864 resultados para Web design
Lecture on IA and webdesign (1 & 2 of 3). Web 2 talk I reference Aral Balkan - talk video is included here from his presentation at the Norwegian developers conference.
Slide to go with Panopto recording for MA Communication Design on best practice for mobile ui design and some basic JQuery Mobile Customisation. Big thanks to Jonathan Stark Luke Wroblewski Jared Spool Without whom this would not have been made
La tesi analizza e approfondisce vari concetti tra cui l'e-commerce e il suo impatto nel mercato degli ultimi decenni, le fasi progettuali di un sito web, i linguaggi principali sullo sviluppo web, la piattaforma Magento e le sue funzionalità. Dopo lo studio e l'analisi di tali concetti si è passato alla fase di realizzazione del sito web applicando le conoscenze e gli strumenti base della programmazione web come i linguaggi PHP, HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript.
A lo largo de este documento se describe el trabajo llevado a cabo para el logro de todos objetivos de este Trabajo Fin de Grado, el cual tiene como objetivo principal la mejora de la herramienta de edición de las conexiones internas de un mashup proporcionada actualmente por la plataforma web WireCloud. WireCloud es una plataforma web centrada en la construcción visual de mashups de aplicaciones a partir de la interconexión de pequeñas aplicaciones web denominadas widgets. Los principales inconvenientes presentes en el actual editor de conexiones que incluye esta plataforma afectan principalmente a sus usuarios con poca experiencia en diseño web. Estos usuarios tienen dificultades a la hora de interpretar el esquema de conexiones de un mashup ajeno y también, de crear el esquema de conexiones de un mashup propio. La mejora realizada supone un cambio en la metáfora utilizada para la creación de las conexiones, que ahora se organiza en torno a unidades conceptuales denominadas comportamientos que representan subconjuntos cohesionados de conexiones con significado (representando por si mismos comportamientos relevantes del mashup). Con este cambio se logra solventar los inconvenientes que presenta el actual sistema, principalmente la necesidad de crear (y visualizar) simultáneamente todas las conexiones requeridas por el mashup, lo cual supone que: a) es difícil identificar con qué propósito se ha creado cada conexión y qué relación guardan unas conexiones con otras. b) existe un riesgo de olvidar alguna conexión, fundamentalmente por ser difícil la interpretación del propósito de cada conexión y por la imposibilidad de identificar y nombrar conjuntos de conexiones que tienen un propósito determinado. Antes de implementar el código fuente se realizó un estudio pormenorizado de las tecnologías que actualmente utiliza WireCloud, además de un estudio en profundidad de la situación del anterior editor y de las nuevas características y ventajas buscadas en este nuevo editor. Con este último propósito se definieron varios casos de estudio que ayudaron a concretar qué se ha de entender por un comportamiento en el diseño de las conexiones de un mashup y también, ayudaron a definir la mejor organización visual del nuevo editor en torno al concepto de comportamiento. El resto del trabajo consistió en la implementación del nuevo editor y en la elaboración de toda la documentación relacionada: principalmente el manual de uso del nuevo editor que estará disponible como parte de la documentación online de WireCloud.---ABSTRACT---This document describes the work carried out for the achievement of all targets of this Final Project, which has as its main objective the improvement of the edition tool of the mashup’s internal connections that is currently provided by WireCloud. WireCloud is a web platform focused on building visual of web mashups from the interconnection of web applications called web widgets. The main drawbacks present in the current web editor of connections, includes on this platform, mainly affect to users with little experience in web design. These users have difficulties for interpreting the wiring diagram of any web mashup and also, creating the wiring diagram of an own web mashup. The improvement made a change in the metaphor used for creating connections, now managing a conceptual units called behaviors that represent subsets of meaningful connections. This change overcomes the drawbacks of the current system, mainly the need to create and display simultaneously all connections required by the web mashup, which means that: a) Difficultly identify what purpose is created each connection and how they relate to each other connections. b) There is the risk of forgetting some connection, mainly for being difficult to interpret the purpose of each connection and the inability to identify and name sets of connections that have a specific purpose. Before deploying the source code, the study of the technologies currently used WireCloud was performed, plus the study of the situation of the previous editor and new features and advantages searched for this new editor was performed too. For the latter purpose was defined several case studies that helped to specify what understood by behavior in the design of the connections of a web mashup and also that helped to define the best visual organization of the new behavior-oriented wiring editor. The rest of the work involved in implementing the new wiring web editor and in the preparation of all documentation related: mainly user manual for using the new wiring web editor that will be available as part of the WireCloud online documentation.
