873 resultados para Wide-angle


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Different formulations of biodegradable starch-polyester blend nanocomposite materials have been film blown on a pilot scale film blowing tower. The physical properties of different films have been examined by thermal and mechanical analysis and X-ray diffraction. The results show that the addition of an organoclay (from 0 to 5 wt%) significantly improves both the processing and tensile properties over the original starch blends. Wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) results indicate that the best results were obtained for 30wt% starch blends, and the level of delamination depends on the ratio of starch to polyester and amount of organoclay added. The crystallisation temperature of the nanocomposite blends is significantly lower than the base blend. This is probably due to the platelets inhibiting order, and hence crystallisation, of the starch and polyester. The mechanical and thermal properties of the blends are also sensitive to the way the clay particles are dispersed. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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A series of polyethylene-layered silicate nanocomposites has been studied as possible new candidates for rotational moulding. Two organically treated layered silicates were melt-compounded into a maleated linear low-density polyethylene host polymer at loadings of 6 and 9%, by weight. The morphology and properties of the nanocomposites were assessed by using dynamic mechanical thermal analysis, parallel-plate rheometry, wide-angle X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. The sintering behaviour of the nanocomposites was qualitatively assessed via hot-stage microscopy, indicating that the choice of nanofiller will play an important role in terms of producing nanocomposite materials with acceptable processability for rotational moulding. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The crustal and lithospheric mantle structure at the south segment of the west Iberian margin was investigated along a 370 km long seismic transect. The transect goes from unthinned continental crust onshore to oceanic crust, crossing the ocean-continent transition (OCT) zone. The wide-angle data set includes recordings from 6 OBSs and 2 inland seismic stations. Kinematic and dynamic modeling provided a 2D velocity model that proved to be consistent with the modeled free-air anomaly data. The interpretation of coincident multi-channel near-vertical and wide-angle reflection data sets allowed the identification of four main crustal domains: (i) continental (east of 9.4 degrees W); (ii) continental thinning (9.4 degrees W-9.7 degrees W): (iii) transitional (9.7 degrees W-similar to 10.5 degrees W); and (iv) oceanic (west of similar to 10.5 degrees W). In the continental domain the complete crustal section of slightly thinned continental crust is present. The upper (UCC, 5.1-6.0 km/s) and the lower continental crust (LCC, 6.9-7.2 km/s) are seismically reflective and have intermediate to low P-wave velocity gradients. The middle continental crust (MCC, 6.35-6.45 km/s) is generally unreflective with low velocity gradient. The main thinning of the continental crust occurs in the thinning domain by attenuation of the UCC and the LCC. Major thinning of the MCC starts to the west of the LCC pinchout point, where it rests directly upon the mantle. In the thinning domain the Moho slope is at least 13 degrees and the continental crust thickness decreases seaward from 22 to 11 km over a similar to 35 km distance, stretched by a factor of 1.5 to 3. In the oceanic domain a two-layer high-gradient igneous crust (5.3-6.0 km/s; 6.5-7.4 km/s) was modeled. The intra-crustal interface correlates with prominent mid-basement, 10-15 km long reflections in the multi-channel seismic profile. Strong secondary reflected PmP phases require a first order discontinuity at the Moho. The sedimentary cover can be as thick as 5 km and the igneous crustal thickness varies from 4 to 11 km in the west, where the profile reaches the Madeira-Tore Rise. In the transitional domain the crust has a complex structure that varies both horizontally and vertically. Beneath the continental slope it includes exhumed continental crust (6.15-6.45 km/s). Strong diffractions were modeled to originate at the lower interface of this layer. The western segment of this transitional domain is highly reflective at all levels, probably due to dykes and sills, according to the high apparent susceptibility and density modeled at this location. Sub-Moho mantle velocity is found to be 8.0 km/s, but velocities smaller than 8.0 km/s confined to short segments are not excluded by the data. Strong P-wave wide-angle reflections are modeled to originate at depth of 20 km within the lithospheric mantle, under the eastern segment of the oceanic domain, or even deeper at the transitional domain, suggesting a layered structure for the lithospheric mantle. Both interface depths and velocities of the continental section are in good agreement to the conjugate Newfoundland margin. A similar to 40 km wide OCT having a geophysical signature distinct from the OCT to the north favors a two pulse continental breakup.


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Liquid crystalline cellulosic-based solutions described by distinctive properties are at the origin of different kinds of multifunctional materials with unique characteristics. These solutions can form chiral nematic phases at rest, with tuneable photonic behavior, and exhibit a complex behavior associated with the onset of a network of director field defects under shear. Techniques, such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Rheology coupled with NMR (Rheo-NMR), rheology, optical methods, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Wide Angle X-rays Scattering (WAXS), were extensively used to enlighten the liquid crystalline characteristics of these cellulosic solutions. Cellulosic films produced by shear casting and fibers by electrospinning, from these liquid crystalline solutions, have regained wider attention due to recognition of their innovative properties associated to their biocompatibility. Electrospun membranes composed by helical and spiral shape fibers allow the achievement of large surface areas, leading to the improvement of the performance of this kind of systems. The moisture response, light modulated, wettability and the capability of orienting protein and cellulose crystals, opened a wide range of new applications to the shear casted films. Characterization by NMR, X-rays, tensile tests, AFM, and optical methods allowed detailed characterization of those soft cellulosic materials. In this work, special attention will be given to recent developments, including, among others, a moisture driven cellulosic motor and electro-optical devices.


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The structure and nature of the crust underlying the Santos Basin-São Paulo Plateau System (SSPS), in the SE Brazilian margin, are discussed based on five wide-angle seismic profiles acquired during the Santos Basin (SanBa) experiment in 2011. Velocity models allow us to precisely divide the SSPS in six domains from unthinned continental crust (Domain CC) to normal oceanic crust (Domain OC). A seventh domain (Domain D), a triangular shape region in the SE of the SSPS, is discussed by Klingelhoefer et al. (2014). Beneath the continental shelf, a similar to 100km wide necking zone (Domain N) is imaged where the continental crust thins abruptly from similar to 40km to less than 15km. Toward the ocean, most of the SSPS (Domains A and C) shows velocity ranges, velocity gradients, and a Moho interface characteristic of the thinned continental crust. The central domain (Domain B) has, however, a very heterogeneous structure. While its southwestern part still exhibits extremely thinned (7km) continental crust, its northeastern part depicts a 2-4km thick upper layer (6.0-6.5km/s) overlying an anomalous velocity layer (7.0-7.8km/s) and no evidence of a Moho interface. This structure is interpreted as atypical oceanic crust, exhumed lower crust, or upper continental crust intruded by mafic material, overlying either altered mantle in the first two cases or intruded lower continental crust in the last case. The deep structure and v-shaped segmentation of the SSPS confirm that an initial episode of rifting occurred there obliquely to the general opening direction of the South Atlantic Central Segment.


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Thermal degradation upon melting is one of the major drawbacks reported for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). However, the role of residues originating from the fermentation and the extraction steps on the thermal stability of this class of biopolymers still needs to be clarified. In the particular case of PHA produced from mixed microbial cultures (MMC), this topic is even less documented in the literature. Here, two polyhydroxy(butyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV) produced from MMC enriched in PHA accumulating organisms and fed with cheese whey were studied. A micro extrusion line is used to produce filaments and assess the processability and the degradation of processed PHBV. The prototype micro extrusion line allows for studying grams of materials. The two PHBV contain 18 mol% HV. PHBV was recovered with 11 wt% residues, and further submitted to a purification procedure resulting in a second biopolyester containing less than 2 wt% impurities. The thermorheological characterization of the two PHBV is first presented, together with their semicrystalline properties. Then the processing windows of the two biopolyesters are presented. Finally, the properties of extruded filaments are reported and the thermomechanical degradation of PHBV is extensively studied. The structure was assessed by wide angle X-ray diffraction, mechanical and rheological properties are reported, thermal properties are studied with differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis, whereas Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy was used to assess the impact of the extrusion on PHBV chemical structure. All results obtained with the two PHBV are compared to assess the effects of residues on both PHBV processability and degradation.


