875 resultados para Web based application
Il Web ha subito numerose trasformazioni rispetto al passato. Si è passati da un Web statico, in cui l'unica possibilità era quella di leggere i contenuti della pagina, ad un Web dinamico e interattivo come quello dei social network. Il Web moderno è, ancora oggi, un universo in espansione. La possibilità di arricchire le pagine con contenuti interattivi, video, foto e molto altro, rende l'esperienza web sempre più coinvolgente. Inoltre la diffusione sempre più ampia di mobile device ha reso necessaria l'introduzione di nuovi strumenti per sfruttare al meglio le funzionalità di tali dispositivi. Esistono al momento tantissimi linguaggi di scripting e di programmazione, ma anche CMS che offrono a chiunque la possibilità di scrivere e amministrare siti web. Nonostante le grandi potenzialità che offrono, spesso queste tecnologie si occupano di ambiti specifici e non permettono di creare sistemi omogenei che comprendano sia client che server. Dart si inserisce proprio in questo contesto. Tale linguaggio dà a i programmatori la possibilità di poter sviluppare sia lato client sia lato server. L'obiettivo principale di questo linguaggio è infatti la risoluzione di alcune problematiche comuni a molti programmatori web. Importante in questo senso è il fatto di rendere strutturata la costruzione di programmi web attraverso l'uso di interfacce e classi. Fornisce inoltre un supporto per l'integrazione di svariate funzionalità che allo stato attuale sono gestite da differenti tecnologie. L'obiettivo della presente tesi è quello di mettere a confronto Dart con alcune delle tecnologie più utilizzate al giorno d'oggi per la programmazione web-based. In particolare si prenderanno in considerazione JavaScript, jQuery, node.js e CoffeeScript.
Progettazione e realizzazione di un software gestionale web-based su piattaforma cloud
Patients with heart disease often suffer from difficulties in psychological adaptation during cardiac rehabilitation. Mood disorders such as depression are known to be highly prevalent in cardiac patients and to have a negative impact on the progression of coronary heart disease. However, cardiac patients have difficulties to get psychological treatments due to low availability and motivational difficulties. Web-based interventions have been proven to be effective in treating depressive symptoms. Deprexis is a promising web-based psychological treatment which was devised for depressed patients. The aim of the study InterHerz is to examine if Deprexis is an effective psychological treatment to reduce stress and depression in cardiac patients.
State standardized testing has always been a tool to measure a school’s performance and to help evaluate school curriculum. However, with the school of choice legislation in 1992, the MEAP test became a measuring stick to grade schools by and a major tool in attracting school of choice students. Now, declining enrollment and a state budget struggling to stay out of the red have made school of choice students more important than ever before. MEAP scores have become the deciding factor in some cases. For the past five years, the Hancock Middle School staff has been working hard to improve their students’ MEAP scores in accordance with President Bush's “No Child Left Behind” legislation. In 2005, the school was awarded a grant that enabled staff to work for two years on writing and working towards school goals that were based on the improvement of MEAP scores in writing and math. As part of this effort, the school purchased an internet-based program geared at giving students practice on state content standards. This study examined the results of efforts by Hancock Middle School to help improve student scores in mathematics on the MEAP test through the use of an online program called “Study Island.” In the past, the program was used to remediate students, and as a review with an incentive at the end of the year for students completing a certain number of objectives. It had also been used as a review before upcoming MEAP testing in the fall. All of these methods may have helped a few students perform at an increased level on their standardized test, but the question remained of whether a sustained use of the program in a classroom setting would increase an understanding of concepts and performance on the MEAP for the masses. This study addressed this question. Student MEAP scores and Study Island data from experimental and comparison groups of students were compared to understand how a sustained use of Study Island in the classroom would impact student test scores on the MEAP. In addition, these data were analyzed to determine whether Study Island results provide a good indicator of students’ MEAP performance. The results of the study suggest that there were limited benefits related to sustained use of Study Island and gave some indications about the effectiveness of the mathematics curriculum at Hancock Middle School. These results and implications for instruction are discussed.