El presente documento tiene como objetivo general desarrollar un plan de negocio para analizar la viabilidad de la creación de una nueva empresa, “MyTested S.L.”. Pretende ofrecer una herramienta para que las personas puedan comunicar a sus familiares el acceso a sus cuentas digitales una vez fallecidos. En cuanto a cómo surge la idea, fue a través de una noticia que trataba sobre el derecho al olvido en las redes sociales y en internet. Investigando un poco y prestando atención a los movimientos de las grandes empresas de internet, mi compañero/socio y yo, nos dimos cuenta de que ofrecer este servicio podría valer como negocio, ya que no existe mucha competencia en el mercado. Gracias a eso, nos planteamos en más de una ocasión la posibilidad de montar nuestro propio negocio, de forma que pudiéramos utilizar los conocimientos adquiridos en la universidad como base para crear la herramienta web. Escogimos empezar el proyecto utilizándolo como materia para el trabajo de fin de grado porque nos aporta dos valores muy importantes, ayuda de la comunidad de profesores existentes en la UPM, siendo una persona de gran aporte nuestro tutor Oscar Corcho y también, porque como estamos dedicando todo el tiempo a este proyecto, tener una fecha límite para presentar tanto la parte de modelo de negocio como la parte de desarrollo en una fecha concreta, nos ayuda a planificar y mantener una presión constante sobre el proyecto y así forzar a no abandonarlo ni prolongarlo. Con ello, nos encontramos con dos grupos de dificultades, la escasa formación a nivel empresarial y creación de modelos de negocio y en el ámbito del desarrollo al desconocimiento de tecnologías y APIs de las redes sociales. Al tratarse de una herramienta Web, parte de unos costes muy bajos como el alojamiento del servidor o la contratación temporal de comerciales para publicitar la herramienta entre funerarias y hospitales. Estos factores positivos benefician tanto la realización del proyecto como su avance. Como ya se puede intuir de la lectura del párrafo anterior, el servicio que ofrece la herramienta “MyTested S.L.” está relacionado con el segmento testamental de una persona fallecida, podríamos definirlo como testamento digital. Actualmente, vivimos en un mundo que se centra cada vez más en la parte digital y es por ello, que en un futuro cercano, todas las cuentas que creamos en internet tendrán que ser cerradas o bloqueadas cuando caen en el desuso por el fallecimiento del propietario, es en ese hueco donde podemos situarnos, ofreciendo una herramienta para poder trasladar la información necesaria a las personas elegidas por el cliente para que puedan cerrar o bloquear sus cuentas digitales. Consideramos que existe una interesante oportunidad debido a la escasez de oferta de este tipo de servicios en España y a nivel mundial. En Abril de 2015 hay inscritos en el registro Nacional de últimas voluntades 185.6651 personas por lo que encontramos que un 0,397%1 de las personas en España ha registrado su testamento. El gasto medio al hacer un testamento vital ante notario de tus bienes tiene un coste de 40 a 80 euros2 , este es el principal motivo por el que la mayoría de españoles no realiza su testamento antes de morir. Con este dato obtenemos dos lecciones, lo que la herramienta ofrece no es el documento notarial de los bienes del cliente, sino la sistema, puedan bloquear o cerrar sus cuentas. La segunda lección que obtenemos es que el precio tiene que ser muy reducido para poder llegar a un gran número de personas, añadiendo también el criterio de que el cliente podrá actualizar su información, ya que la información digital es muy fácil de cambiar y frecuente. Como se podrá leer en al apartado dedicado a nuestra visión, misión y valores, aunque estamos convencidos que se puede extraer de la lectura de cualquier parte de este documento, todos nuestros objetivos los queremos conseguir no sólo buscando un enfoque empresarial a nuestro día a día, sino convirtiendo nuestra responsabilidad social sincera, en uno de los retos que más nos ilusionan, fomentando para ello, aspectos como el desarrollo web, estudios de mercado, conocimiento de las necesidades de la población, nuevas tecnologías y negocio. En general, los objetivos que se pretenden cumplir con este estudio son: - Conocer los pasos para crear una empresa - Desarrollar un documento de plan de negocio que contenga lo siguiente: - Análisis de