903 resultados para Waste reuse


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A report for the Iowa Waste Reduction Center and Iowa Department of Natural Resources.


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In this study, efforts were made in order to put forward an integrated recycling approach for the thermoset based glass fibre reinforced polymer (GPRP) rejects derived from the pultrusion manufacturing industry. Both the recycling process and the development of a new cost-effective end-use application for the recyclates were considered. For this purpose, i) among the several available recycling techniques for thermoset based composite materials, the most suitable one for the envisaged application was selected (mechanical recycling); and ii) an experimental work was carried out in order to assess the added-value of the obtained recyclates as aggregates and reinforcement replacements into concrete-polymer composite materials. Potential recycling solution was assessed by mechanical behaviour of resultant GFRP waste modified concrete-polymer composites with regard to unmodified materials. In the mix design process of the new GFRP waste based composite material, the recyclate content and size grade, and the effect of the incorporation of an adhesion promoter were considered as material factors and systematically tested between reasonable ranges. The optimization process of the modified formulations was supported by the Fuzzy Boolean Nets methodology, which allowed finding the best balance between material parameters that maximizes both flexural and compressive strengths of final composite. Comparing to related end-use applications of GFRP wastes in cementitious based concrete materials, the proposed solution overcome some of the problems found, namely the possible incompatibilities arisen from alkalis-silica reaction and the decrease in the mechanical properties due to high water-cement ratio required to achieve the desirable workability. Obtained results were very promising towards a global cost-effective waste management solution for GFRP industrial wastes and end-of-life products that will lead to a more sustainable composite materials industry.


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Due to their exposure to environmental conditions, outer coatings composed by render and painting system are usually the first construction elements to deteriorate and require intervention. A correct conservation and rehabilitation of these materials is fundamental once they provide protection to other façade materials. It is known that old mortar renders were essentially air lime based mortars. To maintain the integrity of the whole wall-render elements, the image of the building and to avoid accelerated degradation, conservation and rehabilitation must be implemented with compatible mortars. As that, lime based mortars would be preferable. It was also common, in ancient renders, the incorporation of ceramic residues, which is, nowadays, an abundant material, especially in Central Region of Portugal. The reuse of these materials has great relevance once their landfilling causes serious environmental issues. In an attempt to combine the environmental and technical advantages of the use of ceramic waste in mortars’ production for rehabilitation purposes, a research has been developed at the University of Coimbra, in cooperation with Nova University of Lisbon, on the long term behaviour of air lime mortars with ceramic residues. In this paper the most significant up to one year results of an experimental campaign with air lime mortars with 1:3 and 1:2 volumetric proportions and ceramic residues are presented.


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The use of sustainable solutions in construction is not just an option, but is increasingly becoming a need of the Society. Thus, nowadays the recycling of waste materials is a growing technology that needs to be continuously improved, namely by researching new solutions for waste valorisation and by increasing the amount of wastes reused. In the paving industry, the reuse of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is becoming common practice, but needs further research work. Thus, this study aims to increase the incorporation of RA and other waste materials in the production of recycled asphalt mixtures in order to improve their mechanical, environmental and economic performance. Recycled mixtures with 50% RA were analysed in this study, including: i) RA selection, preparation and characterization; ii) incorporation of other waste materials as binder additives or modifiers, like used motor oil (UMO) and waste high density polyethylene (HDPE); iii) production of different mixtures (without additives; with UMO; with UMO and HDPE) and comparison of their performance in order to assess the main advantages of each solution. With this study it was concluded that up to 7.5 % of UMO and 4.0 % of HDPE can be used in a new modified binder for asphalt mixtures with 50 % of RA, which have excellent properties concerning the rutting with WTS = 0.02 mm/103 cycles, the fatigue resistance with ε6 = 160.4, and water sensitivity with an ITSR of 81.9 %.


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A Zero waste management is believed to be one of methods to gain sustainability in urban areas. Take advantages of resources as enough as the needs and process it until the last part to be wasted is a contribution to take care the environment for the next generation. Reduce, reuse, and recycle are three simplesactivities which are until nowadays consideredas the back bone of zero waste. Jonggolgreen city is a new urban area in Indonesia with a 100 ha of surface area zoned as education tourism area. It is an independent area with pure natural resources of water, air, and land to be managed and protected. It is planned as green city through zero waste management since2013. In this preliminary period, a monitoring tool is being prepared by applying a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for urban areas [1]. This paper will present an explanatory assessment ofthe zero waste management for Jonggolgreen city. The existing situation will be examined through LCA and afterwards,the new program and the proposed green design to gain the next level of zero waste will be discussed. The purpose is to track the persistence of the commitment and the perception of the necessary innovationsin order to achieve the ideal behavior level of LCA.


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This work compares the viscoelastic properties of an asphalt binder (70/100 pen) modified with different waste plastics and the mechanical properties of the resultant asphalt mixtures. Two different plastic wastes were used, namely recycled HDPE and EVA. Three different polymer modified binders were produced with these plastic wastes: i) 5% HDPE modified binder (P5); ii) 5% EVA modified binder (E5) and; iii) a modified binder with 4% of EVA and 2% HDPE (E4P2). Asphalt mixtures were produced with these modified binders, and their mechanical properties were analysed and compared with a conventional mixture produced with a 30/50 pen bitumen. It was possible to conclude that these recycled polymers are able to improve the mechanical performance of the asphalt mixtures used in road paving.


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The increasing environmental concern about waste materials and the necessity of improving the performance of asphalt mixtures prompted the study of incorporating different waste materials in conventional bitumen. The reuse of waste materials can present benefits at an environmental and economic level, and some wastes can be used to improve the pavement performance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the incorporation of different waste materials in bitumen, namely waste motor oil and different polymers. In order to accomplish this goal, 10% of waste motor oil and 5% of polymers (high density polyethylene, crumb rubber and styrene-butadiene-styrene) were added to a conventional bitumen and the resulting modified bitumens were characterized through basic and rheological tests. From this work, it can be concluded that the incorporation of different waste materials improve some important properties of the conventional bitumen. Such improvements might indicate a good behaviour at medium/high temperatures and an increase of fatigue and rutting resistance. Therefore, these modified bitumens with waste materials can contribute to a sustainable development of road paving industry due to their performance and environmental advantages.


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This article is intended to evaluate the density and the mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of compression moulded plates composed of granulate from electrical cables wastes. Those cable wastes are the insulation part from the electric cables, and are composed of PVC, PE, EMP and PEX rubber. After these materiais lose their initial properties and cease to be useful as insulation material, due to safety requirements, it is possible to reuse them into new applications like industrial or playground floorings, as sound insulation material to be applied in walls or floors, or to dampen vibrations from equipments. Recovering electric cable waste has been a major concern to the European Commission due to its leveis of toxicity when incineration and land fill ing is the solution to dispose this material. Such as the European Commission's study for DG Xl[1] suggested that recycling may be the most favourable future waste management option.


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Construction and demolition waste management is becoming increasingly important on construction sites as landfill space in Ireland is rapidly depleting and waste management costs are rising. Due to these factors waste management plans are seen as a good response to minimising waste on site and this thesis aims to investigate how to implement such a plan on a practical case study as well as investigating the legislation regarding construction and demolition waste along with market availability for the reuse of the waste. Main contractor surveys were also carried out in order to gain a better understanding of current attitudes within the industry and these surveys are analysed in chapter five. A survey was also carried out among sub-contractors but this survey has not been used for this thesis as the study is on-going. The primary aim of this thesis is to examine the waste hierarchy opportunities that are available for construction and demolition waste in Ireland and to examine the effects of management strategies on construction and demolition waste reduction at the project level. A partnership was developed with Carey Developments Ltd in Co. Galway and an analysis of their waste management practices was undertaken. The primary case study will be the ‘Taylors Hill’ project in Co. Galway where work commenced in March, 2012. The secondary aim of the thesis is to develop specific waste minimisation strategies for the company and to develop a training tool kit for use on site.


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This introductory brief has been written as a response to a request for information on HIA and waste management, with particular reference to incineration. EU legislation forms the basis for much of Irish waste management policy. Waste Management – Taking Stock and Moving Forward (2004) sets targets for increased prevention and minimisation, encourages reuse and gives preference to recovery and recycling, which is in line with the EU’s Sixth Environmental Action Plan (2002). In the area of waste incineration, the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) has been transposed into Irish law and sets operating requirements for the incineration of waste.