Today’s technology is evolving at an exponential rate. Everyday technology is finding more inroads into our education system. This study seeks to determine if having access to technology, including iPad tablets and a teacher's physical science webpage resources (videos, PowerPoint® presentations, and audio podcasts), assists ninth grade high school students in attaining greater comprehension and improved scientific literacy. Comprehension of the science concepts was measured by comparing current student pretest and post test scores on a teacher-written assessment. The current student post test scores were compared with prior classes’ (2010-2011 and 2009-2010) to determine if there was a difference in outcomes between the technology interventions and traditional instruction. Students entered responses to a technology survey that measured intervention usage and their perception of helpfulness of each intervention. The current year class’ mean composite scores, between the pretest and post test increased by 6.9 points (32.5%). Student composite scores also demonstrated that the interventions were successful in helping a majority of students (64.7%) attain the curriculum goals. The interventions were also successful in increasing student scientific literacy by meeting all of Bloom's cognitive levels that were assessed. When compared with prior 2010-2011 and 2009-2010 classes, the current class received a higher mean post test score indicating a positive effect of the use of technological interventions. The survey showed a majority of students utilized at least some of the technology interventions and perceived them as helpful, especially the videos and PowerPoint® presentations.
Introduction: Distance education has grown in popularity and usage. At the same time, enrollments at postsecondary institutions continue to increase. This places significant growth pressures on institutions of higher learning. Institutions providing nursing education have historically faced limited faculty resources. This has made it difficult to meet demand for distance education; and an “all-at-once” approach to course development does little to ease this problem. In this approach, resources are expended up front before a course is offered. [See PDF for complete abstract].
This workshop will include \"Best Practices\" related to the integration of web-based instruction into allied health programs or courses. [See PDF for complete abstract]
This study assessed the perceptions of college students regarding the instructional quality of online and web based courses via a content management system. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Introduction: As the population in the United States continues to age, more attention in primary practice settings is now devoted toward managing the care of the elderly. The occurrence of elder abuse is a growing problem. It is a condition many professionals in primary care may be ill prepared with the knowledge or resources to identify and manage. [See PDF for complete abstract]
Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health concern with one-third of the world’s population infected. With the goal of eliminating TB, a component of appropriate management of the disease is ensuring baccalaureate nursing students receive current and consistent TB education. [See PDF for complete abstract]
BACKGROUND The number of older adults in the global population is increasing. This demographic shift leads to an increasing prevalence of age-associated disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. With the progression of the disease, the risk for institutional care increases, which contrasts with the desire of most patients to stay in their home environment. Despite doctors' and caregivers' awareness of the patient's cognitive status, they are often uncertain about its consequences on activities of daily living (ADL). To provide effective care, they need to know how patients cope with ADL, in particular, the estimation of risks associated with the cognitive decline. The occurrence, performance, and duration of different ADL are important indicators of functional ability. The patient's ability to cope with these activities is traditionally assessed with questionnaires, which has disadvantages (eg, lack of reliability and sensitivity). Several groups have proposed sensor-based systems to recognize and quantify these activities in the patient's home. Combined with Web technology, these systems can inform caregivers about their patients in real-time (e.g., via smartphone). OBJECTIVE We hypothesize that a non-intrusive system, which does not use body-mounted sensors, video-based imaging, and microphone recordings would be better suited for use in dementia patients. Since it does not require patient's attention and compliance, such a system might be well accepted by patients. We present a passive, Web-based, non-intrusive, assistive technology system that recognizes and classifies ADL. METHODS The components of this novel assistive technology system were wireless sensors distributed in every room of the participant's home and a central computer unit (CCU). The environmental data were acquired for 20 days (per participant) and then stored and processed on the CCU. In consultation with medical experts, eight ADL were classified. RESULTS In this study, 10 healthy participants (6 women, 4 men; mean age 48.8 years; SD 20.0 years; age range 28-79 years) were included. For explorative purposes, one female Alzheimer patient (Montreal Cognitive Assessment score=23, Timed Up and Go=19.8 seconds, Trail Making Test A=84.3 seconds, Trail Making Test B=146 seconds) was measured in parallel with the healthy subjects. In total, 1317 ADL were performed by the participants, 1211 ADL were classified correctly, and 106 ADL were missed. This led to an overall sensitivity of 91.27% and a specificity of 92.52%. Each subject performed an average of 134.8 ADL (SD 75). CONCLUSIONS The non-intrusive wireless sensor system can acquire environmental data essential for the classification of activities of daily living. By analyzing retrieved data, it is possible to distinguish and assign data patterns to subjects' specific activities and to identify eight different activities in daily living. The Web-based technology allows the system to improve care and provides valuable information about the patient in real-time.