mercado - Definición de productos y/o servicios - Plan de publicidad y expansión (marketing) - Plan financiero - Capacidad para definir los requisitos de una aplicación Web. - Capacidad de elegir la tecnología idónea y actual de un sistema Web. - Conocer el funcionamiento de una empresa y cómo comunicarse con las herramientas gubernamentales. - Comprobar si las posibilidades que nos ofrece el entorno son las adecuadas para nuestras actividades. - Estudio, análisis de la competencia - Definir los diferentes perfiles de cliente para nuestro negocio. - Analizar la viabilidad de nuestro modelo de negocio. Para ello, comenzamos realizando una definición de las características generales del proyecto, detallando cuáles son las motivaciones que han hecho a los emprendedores embarcarse en el mismo, qué servicios ofreceremos a nuestros clientes, el porqué de la elección del sector, así́ como nuestra misión, visión y valores.---ABSTRACT---The goal and aim of the present document is to develop a business plan in order to analyze the viability of build a new enterprise, that we will name MyTested S.L., it wants offer a tool for sharing and to facilitate to the relatives of a dead person the access to the digital accounts. Talking about how come up the idea, it was once a have read a news over the “right of forgotten” throughout social nets and inside internet, researching a little and paying attention to the different movements of the biggest internet companies, my peer ( and partner) and I were aware that to offer this service might be a good business, because does not exist many competitors on this kind of market service, mainly thanks of that, we have planned on several times the possibility to build our owner company, in the way to use the capabilities that we achieved in the University as based to develop and make a web tool. We choose begin this project as subject of our Final Project Degree after analyze the positive and negative point of views: The positive was because it has two main values, firstly the support of the current teachers UPM community, specially our fellow Oscar Corcho and also because we can´t dedicate all our time to this project, so to have a deadline to present either the business model as the develop on time, help us to plan and remain a constant pressure over the project and neither drop out it or extend it more that the necessary. As a web tool, neither the hosting of maintenance or for sort out a net of temporary commercials for visiting hospitals or undertaker´s or insurances, the cost don´t are expensive In the negative side, however, we found twice some main difficulties, the few training as entrepreneur level and how to build a business model and on the other hand the lack of awareness of the technologies and apps of the social net software as well. As summary, these positives facts enhance to work project out and also to develop it. As we could understand reading on the latest paragraph, the service that will do MyTested tool is relation with the testament issue of a dead person, we might call as a digital testament. Currently we are living in world which is focus further on the digital life, for that in a near future every internet accounts should be closed or locked whenever aren´t used by the dead of the owner, this is a market niche (never better said) where we can lead, offering a tool that might transfer the necessary information to the chosen persons by the client in order to allow either close or lock his digital accounts. We are considering that there are interesting opportunities due to the few offers of that kind of service in Spain and at global level. In April 2015 there were 185.6651 persons registered in the Official National last will and testament, this figure mean that the 0,397%1 of the Spaniards citizens have registered their testaments. The average cost of doing the testament of your assets with a Notary is since 40 up to 80€2, this is one of the principal motives because the majority of the Spaniards don´t do it before dead. With these data we might get two lessons, we are not talking about an official notary testament at all, it is only for close or lock the digital accounts by the chosen person by the dead client, and the latest lesson, but not least, the price of our service must be very cheaper in order to achieve touch an important amount of people, knowing also that he client will be able update the