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Microinjection molding of polymer composites with carbon nanotubes (CNT) requires previous production of the nanocomposites, often by melt extrusion. Each processing step has a thermo-mechanical effect on the polymer melt, conveying different properties to the final product. In this work, polyamide 6 and its composites with pristine and functionalized CNT (f-CNT) were processed by a mini twin-screw extrusion, followed by microinjection molding. The morphology induced on the polymer by each process was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and wide angle X-ray diffraction. Calorimetric analysis showed a secondary crystallization for the microinjected materials, absent for the extruded materials. The characterization of microinjected polyamide 6 by X-ray diffraction revealed a large contribution of the c phase to the total crystallinity, mainly in the skin region, while the nanocomposites and extruded materials were characterized by a larger contribution of the a phase. Functionalization of CNT did not affect significantly the polymer morphology compared to composites with pristine CNT.


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In this work we present the thermal characterization of the full scope of polyhydroxyalcanoate and poly(lactic acid) blends obtain by injection molding. Blends of polyhydroxyalcanoate and poly(lactic acid) (PHA/PLA) were prepared in different compositions ranging from 0–100% in steps of 10%. The blends were injection molded and then characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). The increment of PHA fraction increased the degree of crystallinity of the blend and the miscibility of the base polymers as verified by the Fox model. The WAXD analysis indicates that the presence of PHA hindered the PLA crystallization. The crystallization evolution trough PHA weight fraction (wf) shows a phase inversion around 50-60%. SEM analyses confirmed that the miscibility of PHA/PLA blends increased with the incorporation of PHA and became total for values of PHA higher that 50%.


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Colour imaging of fundus tumours has been transformed by the development of digital and confocal scanning laser photography. These advances provide numerous benefits, such as panoramic images, increased contrast, non-contact wide-angle imaging, non-mydriatic photography, and simultaneous angiography. False tumour colour representation can, however, cause serious diagnostic errors. Large choroidal tumours can be totally invisible on angiography. Pseudogrowth can occur because of artefacts caused by different methods of fundus illumination, movement of reference blood vessels, and flattening of Bruch's membrane and sclera when tumour regression occurs. Awareness of these pitfalls should prevent the clinician from misdiagnosing tumours and wrongfully concluding that a tumour has grown.


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Pb/Ti, Sn and Mg-based nanocomposite materials were prepared by the high-energy mechanical milling of commercial powders. The surface of these ceramic compounds was strongly influenced by the doping, diameter of the milling spheres and time of the mechanical milling (amorphization process). Such milling leads to the formation of nanocrystalline materials. The mechanical processing parameters of these compounds were investigated through Brunauer, Emmett and Teller isotherms, wide angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and CO2 adsorption.


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The product of catalytic activity of the enzyme phospholipase A2, which resembles the core unit of animal toxins, on phospholipids is a 1:1 mixture of lysolipid and fatty acid. This mixture was studied by time-resolved simultaneous small- and wide angle x-ray diffraction over the temperature range from 23 to 53.5ºC. An unusually large lamellar structure was observed, with d = 11 nm, contradicting the complex functional dimer model between lysolipid and fatty acid. It can be explained by formation of a "double-bilayer", a new phase consisting of two different bilayers, one formed by lysophospholipid and other by fatty acid, bound together by head group interactions. Its strucutre was confirmed by simulations of the X-ray scattering pattern.


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One of the problems that slows the development of off-line programming is the low static and dynamic positioning accuracy of robots. Robot calibration improves the positioning accuracy and can also be used as a diagnostic tool in robot production and maintenance. A large number of robot measurement systems are now available commercially. Yet, there is a dearth of systems that are portable, accurate and low cost. In this work a measurement system that can fill this gap in local calibration is presented. The measurement system consists of a single CCD camera mounted on the robot tool flange with a wide angle lens, and uses space resection models to measure the end-effector pose relative to a world coordinate system, considering radial distortions. Scale factors and image center are obtained with innovative techniques, making use of a multiview approach. The target plate consists of a grid of white dots impressed on a black photographic paper, and mounted on the sides of a 90-degree angle plate. Results show that the achieved average accuracy varies from 0.2mm to 0.4mm, at distances from the target from 600mm to 1000mm respectively, with different camera orientations.


