42 resultados para Wholesalers


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This paper focuses on the impact of Indonesia's economic crisis on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It shows how the performance of SMEs during the crisis varied widely even in the same industrial subsector, and found that the factors most affecting performance have been market orientation and the linkages that the SMEs have formed with the buyers of their products. Well-performing SMEs were found to have utilized putting-out linkages with wholesalers which enabled them to switch to products having better markets. On the other hand, the SMEs which had subcontracting linkages with assemblers or contracting linkages with user-factories (with the exception of SMEs having export-oriented linkages) suffered badly in the crisis because of specificity of products with little room for switching. The paper also found that exposure to debt due to borrowing for investment has been another factor affecting performance, but that enterprise size has had no linear correlation with performance.


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Food importers, such as wholesalers and food processing firms, play an important role in sourcing food from abroad. They are also responsible for ensuring that imported food meets the food safety standards of the importing country. Often, assurance of conformity is done in collaboration with exporters. Thus, importers can influence how supply chains in developing countries are organized. This paper uses a unique dataset obtained from the Japanese market to examine how importers select suppliers and assure food quality.


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Consumers demand high quality fruit. But how do farmers, wholesalers and retailers assess quality nondestructively? A multi-national team of researchers believe that they can provide the answers.


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La Vega de Aranjuez ha sido desde hace siglos conocida por la notoriedad de sus jardines y huertas históricas y también, en épocas más recientes, por ser la despensa de Madrid. A mediados del siglo XX, sin embargo, con las transformaciones que el sector agrario ha experimentado no sólo a nivel local, sino a escala global, empezó un proceso de declive que se ha acentuado en los últimos años. Paralelamente, en el año 2001, la Unesco declara el Paisaje Cultural de Aranjuez, como Patrimonio de la Humanidad con un valor universal excepcional. Parte de lo que sustenta este reconocimiento a nivel internacional radica en las peculiaridades del paisaje que conforma la actividad agraria. El cambio de orientación, eminentemente hortofrutícola hacia cultivos extensivos y superficies en barbecho, y la pérdida de importancia del sector, no han pasado desapercibidos para la administración local y han sido varios los intentos de recuperación y dinamización del sector en los últimos años. La investigación de la que es objeto esta Tesis Doctoral surgió por iniciativa del Ayuntamiento de Aranjuez, que en al año 2010 deseó conocer la situación del sector hortícola en el municipio, para lo cual, encargó un estudio a la UPM-ETSIA. Para conocer la realidad desde una perspectiva integral, se planteó abordar el análisis desde la perspectiva de Cadena de Valor. Las implicaciones de este concepto, su evolución y su papel como instrumento de análisis de la cadena alimentaria, han sido revisadas y presentadas en el epígrafe del Marco Conceptual. Por cadena de valor se entiende el conjunto de procesos desde el consumidor, a través de los proveedores que proporcionan productos, servicios e información que añaden valor hacia los clientes (Lambert & Cooper, 2000; Chen, 2004). Para el análisis de la situación del sector hortícola en Aranjuez, se procedió en varios pasos, los cuales constituyeron la primera fase de la investigación y contemplaron lo siguiente: 1. La identificación de los problemas y de las demandas de los actores de la cadena, realizando cortes transversales en el mercado a distintos niveles para conocer los puntos de vista de los operadores de la cadena (Gunasekaran & Patel ,2004; Rojas, 2009; Schiefer, 2007). Para ello se diseñaron cuestionarios y se dirigieron a representantes de cinco eslabones de la cadena presentes en el caso de estudio: Agricultores (15), Mayoristas (11), Detallistas (55), Consumidores (85) y Restaurantes (36), tanto en Aranjuez como en Madrid (un total de 202). 2. Análisis D.A.F.O de cada uno de los eslabones y de la cadena completa, como herramienta para identificar y sintetizar la problemática y las potencialidades del sector. 3. Análisis global de la Cadena de Valor mediante el Método de Organización Sectorial, según Briz, de Felipe y Briz (2010), el cual permite estudiar aspectos de la estructura, la conducta y el funcionamiento de la cadena. 