887 resultados para Waste solid industrial


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"This summary (SW-82ts. 1) of a comprehensive report by Ronald A. Perkins was prepared by James E. Delaney."


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"These meetings were sponsored by EPA, Office of Solid Waste, and the proceedings (SW-27p)--are reproduced entirely as transcribed by the official reporter, with handwritten corrections."


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The proceedings (SW-28p)--are reproduced ... as transcribed by the official reporter.


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On cover: Public hearing on the proposed hazardous waste regulations, February 7-9, 1979, New York, New York.


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"This condensation (SW-80.1)--of an unpublished report by John H. Sweeten was prepared for the Federal solid waste management program."


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Includes bibliographical references.


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" ... official record of the meetings ... held by the Office of Solid Waste Management Programs, December 2 (Newark, N.J.), December 4 (Rosemont, Ill.), December 9 (Houston), and December 11 (San Francisco)."


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"These meetings were sponsored by EPA, Office of Solid Waste, and the proceedings (SW-26p)--are reproduced ... as transcribed by the official reporter, with handwritten corrections."


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Description based on: April 1981; title from cover.


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The Industrial Material Exchange Service (IMES) program is a free service designed to provide a mechanism for recycling and reusing unwanted materials. The exchange program maintains and distributes listings of materials both wanted and available provided by our participants. Through IMES, waste generators can be matched with waste users. Any material, either non-hazardous or hazardous that is available from one business yet has potential reuse by another, can be a part of the exchange. IMES functions as an information clearinghouse for industrial by-products, surplus materials, waste and other forms of unwanted industrial materials. The goal of the IMES program is to conserve energy, resources and landfill space by helping find alternatives to disposal of what might be a valuable material.


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RIM Program grant funds assist Illinois manufacturers to increase the use of recycled materials or to improve their solid waste management practices through source reduction, waste reduction or improved product packaging.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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Abstract The rapid growth of both formal and informal high density urban settlements around major water resources has led to increased pollution of streams, rivers, lakes and estuaries, due to contaminated runoff from these developments. The paper identified major contaminants to be : organic waste (sewage), industrial effluent, pesticides and litter. Pollutant loads vary depending on the hydrology of the urban area, local topography and soil conditions. In some instances, severe pollution of neighbouring and downstream water courses has been observed. The management of catchment land uses, riparian zones, in stream habitat, as well as in stream water flow patterns and quality are necessary in order to sustain the integrity and "health" of water resources, for fisheries and other developments. As such, attempts to ensure a certain level of water quality without attention to other aspects will not automatically ensure a "healthy" ecosystem even as fish habitat. Proper management leads to better water quality and conducive environment for increased fish production


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A complexidade na implantação de processos seguros para o manejo dos resíduos biológicos em diversas classes de riscos, conforme a Resolução RDC no. 306/2004 ANVISA, é um desafio para administrações públicas e Unidades de Serviços de Saúde (USS) do país. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o atual manejo destes resíduos, em particular os da classe de risco A4. A pesquisa tem caráter exploratório e qualitativo consistindo de revisão bibliográfica do estado da arte sobre o tema e de levantamento de dados. A coleta das informações foi realizada em Unidades de Serviços de Saúde (USS); órgãos ambientais; nas visitas técnicas em empresas tratadoras de resíduos; em gerenciadores de aterros sanitários; e através de entrevistas com especialistas no assunto. A título de exemplo, dois casos sobre o manejo dos resíduos biológicos foram estudados: no Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e em Orlando (Flórida - USA). A relevância da pesquisa está na constatação das mudanças em andamento no setor de saneamento no país, como o passo importante que esta sendo dado com a aprovação da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS). Para se atingir melhores indicadores de saúde e meio ambiente, torna-se imprescindível o gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos com a incorporação de métodos, técnicas e abordagens atuais. Quanto aos resíduos biológicos, existe aqui uma tendência em se adotar o modelo americano, mais rígido, que considera vários resíduos, comuns para nós, como sendo infectantes, e não separa estes resíduos biológicos em classes, colocando-os todos no mesmo grau de risco. Para a realidade brasileira tal rigidez de conceitos aumenta o risco no manejo para todos os envolvidos na cadeia e o custo da operação como um todo, tornando-a impraticável na maior parte do país. No Brasil a gestão inadequada dos resíduos em muitas USS e a grande quantidade de lixões existentes, com a presença de catadores de materiais recicláveis, são processos inseguros e para melhorar este quadro, é fundamental a implementação da PNRS. Nossa legislação se mostra eficiente, mas necessitamos de maior monitoramento e avaliação, e uma consequente ação educativa. Em complemento deve haver maior determinação de responsabilidades, aplicação de punições e empreender reformas substanciais nas áreas de educação e saúde pública. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua com a construção de um modelo de manejo adequado dos resíduos biológicos, sobretudo os de classe A4, de forma mais sustentável e segura. Para estudos futuros, indica-se uma avaliação estratégica sobre a sustentabilidade técnica e econômica do modelo de gerenciamento destes resíduos a ser realizada em contexto mais amplo. Para tal, recomenda-se a extensão da pesquisa a outros estados da federação, assim como o acompanhamento das tendências mundiais para classificação dos riscos dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde e de sua destinação mais adequada, principalmente em países com realidades semelhantes à nossa.