62 resultados para Wiggins


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Este trabalho desenvolve-se na área da Lingüística Aplicada ao Ensino do Espanhol como Língua Estrangeira. O propósito é o de examinar as provas de espanhol dos vestibulares de três Instituições de Ensino Superior de Porto Alegre e Grande Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1996 a 2000, para depreender delas o tipo de conhecimento lingüístico exigido do candidato. Empregamos como base metodológica a avaliação formativa, com enfoque qualitativo na interpretação das informações e quantitativo na coleta e exposição dos dados, resultando em um quadro descritivo da realidade das provas examinadas. O estudo caracteriza-se como exploratório, sem levantamento de hipóteses. A falta de pesquisas sobre as provas de espanhol nos vestibulares, e de literatura específica sobre o assunto resultou na busca de uma base teórica que desse suporte a uma análise clara e ajustada ao objetivo. Teóricos clássicos como Saussure (1974), Bloom (1983) até autores contemporâneos como Ortega Olivares (1990), Orlandi (1987) e Wiggins e McThige (1998) constituíram o referencial teórico do trabalho. A análise das provas de espanhol foi organizada tendo em vista os conceitos de Orlandi sobre tipos de discurso, o de Wiggins e MacThige sobre os tipos de perguntas de compreensão e de Ortega Olivares sobre o conceito de gramática. Os resultados apontam para a presença dos discursos autoritário, lúdico e polêmico com a predominância desse último. As perguntas de unidade preponderam sobre as do tipo essencial e o conhecimento gramatical, em grande parte, ainda de base estruturalista indicam que uma nova postura deva ser adotada em relação à elaboração das provas de vestibular e à abordagem do conteúdo.


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During the summer of 1953, Mr. Edward T. Roche, of the Department of Zoology, University of Southern California, continued observations on the life history of the ground squirrel, Citellus undulatus barrowensis (Merriam), along the Meade River south of Point Barrow, Alaska. In the course of this work, 55 ground squirrels were examined for intestinal parasites, and were found commonly to harbor cestodes. Mr. Roche kindly offered a number of these cestodes to the writer for study, and they represent an undescribed species of Paranoplocephala Liihe, 1910. In appreciation of the generous cooperation extended to the personnel of this laboratory by Dr. Ira L. Wiggins, formerly Scientific Director of the Arctic Research Laboratory, Office of Naval Research, at Point Barrow, the name Paranoplocephala wigginsi n. sp. is proposed for this cestode.


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A 20-channel phased-array coil for MRI of mice has been designed, constructed, and validated with bench measurements and high-resolution accelerated imaging. The technical challenges of designing a small, high density array have been overcome using individual small-diameter coil elements arranged on a cylinder in a hexagonal overlapping design with adjacent low impedance preamplifiers to further decouple the array elements. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and noise amplification in accelerated imaging were simulated and quantitatively evaluated in phantoms and in vivo mouse images. Comparison between the 20-channel mouse array and a length-matched quadrature driven small animal birdcage coil showed an SNR increase at the periphery and in the center of the phantom of 3- and 1.3-fold, respectively. Comparison with a shorter but SNR-optimized birdcage coil (aspect ratio 1:1 and only half mouse coverage) showed an SNR gain of twofold at the edge of the phantom and similar SNR in the center. G-factor measurements indicate that the coil is well suited to acquire highly accelerated images.


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We quantitatively investigated inflammatory cells in the male urethra. Leukocytes in the first catch urine (FCU) from 87 men with and without urethritis were quantitated using haemocytometer counts and stained with an anti-CD45 pan-leukocyte antibody. An increased number of leukocytes in FCU specimens was associated with urethritis (P > 0.002), the presence of discharge and/or dysuria (P < 0.001), and detection of Chlamydia trachomatis (P < 0.001) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (P < 0.001). In men with urethritis, higher leukocyte counts were also observed in the above groups (P = 0.07, 0.03 and P < 0.0001, respectively). As leukocyte number increased, the likelihood of detecting either pathogen increased. This study suggests that symptoms and signs are a surrogate marker for the degree of inflammation present, and that as urethral inflammation increases, the likelihood of detecting a sexually transmitted pathogen also increases. This would explain why men with asymptomatic urethritis are less likely to have a sexually transmitted infection detected than those with discharge and/or dysuria.


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We used a PCR method to quantify the loads of Chlamydia trachomatis organisms in self-collected urine and vulvovaginal swab (VVS) samples from 93 women and 30 men participating in the Chlamydia Screening Studies Project, a community-based study of individuals not seeking health care. For women, self-collected VVS had a higher mean chlamydial load (10,405 organisms/ml; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 5,167 to 21,163 organisms/ml) than did first-void urines (FVU) (503 organisms/ml; 95% CI, 250 to 1,022 organisms/ml; P < 0.001). Chlamydial loads in female and male self-collected FVU specimens were similar (P = 0.634). The mean chlamydial load in FVU specimens decreased with increasing age in females and males. There was no strong statistical evidence of differences in chlamydial load in repeat male and female FVU specimens taken when patients attended for treatment a median of 23.5 (range, 14 to 62) and 28 (range, 13 to 132) days later, respectively, or in VVS taken a median of 35 (range, 14 to 217) days later. In this study, chlamydial load values for infected persons in the community who were not seeking treatment were lower than those published in other studies involving symptomatic patients attending clinical settings. This might have implications for estimates of the infectiousness of chlamydia. The results of this study provide a scientific rationale for preferring VVS to FVU specimens from women.