4. Jornada de análisis por parte de un Panel de Expertos en la sede de la Fundación Foro Agrario, en la cual se presentaron las conclusiones del análisis de la cadena de valor y se plantearon estrategias para la dinamización del sector. Con los resultados del análisis en esta primera fase de la investigación, se obtuvo una panorámica de la cadena de valor. Algunos de los aspectos más destacados son los siguientes: • El eslabón productivo en Aranjuez está muy atomizado y trabaja por lo general de forma independiente. Cultiva hasta veinte productos hortícolas diferentes, entre los cuales los frutales están casi en desaparición y hay poca presencia de producto ecológico. Le preocupan los precios poco estables y bajos y por lo general no trabaja con contratos. •El eslabón mayorista prácticamente carece de presencia en Aranjuez y está representado en su mayoría por operadores de Mercamadrid, los cuales demandan mayores volúmenes y mejor normalización de los productos hortícolas procedentes de Aranjuez. • El eslabón detallista consultado es diverso (con representación de comercios minoristas, supermercados e hipermercados) y también demanda mayores volúmenes de producción y mejoras en la normalización. Un 80% conoce los productos de Aranjuez, especialmente el espárrago y la fresa-fresón citados en un 74% y 63% de los casos respectivamente. • En el eslabón de consumidores, el 79% de los encuestados da importancia a la procedencia de los productos hortícolas y un 82% conoce los productos de la Huerta de Aranjuez, siendo los más consumidos el espárrago y el fresón. Un 42% de los encuestados compra producto ecológico por razones de salud, sabor y buscando la ausencia de químicos. • El eslabón de restaurantes es un gran consumidor de hortalizas, la gran mayoría de los productos incluidos en el análisis se oferta en más del 75% de los casos. Las más presentes son tomate y espárrago. La fresa y el fresón (en un 83% de los casos), y el espárrago (72%) seguido de la alcachofa (44%) son los productos de Aranjuez que más se conocen en el conjunto de los restaurantes entrevistados. El 75% de los restaurantes prefiere el producto fresco frente al procesado o congelado. La mayoría de los restaurantes locales (92%) estaría dispuesto a incluir en su carta una diferenciación para los productos de Aranjuez. Sin embargo, en el resto de restaurantes el porcentaje es mucho menor (21%). Entre las conclusiones del análisis se evidenció que un 52% de las ventas de los agricultores se realizaba sin intermediarios y un 69% de los consumidores se manifestaba interesado en adquirir productos de Aranjuez directamente del campo a su casa. Se identificó de esta manera que el acortamiento de la cadena se está utilizando como una forma de crear valor. Para profundizar en este aspecto, se planteó una segunda fase en la investigación. Además de estudiar diversos aspectos de los canales cortos de comercialización, se planteó estudiar el enfoque multifuncional de la horticultura, como estrategia para poner en valor la Huerta ribereña. Para dar una coherencia con la fase anterior, el planteamiento se realizó también desde la perspectiva de la cadena de valor, orientando la consulta hacia el eslabón consumidor. De esta manera, se realizó una consulta mediante cuestionario a 221 consumidores sobre diferentes aspectos relativos a los Canales Cortos de Comercialización (CCC) y la Horticultura Multifuncional (HM)1, lo cual permitió realizar un análisis cuantitativo de diferentes variables. Para completar la visión integral de la cadena corta, se seleccionaron 6 proyectos significativos que son ejemplos de diversas tipologías de canales cortos de comercialización en Aranjuez y Madrid, como representantes del denominado eslabón de “Promotores de CCC” y se consultó también a la Asociación de Productores de la Huerta de Aranjuez, constituida formalmente en el año 2014, como representante del eslabón Productor. Para la obtención de información, la cual tiene un carácter cualitativo en el caso de estos dos eslabones de la cadena, se realizaron cuestionarios y Estudios de Caso de cada proyecto. Los cuestionarios de esta segunda fase de consulta a los eslabones de la cadena corta contuvieron cuestiones relativas a los canales cortos de comercialización, tanto a nivel general (concepto de canal corto, puntos fuertes y ventajas que aportan, dificultades para su desarrollo, factores clave para su éxito) como para el caso concreto de la Huerta de Aranjuez (perfil del consumidor, factores implicados en la compra de verduras, utilización de diversas modalidades de canal corto, relación con las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TICs) y la producción ecológica o la importancia del factor confianza). También aspectos relacionados con la Horticultura Multifuncional, como son, la valoración de diferentes actividades o proyectos de carácter agro-turístico, educativo, social o terapéutico, o la percepción del consumidor de las actividades de huerta como fuente de bienestar y como agente satisfactor de diversas necesidades humanas. Para completar la visión sobre estos dos temas, CCC y HM, se realizó una consulta mediante cuestionario a Expertos en el campo de los canales cortos de comercialización, procedentes del ámbito académico, y a Profesionales en activo trabajando en proyectos de horticultura social y terapéutica. La información aportada, aunque tiene carácter cualitativo, complementa el estudio ofreciendo la perspectiva académica en el caso de los canales cortos y amplía la información sobre la horticultura multifuncional, tratando cuestiones relativas al desempeño profesional o a la formación existente en España en el campo de la horticultura social y terapéutica. Los resultados de esta segunda fase de la investigación, entre otras cuestiones, evidenciaron que: • Los canales cortos de comercialización implican mucho más que la simple reducción de intermediarios y comprenden una gran diversidad de tipologías. • Los casos estudiados, están enfocados en su mayoría al producto ecológico y su funcionamiento está muy fundamentado en el uso de TICs y en el factor confianza. • En relación a la compra de verduras en el ámbito de los canales cortos, son aspectos muy valorados por el consumidor la calidad del producto, la rapidez y frescura con la que llega del campo a la mesa y que el Producto sea recogido en su punto óptimo de maduración. • Las actividades en el ámbito de la horticultura multifuncional son valoradas positivamente por los consumidores, siendo las más puntuadas las de huerto educativo, huerto terapéutico, seguidas de visitas guiadas y degustaciones de productos de huerta en restaurantes. • Por lo general existe una valoración muy alta de la huerta como fuente de bienestar y de satisfacción de necesidades humanas básicas, especialmente las de una alimentación saludable y de conexión con la naturaleza. Para terminar esta síntesis de la investigación realizada, se presentan las principales conclusiones a nivel global de la Tesis, que son las siguientes: 1. La metodología de cadena de valor ha resultado adecuada para conocer la complejidad y el funcionamiento del sector hortícola arancetano desde una perspectiva integral. 2. La Huerta de Aranjuez cuenta con importantes fortalezas, sustentadas en la calidad de sus suelos y en la fama que mantienen sus productos, pero también debilidades. Esto supone poco volumen de producción, que dificulta la relación con mayoristas y grandes detallistas. 3. El acortamiento de la cadena, mediante canales cortos de comercialización se ha identificado como una forma de creación de valor en la cadena. Existen oportunidades de abastecimiento a consumidores de Madrid mediante canales cortos, sin embargo, las modalidades que requieren mayor organización o requisitos de producción ecológica todavía no están desarrolladas. 4. La producción ecológica podría ser una estrategia para crear valor pero todavía es un método de cultivo muy minoritario en la cadena productiva arancetana. 5. Las peculiaridades de la Huerta de Aranjuez propician la puesta en práctica del enfoque multifuncional de la horticultura como vía de desarrollo económico. Los resultados apuntan a una posible demanda de servicios que contemplen actividades de horticultura de carácter educativo, terapéutico y agro-turístico, conducidas por profesionales. Existe una percepción positiva sobre el potencial de la huerta como fuente de bienestar y de satisfacción de necesidades humanas básicas. 6. La puesta en marcha de proyectos empresariales en el ámbito de la horticultura social es una apuesta interesante para crear valor en la huerta que ha sido valorada positivamente por los eslabones de la cadena corta consultados. 7. El campo de la Horticultura Multifuncional que contempla aspectos educativos, sociales y terapéuticos conforma una disciplina con posibilidades de desarrollo que en la investigación se perciben como limitadas por la falta de profesionales y su acceso a una formación adecuada en España. El estudio de los Canales Cortos de Comercialización y de la Horticultura Multifuncional como vías de puesta en valor en el caso de la Huerta de Aranjuez ha tenido un carácter exploratorio y en gran parte cualitativo en esta Tesis Doctoral. Ambos conceptos han desvelado cierta complejidad y requieren de un mayor conocimiento en diversos aspectos para su puesta en práctica con éxito. Se abre, por tanto, un campo para futuras investigaciones que profundicen en estos ámbitos. ABSTRACT La Vega de Aranjuez has been known for centuries for the reputation of its orchards and historic gardens and, more recently, as the pantry of Madrid. However, in the mid-twentieth century, with the transformations in agriculture, not only locally, but globally, began a process of decline that has been accentuated in recent years. Meanwhile, in 2001, Unesco declared Aranjuez Cultural Landscape, as a World Heritage Site with outstanding universal value. Part of what underpins this international recognition lies in the peculiarities of the landscape created by farming. The shift, from an eminently horticultural vocation to extensive field crops and fallow surfaces, and the loss of importance of the sector, have not gone unnoticed for local authorities and have been several attempts at recovery and revitalization of the sector in recent years. The beginning of this research came at the initiative of the municipality of Aranjuez, which in 2010 wanted to know the situation of the horticultural sector, for which he commissioned a study by the UPM-ETSIA. To know reality from an integral perspective, it was proposed to approach the analysis from the perspective of value chain. The implications of this concept, its