887 resultados para War in Afghanistan


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The Civil War in Sudan, which began in June 1983, has caused a numbers of social, cultural and economical problems for Sudan. Many social changes took place, not only in the southern Sudan, where the war has been fought since its inception, but also in the Sudanese Nation as a whole. In this contribution, I would like to give a short summary about the effect of the war on the Sudanese society, in general, and on youth and children, in particular. This is important, because youth and children are the future of every nation. Because the youth and children in southern Sudan are gravely affected by the current war, this article will specifically address these effects. Youth and children in the North of the country are, however, almost equally affected by the conflict. After discussing historical background of Sudan and its political and developmental condition, I will briefly summarize the social situation and the role of social work in Sudan during and after the conflict.


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Satire von demokratisch/republikanischer Seite in der Form einer Unterhaltung des preußischen mit dem deutschen Reichsadler (der Frankfurter Zentralgewalt): der deutsche Reichsadler hat seit jeher nur Uneinigkeit unter den Deutschen geschaffen und nichts liegt ihm ferner, als die Völker frei und selbständig zu machen. Der wahre Sinn der Zentralgewalt ist die Einigkeit der Fürsten sowie die Uneinigkeit der Völker. Sind erst einmal die Demokraten mit Hilfe des Militärs aus Preußen vertrieben, "dann wird sich der alte Glanz der Kronen auch wieder finden."


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Da die Annahme besagten Antrages die Aufhebung einzelner Paragraphen des Gewerbegesetzes erforderlich machen würde, wird er zurückgezogen und durch den Antrag, das Innenministerium solle die betreffenden Verwaltungs- und Polizeibehörden auf die mangelnde rechtliche Grundlage der Beaufsichtigung von Leihbibliotheken hinweisen, ersetzt


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This paper investigates the gold bloc operated between France, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Belgium, especially over the period after the USA left the gold standard in March 1933 to its end in September 1936. It enquires into the effect of military-political developments in Germany and Italy on the sustainability of the gold bloc between its members. Juxtaposed is the view of leading political scientists, such as Henry Kissinger, who see impending war in Europe as deeply and adversely affecting psychology in Europe, and what may be called the standard "economists' view" that sees the demise of the gold bloc as being caused almost exclusively by economic factors. Developing concepts of external and internal inconsistency of the gold bloc, this investigation concludes that both economic and military-political developments played important roles in destroying the last vestiges of the gold standard.


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Since the formation of Afghanistan, its nature as a Pashtun state has affected all its international relations. On the other hand, the fact that it was originally established as a buffer state between Britain and Russia still governs its national integration. In this article I examine Afghanistan's relations with its neighbors through an investigation of its history and the present conditions of its borders with its southern, western and northern neighbors. My aim is to obtain an overall perspective of Afghanistan's relations with its neighbors, historically decisive elements, and the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks.