945 resultados para Weakly Singular-integrals
A direct method of solution is presented for singular integral equations of the first kind, involving the combination of a logarithmic and a Cauchy type singularity. Two typical cages are considered, in one of which the range of integration is a Single finite interval and, in the other, the range of integration is a union of disjoint finite intervals. More such general equations associated with a finite number (greater than two) of finite, disjoint, intervals can also be handled by the technique employed here.
Tutkimuksen aihe on subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttö finiittisten verbimuotojen yhteydessä espanjan ja portugalin kielessä. Tutkimuskohteena ovat yksikön ensimmäisen persoonan verbimuodot Espanjassa ja Portugalissa kerätyissä puhekielen korpuksissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittää, mitkä semanttiset ja pragmaattiset tekijät vaikuttavat subjektipronominin ei-pakollisen käytön yleisyyteen ja mitä systemaattisia eroja subjektipronominin käytössä on espanjan ja portugalin välillä. Tutkimus kuuluu korpuslingvistiikan alaan ja ensisijaisena tutkimusmetodina on kvantitatiivinen vertailu. Tutkimus osoittaa, että yksikön ensimmäisen persoonan subjektipronominin ei-pakollinen käyttö on käytännössä kaikissa konteksteissa yleisempää portugalissa kuin espanjassa. Tätä eroa voidaan selittää kielten konstituenttirakenteen typologisella erilaisuudella. Subjektin semanttinen rooli on tutkimuksen perusteella sidoksissa subjektipronominin käyttöön enemmän espanjassa kuin portugalissa, mutta kummassakaan kielessä subjektipronominin käyttöä ei voida selittää pelkästään subjektin semanttisella roolilla. Molemmissa kielissä samanviitteisyys edellisen subjektin kanssa vähentää subjektipronominin käyttöä, kun taas subjektipronominin ei-referentiaalinen käyttö ja toisaalta verbin ilmaiseman toiminnan irreaalisuus lisäävät sitä. Tutkimustulokset antavat aihetta lisätutkimukseen pronominien ja verbien ei-referentiaalisesta ja irreaalisesta käytöstä espanjassa ja portugalissa sekä typologi-seen tutkimukseen subjektipronominien käyttöön vaikuttavista tekijöistä eri kielissä.
An exact expression for the calculation of gaussian path integrals involving non-local potentials is given. Its utility is demonstrated by using it to evaluate a path integral arising in the study of an electron gas in a random potential.
It is shown that the a;P?lication of the Poincare-Bertrand fcm~ulaw hen made in a suitable manner produces the s~lutiano f certain singular integral equations very quickly, thc method of arriving at which, otherwise, is too complicaled. Two singular integral equations are considered. One of these quaiions is with a Cauchy-tyge kcrnel arid the other is an equalion which appears in the a a w guide theory and the theory of dishcations. Adifferent approach i? alw made here to solve the singular integralquation> of the waveguide theor? ind this i ~ v o l v eth~e use of the inversion formula of the Cauchy-type singular integral equahn and dudion to a system of TIilberl problems for two unknowns which can be dwupled wry easily to obi& tbe closed form solutim of the irilegral equatlou at band. The methods of the prescnt paper avoid all the complicaled approaches of solving the singular integral equaticn of the waveguide theory knowr todate.
An investigation of bond formation in the weakly bound first excited 1Σ and lowest 3Σ states of HeH+
The role of the electronic kinetic energy and its Cartesian components is examined during the formation of the first excited 1�£ and the lowest 3�£ states of HeH+ employing wavefunctions of multi-configuration type with basis orbitals in elliptic coordinates. Results show that the bond formation in these states is preceded primarily by a charge transfer from H to He+ rather than by polarisation of the H-orbital by He+
The nonlinear singular integral equation of transonic flow is examined, noting that standard numerical techniques are not applicable in solving it. The difficulties in approximating the integral term in this expression were solved by special methods mitigating the inaccuracies caused by standard approximations. It was shown how the infinite domain of integration can be reduced to a finite one; numerical results were plotted demonstrating that the methods proposed here improve accuracy and computational economy.
Video surveillance infrastructure has been widely installed in public places for security purposes. However, live video feeds are typically monitored by human staff, making the detection of important events as they occur difficult. As such, an expert system that can automatically detect events of interest in surveillance footage is highly desirable. Although a number of approaches have been proposed, they have significant limitations: supervised approaches, which can detect a specific event, ideally require a large number of samples with the event spatially and temporally localised; while unsupervised approaches, which do not require this demanding annotation, can only detect whether an event is abnormal and not specific event types. To overcome these problems, we formulate a weakly-supervised approach using Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to detect rare events. The proposed approach leverages the sparse nature of the target events to its advantage, and we show that this data imbalance guarantees the existence of a decision boundary to separate samples that contain the target event from those that do not. This trait, combined with the coarse annotation used by weakly supervised learning (that only indicates approximately when an event occurs), greatly reduces the annotation burden while retaining the ability to detect specific events. Furthermore, the proposed classifier requires only a decision threshold, simplifying its use compared to other weakly supervised approaches. We show that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods on a popular real-world traffic surveillance dataset, while preserving real time performance.