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The macronuclear genome of the ciliate Oxytricha trifallax displays an extreme and unique eukaryotic genome architecture with extensive genomic variation. During sexual genome development, the expressed, somatic macronuclear genome is whittled down to the genic portion of a small fraction (∼5%) of its precursor "silent" germline micronuclear genome by a process of "unscrambling" and fragmentation. The tiny macronuclear "nanochromosomes" typically encode single, protein-coding genes (a small portion, 10%, encode 2-8 genes), have minimal noncoding regions, and are differentially amplified to an average of ∼2,000 copies. We report the high-quality genome assembly of ∼16,000 complete nanochromosomes (∼50 Mb haploid genome size) that vary from 469 bp to 66 kb long (mean ∼3.2 kb) and encode ∼18,500 genes. Alternative DNA fragmentation processes ∼10% of the nanochromosomes into multiple isoforms that usually encode complete genes. Nucleotide diversity in the macronucleus is very high (SNP heterozygosity is ∼4.0%), suggesting that Oxytricha trifallax may have one of the largest known effective population sizes of eukaryotes. Comparison to other ciliates with nonscrambled genomes and long macronuclear chromosomes (on the order of 100 kb) suggests several candidate proteins that could be involved in genome rearrangement, including domesticated MULE and IS1595-like DDE transposases. The assembly of the highly fragmented Oxytricha macronuclear genome is the first completed genome with such an unusual architecture. This genome sequence provides tantalizing glimpses into novel molecular biology and evolution. For example, Oxytricha maintains tens of millions of telomeres per cell and has also evolved an intriguing expansion of telomere end-binding proteins. In conjunction with the micronuclear genome in progress, the O. trifallax macronuclear genome will provide an invaluable resource for investigating programmed genome rearrangements, complementing studies of rearrangements arising during evolution and disease.


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The Summer 2003 issue of The Olive Tree features articles about library projects, collections, technological innovations, and events at Fogler Library, University of Maine.


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In this paper we develop new techniques for revealing geometrical structures in phase space that are valid for aperiodically time dependent dynamical systems, which we refer to as Lagrangian descriptors. These quantities are based on the integration, for a finite time, along trajectories of an intrinsic bounded, positive geometrical and/or physical property of the trajectory itself. We discuss a general methodology for constructing Lagrangian descriptors, and we discuss a “heuristic argument” that explains why this method is successful for revealing geometrical structures in the phase space of a dynamical system. We support this argument by explicit calculations on a benchmark problem having a hyperbolic fixed point with stable and unstable manifolds that are known analytically. Several other benchmark examples are considered that allow us the assess the performance of Lagrangian descriptors in revealing invariant tori and regions of shear. Throughout the paper “side-by-side” comparisons of the performance of Lagrangian descriptors with both finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) and finite time averages of certain components of the vector field (“time averages”) are carried out and discussed. In all cases Lagrangian descriptors are shown to be both more accurate and computationally efficient than these methods. We also perform computations for an explicitly three dimensional, aperiodically time-dependent vector field and an aperiodically time dependent vector field defined as a data set. Comparisons with FTLEs and time averages for these examples are also carried out, with similar conclusions as for the benchmark examples.


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Lagrangian descriptors are a recent technique which reveals geometrical structures in phase space and which are valid for aperiodically time dependent dynamical systems. We discuss a general methodology for constructing them and we discuss a "heuristic argument" that explains why this method is successful. We support this argument by explicit calculations on a benchmark problem. Several other benchmark examples are considered that allow us to assess the performance of Lagrangian descriptors with both finite time Lyapunov exponents (FTLEs) and finite time averages of certain components of the vector field ("time averages"). In all cases Lagrangian descriptors are shown to be both more accurate and computationally efficient than these methods.


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We examine, with recently developed Lagrangian tools, altimeter data and numerical simulations obtained from the HYCOM model in the Gulf of Mexico. Our data correspond to the months just after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the year 2010. Our Lagrangian analysis provides a skeleton that allows the interpretation of transport routes over the ocean surface. The transport routes are further verified by the simultaneous study of the evolution of several drifters launched during those months in the Gulf of Mexico. We find that there exist Lagrangian structures that justify the dynamics of the drifters, although the agreement depends on the quality of the data. We discuss the impact of the Lagrangian tools on the assessment of the predictive capacity of these data sets.


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The petroleum pipeline industry in the United States is challenged with maintaining the integrity of their pipelines, while also protecting the environment during any pipeline repairs. This project provides information on the activities relating to the industry Integrity Management Program, assesses the process that federal agencies are developing to create streamlined permitting processes, and if the necessary federal, state, and local wetland permits can be obtained in the time frame required by the law. Recommendations are also made for implementation of a fast-track wetland permitting process and what pipeline companies can do to speed up the permitting process. This project focuses on the refined petroleum pipelines that originate near the Gulf of Mexico and terminate in the Northeastern United States.