information filled, considering that this kind of information is very easy to change and update frequently. As we can read on the stage dedicated to our Vision, Mission and Values, although we are persuaded that can be read in everywhere of this document as well, our aim doesn´t be an business focus on day to day, is also to become our honest social responsibility in this challenge, that is our mainly eagerness, enhancing some aspects as the web development, market research and the knowledge of the population needs, new technologies and new market opportunities. In general the goals that we would like get within this project are: - Achieve the knowledge needs for be an entrepreneurial, and find out the steps for star a business - Achieve market research skills - Products and services definitions - Advertising plan and growth (marketing plan) - Financial plan knowledge - Capability of a web design requirements - Capability for choose the best and actual technology for web design - Knowledge over how work out inside a company and how communicate with official tools. - Check whether the possibilities of the environment are the adequate for our activities. - Research and competitiveness analysis - Define the different profiles of the target for our business. - Analyze the viability of the business model For all that, we began with a definition of the general features of the project, detailing which are the motivations those done to the entrepreneurial get on board, which kind of service we offered to the client, also why the selection of the market sector and our mission, vision and value as well.
This thesis explores the interaction between Micros (<10 employees) from non-creative sectors and website designers ("Creatives") that occurred when creating a website of a higher order than a basic template site. The research used Straussian Grounded Theory Method with a longitudinal design, in order to identify what knowledge transferred to the Micros during the collaboration, how it transferred, what factors affected the transfer and outcomes of the transfer including behavioural additionality. To identify whether the research could be extended beyond this, five other design areas were also examined, as well as five Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) engaged in website and branding projects. The findings were that, at the start of the design process, many Micros could not articulate their customer knowledge, and had poor marketing and visual language skills, knowledge core to web design, enabling targeted communication to customers through images. Despite these gaps, most Micros still tried to lead the process. To overcome this disjoint, the majority of the designers used a knowledge transfer strategy termed in this thesis as ‘Bi-Modal Knowledge Transfer’, where the Creative was aware of the transfer but the Micro was unaware, both for drawing out customer knowledge from the Micro and for transferring visual language skills to the Micro. Two models were developed to represent this process. Two models were also created to map changes in the knowledge landscapes of customer knowledge and visual language – the Knowledge Placement Model and the Visual Language Scale. The Knowledge Placement model was used to map the placement of customer knowledge within the consciousness, extending the known Automatic-Unconscious -Conscious model, adding two more locations – Peripheral Consciousness and Occasional Consciousness. Peripheral Consciousness is where potential knowledge is held, but not used. Occasional Consciousness is where potential knowledge is held but used only for specific tasks. The Visual Language Scale was created to measure visual language ability from visually responsive, where the participant only responds personally to visual symbols, to visually multi-lingual, where the participant can use visual symbols to communicate with multiple thought-worlds. With successful Bi-Modal Knowledge Transfer, the outcome included not only an effective website but also changes in the knowledge landscape for the Micros and ongoing behavioural changes, especially in marketing. These effects were not seen in the other design projects, and only in two of the SME projects. The key factors for this difference between SMEs and Micros appeared to be an expectation of knowledge by the Creatives and failure by the SMEs to transfer knowledge within the company.
