999 resultados para Wavelength dependent
Nonlinear optical loop mirror (NOLM) requires breaking the loop symmetry to enable the counter propagating pulses to acquire a differential π phase shift. This is achieved with either an asymmetric fused fibre coupler at the input or by the inclusion of an asymmetrically located gain or loss element within the loop. By introducing a frequency selective loss element, nonlinear switching may be confined to a narrow band of wavelengths or multiple wavelengths. This configuration may have applications in time-wavelength demultiplexing. We demonstrate this technique of bandpass switching in the soliton regime using a fibre-Bragg grating reflector as the wavelength dependent loss.
A method of discriminating between temperature and strain effects in fibre sensing using a conventionally written, in-fibre Bragg grating is presented. The technique uses wavelength information from the first and second diffraction orders of the grating element to determine the wavelength dependent strain and temperature coefficients, from which independent temperature and strain measurements can be made. The authors present results that validate this matrix inversion technique and quantify the strain and temperature errors which can arise for a given uncertainty in the measurement of the reflected wavelength.
Multiwavelength fiber laser is a perfect light source for future wavelength-division-multiplexing optical communication systems. A multiwavelength fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation with up to 18 wavelengths has been proposed and demonstrated. The intensity- and wavelength-dependent loss induced by nonlinear polarization rotation effect is used to alleviate the mode competition in the homogeneous broadening gain medium of erbium-doped fiber. Instead of traditional filters, a polarization-maintaining fiber is inserted into the laser cavity, with which the polarization-dependent isolator composes an equivalent Lyot birefringent fiber filter. The in-line birefringence fiber filter is used to simplify the laser configuration, which benefits systematic integration. The effect of the 980 nm pump power on the multiwavelength generation is investigated. It is shown that the pump power contributes a lot to the evenness of the multiwavelength spectra due to the intensity dependence of nonlinear polarization rotation effect.
We experimentally investigate the use of an arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) to interrogate fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors. A broadband light source is used to illuminate the FBG sensors. Reflected spectral information is directed to the AWG containing integral photodetectors providing 40 electrical outputs. Three methods are described to interrogate FBG sensors. The first technique makes use of the wavelength-dependent transmission profile of an AWG channel passband, giving a usable range of 500 με and a dynamic strain resolution of 96 nε Hz-1/2 at 13 Hz. The second approach utilizes wide gratings larger than the channel spacing of the AWG; by monitoring the intensity present in several neighbouring AWG channels an improved range of 1890 με was achieved. The third method improves the dynamic range by utilizing a heterodyne approach based on interferometric wavelength shift detection, providing an improved dynamic strain resolution of 17 nε Hz -1/2 at 30 Hz. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.
A novel device configuration is used to demonstrate wavelength-confined, a bandpass, switching in a nonlinear-optical loop mirror (WOLM). Demonstrated is a self-switching in the soliton regime using a partially reflecting Bragg grating as a wavelength-dependent loss element. Two wavelength operation in which a signal is switched through the use of cross phase modulation, are demonstrated. Observed is the operation of the device confined to wavelengths defined by the grating reflection band.
We have investigated numerically and experimentally a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor interrogation scheme utilizing a linear chirped grating-based Sagnac loop as a wavelength-dependent receiver. The scheme is suitable for both static and dynamic sensor interrogation with advantages of stable and linear readout response and easily-adjustable sensing resolution and dynamic range. Static and dynamic strain resolutions as high as ± 4.2 με and 0.406 με/√ Hz have been demonstrated using this scheme.
The fabrication of submicron-height sine-like relief of a trifocal diffractive zone plate using a nanoimprinting technique is studied. The zone plate is intended for use in combined trifocal diffractive-refractive lenses and provides the possibility to form trifocal intraocular lenses with predetermined light intensity distribution between foci. The optical properties of the designed zone plate having the optical powers 3 D, 0, -3D in the three main diffraction orders are theoretically and experimentally investigated. The results of the theoretical investigations are in good agreement with experimental measurements. The effects of the pupil size (lens diameter) as well as the wavelength-dependent behavior of the zone plate are also discussed.
