991 resultados para Western-ontario
Christian Cardell Corbet, a descendant of Guernsey, Channel Islands, was born in 1966 at Pickering Beach on Lake Ontario. He developed his talents as a landscape artist and at the young age of 14 he began his informal education in commercial signage from his paternal grandfather. He studied at the University of Guelph and McMaster University Anatomy Laboratory. Corbet traveled to England where he began to experiment more in abstraction and non-objective work. In 1995, he presented a portrait of HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother at Clarence House. This brought his career to an international level. He also creates two-dimensional works and has received acclaim for his bronze art medallions. He has gained international recognition as a Forensic Artist working as Artist in Residence for the University of Western Ontario. He does facial reconstructions for special assignments. These original drawings relate to a sculpted medallion of Brock which was authorized by Sir Geoffrey Rowland, Bailiff, Guernsey, Channel Islands and Minister of Education of the States of Guernsey. This is the first time in known recorded history that a forensic analysis and sculpture has been created to accurately depict the facial likeness of Sir Isaac Brock. This project has been established to mark the 2012 anniversary of the death of Brock.
William Alexander Thomson (1816-1878) was a promoter and developer of railway systems in western Ontario. He incorporated the Fort Erie Railroad Company in 1857, purchased the Erie and Ontario Railroad in 1863, and incorporated the Erie and Niagara Extension Railway Company in 1868 (later renamed the Canada Southern Railway). Thomson was also elected to the House of Commons for Welland in 1872, and re-elected in 1874. He was known for his support of public management of the currency and is seen as a pioneer advocate of government monetary policy. He was also an advocate of radical agrarian economic doctrine, believing that Canadian laws favoured mercantile interests over those of the producers of goods, and that this hindered national development.
A press release from Youth for Diefenbaker, 1 August 1967. The release reads: "Hamilton Student Appointed Youth for Dief Representative. The youngest delegate to the conservative leadership convention, 15 year old Sean O'Sullivan of Hamilton, has been named Western Ontario representative of the Youth for Diefenbaker movement. This movement was formed in Ottawa to engage support of Canada's young conservatives for John Diefenbaker at the leadership convention. According to Mr. O'Sullivan, there is growing support for Mr. Diefenbaker and he will have an announcement to make in that regard at a press conference on Friday August Fourth at the Connaught Hotel."
This study investigated instructor perceptions of motivators and barriers that exist with respect to participation in educational development in the postsecondary context. Eight instructors from a mid-size, research intensive university in south-western Ontario participated in semistructured interviews to explore this particular issue. Data were analyzed using a qualitative approach. Motivation theory was used as a conceptual framework in this study, referring primarily to the work of Ryan and Deci (2000), Deci and Ryan (1985), and Pink (2009). The identified motivators and barriers spanned all 3 levels of postsecondary institutions: the micro (i.e., the individual), the meso (i.e., the department or Faculty), and the macro (i.e., the institution). Significant motivators to participation in educational development included desire to improve one’s teaching (micro), feedback from students (meso), and tenure and promotion (macro). Significant barriers to participation included lack of time (micro), the perception that an investment towards one’s research was more important than an investment to enhancing teaching (meso), and the impression that quality teaching was not valued by the institution (macro). The study identifies connections between the micro, meso, macro framework and motivation theory, and offers recommendations for practice.
Le relevé DEBRIS est effectué par le télescope spatial Herschel. Il permet d’échantillonner les disques de débris autour d’étoiles de l’environnement solaire. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, un relevé polarimétrique de 108 étoiles des candidates de DEBRIS est présenté. Utilisant le polarimètre de l’Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic, des observations ont été effectuées afin de détecter la polarisation due à la présence de disques de débris. En raison d’un faible taux de détection d’étoiles polarisées, une analyse statistique a été réalisée dans le but de comparer la polarisation d’étoiles possédant un excès dans l’infrarouge et la polarisation de celles n’en possédant pas. Utilisant la théorie de diffusion de Mie, un modèle a été construit afin de prédire la polarisation due à un disque de débris. Les résultats du modèle sont cohérents avec les observations. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire présente des tests optiques du polarimètre POL-2, construit à l’Université de Montréal. L’imageur du télescope James-Clerk-Maxwell passe de l’instrument SCUBA à l’instrument SCUBA-2, qui sera au moins cent fois plus rapide que son prédécesseur. De même, le polarimètre suit l’amélioration et un nouveau polarimètre, POL-2, a été installé sur SCUBA-2 en juillet 2010. Afin de vérifier les performances optiques de POL-2, des tests ont été exécutés dans les laboratoires sub-millimétriques de l’Université de Western Ontario en juin 2009 et de l’Université de Lethbridge en septembre 2009. Ces tests et leurs implications pour les observations futures sont discutés.
Quand des collègues et amis de la Société de Langues et de Littératures Médiévales d’Oc et d’Oïl m’ont proposé de présenter une conférence sur le Moyen Âge en Amérique du Nord, je me suis d’abord dit que je n’étais peut-être pas le mieux placé pour en illustrer la spécificité, puisque je suis un pur produit de l’enseignement supérieur français, ayant fait toutes mes études universitaires à l’université de Montpellier. Après réflexion, j’ai convenu cependant que les quinze années passées à enseigner la langue et la littérature médiévales en Amérique du Nord, plus précisément à l’université Western Ontario au Canada anglais puis, depuis 2003, à l’université de Montréal, au Québec, me donnaient sans doute une certaine perspective sur ce qui se fait actuellement dans la recherche et dans l’enseignement du Moyen Âge outre Atlantique. [Introduction]
North American birds that feed on aerial insects are experiencing widespread population declines. An analysis of the North American Breeding Bird Survey trend estimates for 1966 to 2006 suggests that declines in this guild are significantly stronger than in passerines in general. The pattern of decline also shows a striking geographical gradient, with aerial insectivore declines becoming more prevalent towards the northeast of North America. Declines are also more acute in species that migrate long distances compared to those that migrate short distances. The declines become manifest, almost without exception, in the mid 1980s. The taxonomic breadth of these downward trends suggests that declines in aerial insectivore populations are linked to changes in populations of flying insects, and these changes might be indicative of underlying ecosystem changes.