This chapter investigates the conflicting demands faced by web designers in the development of social e-atmospherics that aim to encourage e-value creation, thus strengthening and prolonging market planning strategies. While recent studies have shown that significant shifts are occurring concerning the importance of users’ generated content by way of social e-communication tools (e.g. blogs), these trends are also creating expectations that social and cultural cues ought to become a greater part of e-atmospherics and e-business strategies. Yet, there is growing evidence that organizations are resisting such efforts, fearing that they will lose control of their e-marketing strategy. This chapter contributes to the theory and literature on online cross-cultural understanding and the impact website designers (meso-level) can have on improving the sustainability of e-business planning, departing from recent studies that focus mainly on firms’ e-business plans (macro-level) or final consumers (micro-level). A second contribution is made with respect to online behavior regarding the advancement of technologies that facilitate the development and shaping of new social e-atmospherics that affect users’ behavior and long term e-business strategies through the avoidance of traditional, formal decision making processes and marketing strategy mechanisms implemented by firms. These issues have been highlighted in the literature on the co-production and co-creation of value, which few organizations have thus far integrated in their strategic and pragmatic e-business plans. Drawing upon fifteen online interviews with web designers in the USA, as key non-institutional actors at the meso-level who are developing what future websites will be like, this chapter analyzes ways in which identifying points of resistance and conflicting demands can lead to engagement with the debate over the online co-creation of value and more sustainable future e-business planning. A number of points of resistance to the inclusion of more e-social atmospherics are identified, and the implications for web designers’ roles and web design planning are discussed along with the limitations of the study and potential future research for e-business studies.
Las transformaciones tecnológicas y de información que está experimentando la sociedad, especialmente en la última década, está produciendo un crecimiento exponencial de los datos en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Los datos que se generan en los diferentes ámbitos se corresponden con elementos primarios de información que por sí solos son irrelevantes como apoyo a las tomas de decisiones. Para que estos datos puedan ser de utilidad en cualquier proceso de decisión, es preciso que se conviertan en información, es decir, en un conjunto de datos procesados con un significado, para ayudar a crear conocimiento. Estos procesos de transformación de datos en información se componen de diferentes fases como la localización de las fuentes de información, captura, análisis y medición.Este cambio tecnológico y a su vez de la sociedad ha provocado un aumento de las fuentes de información, de manera que cualquier persona, empresas u organización, puede generar información que puede ser relevante para el negocio de las empresas o gobiernos. Localizar estas fuentes, identificar información relevante en la fuente y almacenar la información que generan, la cual puede tener diferentes formatos, es el primer paso de todo el proceso anteriormente descrito, el cual tiene que ser ejecutado de manera correcta ya que el resto de fases dependen de las fuentes y datos recolectados. Para la identificación de información relevante en las fuentes se han creado lo que se denomina, robot de búsqueda, los cuales examinan de manera automática una fuente de información, localizando y recolectando datos que puedan ser de interés.En este trabajo se diseña e implementa un robot de conocimiento junto con los sistemas de captura de información online para fuentes hipertextuales y redes sociales.
The purpose of this paper is to extend marketing knowledge into perceived risk in online transactions beyond the current positivistic, hypotheses-driven research by providing qualitative insights into how individuals construct their accounts of perceived risk online. Additionally, the study reported in this paper aims to explore how communication sources influence both these subjective constructions and individuals' behavioural experiences with transaction activity on the web. Design/methodology/approach - The study was developed within a grounded theory method.Ten in-depth interviews were conducted which were analysed using constant comparison of incidents procedures to provide rich descriptions of the interviewees' subjective perceptions and lived experiences with online transaction activity. Findings - The findings provide insights into how the human clement is present in individuals'perceptions and constructions of their accounts of the risk involved online.The findings also identify the influence of mass communication sources on the construction of these accounts. The study provides insights into whether change agent communication sources, such as marketers or web designers,influence consumers' behaviours towards online transaction activity through mediating their perceptions of the risks involved. The study also reveals how social communication networks influence the interviewees' decisions to use the web (or transaction activities, in particular online purchasing, and how the group in this study might act as a communication source to influence others. Research limitations/Implications - While the findings cannot be generalised to the internet population overall, the sample used was able to provide relevant information regarding the phenomenon of interest. Future research should continue to examine perceived risk and the influence of communications sources, such as e-mail, discussion groups and virtual communities. Originality/value - The value of the paper lies in permitting the participants to account for perceived risk for themselves. The findings ex.plore what this means at increasing levels of personal relevance and the influence of communication sources to create, sustain or mediate perceptions of this phenomenon.
This paper discusses the ways in which synergies across design disciplines can be developed through student engagement on authentic design projects. The paper focuses on a comparative case study where students from the Fashion, and Communication Design discipline areas in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) work on the production of the Frock Paper Scissors magazine and web site. The Frock Paper Scissors magazine has been the focus of assessment in a Fashion and Style Journalism class for the last three years, and for the last two years, students from an Advanced Web Design class have been involved in the production of the accompanying web site, http://frockpapersissors.com/. In this paper we focus on how this authentic assessment task has been integrated into the two design (and communication) classes; discussing the different approaches taken by teaching staff, the challenges faced, and the ways in which student learning outcomes have been improved through interactions between design disciplines. The paper concludes by outlining a set of observations on how to successfully engage students from different design (and creative industries) fields on an authentic design project within their studies.
Cipher Cities was a practice-led research project developed in 3 stages between 2005 and 2007 resulting in the creation of a unique online community, ‘Cipher Cities’, that provides simple authoring tools and processes for individuals and groups to create their own mobile events and event journals, build community profile and participate in other online community activities. Cipher Cities was created to revitalise peoples relationship to everyday places by giving them the opportunity and motivation to create and share complex digital stories in simple and engaging ways. To do so we developed new design processes and methods for both the research team and the end user to appropriate web and mobile technologies. To do so we collaborated with ethnographers, designers and ICT researchers and developers. In teams we ran a series of workshops in a wide variety of cities in Australia to refine an engagement process and to test a series of iteratively developed prototypes to refine the systems that supported community motivation and collaboration. The result of the research is 2 fold: 1. a sophisticated prototype for researchers and designers to further experiment with community engagement methodologies using existing and emerging communications technologies. 2. A ‘human dimensions matrix’. This matrix assists in the identification and modification of place based interventions in the social, technical, spatial, cultural, pedagogical conditions of any given community. This matrix has now become an essential part of a number of subsequent projects and assists design collaborators to successfully conceptualise, generate and evaluate interactive experiences. the research team employed practice-led action research methodologies that involved a collaborative effort across the fields of interaction design and social science, in particular ethnography, in order to: 1. seek, contest, refine a design methodology that would maximise the successful application of a dynamic system to create new kinds of interactions between people, places and artefacts’. 2. To design and deploy an application that intervenes in place-based and mobile technologies and offers people simple interfaces to create and share digital stories. Cipher Cities was awarded 3 separate CRC competitive grants (over $270,000 in total) to assist 3 stages of research covering the development of the Ethnographic Design Methodologies, the development of the tools, and the testing and refinement of both the engagement models and technologies. The resulting methodologies and tools are in the process of being commercialised by the Australasian CRC for Interaction Design.
Frock Paper Sissors (http://www.frockpaperscissors.com): curated web based fashion work. Research has focussed on creating a professional and ‘real world’ website (available in the international/public arena) while producing a high quality design and journalistic fashion medium. The hard copy Frock Paper Scissors magazine has been the focus of assessment in a Fashion and Style Journalism class for the last five years, and for the last three years, students from an Advanced Web Design class have been involved in the production of the accompanying web site, http://www.frockpapersissors.com. This project researches the ways in which synergies across design disciplines can be developed through student engagement on authentic design projects. The Frock Paper Scissors website is a curated collaboration of work from the Fashion,Journalism, Creative Industries and Communication Design discipline areas in the Creative Industries Faculty at Queensland University of Technology (QUT). Research focusses on how this authentic assessment task has been integrated into the two design (and communication)classes; discussing the different approaches taken by teaching staff, the challenges faced, and the ways in which student learning outcomes have been improved through interactions between design disciplines. The final curated work is a public/international website which successfully displays student work and engages students from different design (and creative industries) fields on an authentic design project within their studies.