evolution and its role as an instrument of analysis of the food chain, have been reviewed and presented in Chapter 3.2. The value chain concept refers to all the processes from the consumer, through suppliers who provide products, services and information that add value to customers (Lambert & Cooper, 2000; Chen, 2004). For the analysis of the situation of the horticultural sector in Aranjuez, which constituted the first phase of research, it proceeded in several steps: 1. Identifying the problems and demands of the actors in the chain, making transverse cuts in the market at different levels to meet the views of the chain operators (Gunasekaran & Patel , 2004; Rojas, 2009; Schiefer, 2007). Questionnaires were designed for it and went to representatives of the five links in the chain: Farmers (15), Wholesalers (11), Retailers (55), Consumers (85) and Restaurants (36), both in Aranjuez and Madrid (a total of 202). 2. SWOT analysis of each chain actor and of the whole supply chain, as a tool to identify and synthesize the problems and potential of the sector. 3. Analysis of the whole supply chain by Industrial Organization Method according to Briz et al. (2010), which allows to study aspects of the structure, conduct and performance of the chain. 4. Analysis by a Panel of Experts at Foro Agrario Foundation headquarters, where the conclusions of the analysis were presented and strategies for the revitalization of the sector were raised. The results of the analysis in this first phase of the research, presented an overview of the value chain. Some of the highlights are: - The productive sector in Aranjuez is very fragmented and usually works independently. With a wide variety of horticultural products (up to 20), fruit crops almost disappearing and little presence of organic product. Is concerned about the unstable and low prices and usually does not work with contracts. - The wholesale sector with virtually no presence in Aranjuez is represented mostly by Mercamadrid operators, who demand higher volumes and better standardization of horticultural products from Aranjuez. - The retailer sector is diversified (with representation from retailers, supermarkets and hypermarkets) and also demand higher production volumes and improved standardization. 80% know the products of Aranjuez, especially asparagus and strawberry-strawberry cited by 74% and 63% of cases respectively. - Among the consumers, 79% give importance to the origin of horticultural products and 82% know the products from Aranjuez, the most consumed asparagus and strawberries. 42% buy organic products for health, taste and absence of chemicals. - Restaurants are big consumers of vegetables, most of the products included in the analysis is offered in over 75% of cases. The most: tomato and asparagus. Strawberry (83% of cases), and asparagus (72%) followed by the artichoke (44%) are the products of Aranjuez more known in all the surveyed restaurants. 75% of the restaurants prefer fresh product against processed or frozen. Most local restaurants (92%) would be willing to include in their menu a differentiation for products of Aranjuez. However, for those restaurants from Madrid the percentage is much lower (21%). Among the conclusions of the analysis it showed that 52% of sales were realized from farmers without intermediaries and 69% of consumers expressed interest in acquiring products directly from field to table. It has been identified that the shortening of the chain is being used as a way to create value. To deepen this aspect, a second phase investigation arose. Besides studying various aspects of the short supply chains, it was also proposed to study the functional approach of horticulture as a strategy to add value. To provide consistency with the previous phase, the focus was also conducted from the perspective of the value chain, directing the query to consumers. Thus, again it was used the questionnaire as a methodological tool, and 221 consumers were asked about different aspects of the Short Suppy Chains (SSC) and Multifunctional Horticulture (MH)2, which allowed a quantitative analysis of several variables. To complete the comprehensive view of the short chain, 6 significant projects were selected as examples of different types of short supply chains in Aranjuez and Madrid, representing "SSC Promoters" and also the “Asociación de Productores de la Huerta de Aranjuez”, formally constituted in 2014, was asked representing the productive sector. The Study Case and again the questionnaire were elected as methodological tools in a qualitative analysis. The questionnaires of this second phase of research contained short supply chain issues, as a general topic (short supply chain concept, strengths and advantages they bring difficulties for its development, key factors success) and also refered to the case of Aranjuez (consumer profile, factors involved in the purchase of vegetables, use of several types of short supply chains, relation with information and communication technologies (ICTs) and organic production or the importance of trust in short supply chains). It also contemplated aspects of multifunctional horticulture, such as the valuation