Although practitioner-prescribed 'western' herbal medicine (phytotherapy) is a popular complementary therapy in the UK, no clinical studies have been reported on patient-orientated outcomes. The objective of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of phytotherapy on symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee. A previous study of Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association,(1) acted as a model in the development of the protocol of this investigation. Twenty adults, previously diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, were recruited from two Inner London GP practices into this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, pilot study carried out in a primary-care setting. All subjects were seen in consultation three times by a herbal practitioner who was blinded to the randomization coding. Each subject was prescribed treatment and given lifestyle advice according to usual practice: continuation of conventional medication where applicable, healthy-eating advice and nutrient supplementation, Individualized herbal medicine was prescribed for each patient, but only dispensed for those randomized to active treatment - the remainder were supplied with a placebo. At baseline and outcome (after ten weeks of treatment), subjects completed a food frequency questionnaire and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) knee health and Measure Yourself Outcome Profile (MYMOP) wellbeing questionnaires. Subjects completing the study per protocol (n = 14) reported an increased intake of wholegrain foods (p = 0.045) and oily fish (p = 0.039) compared to baseline, but no increase in fruit and vegetables and dairy products intakes. There was no difference in the primary outcome measure of knee health assessed as the difference in the mean response (baseline-week 10) in WOMAC score between the two treatment groups. However, there was, compared with baseline, improvement in the active group (n = 9) for the mean WOMAC stiffness sub-score at week 5 (p = 0.035) and week 10 (p = 0.060) but not in the placebo group (n = 5). Furthermore, for the active, but not the placebo group, the mean WOMAC total and sub-scores all showed clinically significant improvement (>= 20%) in knee symptoms at weeks 5 and 10 compared with baseline. Moreover, the mean MYMOP symptom 2 sub-score, mostly relating to osteoarthritis (OA), showed significant improvement at week 5 (p = 0.02) and week 10 (p = 0.008) compared with baseline for the active, but not for the placebo group. This pilot study showed that herbal medicine prescribed for the individual by a herbal practitioner resulted in improvement of symptoms of OA of the knee.
Mesospheric temperature inversions are well established observed phenomena, yet their properties remain the subject of ongoing research. Comparisons between Rayleigh-scatter lidar temperature measurements obtained by the University of Western Ontario's Purple Crow Lidar (42.9°N, 81.4°W) and the Canadian Middle Atmosphere Model are used to quantify the statistics of inversions. In both model and measurements, inversions occur most frequently in the winter and exhibit an average amplitude of ∼10 K. The model exhibits virtually no inversions in the summer, while the measurements show a strongly reduced frequency of occurrence with an amplitude about half that in the winter. A simple theory of mesospheric inversions based on wave saturation is developed, with no adjustable parameters. It predicts that the environmental lapse rate must be less than half the adiabatic lapse rate for an inversion to form, and it predicts the ratio of the inversion amplitude and thickness as a function of environmental lapse rate. Comparison of this prediction to the actual amplitude/thickness ratio using the lidar measurements shows good agreement between theory and measurements.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e sua associação com a atividade física nos diferentes contextos da vida diária de pacientes com osteoartrite (OA) encaminhados pelas unidades básicas de saúde para um serviço universitário. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, série de casos, em que a atividade física foi avaliada pelo International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) e a qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelos questionários Medical Outcomes Study 36 Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Index (WOMAC) e Australian/Canadian Osteoarthritis Hand Index (AUSCAN). Para verificação da intensidade da dor, utilizou-se também a Escala Visual Analógica (EVA). RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 100 pacientes (92 mulheres e oito homens), com média de idade de 59,9 ± 9,4 anos. As articulações mais comprometidas foram joelhos e mãos. Dez pacientes tinham comprometimento de uma única articulação, 69 de duas, oito de três e 13 de quatro. O IPAQ demonstrou que 70 pacientes eram ativos ou muito ativos e 30 eram insuficientemente ativos ou sedentários. A atividade física associou-se positivamente aos domínios do SF-36, que avaliam a saúde física (capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos, dor, estado geral da saúde). Houve associação entre atividade física e qualidade de vida quando avaliada pelo WOMAC, e quanto mais intensa a dor, pior a qualidade de vida. CONCLUSÃO: Nessa população, a maioria dos pacientes apresenta piora dos aspectos físicos da qualidade de vida, mas mantém as atividades físicas cotidianas.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of watergym to alleviate knee osteoarthritis (OA) symptoms and improve locomotor function. Methods: Forty-two volunteers, 38 women and four men with OA, practicing watergym, divided into the following groups: beginners, intermediate, advanced, and advanced level with other physical activities in addition to watergym were included in the study. Individuals were assessed at times zero, 8 and 12 weeks, with classes lasting 45 minutes, twice a week. Function was assessed by the Aggregate Locomotor Function (ALF) score, and pain and other symptoms by the visual analogical scale (VAS) and by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC) questionnaire. Statistical analysis was carried out by the variance analysis for repeated measurements, followed by Tukey's method for comparison of time point means whenever required. Results: None of the tests showed a significant improvement of pain or locomotion. Conclusion: Watergym was not effective in improving symptoms and did not affect the locomotor capacity of individuals with knee OA.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB