992 resultados para Web databases


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L'objecte del projecte és estudiar en profunditat els sistemes gestors de bases de dates en l'àmbit de la web semàntica. Aquests sistemes són gestors de bases de dades especialitzats en l'emmagatzematge i tractament de dades semàntiques, tot tenint en compte les peculiaritats d'aquestes. Per tal d'aprofundir en la matèria, el projecte es divideix en dues parts principals. En la primera es recerca l'estat de l'art, fent un estudi comparatiu entre els magatzems semàntics més coneguts en l'actualitat. En la segona part s'estudia en profunditat un d'aquests magatzems (Virtuoso Universal Server).


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Este trabajo define qué es una base de datos semántica, qué ventajas ofrece, cómo se utiliza y en qué tipo de proyectos o sistemas tiene sentido usarla. Además, en él se estudia en detalle una de ellas, OWLIM 1, de la empresa Ontotext, para evaluar la dificultad de usarla, su rendimiento y sus capacidades específicas.


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Aquest projecte de final de carrera sorgeix com a resposta a una necessitat existent dins de col•lectius laborals i docents de compartir documents i recursos. Per tal d’estabilitzar un sistema d’intercanvi que funcioni, és important que els préstecs siguin àgils i estiguin gestionats per un bon sistema. El projecte “Sistema web per al préstec de DVD en col•lectius tancats” té la finalitat de permetre als membres d’un col•lectiu tancat d’utilitzar un servei de préstecs de DVD via web. Aquest sistema facilita i gestiona l’intercanvi de DVD entre els usuaris del col•lectiu que estiguin registrats. La base de dades del conjunt dels DVD la formen els DVD que els mateixos usuaris registrats posen a disposició dels altres membres. Pel que fa a la gestió, el sistema incorpora un sistema automàtic d’enviament de correus electrònics i un gestor de temps per evitar que els préstecs no s’allarguin en excés. També està dotat de mesures de seguretat que garanteixen la privacitat als usuaris.


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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és estudiar els sistemes de gestió de bases de dades (SGBD) utilitzats en el context de la web semàntica en general i analitzar-ne un en particular.


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Comparativa sobre sistemas de gestión de bases de datos orientados a la web semántica, tanto nativos como habilitados para esta función.


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Es descriuen els passos necessaris per publicar a Internet una base de dades creada amb Microsoft Access utilitzant la tecnologia ASP. Es parteix d'un exemple de base de dades creada per a controlar el procés d'adquisicions i es van resseguint, en forma de tutorial, els diferents passos que seran necessaris per a la seva consulta des del web. Finalment, s'indiquen algunes aplicacions de la tecnologia ASP que podren ser útils per a biblioteques i centres de documentació.


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Se describen los elementos necesarios para publicar en Internet una base de datos creada con Microsoft Access utilizando la tecnología ASP. Se parte de un ejemplo de base de datos creada para controlar el proceso de adquisiciones y se van resiguiendo, en forma de tutorial, los diferentes pasos que serán necesarios para su consulta desde el web. Finalmente, se indican algunas aplicaciones de la tecnología ASP que pueden ser útiles para bibliotecas y centros de documentación.


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No hi ha dubte que actualment el web és el sistema de distribució de bases de dades documentals que més s'està utilitzant i el que té majors perspectives de futur. El motiu és senzill: l'usuari que consulta la base de dades només cal que disposi d'un navegador i, aleshores, pot accedir als registres de forma actualitzada disposant pràcticament de totes les prestacions de consulta que tenen els sistemes de gestió documental, no necessita instal·lar al seu ordinador cap versió client del programa que gestiona la base de dades, sinó que tan sols ha d'indicar la seva petició dins d'un formulari html per tal de rebre les respostes també en aquest format.


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EMBnet is a consortium of collaborating bioinformatics groups located mainly within Europe (http://www.embnet.org). Each member country is represented by a 'node', a group responsible for the maintenance of local services for their users (e.g. education, training, software, database distribution, technical support, helpdesk). Among these services a web portal with links and access to locally developed and maintained software is essential and different for each node. Our web portal targets biomedical scientists in Switzerland and elsewhere, offering them access to a collection of important sequence analysis tools mirrored from other sites or developed locally. We describe here the Swiss EMBnet node web site (http://www.ch.embnet.org), which presents a number of original services not available anywhere else.


