978 resultados para Western Union Telegraph Company


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Inversiones ABC S.A.S es una empresa colombiana situada en la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual ofrece servicios cambiarios y de intermediación financiera al segmento específico de las empresas de transporte terrestre de carga en la capital del país. La actividad principal de la empresa consiste en el cambio de cheques y la compra de facturas (factoring). Derivados de dicha actividad se ofrecen los siguientes servicios; servicio por ventanilla, servicio puerta a puerta (a domicilio) y consignaciones y giros en bancos y otras entidades como Efecty, Super giros, Western Union (giros y finanzas) y demás casas de giros presentes actualmente en el país. Con base en lo anterior, es posible afirmar que la liquidez constituye en elemento fundamental para el óptimo funcionamiento de los procesos de la compañía. Sin embargo, la tenencia de altas sumas de dinero en efectivo supone también una serie de riesgos asociados a la problemática de inseguridad en la capital del país. Anteriormente, se han presentado asaltos a la sede principal los cuales generalmente resultan en pérdidas económicas que afectan los resultados de la compañía al igual que acciones violentas contra los empleados que atentan contra su integridad física. 1 Teniendo en cuenta que la inseguridad en Bogotá es una amenaza constante, que afecta la operación de la empresa y podría inclusive amenazar su perdurabilidad, el presente trabajo tiene como fin determinar estrategias viables que permitan a la compañía contrarrestar el accionar delictivo de los grupos criminales que amenazan su operación.


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Phishing, a form of on-line identity theft, is a major problem worldwide, accounting for more than $7.5 Billion in losses in the US alone between 2005 and 2008. Australia was the first country to be targeted by Internet bank phishing in 2003 and continues to have a significant problem in this area. The major cyber crime groups responsible for phishing are based in Eastern Europe. They operate with a large degree of freedom due to the inherent difficulties in cross border law enforcement and the current situation in Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia and the Ukraine. They employ highly sophisticated and efficient technical tools to compromise victims and subvert bank authentication systems. However because it is difficult for them to repatriate the fraudulently obtained funds directly they employ Internet money mules in Australia to transfer the money via Western Union or Money gram. It is proposed a strategy, which firstly places more focus by Australian law enforcement upon transactions via Western Union and Money gram to detect this money laundering, would significantly impact the success of the Phishing attack model. This combined with a technical monitoring of Trojan technology and education of potential Internet money mules to avoid being duped would provide a winning strategy for the war on phishing for Australia.


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Family portrait taken at Charles C. Chapman's birthday celebration, Fullerton, California,July 2, 1932. The group poses outside his residence on the lawn. Top row [left to right]: Arthur Irvin, Charles Wickett, Irvin Chapman, Sam Collins, Paul Williams, Grant Chapman,, Sidney Chapman, Clay McCarn, Earl Chapman's son David McDougal, Earl Chapman's son William McDougal, Earl Chapman, Harry Chapman, William Wickett Sr. Second row [left to right]: Mr. VanMeter, Mrs. Sinclair, C. C. Sinclair, John Franklin, Way Bagley, Marjorie Collins, Emma Williams, Ruth Chapman, Vesta Chapman, Inez Bagley, Grace Chapman, Bertha Chapman, Clough Chapman, Frank and Bertha Chapman's daughter Agnes McDougal [Streech], Georgiana Chapman, Thela Clough, Mrs. Earl [Ann] Chapman, Bessie Reynolds, Fred Chapman, E. B. [Bert] Reynolds. Seated [left to right]: Mrs. VanMeter, Hattie Clark, Louie Messlar, Charlie Thamer, Louella Thamer, Dolla Harris, Stanley Chapman Sr. holding Mary Anne, Ethel Wickett, Charles C. Chapman, Clara Chapman, Colum C. Chapman, Aunt Annie Colum, Deryth Chapman, Anna Marie Chapman, Floy Chapman, Edith Chapman. Front row [left to right]: Sam E. Collins, Bill Wickett Jr., Joyce Chapman, Marilyn Chapman, Elizabeth Chapman, Mary McCarn, Nina Chapman Lescher, Jodeane Collins, Bob Gibb, Jean Chapman. In front is a floral arrangement with drawing of a Western Union telegram "To Chas. C. Chapman, July 2, 1932, N. Fullerton, Cal., 'Wishing you a happy birthday, Nina."