For children with intractable seizures, surgical removal of epileptic foci, if identifiable and feasible, can be an effective way to reduce or eliminate seizures. The success of this type of surgery strongly hinges upon the ability to identify and demarcate those epileptic foci. The ultimate goal of this research project is to develop an effective technology for detection of unique in vivo pathophysiological characteristics of epileptic cortex and, subsequently, to use this technology to guide epilepsy surgery intraoperatively. In this PhD dissertation the feasibility of using optical spectroscopy to identify uniquein vivo pathophysiological characteristics of epileptic cortex was evaluated and proven using the data collected from children undergoing epilepsy surgery. ^ In this first in vivo human study, static diffuse reflectance and fluorescence spectra were measured from the epileptic cortex, defined by intraoperative ECoG, and its surrounding tissue from pediatric patients undergoing epilepsy surgery. When feasible, biopsy samples were taken from the investigated sites for the subsequent histological analysis. Using the histological data as the gold standard, spectral data was analyzed with statistical tools. The results of the analysis show that static diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and its combination with static fluorescence spectroscopy can be used to effectively differentiate between epileptic cortex with histopathological abnormalities and normal cortex in vivo with a high degree of accuracy. ^ To maximize the efficiency of optical spectroscopy in detecting and localizing epileptic cortex intraoperatively, the static system was upgraded to investigate histopathological abnormalities deep within the epileptic cortex, as well as to detect unique temporal pathophysiological characteristics of epileptic cortex. Detection of deep abnormalities within the epileptic cortex prompted a redesign of the fiberoptic probe. A mechanical probe holder was also designed and constructed to maintain the probe contact pressure and contact point during the time dependent measurements. The dynamic diffuse reflectance spectroscopy system was used to characterize in vivo pediatric epileptic cortex. The results of the study show that some unique wavelength dependent temporal characteristics (e.g., multiple horizontal bands in the correlation coefficient map γ(λref = 800 nm, λcomp ,t)) can be found in the time dependent recordings of diffuse reflectance spectra from epileptic cortex defined by ECoG.^
A novel interrogation technique for fully distributed linearly chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCFBG) strain sensors with simultaneous high temporal and spatial resolution based on optical time-stretch frequency-domain reflectometry (OTS-FDR) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. LCFBGs is a promising candidate for fully distributed sensors thanks to its longer grating length and broader reflection bandwidth compared to normal uniform FBGs. In the proposed system, two identical LCFBGs are employed in a Michelson interferometer setup with one grating serving as the reference grating whereas the other serving as the sensing element. Broadband spectral interferogram is formed and the strain information is encoded into the wavelength-dependent free spectral range (FSR). Ultrafast interrogation is achieved based on dispersion-induced time stretch such that the target spectral interferogram is mapped to a temporal interference waveform that can be captured in real-Time using a single-pixel photodector. The distributed strain along the sensing grating can be reconstructed from the instantaneous RF frequency of the captured waveform. High-spatial resolution is also obtained due to high-speed data acquisition. In a proof-of-concept experiment, ultrafast real-Time interrogation of fully-distributed grating sensors with various strain distributions is experimentally demonstrated. An ultrarapid measurement speed of 50 MHz with a high spatial resolution of 31.5 μm over a gauge length of 25 mm and a strain resolution of 9.1 μϵ have been achieved.
In order to power our planet for the next century, clean energy technologies need to be developed and deployed. Photovoltaic solar cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, are a clear option; however, they currently supply 0.1% of the US electricity due to the relatively high cost per Watt of generation. Thus, our goal is to create more power from a photovoltaic device, while simultaneously reducing its price. To accomplish this goal, we are creating new high efficiency anti-reflection coatings that allow more of the incident sunlight to be converted to electricity, using simple and inexpensive coating techniques that enable reduced manufacturing costs. Traditional anti-reflection coatings (consisting of thin layers of non-absorbing materials) rely on the destructive interference of the reflected light, causing more light to enter the device and subsequently get absorbed. While these coatings are used on nearly all commercial cells, they are wavelength dependent and are deposited using expensive processes that require elevated temperatures, which increase production cost and can be detrimental to some temperature sensitive solar cell materials. We are developing two new classes of anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) based on textured dielectric materials: (i) a transparent, flexible paper technology that relies on optical scattering and reduced refractive index contrast between the air and semiconductor and (ii) silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanosphere arrays that rely on collective optical resonances. Both techniques improve solar cell absorption and ultimately yield high efficiency, low cost devices. For the transparent paper-based ARCs, we have recently shown that they improve solar cell efficiencies for all angles of incident illumination reducing the need for costly tracking of the sun’s position. For a GaAs solar cell, we achieved a 24% improvement in the power conversion efficiency using this simple coating. Because the transparent paper is made from an earth abundant material (wood pulp) using an easy, inexpensive and scalable process, this type of ARC is an excellent candidate for future solar technologies. The coatings based on arrays of dielectric nanospheres also show excellent potential for inexpensive, high efficiency solar cells. The fabrication process is based on a Meyer rod rolling technique, which can be performed at room-temperature and applied to mass production, yielding a scalable and inexpensive manufacturing process. The deposited monolayer of SiO2 nanospheres, having a diameter of 500 nm on a bare Si wafer, leads to a significant increase in light absorption and a higher expected current density based on initial simulations, on the order of 15-20%. With application on a Si solar cell containing a traditional anti-reflection coating (Si3N4 thin-film), an additional increase in the spectral current density is observed, 5% beyond what a typical commercial device would achieve. Due to the coupling between the spheres originated from Whispering Gallery Modes (WGMs) inside each nanosphere, the incident light is strongly coupled into the high-index absorbing material, leading to increased light absorption. Furthermore, the SiO2 nanospheres scatter and diffract light in such a way that both the optical and electrical properties of the device have little dependence on incident angle, eliminating the need for solar tracking. Because the layer can be made with an easy, inexpensive, and scalable process, this anti-reflection coating is also an excellent candidate for replacing conventional technologies relying on complicated and expensive processes.