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PURPOSE: Pharmacovigilance methods have advanced greatly during the last decades, making post-market drug assessment an essential drug evaluation component. These methods mainly rely on the use of spontaneous reporting systems and health information databases to collect expertise from huge amounts of real-world reports. The EU-ADR Web Platform was built to further facilitate accessing, monitoring and exploring these data, enabling an in-depth analysis of adverse drug reactions risks.METHODS: The EU-ADR Web Platform exploits the wealth of data collected within a large-scale European initiative, the EU-ADR project. Millions of electronic health records, provided by national health agencies, are mined for specific drug events, which are correlated with literature, protein and pathway data, resulting in a rich drug-event dataset. Next, advanced distributed computing methods are tailored to coordinate the execution of data-mining and statistical analysis tasks. This permits obtaining a ranked drug-event list, removing spurious entries and highlighting relationships with high risk potential.RESULTS: The EU-ADR Web Platform is an open workspace for the integrated analysis of pharmacovigilance datasets. Using this software, researchers can access a variety of tools provided by distinct partners in a single centralized environment. Besides performing standalone drug-event assessments, they can also control the pipeline for an improved batch analysis of custom datasets. Drug-event pairs can be substantiated and statistically analysed within the platform's innovative working environment.CONCLUSIONS: A pioneering workspace that helps in explaining the biological path of adverse drug reactions was developed within the EU-ADR project consortium. This tool, targeted at the pharmacovigilance community, is available online at https://bioinformatics.ua.pt/euadr/. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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REBIUN study on Science 2.0 and social web applications for research. There are three categories: share research, share resources and share results. Describes the applications and selected resources of interest: scientific social networks, scientific databases, research platforms, surveys, concept maps, file sharing, bibliographic management, social bookmarking, citation indexes, blogs and wikis, science news, open access. The services are evaluated and the report describes his interest to libraries.


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Background: The repertoire of statistical methods dealing with the descriptive analysis of the burden of a disease has been expanded and implemented in statistical software packages during the last years. The purpose of this paper is to present a web-based tool, REGSTATTOOLS http://regstattools.net intended to provide analysis for the burden of cancer, or other group of disease registry data. Three software applications are included in REGSTATTOOLS: SART (analysis of disease"s rates and its time trends), RiskDiff (analysis of percent changes in the rates due to demographic factors and risk of developing or dying from a disease) and WAERS (relative survival analysis). Results: We show a real-data application through the assessment of the burden of tobacco-related cancer incidence in two Spanish regions in the period 1995-2004. Making use of SART we show that lung cancer is the most common cancer among those cancers, with rising trends in incidence among women. We compared 2000-2004 data with that of 1995-1999 to assess percent changes in the number of cases as well as relative survival using RiskDiff and WAERS, respectively. We show that the net change increase in lung cancer cases among women was mainly attributable to an increased risk of developing lung cancer, whereas in men it is attributable to the increase in population size. Among men, lung cancer relative survival was higher in 2000-2004 than in 1995-1999, whereas it was similar among women when these time periods were compared. Conclusions: Unlike other similar applications, REGSTATTOOLS does not require local software installation and it is simple to use, fast and easy to interpret. It is a set of web-based statistical tools intended for automated calculation of population indicators that any professional in health or social sciences may require.


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Web-palvelussa sivuston suorituskyky muodostaa suuren osan käyttökokemuksen mielekkyydestä. Sivuston ollessa kuormitetumpi kuin normaalisti, saattaa se toimia tavallista hitaammin. Tasaamalla yhden web-palvelimen kuormaa muille palvelimille, joko laitteisto tai ohjelmistopohjaisella kuormantasauksella, voidaan saavuttaa merkittäviä suorituskykyparannuksia koko palvelulle. Teoriaosassa selvitettiin kuormantasaukseen soveltuvien algoritmien toimintaa sekä tietokantapohjaista replikaatiota, joka välittää saamansa tiedon lähes välittömästi toiselle palvelimelle. Apachen kuormantasausmoduuliin sekä sen sisältämiin algoritmeihin luotiin myös katsaus teoriaosassa. Varsinaisessa työssä luotiin Apachen kuormantasauspalvelimen ja kahden suorituspalvelimen avulla toimiva palvelinjärjestelmä. Kuormantasaimeen asennettiin käyttöön tahmeat sessiot, joiden toimintaa selvitettiin Drupal-ohjelman avulla. Apachessa on ollut ongelmia tahmeiden sessioiden kanssa, mutta työssä huomattiin kaiken toimivan mainiosti. Kuormantasaus ja tietokantojen replikaatio toimi, kuten odotettiin.


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Search engines - such as Google - have been characterized as "Databases of intentions". This class will focus on different aspects of intentionality on the web, including goal mining, goal modeling and goal-oriented search. Readings: M. Strohmaier, M. Lux, M. Granitzer, P. Scheir, S. Liaskos, E. Yu, How Do Users Express Goals on the Web? - An Exploration of Intentional Structures in Web Search, We Know'07 International Workshop on Collaborative Knowledge Management for Web Information Systems in conjunction with WISE'07, Nancy, France, 2007. [Web link] Readings: Automatic identification of user goals in web search, U. Lee and Z. Liu and J. Cho WWW '05: Proceedings of the 14th International World Wide Web Conference 391--400 (2005) [Web link]


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Powerpoint presentation of the talk given by Fiona Nichols, ECS Academic Liaison Librarian on Thursday 25th November for Info 2009.