, the performers recruited extra mechanical degrees of freedom, principally via flexion-extension of the wrist, which gave rise to increasing motion in the vertical plane. The increases in movement amplitude in the vertical plane were accompanied by decreasing amplitude in the horizontal plane. In agreement with previous studies, the present findings confirm that the relative timing of homologous muscle activation acts as a principal constraint upon the stability of interlimb coordination. Furthermore, it is argued that the use of manipulations of limb posture to investigate the role of other classes of constraint (e.g. perceptual) should be approached with caution because such manipulations affect the mapping between muscle activation patterns, movement dynamics and kinematics.


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In this paper, we present an inertial-sensor-based monitoring system for measuring the movement of human upper limbs. Two wearable inertial sensors are placed near the wrist and elbow joints, respectively. The measurement drift in segment orientation is dramatically reduced after a Kalman filter is applied to estimate inclinations using accelerations and turning rates from gyroscopes. Using premeasured lengths of the upper and lower arms, we compute the position of the wrist and elbow joints via a proposed kinematic model. Experimental results demonstrate that this new motion capture system, in comparison to an optical motion tracker, possesses an RMS position error of less than 0.009 m, with a drift of less than 0.005 ms-1 in five daily activities. In addition, the RMS angle error is less than 3??. This indicates that the proposed approach has performed well in terms of accuracy and reliability.


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In older adults, cognitive resources play a key role in maintaining postural stability. In the present study, we evaluated whether increasing postural instability using sway referencing induces changes in resource allocation in dual-task performance leading older adults to prioritize the more age-salient posture task over a cognitive task. Young and older adults participated in the study which comprised two sessions. In the first session, three posture tasks (stable, sway reference visual, sway reference somatosensory) and a working memory task (n-back) were examined. In the second session, single- and dual-task performance of posture and memory were assessed. Postural stability improved with session. Participants were more unstable in the sway reference conditions, and pronounced age differences were observed in the somatosensory sway reference condition. In dual-task performance on the stable surface, older adults showed an almost 40% increase in instability compared to single-task. However, in the sway reference somatosensory condition, stability was the same in single- and dual-task performance, whereas pronounced (15%) costs emerged for cognition. These results show that during dual-tasking while standing on a stable surface, older adults have the flexibility to allow an increase in instability to accommodate cognitive task performance. However, when instability increases by means of compromising somatosensory information, levels of postural control are kept similar in single- and dual-task, by utilizing resources otherwise allocated to the cognitive task. This evidence emphasizes the flexible nature of resource allocation, developed over the life-span to compensate for age-related decline in sensorimotor and cognitive processing.


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We investigated adult age differences in dual-task costs in cognitive-sensorimotor settings without concurrent response production and with individually adjusted resource demands for the cognitive task. Twenty-four young adults (M=25.42 years, SD=3.55) and 23 older adults (M=68 years, SD=4.46) performed a cognitive task and two postural control tasks (standing on a stable and moving platform) both separately (single-task context) and concurrently (dual-task context). The cognitive task did not require response production during posture data collection and its difficulty was individually adjusted to 80% correct performance under single-task conditions. Results showed pronounced age differences in postural control in the moving platform condition, which increased further under dual-task conditions. Our findings support the assumption of increased cognitive resource demands for postural control in older adults. They extend existing work by taking two shortcomings of previous studies into account. We discuss cognitive and posture task constraints in this and previous studies as factors determining multi-tasking and its changes in later adulthood.