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Effective processes to fractionate the main compounds in biomass, such as wood, are a prerequisite for an effective biorefinery. Water is environmentally friendly and widely used in industry, which makes it a potential solvent also for forest biomass. At elevated temperatures over 100 °C, water can readily hydrolyse and dissolve hemicelluloses from biomass. In this work, birch sawdust was extracted using pressurized hot water (PHWE) flow-through systems. The hypothesis of the work was that it is possible to obtain polymeric, water-soluble hemicelluloses from birch sawdust using flow-through PHW extractions at both laboratory and large scale. Different extraction temperatures in the range 140–200 °C were evaluated to see the effect of temperature to the xylan yield. The yields and extracted hemicelluloses were analysed to obtain sugar ratios, the amount of acetyl groups, furfurals and the xylan yields. Higher extraction temperatures increased the xylan yield, but decreased the molar mass of the dissolved xylan. As the extraction temperature increased, more acetic acid was released from the hemicelluloses, thus further decreasing the pH of the extract. There were only trace amounts of furfurals present after the extractions, indicating that the treatment was mild enough not to degrade the sugars further. The sawdust extraction density was increased by packing more sawdust in the laboratory scale extraction vessel. The aim was to obtain extracts with higher concentration than in typical extraction densities. The extraction times and water flow rates were kept constant during these extractions. The higher sawdust packing degree decreased the water use in the extractions and the extracts had higher hemicellulose concentrations than extractions with lower sawdust degrees of packing. The molar masses of the hemicelluloses were similar in higher packing degrees and in the degrees of packing that were used in typical PHWE flow-through extractions. The structure of extracted sawdust was investigated using small angle-(SAXS) and wide angle (WAXS) x-ray scattering. The cell wall topography of birch sawdust and extracted sawdust was compared using x-ray tomography. The results showed that the structure of the cell walls of extracted birch sawdust was preserved but the cell walls were thinner after the extractions. Larger pores were opened inside the fibres and cellulose microfibrils were more tightly packed after the extraction. Acetate buffers were used to control the pH of the extracts during the extractions. The pH control prevented excessive xylan hydrolysis and increased the molar masses of the extracted xylans. The yields of buffered extractions were lower than for plain water extractions at 160–170 °C, but at 180 °C yields were similar to those from plain water and pH buffers. The pH can thus be controlled during extraction with acetate buffer to obtain xylan with higher molar mass than those obtainable using plain water. Birch sawdust was extracted both in the laboratory and pilot scale. The performance of the PHWE flow-through system was evaluated in the laboratory and the pilot scale using vessels with the same shape but different volumes, with the same relative water flow through the sawdust bed, and in the same extraction temperature. Pre-steaming improved the extraction efficiency and the water flow through the sawdust bed. The extracted birch sawdust and the extracted xylan were similar in both laboratory and pilot scale. The PHWE system was successfully scaled up by a factor of 6000 from the laboratory to pilot scale and extractions performed equally well in both scales. The results show that a flow-through system can be further scaled up and used to extract water-soluble xylans from birch sawdust. Extracted xylans can be concentrated, purified, and then used in e.g. films and barriers, or as building blocks for novel material applications.


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Gelatin fibres have been successfully electrospun from water by heating a gelatin solution above the sol-gel transition temperature, and allowing cooling in a controlled environment as the fibres are produced. The development of structure with in these fibres is monitored using wide angle x-ray scattering, in this way the presence of the triple helix structure, which provides the physical cross-linkages in the gel could be probed. There is clear evidence that these structures are obtained in gelatin electrospun from aqueous solutions. In contrast fibres electrospun from a solution of gelatin in glacial acetic acid, showed no evidence of the triple helix structure.


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The ability to generate very stable assemblies via non-covalent interactions has enabled materials to be constructed that were not feasible via traditional covalent bond formation processes. A series of low molecular mass bisurethane and bisurea polymers have been developed that form stable self-assembled networks through hydrogen bonding interactions. Thermo-responsive polymers were generated by end-capping poly(ethylene-co-butylene) or polybutadiene chains with the bisurethane or bisurea motif. Microphase separation is observed via TEM and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for the modified pseudo polymers and significant differences in the temperature dependence of microphase separation are analysed via SAXS. The importance of the polarity of the end groups is manifested in distinct temperature-dependent microphase separation behaviour. Information on the local hydrogen bonding structure is provided by wide-angle X-ray scattering and variable temperature FTI