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Brownfield sites come in all shapes and sizes, from vacated industrial sites to a single building plagued with asbestos materials. Brownfield sites are found in both urban and rural settings and present challenges that make the cleanup and redevelopment of these sites unique as compared with other real estate projects.


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The general striving to bring down the number of municipal landfills and to increase the reuse and recycling of waste-derived materials across the EU supports the debates concerning the feasibility and rationality of waste management systems. Substantial decrease in the volume and mass of landfill-disposed waste flows can be achieved by directing suitable waste fractions to energy recovery. Global fossil energy supplies are becoming more and more valuable and expensive energy sources for the mankind, and efforts to save fossil fuels have been made. Waste-derived fuels offer one potential partial solution to two different problems. First, waste that cannot be feasibly re-used or recycled is utilized in the energy conversion process according to EU’s Waste Hierarchy. Second, fossil fuels can be saved for other purposes than energy, mainly as transport fuels. This thesis presents the principles of assessing the most sustainable system solution for an integrated municipal waste management and energy system. The assessment process includes: · formation of a SISMan (Simple Integrated System Management) model of an integrated system including mass, energy and financial flows, and · formation of a MEFLO (Mass, Energy, Financial, Legislational, Other decisionsupport data) decision matrix according to the selected decision criteria, including essential and optional decision criteria. The methods are described and theoretical examples of the utilization of the methods are presented in the thesis. The assessment process involves the selection of different system alternatives (process alternatives for treatment of different waste fractions) and comparison between the alternatives. The first of the two novelty values of the utilization of the presented methods is the perspective selected for the formation of the SISMan model. Normally waste management and energy systems are operated separately according to the targets and principles set for each system. In the thesis the waste management and energy supply systems are considered as one larger integrated system with one primary target of serving the customers, i.e. citizens, as efficiently as possible in the spirit of sustainable development, including the following requirements: · reasonable overall costs, including waste management costs and energy costs; · minimum environmental burdens caused by the integrated waste management and energy system, taking into account the requirement above; and · social acceptance of the selected waste treatment and energy production methods. The integrated waste management and energy system is described by forming a SISMan model including three different flows of the system: energy, mass and financial flows. By defining the three types of flows for an integrated system, the selected factor results needed in the decision-making process of the selection of waste management treatment processes for different waste fractions can be calculated. The model and its results form a transparent description of the integrated system under discussion. The MEFLO decision matrix has been formed from the results of the SISMan model, combined with additional data, including e.g. environmental restrictions and regional aspects. System alternatives which do not meet the requirements set by legislation can be deleted from the comparisons before any closer numerical considerations. The second novelty value of this thesis is the three-level ranking method for combining the factor results of the MEFLO decision matrix. As a result of the MEFLO decision matrix, a transparent ranking of different system alternatives, including selection of treatment processes for different waste fractions, is achieved. SISMan and MEFLO are methods meant to be utilized in municipal decision-making processes concerning waste management and energy supply as simple, transparent and easyto- understand tools. The methods can be utilized in the assessment of existing systems, and particularly in the planning processes of future regional integrated systems. The principles of SISMan and MEFLO can be utilized also in other environments, where synergies of integrating two (or more) systems can be obtained. The SISMan flow model and the MEFLO decision matrix can be formed with or without any applicable commercial or free-of-charge tool/software. SISMan and MEFLO are not bound to any libraries or data-bases including process information, such as different emission data libraries utilized in life cycle assessments.


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The management of construction waste is important today. The scarcity in the availability of aggregate for the production of concrete is one of the important problems facing by the construction industry. Appropriate use of the construction waste is a solution to the fast degradation of virgin raw materials in the construction industry. This paper enlightens the importance of reduce, reuse and recycle (3R) concept for managing the construction waste in India


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El crecimiento apresurado de la industria tecnológica en los últimos años a nivel mundial, ha generado un nuevo problema socio-ambiental: el manejo y control de los volúmenes de aparatos y componentes electrónicos obsoletos que crecen exponencialmente, específicamente los aparatos que provienen de sistemas de informática, volviéndose en una situación descontrolada y desatendida. Esta problemática empeora cada día por el desconocimiento, la imprudencia, las malas políticas adoptadas por el gobierno y el constante deseo de los consumidores por estar en contacto con los últimos modelos del mercado, reflejándose en un incremento acelerado en las ventas de aparatos electrónicos. Sin embargo, muchos se preguntaran él porque proponemos una idea de negocio caracterizada por lo social y lo ambiental, pues dicha idea viene de la experiencia que se ha tenido durante 7 años en el mercado de tecnología en computación y periféricos, que ha logrado una relación directa con empresas y personas; observando así, las verdaderas preocupaciones de los clientes y a su vez un aumento acelerado en los desechos tecnológicos. De esta manera y siguiendo con el espíritu emprendedor que nos ha caracterizado desde pequeños, hemos llegado a pensar en una idea de negocio interesante y viable, que nos permita incursionar ante competidores importantes y sobresaliendo con una idea innovadora que no se maneja de lleno en dicho sector. Para lograrlo, aprovecharemos los conocimientos y la experiencia que hemos acumulado a través de los años con el contacto directo con los clientes, quienes consideramos son el motor del negocio y llevándonos a concluir con el transcurrir del tiempo, que en Colombia no existe una cultura para desechar los elementos tecnológicos de una manera ecológica y saludable con el medio ambiente. Gracias a la oportunidad latente que muestra el mercado en el sector de reciclaje de desechos tecnológicos, nuestro equipo de trabajo se muestra inquieto ante la oportunidad de negocio encontrada, debido a que en Colombia existen pocas organizaciones que se especialicen en el proceso de reciclaje y reutilización adecuada de dichos desechos. Por esta razón, se confirma la oportunidad para generar un completo plan de negocio que gire en torno al manejo de e-waste y cuidado del medio ambiente, mediante la implementación de productos y servicios especializados para la recolección de dichos desechos electrónicos tanto para los consumidores como para las empresas.


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La implantació de Sistemes de Suport a la presa de Decisions (SSD) en Estacions Depuradores d'Aigües Residuals Urbanes (EDAR) facilita l'aplicació de tècniques més eficients basades en el coneixement per a la gestió del procés, assegurant la qualitat de l'aigua de sortida tot minimitzant el cost ambiental de la seva explotació. Els sistemes basats en el coneixement es caracteritzen per la seva capacitat de treballar amb dominis molt poc estructurats, i gran part de la informació rellevant de tipus qualitatiu i/o incerta. Precisament aquests són els trets característics que es poden trobar en els sistemes biològics de depuració, i en conseqüència en una EDAR. No obstant, l'elevada complexitat dels SSD fa molt costós el seu disseny, desenvolupament i aplicació en planta real, pel que resulta determinant la generació d'un protocol que faciliti la seva exportació a EDARs de tecnologia similar. L'objectiu del present treball de Tesi és precisament el desenvolupament d'un protocol que faciliti l'exportació sistemàtica de SSD i l'aprofitament del coneixement del procés prèviament adquirit. El treball es desenvolupa en base al cas d'estudi resultant de l'exportació a l'EDAR Montornès del prototipus original de SSD implementat a l'EDAR Granollers. Aquest SSD integra dos tipus de sistemes basats en el coneixement, concretament els sistemes basats en regles (els quals són programes informàtics que emulen el raonament humà i la seva capacitat de solucionar problemes utilitzant les mateixes fonts d'informació) i els sistemes de raonament basats en casos (els quals són programes informàtics basats en el coneixement que volen solucionar les situacions anormals que pateix la planta en el moment actual mitjançant el record de l'acció efectuada en una situació passada similar). El treball està estructurat en diferents capítols, en el primer dels quals, el lector s'introdueix en el món dels sistemes de suport a la decisió i en el domini de la depuració d'aigües. Seguidament es fixen els objectius i es descriuen els materials i mètodes utilitzats. A continuació es presenta el prototipus de SSD desenvolupat per la EDAR Granollers. Una vegada el prototipus ha estat presentat es descriu el primer protocol plantejat pel mateix autor de la Tesi en el seu Treball de Recerca. A continuació es presenten els resultats obtinguts en l'aplicació pràctica del protocol per generar un nou SSD, per una planta depuradora diferent, partint del prototipus. L'aplicació pràctica del protocol permet l'evolució del mateix cap a un millor pla d'exportació. Finalment, es pot concloure que el nou protocol redueix el temps necessari per realitzar el procés d'exportació, tot i que el nombre de passos necessaris ha augmentat, la qual cosa significa que el nou protocol és més sistemàtic.