999 resultados para Wear particle


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Vehicles affect the concentrations of ambient airborne particles through exhaust emissions, but particles are also formed in the mechanical processes in the tire-road interface, brakes, and engine. Particles deposited on or in the vicinity of the road may be re-entrained, or resuspended, into air through vehicle-induced turbulence and shearing stress of the tires. A commonly used term for these particles is road dust . The processes affecting road dust emissions are complex and currently not well known. Road dust has been acknowledged as a dominant source of PM10 especially during spring in the sub-arctic urban areas, e.g. in Scandinavia, Finland, North America and Japan. The high proportion of road dust in sub-arctic regions of the world has been linked to the snowy winter conditions that make it necessary to use traction control methods. Traction control methods include dispersion of traction sand, melting of ice with brine solutions, and equipping the tires with either metal studs (studded winter tires), snow chains, or special tire design (friction tires). Several of these methods enhance the formation of mineral particles from pavement wear and/or from traction sand that accumulate in the road environment during winter. When snow and ice melt and surfaces dry out, traffic-induced turbulence makes some of the particles airborne. A general aim of this study was to study processes and factors underlying and affecting the formation and emissions of road dust from paved road surfaces. Special emphasis was placed on studying particle formation and sources during tire road interaction, especially when different applications of traction control, namely traction sanding and/or winter tires were in use. Respirable particles with aerodynamic diameter below 10 micrometers (PM10) have been the main concern, but other size ranges and particle size distributions were also studied. The following specific research questions were addressed: i) How do traction sanding and physical properties of the traction sand aggregate affect formation of road dust? ii) How do studded tires affect the formation of road dust when compared with friction tires? iii) What are the composition and sources of airborne road dust in a road simulator and during a springtime road dust episode in Finland? iv) What is the size distribution of abrasion particles from tire-road interaction? The studies were conducted both in a road simulator and in field conditions. The test results from the road simulator showed that traction sanding increased road dust emissions, and that the effect became more dominant with increasing sand load. A high percentage of fine-grained anti-skid aggregate of overall grading increased the PM10 concentrations. Anti-skid aggregate with poor resistance to fragmentation resulted in higher PM levels compared with the other aggregates, and the effect became more significant with higher aggregate loads. Glaciofluvial aggregates tended to cause higher particle concentrations than crushed rocks with good fragmentation resistance. Comparison of tire types showed that studded tires result in higher formation of PM emissions compared with friction tires. The same trend between the tires was present in the tests with and without anti-skid aggregate. This finding applies to test conditions of the road simulator with negligible resuspension. Source and composition analysis showed that the particles in the road simulator were mainly minerals and originated from both traction sand and pavement aggregates. A clear contribution of particles from anti-skid aggregate to ambient PM and dust deposition was also observed in urban conditions. The road simulator results showed that the interaction between tires, anti-skid aggregate and road surface is important in dust production and the relative contributions of these sources depend on their properties. Traction sand grains are fragmented into smaller particles under the tires, but they also wear the pavement aggregate. Therefore particles from both aggregates are observed. The mass size distribution of traction sand and pavement wear particles was mainly coarse, but fine and submicron particles were also present.


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Tribology of small inorganic nanoparticles in suspension in a liquid lubricant is often impaired because these particles agglomerate even when organic dispersants are used. In this paper we use lateral force microscopy to study the deformation mechanism and dissipation under traction of two extreme configurations (1) a large MoS2 particle (similar to 20 mu m width) of about 1 mu m height and (2) an agglomerate (similar to 20 mu m width), constituting 50 nm MoS2 crystallites, of about 1 mu m height. The agglomerate records a friction coefficient which is about 5-7 times that of monolithic particle. The paper examines the mechanisms of material removal for both the particles using continuum modeling and microscopy and infers that while the agglomerate response to traction can be accounted for by the bulk mechanical properties of the material, intralayer and interlayer basal planar slips determine the friction and wear of monolithic particles. The results provide a rationale for selection of layered particles, for suspension in liquid lubricants.


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Grinding media wear appears to be non-linear with the time of grinding in a laboratory-scale ball mill. The kinetics of wear can be expressed as a power law of the type w=atb, where the numerical constant a represents wear of a particular microstructure at time t = 1 min and b is the wear exponent which is independent of the particle size prevailing inside a ball mill at any instant of time of grinding. The wear exponent appears to be an indicator of the cutting wear mechanism in dry grinding: a plot of the inverse of the normalised wear exponent (Image ) versusHs (where Hs is the worn surface hardness of the media) yields a curve similar to that of a wear resistance plot obtained in the case of two-body sliding abrasive wear. This method of evaluating the cutting wear resistance of media is demonstrated by employing 15 different microstructures of AISI-SAE 52100 steel balls in dry grinding of quartz in a laboratory-scale ball mill.


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Wear of high carbon low alloy (HCLA) cast steel balls during the grinding of a chalcopyrite ore was evaluated under different experimental conditions. The role of oxygen in enhancing ball wear during wet finding is brought out. The influence of pH on ball wear was also examined from the view point of acid production during grinding and reactivity of sulphides. Contributions from corrosion and abrasion towards ball wear are quantified in terms of ball wear rates as a function of time, particle size and gaseous atmosphere in the mill.