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Gazetteer and business directory for the Province of Ontario for the year 1910 - 1911.


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The Union Publishing Co.'s farmers' and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland & Wentworth.


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Farmer and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Halton, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Welland for the year 1892 - 1893.


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Farmer and business directory for the counties of Haldimand, Halton, Lincoln, Norfolk, and Welland for the year 1895.


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Farmer and business directory of Haldimand, Lincoln, Welland, and Wentworth for the year 1902.


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A proposta deste trabalho é descrever o sistema de franquia no seu aspecto geral, dentro do contexto da presente conjuntura econômica brasileira, onde cortes nos gastos governamentais e implementação dos processos - de privatização. e licitação estão sendo - utilizados como fatores fundamentais para a competição e a atualização da indústria e dos serviços públicos no âmbito da globalização. Buscou-se fazer uma revisão da parte conceitual do sistema de franquia e das organizações públicas. A ECT - Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos é um estudo de caso concreto de uma empresa pública utilizando o sistema de franquia em larga escala e com sucesso. Paralela a esta apresentação, buscou-se demonstrar outras modalidades de parceria entre a iniciativa privada e a organização pública, através da licitação, privatização e terceirização, de forma a fornecer serviços e produtos ao consumidor com maior qualidade e menores investimentos para o governo.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o comportamento da Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos (ECT) no âmbito judicial diante de seus concorrentes e os clientes destes, buscando verificar se há evidências de que a empresa estaria praticando um ilícito concorrencial e utilizando o judiciário para prejudicar concorrentes no mercado e dificultar a entrada de novos agentes (ou seja, se haveria litigância predatória pelos Correios), mediante a criação de novos custos aos seus rivais e, assim, prejudicando a competição no setor postal. No âmbito jurídico, há pouca clareza quanto à extensão do monopólio postal e verifica-se, uma carência de política pública para o setor. Para realizar o estudo, foi analisado o contexto no qual se insere a conduta da ECT e foi elaborada uma base de dados a partir da análise de processos judiciais movidos pela ECT. Na análise empírica dos dados coletados, buscou-se avaliar como a decisão do STF sobre a existência e validade de uma exclusividade da ECT na prestação de certos serviços postais, tais quais definidos por lei, afetou a probabilidade de uma decisão final em 1ª instância ser favorável aos Correios. Os resultados indicaram que tal probabilidade é significativamente menor após a decisão do STF em 2009, o que serve de evidência de que a ECT vinha extrapolando seus direitos nos pedidos realizados judicialmente. Apesar de o contexto no qual a conduta se insere, especialmente quanto aos custos de litigar, indicarem racionalidade na conduta e de a análise empírica ir no mesmo sentido, as evidências não são fortes o suficiente para se concluir que a ECT praticou litigância predatória.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: The Union News Company's indexed map of the World's Columbian exposition at Chicago, 1893. It was published in 1893. Scale [1:7,000]. Covers the Exposition grounds, now Jackson Park and Midway Plaisance. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Illinois East State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 1201). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, cable and electric car lines, drainage, lagoons and ponds, buildings, paths, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: The Union News Company's new and correct map of Chicago : showing the new city limits and location of the World's Columbian Exposition, streets, parks, boulevards, railroads, street car lines, etc. It was published by Rand McNally & Co. in 1893. Scale [ca. 1:57,900]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Illinois East State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 1201). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, railroad stations, drainage, the location of the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, and more. Includes list of railroads entering Chicago. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Bound in a vol. with supplied title: [Austin-Topolovampo railroad documents]


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Referred to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce and ordered printed with illustrations June 14, 1939.