Using a singular perturbation analysis the nonplanar Burgers' equation is solved to yield the shock wave-displacement due to diffusion for spherical and cylindrical N waves, thus supplementing the earlier results of Lighthill for the plane N waves. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.
An analytic treatment of localization in a weakly disordered system is presented for the case where the real lattice is approximated by a Cayley tree. Contrary to a recent assertion we find that the mobility edge moves inwards into the band as disorder increases from zero.
This paper presents an analysis of an optimal linear filter in the presence of constraints on the moan squared values of the estimates from the viewpoint of singular optimal control. The singular arc has been shown to satisfy the generalized Legcndrc-Clebseh condition and Jacobson's condition. Both the cases of white measurement noise and coloured measurement noise are considered. The constrained estimate is shown to be a linear transformation of the unconstrained Kalman estimate.
Purpose: A computationally efficient algorithm (linear iterative type) based on singular value decomposition (SVD) of the Jacobian has been developed that can be used in rapid dynamic near-infrared (NIR) diffuse optical tomography. Methods: Numerical and experimental studies have been conducted to prove the computational efficacy of this SVD-based algorithm over conventional optical image reconstruction algorithms. Results: These studies indicate that the performance of linear iterative algorithms in terms of contrast recovery (quantitation of optical images) is better compared to nonlinear iterative (conventional) algorithms, provided the initial guess is close to the actual solution. The nonlinear algorithms can provide better quality images compared to the linear iterative type algorithms. Moreover, the analytical and numerical equivalence of the SVD-based algorithm to linear iterative algorithms was also established as a part of this work. It is also demonstrated that the SVD-based image reconstruction typically requires O(NN2) operations per iteration, as contrasted with linear and nonlinear iterative methods that, respectively, requir O(NN3) and O(NN6) operations, with ``NN'' being the number of unknown parameters in the optical image reconstruction procedure. Conclusions: This SVD-based computationally efficient algorithm can make the integration of image reconstruction procedure with the data acquisition feasible, in turn making the rapid dynamic NIR tomography viable in the clinic to continuously monitor hemodynamic changes in the tissue pathophysiology.
Dynamic systems involving convolution integrals with decaying kernels, of which fractionally damped systems form a special case, are non-local in time and hence infinite dimensional. Straightforward numerical solution of such systems up to time t needs O(t(2)) computations owing to the repeated evaluation of integrals over intervals that grow like t. Finite-dimensional and local approximations are thus desirable. We present here an approximation method which first rewrites the evolution equation as a coupled in finite-dimensional system with no convolution, and then uses Galerkin approximation with finite elements to obtain linear, finite-dimensional, constant coefficient approximations for the convolution. This paper is a broad generalization, based on a new insight, of our prior work with fractional order derivatives (Singh & Chatterjee 2006 Nonlinear Dyn. 45, 183-206). In particular, the decaying kernels we can address are now generalized to the Laplace transforms of known functions; of these, the power law kernel of fractional order differentiation is a special case. The approximation can be refined easily. The local nature of the approximation allows numerical solution up to time t with O(t) computations. Examples with several different kernels show excellent performance. A key feature of our approach is that the dynamic system in which the convolution integral appears is itself approximated using another system, as distinct from numerically approximating just the solution for the given initial values; this allows non-standard uses of the approximation, e. g. in stability analyses.
We investigate the dynamics of peeling of an adhesive tape subjected to a constant pull speed. Due to the constraint between the pull force, peel angle and the peel force, the equations of motion derived earlier fall into the category of differential-algebraic equations (DAE) requiring an appropriate algorithm for its numerical solution. By including the kinetic energy arising from the stretched part of the tape in the Lagrangian, we derive equations of motion that support stick-slip jumps as a natural consequence of the inherent dynamics itself, thus circumventing the need to use any special algorithm. In the low mass limit, these equations reproduce solutions obtained using a differential-algebraic algorithm introduced for the earlier singular equations. We find that mass has a strong influence on the dynamics of the model rendering periodic solutions to chaotic and vice versa. Apart from the rich dynamics, the model reproduces several qualitative features of the different waveforms of the peel force function as also the decreasing nature of force drop magnitudes.
Based on the recently found closed-form expressions of the Boltzmann collision integrals in a rigid-sphere gas for multi-Maxwellian distributions, a few typical sets of contour surfaces of the integrals in the space of molecular velocities are presented. These show graphically the tendency toward equilibrium under the influence of collisions. A brief preliminary comparison with Monte Carlo results is also given.