In Situ Characterization of Optical Absorption by Carbonaceous Aerosols: Calibration and Measurement
Light absorption by aerosols has a great impact on climate change. A Photoacoustic spectrometer (PA) coupled with aerosol-based classification techniques represents an in situ method that can quantify the light absorption by aerosols in a real time, yet significant differences have been reported using this method versus filter based methods or the so-called difference method based upon light extinction and light scattering measurements. This dissertation focuses on developing calibration techniques for instruments used in measuring the light absorption cross section, including both particle diameter measurements by the differential mobility analyzer (DMA) and light absorption measurements by PA. Appropriate reference materials were explored for the calibration/validation of both measurements. The light absorption of carbonaceous aerosols was also investigated to provide fundamental understanding to the absorption mechanism. The first topic of interest in this dissertation is the development of calibration nanoparticles. In this study, bionanoparticles were confirmed to be a promising reference material for particle diameter as well as ion-mobility. Experimentally, bionanoparticles demonstrated outstanding homogeneity in mobility compared to currently used calibration particles. A numerical method was developed to calculate the true distribution and to explain the broadening of measured distribution. The high stability of bionanoparticles was also confirmed. For PA measurement, three aerosol with spherical or near spherical shapes were investigated as possible candidates for a reference standard: C60, copper and silver. Comparisons were made between experimental photoacoustic absorption data with Mie theory calculations. This resulted in the identification of C60 particles with a mobility diameter of 150 nm to 400 nm as an absorbing standard at wavelengths of 405 nm and 660 nm. Copper particles with a mobility diameter of 80 nm to 300 nm are also shown to be a promising reference candidate at wavelength of 405 nm. The second topic of this dissertation focuses on the investigation of light absorption by carbonaceous particles using PA. Optical absorption spectra of size and mass selected laboratory generated aerosols consisting of black carbon (BC), BC with non-absorbing coating (ammonium sulfate and sodium chloride) and BC with a weakly absorbing coating (brown carbon derived from humic acid) were measured across the visible to near-IR (500 nm to 840 nm). The manner in which BC mixed with each coating material was investigated. The absorption enhancement of BC was determined to be wavelength dependent. Optical absorption spectra were also taken for size and mass selected smoldering smoke produced from six types of commonly seen wood in a laboratory scale apparatus.
One of the important issues in establishing a fault tolerant connection in a wavelength division multiplexing optical network is computing a pair of disjoint working and protection paths and a free wavelength along the paths. While most of the earlier research focused only on computing disjoint paths, in this work we consider computing both disjoint paths and a free wavelength along the paths. The concept of dependent cost structure (DCS) of protection paths to enhance their resource sharing ability was proposed in our earlier work. In this work we extend the concept of DCS of protection paths to wavelength continuous networks. We formalize the problem of computing disjoint paths with DCS in wavelength continuous networks and prove that it is NP-complete. We present an iterative heuristic that uses a layered graph model to compute disjoint paths with DCS and identify a free wavelength.
In this paper we present results on the optimization of multilayered a-SiC:H heterostructures for wavelength-division (de) multiplexing applications. The non selective WDM device is a double heterostructure in a glass/ITO/a-SiC:H (p-i-n) /a-SiC:H(-p) /a-Si:H(-i')/a-SiC:H (-n')/ITO configuration. The single or the multiple modulated wavelength channels are passed through the device, and absorbed accordingly to its wavelength, giving rise to a time dependent wavelength electrical field modulation across it. The effect of single or multiple input signals is converted to an electrical signal to regain the information (wavelength, intensity and frequency) of the incoming photogenerated carriers. Here, the (de) multiplexing of the channels is accomplished electronically, not optically. This approach offers advantages in terms of cost since several channels share the same optical components; and the electrical components are typically less expensive than the optical ones. An electrical model gives insight into the device operation.
Direction Dependent Transmission Characteristics of Dye Mixture Doped Polymer Optical Fibre Preforms
The direction dependant wavelength selective transmission mechanism in poly (methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) rods doped with C 540 dye and C 540:Rh.B dye mixture as a combination has been investigated. When a polished slice of pure C 540 doped polymer rod was used side by side with a C540:Rh B doped rod with acceptor concentration [A] = 7x10-4 m/l , we could notice more than 100% change in the transmitted intensity along opposite directions at the C 540, Rh B emission and the excitation wavelengths . A blue high bright LED emitting at a peak wavelength 465nm was used as the excitation source.
Direction Dependent Transmission Characteristics of Dye Mixture Doped Polymer Optical Fibre Preforms
The direction dependant wavelength selective transmission mechanism in poly (methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) rods doped with C 540 dye and C 540:Rh.B dye mixture as a combination has been investigated. When a polished slice of pure C 540 doped polymer rod was used side by side with a C540:Rh B doped rod with acceptor concentration [A] = 7x10-4 m/l , we could notice more than 100% change in the transmitted intensity along opposite directions at the C 540, Rh B emission and the excitation wavelengths . A blue high bright LED emitting at a peak wavelength 465nm was used as the excitation source.