of different activities (agro-tourism, educational, social or therapeutic horticulture) and consumer perception about horticultural activities as a source of welfare and satisfactor of human needs. To complete the vision of these two issues, SSC and MH, experts in the field of short supply chains and professionals working in the field of social and therapeutic horticulture were asked. The qualitative information provided, complements the study offering a new perspective in the value chain analysis, such as those relating to job performance, the difficulties encountered or training existing in our country in the field of social and therapeutic horticulture. The results of this second phase of research showed that: Short supply chains involve much more than simply reducing intermediaries and cover a wide range of types. The cases studied are mostly focused on ecological product and its operation is heavily based on the use of ICTs and the trust factor. In connection with the purchase of vegetables in the field of short supply chains, product quality, speed and freshness with which comes from the field to the table and products picked at its peak maturation, are aspects highly valued by the consumer. Activities in the field of multifunctional horticulture are positively valued by consumers, the most scored: the educational garden, therapeutic garden, followed by guided tours and tastings of vegetables from Aranjuez in restaurants. Horticultural activities were highly valuated as a source of welfare and satisfaction of human needs, especially those of healthy eating and connection with nature. To complete this summary, the main conclusions of the research are presented as follows: 1. The value chain approach has been adequate to meet the complexity and operation of the horticultural sector in Aranjuez from a holistic perspective. 2. La Huerta de Aranjuez has important strengths, underpinned by the quality of its soils and fame that keep their products, but also weaknesses. This implies low volume of production, which makes difficult the link with wholesalers and large retailers. 3. The shortening of the chain by short supply chains has been identified as a way of creating value in the chain. Opportunities exist to supply consumers from Madrid by short supply chains, however, methods that require greater organization or requirements of organic production are not yet developed. 4. Organic production could be a strategy to create value but is not generally being implemented in the production chain. 5. The peculiarity of the Huerta de Aranjuez favours the implementation of the multifunctional approach as a means of economic development. The results point to a possible demand for multifunctional horticulture that include educational, therapeutic and agro-tourism activities. There is a positive perception of the potential of horticultural activities as a source of welfare and satisfaction of basic human needs. 6. The implementation of business projects in the field of social horticulture are an interesting way to create value that has been highly valued in the short supply chain. 7. The field of Multifunctional Horticulture which includes educational, social and therapeutic aspects, forms a discipline with possibilities of development, which in research are seen as limited by the lack of professionals and access to adequate training in our country. The study of Short Supply Chains and Multifunctional Horticulture as strategies to create value in the case of the Huerta de Aranjuez has an exploratory character and largely qualitative in this research. Both concepts have revealed some complexity and require greater knowledge in various aspects for successful implementation. It opens therefore a field for future research to deepen in these areas.


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Around the world, consumers and retailers of fresh produce are becoming more and more discerning about factors such as food safety and traceability, health, convenience and the sustainability of production systems, and in doing so they are changing the way in which fresh produce supply chains are configured and managed. When consumers demand fresh, safe, convenient, value-for-money produce, retailers in an increasingly competitive environment are attracted to those business models most capable of meeting these demands profitably. Traditional models are proving less and less able to deliver competitive advantage in such an environment. As a result, opportunistic, adversarial, price-based approaches to doing business between chain members are being replaced by approaches that are more strategic, collaborative and value-based. The shaping force behind this change is the need for producers, wholesalers, category managers, retailers and consumers to have more certainty about the performance of the supply chains upon which they rely. Certainty is generated through the supply chain's ability to create, deliver and share value. How to build supply chains that create, deliver and share value is arguably the single biggest challenge to the competitiveness of fresh produce firms, and therefore to the industries to which they belong.


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O objetivo central deste trabalho é verificar a influência das teorias econômicas na decisão das empresas de comércio atacadista em terceirizar o despacho aduaneiro na cidade de São Paulo. Para isso, a história da terceirização é apresentada brevemente, seguida do levantamento e estudos sobre terceirização e fundamentação das teorias econômicas que mostram possíveis influências na decisão das empresas em terceirizar o despacho aduaneiro: a Teoria do Custo das Transações, a Teoria da Agência, a Teoria do Resource-Based View (RBV) e a Teoria das Competências Essenciais. Além de contextualizar o comércio exterior brasileiro, levando em conta sua história e representatividade econômica, foram apresentadas as atividades ligadas ao despacho aduaneiro, que podem levar as empresas a terceirizar este serviço na cidade de São Paulo. Após a explanação sobre o tema, por meio de pesquisa empírica valendo-se de questionário de perguntas fechadas, aplicado a uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência, verificou-se a relação existente entre as teorias mencionadas acima e o quanto elas influenciam o processo das empresas importadoras e exportadoras do comércio atacadista para terceirizarem o despacho aduaneiro, foi usado o teste ANOVA e possíveis complementações como o do Teste de Dunnett T3 e do Teste de Tukey que constataram a diferença de respostas entre os respondentes que terceirizam totalmente, parcialmente ou não terceirizam esta atividade, além da diferença entre estes níveis de terceirização verificou-se que todas as teorias econômicas apresentadas neste trabalho possuem alguma influência sobre a terceirização do despacho aduaneiro.


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Lepidocaryum tenue Mart. (Arecaceae) is a small, understory palm of terra firme forests of the western and central Amazon basin. Known as irapai, it is used for roof thatch by Amazonian peoples who collect its leaves from the wild and generate income from its fronds and articles fabricated from them. Increasing demand has caused local concern that populations are declining. Cultivation attempts have been unsuccessful. The purpose of this study was to investigate market conditions and quantify population dynamics and demographic responses of harvested and unharvested irapai growing near Iquitos, Peru. ^ Ethnobotanical research included participant surveys to determine movement of thatch tiles, called crisnejas, through Moronacocha Port. I also conducted a seed germination trial, and for four years studied five populations growing in communities with similar topography and soils but different land tenure and management strategies. Stage, survival, leaf production, and reproductive transitions were used to calculate ramet demographic rates and develop population projection matrices. ^ Weavers made an average of 20–30 crisnejas per day (90–130 leaves each), and earned US$0.09 to 0.70 each (US$1.80 to 21.00 per day). Average crisnejas per month sold per vendor was 2,955 with a profit range of US$0.05 to 0.32 per crisneja. Wholesalers worked with capital outlay from US$100 to 400, and an estimated ten to twenty vendors could be found at a given time. Consumers paid between US$0.23 to 1.20 per crisneja. Although differences in demographic rates by location existed, most were not significant enough to attribute to management. ^ After 60 months, mean seed germination rate was 19.5% in all media (37.9% in peat). Seedling survival was less than two percent after twelve months. Annual palm mortality was three percent, and occurred disproportionately in small (<50 cm) palms. Small palms grew more in height. Unharvested palms grew less than harvested palms. Large palms (≥50 cm) produced more leaves, were more likely to reproduce, and collectors harvested them more frequently. Reproductive potentials (sexual and asexual) were low. Population growth rates were greater than or not significantly different from 1.0, indicating populations maintained or increased in size. Current levels of irapai harvest appear sustainable. DNA analysis of stems and recruits is recommended to understand population composition and stage-specific asexual fecundity. ^


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Syria has been a major producer and exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables (FFV) in the Arabic region. Prior to 2011, Syrian FFV were mainly exported to the neighbouring countries, the Gulf States and Northern Africa as well as to Eastern European countries. Although the EU is potentially one of the most profitable markets of high quality FFV (such as organic ones) in the world, Syrian exports of FFV to Western European countries like Germany have been small. It could be a lucrative opportunity for Syrian growers and exporters of FFV to export organic products to markets such as Germany, where national production is limited to a few months due to climatic conditions. Yet, the organic sector in Syria is comparatively young and only a very small area of FFV is certified according to EU organic regulations. Up to the author’s knowledge, little was known about Syrian farmers’ attitudes towards organic FFV production. There was also no study so far that explored and analysed the determining factors for organic FFV adoption among Syrian farmers as well as the exports of these products to the EU markets. The overarching aim of the present dissertation focused on exploring and identifying the market potential of Syrian exports of organic FFV to Germany. The dissertation was therefore concerned with three main objectives: (i) to explore if German importers and wholesalers of organic FFV see market opportunities for Syrian organic products and what requirements in terms of quality and quantity they have, (ii) to determine the obstacles Syrian producers and exporters face when exporting agricultural products to Germany, and (iii) to investigate whether Syrian farmers of FFV can imagine converting their farms to organic production as well as the underlying reasons why they do so or not. A twofold methodological approach with expert interviews and a farmer survey were used in this dissertation to address the abovementioned objectives. While expert interviews were conducted with German and Syrian wholesalers of (organic) FFV in 2011 (9 interviews each), the farmer survey was administrated with 266 Syrian farmers of FFV in the main region for the production of FFV (i.e. the coastal region) from November 2012 till May 2013. For modelling farmers’ decisions to adopt organic farming, the Theory of Planned Behaviour as theoretical framework and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling as the main method for data analysis were used in this study. The findings of this dissertation yield implications for the different stakeholders (governmental institutions and NGOs, farmers, exporters, wholesalers, etc.) who are interested in prompting the Syrian export of organic products. Based on the empirical results and a literature review, an action plan to promote Syrian production and export of organic products was developed which can help in the post-war period in Syria at improving the organic sector.


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The Australian Sweetpotato Growers Association partnered researchers from Agri-Science Queensland (with co-funding from Horticulture Australia Limited) to identify new, high performing sweetpotato cultivars with diverse colours and tastes. The project evaluated a mix of purple, red, orange and white skin and flesh, tailored for Australian growers and consumers. Australia's sweetpotato market currently relies on one gold cultivar for 90% of national production. Major retailers were requesting a reliable supply of quality sweetpotatoes in emerging categories such as red or white skin or purple flesh. To identify suitable cultivars, over 40 new sweetpotato cultivars were virus tested, and extensively evaluated in multiple experiments in Queensland and northern New South Wales. Larger-scale plantings by growers, using standard agronomy, provided additional performance feedback under commercial conditions. In partnership with growers and wholesalers, cultivars were evaluated in field and laboratory for desired characteristics such as shape, size range, skin and flesh colour, estimates of productivity and suitability for commercial production, cooking characteristics and taste. New high performing gold cultivars had better soil insect and nematode tolerance than the current cultivars. The new colours offered diverse health-related opportunities for consumers, more anthocyanins in purple-fleshed cultivars; higher beta carotene content in new gold fleshed cultivars; and potentially lower GI in white-fleshed cultivars. To enhance adoption, the industry/research partnership will tailor agronomic guidelines to maximise on-farm performance and identify niche marketing pathways for each of the cultivars. Increased consumption of this versatile vegetable will drive sweetpotato industry development and expansion into the future.


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Hirschman (1970) suggests that every member of a group can influence the group by either expressing their voice or exiting the group. Subsequent research has looked at exit-voice-loyalty from the supplier-retailer perspective (Blois, 2008). This paper takes an overview of the wholesaler-retailer relationship in the UK convenience sector; it considers how their approach to exit-voice-loyalty may be affecting the wholesalers’ turnover. The results of the research suggest that the wholesalers do not use cost of exit or enabling retailer voice exclusively; instead they now tend to combine both within their retailer relationship strategies.


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Increasing food production to feed its rapidly growing population is a major policy goal of Pakistan. The production of traditional staples such as rice (Oryza sativa L.) and bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has been intensified in many regions, but not in remote, drought-ridden areas. In these arid, marginal environments dates and their by-products are an option to complement staples given their high nutritive value and storability. To fill knowledge gaps about the role of date palm in the household (HH) income of rural communities and the structure of date value chains, this project studied date palm production across six districts in four provinces of Pakistan. During 2012–2013 a total of 170 HHs were interviewed with a structured questionnaire using a snowball sampling approach. The results showed that most of the HH were headed by males (99 %) who were married (74 %) and often illiterate (40 %). Agriculture was the main occupation of date palm growers (56 %), while a few coupled agricultural activities with business (17 %) or extra-farm employment opportunities (government 9 %; private sector 8 %). Date sales contributed >50 % to the total income of 39 % of HH and 90–100 % to 24 % of HH. Overall farmers grew a total of 39 date palm cultivars and cultivated an average of 409 ± 559 mature date palms. The majority of the respondents sold dates to commission agents (35 %), contractors (22 %) and wholesalers (21 %), while 28 % of HH cultivated date palms only for self-consumption. Date palm growers had only limited knowledge about high quality date cultivars, optimized farm management and about effective post-harvest conservation. Changes in extension and marketing efforts are needed to allow farmers to better exploit value chains in date thereby reaping higher benefits from improved market access to secure their often marginal income.