44 resultados para Waterfalls


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Este estudo apresenta diferentes metodologias aplicadas para compreender o funcionamento dos ambientes de um trecho do rio Xingu (PA), em relação à comunidade de peixes que nele habitam. Através do uso da ictiofauna procurou-se confirmar alguns padrões ambientais, visando constatar o estado atual de conservação de um trecho deste rio. A partir de levantamentos da ictiofauna local conforme a variação sazonal do rio, foram feitas diferentes análises ao nível espécies, populações e guildas tróficas. No nível de organização das populações, o estudo de parâmetros biológicos tais como: taxa de crescimento corporal, tamanho corporal máximo, taxa de mortalidade e o tamanho médio do início da maturação sexual constituíram uma boa aproximação para entender a história de vida dos diferentes grupos de peixes. Foi evidenciada uma tendência das comunidades de estarem conformadas por espécies tipo r-estrategistas e com menor tamanho corporal, em relação ao número de k-estrategistas de maior tamanho. Numa abordagem funcional, foi verificado que estruturar as comunidades em guildas constitui um bom indicador tanto dos padrões de convergência de uni ecossistema afim ao setor estudado do Xingu quanto do atual estado de conservação do mesmo. Um modelo de balanço de massas construído para o setor do médio rio Xingu indicou que se trata de um sistema com grande instabilidade ambiental e, que por sua vez, se comporta como um sistema sazonalmente maduro. A aparente restrição sazonal na disponibilidade de recursos alimentares observada para o setor de rio estudado pode incidir numa máxima eficiência no uso e transferência dos mesmos no ecossistema. Uma análise biogeográfica foi feita a partir da ocorrência das espécies para contextualizar o setor do rio compreendido entre a confluência dos rios Iriri e Xingu até as proximidades do povoado de Senador José Porfirio, na bacia do Xingu. Através desta análise verificou-se que o médio (a montante das cachoeiras) e baixo Xingu (a jusante) encontram-se inseridos em duas áreas de endemismo. A baixa afinidade na composição de espécies, observada para estes dois setores, é atribuída a uma variação geográfica na paisagem. Assim, a ocorrência do limite das cachoeiras nas proximidades do povoado de Belomonte e o efeito do rio Amazonas no setor do baixo Xingu podem ser os principais fatores que explicam as diferenças na composição ictiofaunística e na abundância das espécies em relação ao setor do médio Xingu. Finalmente, ressalta-se a importância da manutenção da conectividade hidrológica como forma de manter os processos ecológicos que ligam o sistema das cabeceiras à foz, e discutem-se os eventuais impactos na dinâmica ambiental e nas espécies de peixes do médio rio Xingu que serão ocasionados com a construção do projeto hidrelétrico de Belomonte.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Uberaba municipality, Western Minas Gerais State, has a great geotouristic potential, regarding its geological heritage. The igneous rocks from Serra Geral Formation are found in 12 points, highlighting Ponte Alta (40 meters) and Peirópolis III (7 meters) waterfalls. The sedimentary rocks from Uberaba Formation were described in 11 points, especially Giovane Cave and Waterfall (12 meters). In Marilia Formation sedimentary rocks, the Caieira outcrop (three-meter cave with stalactites and stalagmites) and Vale Encantado Waterfall (8 meters) can be pointed out, among other 8 spots. After the geodiversity assessment, an environmental diagnosis was conducted throughout the potential geotourism attractions, by using the Visitor Impact Management Method. The results indicate that only Vale Encantado Waterfall presents a moderate impact, the least when compared to 22 other sites, exhibiting high or worrisome impact, and 7 with very high impact. In addition to setting the management strategies, and monitoring the environmental impact indicators, this work provides the basis so that activities in the potential Geopark of Uberaba (MG) can be conducted with environmental responsibility and / or geoconservation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Active tufas in the form of waterfalls and dams occur along drainage channels in the Serra do Andre Lopes region (State of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil) and are associated with the karst system that developed on a dolomitic plateau with a superhumid subtropical climate. The predominance of autogenic waters enables the groundwater to become enriched in calcium carbonate, with low terrigenous sediment content. The tufas that were studied are composed of calcite and have high calcium contents and low magnesium contents. Eroded tufa beds that originate from changes in the position of fluvial channels or river flow rates also occur in this region. In the Sapatu deposit, phytohermal tufas with complex morphologies are arranged in levels constituting various temporally repeated sequences that were deposited between 10,570 and 4,972 cal years BP. In the Frias deposit, distal fluvial deposits of tufa are massive with a relatively greater quantity of terrigenous material and show evidence of dissolution and reprecipitation. The base of this deposit is composed of a cemented breccia dated at 25,390 years BP, which is younger than the overlying tufas ([42,000 years BP). In the two deposits, the levels of terrigenous sediments (quartz sand and lithic pebbles) and terrestrial gastropod shells are interpreted as phases of increased flow rate of rivers during intervals of higher rainfall.


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El argumento de contigüidad ontológica, utilizado en varios pasajes de la Opera Omnia tomasiana, expresa la existencia de una afinidad metafísica entre los seres del universo, según la cual la realidad es comprendida jerárquicamente como una analogía de entes que se ordenan en cascadas descendentes hasta el último grado, en la cual la naturaleza inferior, en lo superior de sí “toca" a lo inferior de la naturaleza superior («Natura inferior secundum supremum sui attingit infimum naturae superioris») cada nivel tiene su origen en la atenuación del grado superior inmediato. El rastreo de este principio y su análisis permitió estructurar la tesis según el esquema expuesto en este trabajo.


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El propósito de esta tesis es estudiar los aspectos fundamentales de la obra del paisajista norteamericano Dan Kiley a través del ejemplo de la casa Miller en Columbus, Indiana. A la hora de abordar el estudio se ha tratado por una parte de estudiar y explicar cuánto hay de relevante en esta obra, pero también de situarla en su contexto. Éste es, además, múltiple: el de la obra, de su autor, el del lugar en que se encuentra y el del momento cultural e histórico en que se produce. En el caso de la casa Miller, la autoría es compartida, y el resultado final, como ocurre en muchos casos de viviendas unifamiliares, responde a un carácter coral, en el que los protagonistas son varios, con mayor o menor influencia, pero indispensables todos ellos en la visión final de conjunto. El primero de los aspectos a considerar son los antecedentes que la han hecho posible ya que el entorno que conforma el universo de Dan Kiley hasta llegar a Columbus es fundamental para entender las circunstancias de partida de una obra como la casa Miller: sus años previos a la universidad, su particular relación con el paisaje a través de sus diferentes trabajos, su extenso conocimiento de las especies de plantas y la experiencia acumulada trabajando para Warren Manning, como la formación basada en la enseñanza, herencia de Olsmted y de las Bellas Artes. Después, sus compañeros de Harvard Eckbo y Rose, la influencia dentro de la universidad tanto de Walter Gropius como de los paisajistas Thomas Church o Christopher Tunnard y de los jardines realizados en Europa durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX conocidos a través de las publicaciones y de la arquitectura de Mies van der Rohe. Años más tarde, después de haber abandonado Harvard, la decisiva influencia de Eero Saarinen y también la de sus relaciones con los diversos colaboradores, los primeros viajes a Europa y con ello la posibilidad de visitar las grandes obras de Le Nôtre. Por otro lado, y en paralelo, la biografía de Irwin Miller, propietario de la casa, nos lleva hasta el momento en el que se ponen en contacto las tres figuras clave para el inicio de las obras (Miller, Saarinen y Kiley) terminando de situar a la casa Miller en el contexto biográfico de su creación. El análisis del lugar, una ciudad tan especial como Columbus, nos remite continuamente a la figura de Irwin Miller, manteniendo siempre una relación indisoluble entre este singular patrono y su ciudad, materializada en la creación del Architecture Program. La primera parte del trabajo aborda estos temas, alternando entre una figura y otra, aunque todas las partes se encuentran ligadas entre sí. En la segunda parte de la tesis se analiza en profundidad primero la casa Miller y después con una mayor precisión los jardines: su esquema compositivo general, sus tres partes diferenciadas y dentro de ellas las sucesivas subpartes que las componen. El análisis se estructura en tres fases: una primera descriptiva del desarrollo del proyecto hasta su materialización en la obra, la siguiente que analiza lo realmente ejecutado y por último los cambios sufridos a lo largo del tiempo. En cuanto al análisis propio de la casa y los jardines, la información de los planos, así como de las fotografías familiares, junto con las imágenes más oficiales de la casa pertenecientes a Ezra Stoller y Balthazar Korab, permitirá conocer los cambios producidos a lo largo del tiempo debidos a diversos factores, como el cambio de criterio en cuanto al uso o decisiones personales del matrimonio Miller: sustitución de plantas y árboles, desaparición de elementos curiosos como las cascadas del techo de uno de los porches, o aparición de elementos singulares que formaran parte de las visiones ya clásicas de la casa, como la escultura de Henry Moore. La tercera parte de la tesis describe la influencia de los jardines de Le Nôtre en el jardín de la casa Miller, gracias a la utilización y adaptación de numerosos recursos del jardín barroco francés, y se configura, junto con el análisis de las obras de jardín doméstico más significativas de Kiley en su obra posterior a la Miller, como el análisis final de todo el trabajo. La utilización de estos instrumentos depurados bajo una estética formal propia del movimiento moderno tiene una singularidad única en los jardines de la Miller, y a pesar de que a lo largo de su carrera Dan Kiley convirtió esta utilización en una constante, no logró la armonía demostrada en esta residencia de Columbus en ninguno de los jardines posteriores en cuanto a forma, escala, relación entre las partes, respuesta a las necesidades de uso y de evolución a lo largo del tiempo. ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to study the fundamental aspects of the work of the american landscape architect Dan Kiley through the example of the Miller House in Columbus, Indiana. When addressing the study it was treated on the one hand to study and explain how much is relevant in this work, but also put it into context. This is also multiple: the work, its author, the place where it lands and the cultural and historical context in which it occurs. In the case of the Miller house, the authorship is shared, and the end result, as in many cases houses, responds to a coral nature, in which the protagonists are several, with more or less influence on it, but indispensable all of them in the final overview. The first aspect to be considered are the antecedents that made it possible, because the environment which forms the universe of Dan Kiley to reach Columbus is essential to understand the circumstances of departure for a work like the Miller house: his previous years of college, his particular relationship with the landscape through his different jobs, his extensive knowledge of species of plants and the accumulated experience working for Warren Manning, and also the training based on Olmsted and Beaux Arts heritage . After that, his Harvard fellows Eckbo and Rose, the influence from Walter Gropius Thomas Church and Christopher Tunnard within the university, and also the landscape and garden made in Europe during the first decades of the twentieth century known through publications and the architecture of Mies van der Rohe. Years later, after leaving Harvard , the decisive influence of Eero Saarinen and also his relationships with various partners, the first trips to Europe and therefore the opportunity to visit the great works of Le Nôtre. On the other hand, and in parallel, Irwin Miller´s biography, owner of the house, takes us to the time when the three key figures come into contact to the start the construction (Miller, Saarinen and Kiley) putting the Miller house into the biographical context of its creation. The analysis of the place, a very special city like Columbus, continually refers us to Irwin Miller´s figure while maintaining an indissoluble relationship between employer and this unique city, materialized in the creation of the Architecture Program. The first part of the work deals with these issues, alternating between one figure and another, although all parties are linked. The second part of the thesis analyzes in depth Miller´s house and then with greater precision the gardens: its overall compositional scheme, its three distinct parts and within them the successive subparts that compose the garden The analysis is divided into three phases: the first one is focused in the project development to its materialization in the final work, the second one which analyzes what is really executed and finally the changes undergone over time. As for the own analysis of the house and gardens, the information drawings, as well as family photographs, along with the official pictures of the house belonging to Ezra Stoller and Balthazar Korab, will reveal the changes throughout time due to various factors, as the change in criterion for the use, or Miller´s marriage personal decisions: replacement of plants and trees, disappearance of curious elements like waterfalls roof of one of the porches, or appearance of single elements that now have become part of the classic visions of the house, like the sculpture of Henry Moore. The third part of the thesis describes the influence of the gardens of Le Nôtre in the garden of Miller´s house, through the use and adaptation of numerous resources from the French Baroque garden, and it is configured as the final analysis of of the work, also with the description of Kiley´s most significant post-Miller one family housing gardens. The use of these released under its own formal aesthetics of modernism instruments has a unique singularity in the gardens of the Miller´s , and although Dan Kiley turned this use in a constant throughout his career, he never got to the harmony demonstrated in Columbus residence in any of the later gardens in form, scale, relationship between the parties, responding to the needs of use and evolution over time.


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El agua es uno de los recursos naturales fundamentales; es, seguramente el recurso que condiciona de manera prioritaria el desarrollo socioeconómico de los pueblos y la mejora del bienestar de la población. El agua presta un extraordinario servicio a la comunidad para mejorar su calidad de vida, pero, sobre todo, para satisfacer sus necesidades básicas, tales como la alimentación y la salud. Sin agua no son posibles las actividades agropecuarias y, especialmente, las agrícolas, que son el mayor componente de la alimentación de la humanidad. La salud de la población ha mejorado cuando ésta ha podido vivir en un ambiente sano y con unas prácticas higiénicas, gracias al empleo suficiente de agua potable. El saneamiento de las aguas y la posibilidad de hacer un uso continuo de ellas, ha contribuido además, al crecimiento demográfico. El agua es tanto un derecho como una responsabilidad. Tiene un valor económico, social y ambiental, cualquier actuación pública y privada está obligada a tener en cuenta esta triple dimensión. Sin olvidar el valor decorativo y simbólico: en el jardín islámico, el agua tiene un valor sensual, en el jardín oriental acentúa su valor religioso y en la religión cristiana es símbolo de purificación, todo ello expresado a través de fuentes, cascadas, riachuelos… No es un bien ilimitado, ni su disponibilidad en cuantía y calidad adecuada es gratuita. Hay que tener en cuenta tanto los costes reales como el beneficio económico que genera su utilización, respetando al mismo tiempo la exigencia de un caudal mínimo para mantener los ecosistemas.


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Norway, Mich.


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description accompanying photograph: picture shows Quinnesec Falls and hydraulic power works


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After the Congress, a six-day field trip, will be held through three southwestern provinces of Angola (Huíla, Namibe and Cunene), every day starting and ending in the city of Lubango, for overnight stay in Lubango, with the purpose to observe some of the main sites of geological interest in this zone of Angola. The itinerary of this field trip presents the geologic history of Southwestern Angola and its evolution in the scope of the Congo Craton, through a trip that begins in the first excursion days by the oldest geologic formations and phenomena until the recent geologic formations and phenomena on the last excursion days. On the first and second excursion days, September 5th and September 6th, the field trip will go along the Kunene Anorthosite Complex of Angola (KAC), to observe some petrographic features of the KAC that are important to understand the emplacement of this huge igneous massif of the early Kibarean age. These days of the field trip allow the observation of Earthen Construction, because this region of Cunene is privileged to appreciate a kind of Eco-construction, made of raw earth and in wattle and daub, built with ancient techniques, which constitute a real GeoHeritage. On September 7th, in the morning, the destination will be Tundavala, to visit Tundavala Gap, a huge escarpment of more than 1,000 m high cutted in Neo-Archean and Paleo-Proterozoic igneous rocks, the Ruins of Tundavala (quartzite blocks with sedimentary structures) and Tundavala Waterfalls on a quartzitic scarp. After lunch, the field trip continues towards Humpata plateau to observe the panoramic view over Lubango city from the Statue of Cristo Rei, then the outcrops of dolomitic limestones with stromatolites and dolerites and finally the Leba passage, a huge escarpment and one of the most spectacular parts of the Serra da Chela, traversed by a mountain road built in the early 70s of the last century, that can be observed from the belvedere of the Serra da Chela. On September 8th, the destination is the carbonatite complexes of Tchivira and Bonga, belonging to the Mesozoic alkaline massifs of ultrabasic rocks, a rift valley system that occurs during the Early Cretaceous. In this forth excursion day, due to the huge dimensions of these two carbonatite structures it will be visited, only, the Complex of Bonga, namely the outcrops of the northern part of the structure and secondary deposits on the boundary on the southern part of the of the Complex. The last two excursion days, September 9th and September 10th, are to observe the Cretaceous Basin of Namibe. On September 9th, the northern part of Namibe Basin will be visited to observe the volcanic basic rocks of Namibe as well as the interesting paleontological site of Bentiaba. On September 10th, the destination is the southern and more recent part of Namibe Basin, where on the Namib Desert, the exotic plant Welwitschia mirabilis can be observed, as well as Arco, an oasis in the desert. This last excursion day, ends up at the dunes of Tombwa near the mouth of Curoca river and the beautiful bay of Tombwa, where can be observed heavy minerals in their beach sands.