128 resultados para Welcoming
ICRC works to promote safe, just, and inclusive communities. Safe and inclusive communities are free from discrimination and free from loss of dignity and humanity. Civil rights enforcement helps ensure society receives full benefits of a diverse and inclusive workforce and reduces economic losses from discrimination. To prevent problems and provide a more welcoming economic climate, our agency educates business and industry on civil rights laws and diversity concerns.
OBJECTIVES To validate an instrument to assess quality of mobile emergency pre-hospital care. METHOD A methodological study where 20 professionals gave their opinions on the items of the proposed instrument. The analysis was performed using Kappa test (K) and Content Validity Index (CVI), considering K> 0.80 and CVI ≥ 0.80. RESULTS Three items were excluded from the instrument: Professional Compensation; Job Satisfaction and Services Performed. Items that obtained adequate K and CVI indexes and remained in the instrument were: ambulance conservation status; physical structure; comfort in the ambulance; availability of material resources; user/staff safety; continuous learning; safety demonstrated by the team; access; welcoming; humanization; response time; costumer privacy; guidelines on care; relationship between professionals and costumers; opportunity for costumers to make complaints and multiprofessional conjunction/actuation. CONCLUSION The instrument to assess quality of care has been validated and may contribute to the evaluation of pre-hospital care in mobile emergency services.
This report documents the progress of the executive branch of Iowa state government in the areas of diversity and affirmative action in employment. While the State has had an affirmative action program since 1986, the focus is shifting toward a more comprehensive view of diversity in order to create a richer and more welcoming workplace. To that end, Governor Chester J. Culver initiated Executive Order Four (EO4) in October of 2007. The goal of EO4 is to achieve and maintain a diverse workforce in state government. In FY 2009, EO4 remained an important driving force for diversity related issues. New this year, each department‘s diversity and affirmative action information contained in this report was also required for the State‘s workforce planning process. Because of the change in the reporting process, some departments submitted full workforce plans and others submitted the required excerpts from the workforce planning template for diversity and affirmative action. We expect full workforce plans from all departments in FY 2010.
For people with disabilities, however, housing options have been limited. Today, state and federal laws are changing this. Who will benefit? All of us. For “accessibility” is an issue that, at one time or another, affects us all. This is true whether _ temporarily or permanently _ we use wheelchairs, need grab bars, cannot climb stairs, require easy-to-reach shelves, or rely on easy-to-navigate living spaces. The primary purpose of accessible housing law is to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, but the end result is a living environment that is more usable for everyone. For example, both the very young and the very old will find an accessible dwelling more comfortable. People with temporary limitations due to injury or illness will find it easier to live in. Such a home will be more welcoming to guests with disabilities.
For people with disabilities, however, housing options have been limited. Today, state and federal laws are changing this. Who will benefit? All of us. For “accessibility” is an issue that, at one time or another, affects us all. This is true whether _ temporarily or permanently _ we use wheelchairs, need grab bars, cannot climb stairs, require easy-to-reach shelves, or rely on easy-to-navigate living spaces. The primary purpose of accessible housing law is to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, but the end result is a living environment that is more usable for everyone. For example, both the very young and the very old will find an accessible dwelling more comfortable. People with temporary limitations due to injury or illness will find it easier to live in. Such a home will be more welcoming to guests with disabilities.
Ante la creciente incorporación de alumnado de origen inmigrante a nuestros centros educativos, y dada la práctica inexistencia de estudios empíricos que aborden esta nueva situación, entre el profesorado suelen primar ciertas creencias o ideas previas que condicionan las respuestas educativas en torno al proceso de enseñar la lengua o lenguas de la sociedad de acogida a estos alumnos. Nuestra investigación, a partir de la evaluación del conocimiento lingüístico adquirido en castellano por parte de un grupo de alumnos y alumnas de 1º de ESO, ha analizado algunos de los factores que determinan sus niveles de competencia lingüística. Ello, además de contrastar determinadas creencias sobre el aprendizaje de la lengua de estos colectivos, nos ha permitido formular ciertas indicaciones o sugerencias para abordar la cuestión.