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Ceramic matrix composites of Al2O3-SiC-(Al,Si) have been fabricated by directed melt oxidation of aluminum alloys into SiC particulate preforms. The proportions of Al2O3, alloy, and porosity in the composite can be controlled by proper selection of SLC particle size and the processing temperature. The wear resistance of composites was evaluated in pin-on-disk experiments against a hard steel substrate. Minimum wear rate comparable to conventional ceramics such as ZTA is recorded for the composition containing the highest fraction of alloy, owing to the development of a thin and adherent tribofilm with a low coefficient of friction.


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Nanoscale surface modification, by the interaction of sliding surfaces and mobile nanoparticles, is a critical parameter for controlling friction, wear and failure of surface structures. Here we demonstrate how nanoparticles form and interact in real-time at moving nanocontacts, with reciprocating wear tests imaged in situ at the nanoscale over > 300 cycles in a transmission electron microscope. Between sliding surfaces, friction-formed nanoparticles are observed with rolling, sliding and spinning motions, dependant on localised contact conditions and particle geometry. Over periods of many scratch cycles, nanoparticles dynamically agglomerate into elongated clusters, and dissociate into smaller particulates. We also show that the onset of rolling motion of these particles accompanies a reduction in measured friction. Introduction of nanoparticles with optimum shape and property can thus be used to control friction and wear in microdevices.


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The rates of erosive wear have been measured for a series of eight polyester-based one-component castable polyurethane elastomers, with widely varying mechanical properties. Erosion tests were conducted with airborne silica sand, 120μm in particle size, at an impact velocity of 50 ms-1 and impact angles of 30° and 90°. For these materials, which all showed similar values of rebound resilience, the erosion rate increased with increasing hardness, tensile modulus and tensile strength. These findings are at variance with those expected for wear by abrasion, perhaps because of differences in the strain rate or strain levels imposed on the elastomer during erosion and abrasion.


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A study has been performed of the erosion of aluminium by silica sand particles at a velocity of 4.5 m s-1, both air-borne and in the form of a water-borne slurry. Measurements made under similar experimental conditions show that slurry erosion proceeds at a rate several times that of air-borne erosion, the ratio of the two rates depending strongly on the angle of impact. Sand particles become embedded into the metal surface during air-borne particle erosion, forming a composite layer of metal and silica, and provide the major cause of the difference in wear rate. The embedded particles giving rise to surface hardening and a significant reduction in the erosion rate. Embedment of erodent particles was not observed during slurry erosion. Lubrication of the impacting interfaces by water appears to have minimal effect on the wear of aluminium by slurry erosion.


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Micro-scale abrasion (ball cratering) tests were performed with different combinations of ball and bulk specimen materials, under different test conditions, such as load and abrasive slurry concentration. Wear modes were classified into two types: with rolling particle motion and with grooving particle motion. Wear rates observed with rolling particle motion were relatively insensitive to test conditions, whereas with grooving motion they varied much more. It is suggested that rolling abrasion is therefore a more appropriate mode if reproducible test results are desired. The motion of the abrasive particles can be reliably predicted from the knowledge of hardnesses and elastic properties of the ball and the specimen, and from the normal load and the abrasive slurry concentration. General trends in wear resistance measured in the micro-scale abrasion test with rolling particle motion are similar to those reported in tests with fixed abrasives with sliding particle motion, although the variation in wear resistance with hardness is significantly smaller. © 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The microscale abrasion or ball-cratering test is being increasingly applied to a wide range of bulk materials and coatings. The response of materials to this test depends critically on the nature of the motion of the abrasive particles in the contact zone: whether they roll and produce multiple indentations in the coating, or slide causing grooving abrasion. Similar phenomena also occur when hard contaminant particles enter a lubricated contact. This paper presents simple quantitative two-dimensional models which describe two aspects of the interaction between a hard abrasive particle and two sliding surfaces. The first model treats the conditions under which a spherical abrasive particle of size d can be entrained into the gap between a rotating sphere of radius R and a plane surface. These conditions are determined by the coefficients of friction between the particle and the sphere, and the particle and the plane, denoted by μs and μp respectively. This model predicts that the values of (μs + μp) and 2μs should both exceed √2d/R for the particles to be entrained into the contact. If either is less than this value, the particle will slide against the sphere and never enter the contact. The second model describes the mechanisms of abrasive wear in a contact when an idealized rhombus-sectioned prismatic particle is located between two parallel plane surfaces separated by a certain distance, which can represent either the thickness of a fluid film or the spacing due to the presence of other particles. It is shown that both the ratio of particle size to the separation of the surfaces and the ratio of the hardnesses of the two surfaces have important influences on the particle motion and hence on the mechanism of the resulting abrasive wear. Results from this model are compared with experimental observations, and the model is shown to lead to realistic predictions. © IMechE 2003.