Internationally, policies for attracting highly-skilled migrants have become the guidelines mainly used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Governments are implementing specific procedures to capture and facilitate their mobility. However, all professions are not equal when it comes to welcoming highly-skilled migrants. The medical profession, as a protective market, is one of these. Taking the case of non-EU/EEA doctors in France, this paper shows that the medical profession defined as the closed labour market, remains the most controversial in terms of professional integration of migrants, protectionist barriers to migrant competition and challenge of medical shortage. Based on the path-dependency approach, this paper argues that non-EU/EEA doctors' issues in France derive from a complex historical process of interaction between standards settled in the past, particularly the historical power of medical corporatism, the unexpected long-term effects of French hospital reforms of 1958, and budgetary pressures. Theoretically, this paper shows two significant findings. Firstly, the French medical system has undergone a series of transformations unthinkable in the strict sense of a path-dependence approach: an opening of the medical profession to foreign physicians in the context of the Europeanisation of public policy, acceptance of non-EU/EEA doctors in a context of medical shortage and budgetary pressures. Secondly, there is no change of the overall paradigm: significantly, the recruitment policies of non-EU/EEA doctors continue to highlight the imprint of the past and reveal a significant persistence of prejudices. Non-EU/EEA doctors are not considered legitimate doctors even if they have the qualifications of physicians which are legitimate in their country and which can be recognised in other receiving countries.
Denna vårdvetenskapliga studie har sökarljuset riktat mot lyssnande som något fundamentalt för människan. Studiens syfte är att utifrån forskarens traditionstillhörighet och en klart uttalad teorikärna, värdegrund, ontologisk grund samt en hermeneutisk ansats avtäcka nytt inseende om vad lyssnande är samt vad som är vårdande i lyssnande. Studiens avsikt är att bringa ontologisk klarhet, klargöra lyssnandets plats inom vårdvetenskaplig teoribildning samt bidra med bilder av det vårdande med relevans för klinisk praxis. Det hermeneutiska arbetssättet är en ständig rörelse mellan det enskilda och gemensamma. Den vårdvetenskapliga traditionens grundläggande ordning utgör siktet för kunskapssökandet samtidigt som det är gentemot den caritativa vårdteorin som nytt inseende ur historiska källor reflekteras för att lysa upp och synliggöra det evidenta och ursprungliga om lyssnande. Begreppsutredningen av lyssna som begrepp ger förståelse för begreppets historiska ursprung och dess starka band med begreppen lyss, lystra, lyda, följa, iaktta, se samt lust, begär, böjelse och glädje. Läsning och begrundan av filosoferna Bubers, Lévinas och författaren Dostojevskijs livsverk avtäcker vittnesbörd och stillbilder som tolkas för att synliggöra tolkningsantaganden om lyssnandets väsen och gestaltning. Jag har läst och begrundat texterna med öppenhet, lyhördhet och en kvardröjande hållning för att låta dem beröra, tilltala mig och framträda som något nytt. Ur de enskilda texterna avtäcks mönster av en gemensam inre ordning och en gemensam stillbild och tolkningsantaganden om lyssnande formas. När den gemensamma inre ordningen får sammanstråla med studiens vårdvetenskapliga grund synliggörs en urbild och teser om lyssnande samt det vårdande i lyssnande. Avtäckandet visar att lyssnande är en grundhållning till livet självt. Människan lyssnar till sitt innersta väsen för att tillägna sig en inre grundordning samt hörsamma sin tillhörighet i en mera allomfattande gemenskap till den skapande, den andre och det oändliga. I ljuset av kärlekens kraft och bejakandet av mänskligt lidande kan ensamhet och gemenskap sluta förbund med varandra i en mellanverklighet som bär oändlighetens och evighetens kännetecken, och som får toner av det heliga och eviga att ljuda i allt och alla i en närvaro här och nu. Lyssnande är en väsenshandling som uttalas genom en vårdande hållning att tjäna, offra och bära ansvar för den andre med medmänsklig barmhärtighet och medmänskligt medlidande. Band till den andre knyts genom den egna sårbarheten och genom att med ödmjukhet, äkthet och gästfrihet bjuda in och välkomna den andre i sin annanhet. Den vårdande gemenskapen skapar en rörelse som bär på en livsbringande kraft genom vilken människan uppnår frihet att varda, finna näring och försoning.
Tässä työssä tarkastellaan Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa, pääsääntöisesti Kymenlaaksossa toimiville, yrittäjille suunnattua ja toteutettua yritysvalmennusohjelmaa. Työssä selvitetään ja käsitellään Start-up & Spin-off -projektin yritysvalmennuksen onnistumisia ja kehittämiskohteita sähköisen kyselyn sekä teemahaastatteluiden pohjalta. Start-up & Spin-off Factory -projektissa tuettiin innovatiivisten yritysten (21 yritystä) kasvua kiihdytysohjelmalla, jossa kokeneet sarjayrittäjät valmensivat uutta yritystä perustavia tai jo yritystoiminnan aloittaneita yrittäjiä, joiden tuotteille/palveluille haluttiin saada kasvua. Projektin tavoitteena oli edistää erityisesti kiihdytettävien yritysten nopeaa kansainvälistymistä auttamalla yrittäjiä pilottien, asiakkaiden, partnerien ja rahoituksen hankinnassa. Valmennettavat kokivat saaneensa lisäarvoa valmennuksesta omaksumalla uusia näkökulmia. He kokivat koulutuksen tuoneen yrityksen toimintaan lisää nöyrää asennetta ja lujaa uskoa tulevaisuuteen. Vertaistuen osuutta sekä verkostojen lisääntymisen mukana tullutta uusien kontaktien määrää pidettiin myönteisenä asiana. Vastausten perusteella valmennus selkeytti valmennettavien ymmärrystä liiketoiminnan kehittämisestä. Hissipuheen teko ja harjoittelu koettiin tärkeäksi ja jännittäväksi. Valmennus vahvisti luottamusta omaan tuotteeseen ja palveluun. Valmennuksen painottuminen ICT-alan firmoihin merkitsi valmennuksessa sitä, että teoriat ja esimerkit tulivat useasti tältä alalta. Toimialojen eroavaisuus tulisi huomioida valmennuksessa opetussisältöjen ja esimerkkien osalta. Kyselyn ja haastatteluiden mukaan valmentajien asiantuntemukseen oltiin tyytyväisiä. Lisäksi onnistuneena osa-alueena koettiin valmennuksen käytännön järjestelyjä. Kehitettävää puolestaan oli opetusmateriaalien, opetusmenetelmien ja koulutuksen keston suhteen. Kysyttäessä valmennuksen hyvistä ja huonoista puolista olivat vastaajat sitä mieltä, että valmennuksessa oli hyvä ilmapiiri ja valmennus oli käytännönläheistä. Pienryhmävalmennusta pidettiin hyvänä asiana, samoin kuin henkilökohtaistamista.
This study examined work engagement among brain injury rehabilitation professionals with specific attention to how they engage with their work (the extent to which they experience vigor, dedication, and absorption while working) and how they engage with people (the degree to which they are welcoming towards others and demonstrate integrity, responsibility, transparency). This study also tested a theoretical model of work engagement that predicted a relationship between engagement and personal, interpersonal, and organizational capacity. Eighty-one staff employed in a hospital-based brain injury program participated in the study. A quantitative self-report survey was used to measure participants' levels of capacity and engagement and a qualitative question was included to identify initiatives that could be introduced to enhance job performance. As predicted by the model, there were statistically significant positive correlations among all three capacity variables and engagement with work and statistically significant positive correlations between ethical engagement and personal and interpersonal capacity. The results of the qualitative data analysis revealed three broad categories of recommendations for improving job performance (more learning opportunities, more resources to support professional development, and the need to build greater team cohesion). These findings provide initial support for a theoretical model that emphasizes the link between capacity and engagement, which could be used to guide theory-driven interventions aimed at improving the work environment.
The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand the inclusion process at a Project Rainbow affiliated camp. Project Rainbow is a non-profit organization which promotes inclusion into children's camps in Ontario. This study was completed in order to provide stakeholders of the camping industry insight on how inclusive techniques can be implemented in residential camps. The researcher observed one camp's inclusion techniques for six days. The researcher observed three campers with disabilities and the camp staff and campers that interacted with them on a daily basis. While the researcher was at the camp, she interviewed nine staff members. The staff members consisted of the camp director, the inclusion coordinator, four camp counsellors, and three inclusion counsellors. An additional interview was conducted after arriving home from camp with the manager from Project Rainbow. The qualitative analysis program NVivo was used to help organize the analyzed data. The researcher found that in attempting to build a culture of inclusion, two important concepts are necessary. First, mutual leadership involved the camp director and Project Rainbow working together as a team to facilitate the inclusion process. Second, power of supportive relationships focused on inclusion being the responsibility of everyone, teamwork, and creating a welcoming environment. Hints at some potentially serious problems related to staff training, teamwork, and attitudes of non-disabled campers pointed to future research and policies which focus on the Ontario and Canadian Camping Associations' role in inclusion, in addition to camp in this study and Project Rainbow.
Drawing on a growing literature on the interconnection of queer theory, sexuality and space, this thesis critically assesses the development, implementation and impact of a campus-based Positive Space Campaign aimed at raising the visibility and number of respectful, supportive, educational and welcoming spaces for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, two-spirited, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) students staff and faculty. The analysis, based on participatory action research (PAR), interrogates the extent to which the Positive Space Campaign challenges heteronormativity on campus. I contend that the Campaign, in its attempt to challenge dominant notions of sex, gender and sexuality, disrupts heterosexual space. Further, as I consider the meanings of 'queer', I consider the extent to which Positive Space Campaigns may be 'queering' space, by contributing to an 'imagined' campus space free of sexual and gender-based discrimination. The case study contributes to queer theory, the literature on sexuality and space, the literature on queer organizing in educational spaces and to broader queer organizing efforts in Canada.
Composé de fragments narratifs et poétiques, C’est ici que le verbe habiter s’est déchiré retrace le parcours d’un jeune homme de retour dans sa ville natale, Québec. En déambulant à travers les rues, mais également à travers sa propre mémoire, le narrateur trouvera sur son chemin le point de rupture entre passé et présent. C’est ici que le verbe habiter s’est déchiré élabore une réflexion sur ces lieux et ces époques qui, même révolus, semblent ne jamais vouloir nous quitter, le tout dans une écriture où le silence est parfois aussi éloquent que la parole. Comme son nom l’indique, Sudbury : l’habitabilité de la poésie chez Patrice Desbiens est un essai traitant de la poésie comme espace d’habitation dans Sudbury de Patrice Desbiens, une œuvre mettant en scène le quotidien d’une petite ville du nord de l’Ontario. Face à ce lieu froid et désert où rien ne semble vouloir subsister, dans cette ville qu’il décrit à la fois comme factice, violente et inhabitable, Desbiens semble croire que seule l’écriture est authentique et porteuse d’une vérité. Dès lors, en signant son recueil Sudbury, le nom de cette ville qu’il habite, le poète ne se pose-t-il pas comme le véritable auteur des lieux? Ne donne-t-il pas un sens à ce qui, auparavant, en était dépourvu? N’y a-t-il pas, au final, substitution de l’espace urbain oppressant par celui, plus hospitalier, de la poésie?
Le présent mémoire expose les effets de l’enseignement réciproque sur la compréhension en lecture en français langue seconde d’élèves allophones immigrants nouvellement arrivés en situation de grand retard scolaire, scolarisés dans des classes d’accueil au secondaire. Deux groupes expérimentaux et un groupe contrôle ont pris part à la recherche. Deux modèles d’intervention en enseignement réciproque ont été proposés aux groupes expérimentaux, soit une intervention traditionnelle ou une intervention qui favorise l’ouverture aux langues maternelles. Un questionnaire administré en grand groupe ainsi que des entretiens individuels menés auprès de 11 élèves sous forme d’études de cas ont permis de mesurer les effets des interventions et de présenter des portraits de lecteurs. Les résultats au questionnaire valident que les interventions ont eu des effets significatifs sur la compréhension en lecture des élèves des groupes expérimentaux comparativement aux élèves du groupe contrôle. De plus, les 11 études de cas vont dans le même sens et révèlent que les élèves des groupes expérimentaux, au post-test, se sont améliorés dans la mise en place des stratégies cognitives et métacognitives. Finalement, lorsque les deux groupes expérimentaux sont comparés entre eux, les deux présentent des gains significatifs sur le plan de la compréhension en lecture. Cependant, le groupe ayant participé à des interventions avec une ouverture aux langues maternelles présente des changements de perceptions plus positifs et explicites à l’égard de la relation, en lecture, entre les langues.
Questionnant avec J.-C. Breton les situations anthropologiques nouvelles qui interpellent la vie spirituelle, cette étude en propose une approche sous l’angle de la symbolisation. Une lecture de la symbolisation à partir de la structure même du symbole précède l’analyse de son usage psychanalytique selon Winnicott, avec ses notions d’espace potentiel et de phénomènes transitionnels. Suit l’exposé de points clés du témoignage de Marcel Légaut sur la vie spirituelle. La partie synthèse détaille trois éléments clés de la symbolisation : la brisure-faille, la créativité-accueil et le passage à un autre niveau. Deux niveaux de symbolisation, primaire et secondaire, complètent la trame partagée par la lecture de la psychanalyse et de la vie spirituelle. L’étude démontre que la symbolisation permet un passage en l’humain vers son propre mystère et celui de Dieu en lui. L’humain se présente alors comme être de symbolisation en devenir.