33 resultados para WSSV
Study of white spot disease in four native species in Persian Gulf by histopathology and PCR methods
After serious disease outbreak, caused by new virus (WSV), has been occurring among cultured penaeid shrimps in Asian countries like China since 1993 and then in Latin American countries, during June till July 2002 a rapid and high mortality in cultured Penaeus indicus in Abadan region located in south of Iran with typical signs and symptoms of White Spot Syndrome Virus was confirmed by different studies of Histopathology, PCR, TEM, Virology. This study was conducted for the purpose of determination of prevalence(rate of infection)/ROI and grading severity (SOI) of WSD to five species: 150 samples of captured shrimps and 90 samples of cultured ones; Penaeus indicus, P. semisulcatus, P. merguiensis, Parapenaopsis styliferus, and Metapenaeus affinis in 2005. 136 of 240 samples have shown clinical and macroscopical signs & symptoms including; white spots on carapase (0.5-2 mm), easily removing of cuticule, fragility of hepatopancreas and red color of motility limbs. Histopathological changes like specific intranuclear inclusion bodies (cowdry-type A) were observed in all target tissues (gill, epidermis, haemolymph and midgut) but not in hepatopancreas, among shrimps collected from various farms in the south and captured ones from Persian Gulf, even ones without clinical signs. ROI among species estimated, using the NATIVIDAD & LIGHTNER formula(1992b) and SOI were graded, using a generalized scheme for assigning a numerical qualitative value to severity grade of infection which was provided by LIGHTNER(1996), in consideration to histopathology and counting specific inclusion bodies in different stages(were modified by B. Gholamhoseini). Samples with clinical signs, showed grades more than 2. Most of the P. semisulcatus and M. affinis samples showed grade of 3, in the other hand in most of P. styliferus samples grade of 4 were observed, which can suggest different sensitivity of different species. All samples were tested by Nested PCR method with IQTm 2000 WSSV kit and 183 of 240 samples were positive and 3 1evel of infection which was shown in this PCR confirmed our SOI grades, but they were more specified.
La realización de pasantías tienen un componente formativo,una pasantía debe dar la oportunidad a los jóvenes de aprender calificaciones prácticas que causarán una buena impresión sobre los potenciales empleadores.Seis meses de pasantías en el Laboratorio Central de DiagnósticoVeterinario y Microbiología de Alimentos IPSA en el área de Virología se fundamentó los tres meses iniciales en la Inducción a técnicas utilizadas en análisis de muestras para el diagnóstico de enfermedades virales tales como: Síndrome Respiratorio y Reproductivo Porcino (PRRS), Peste Porcina Clásica (PPC), Circovirus Porcino, Enfermedad de Aujeszky, Diarrea Viral Bovina (BVDV), Fiebre del Nilo Occidental, La Enfermedad de Newcastle (EN), Laringotraqueitis Infecciosa Aviar (LTI), Bronquitis Infecciosa Aviar (BIA),Virus de la Enfermedad de la Cabeza Amarilla (YHV),El virus del Síndrome de Taura (TSV), Virus de la Necrosis Hipodérmica y Hematopoyética infecciosa (IHHNV), Bacteria de la Necrosis Hepatopancreática (NHPB),Virus Mionecrosis Infecciosa (IMNV), Nodavirus del Penaeus Vannamei (PVNV),Virus Mancha Blanca (WSSV), correcto manejo de la muestras, uso de equipos en el área de virología, realización de tareas de desinfección y esterilización de materiales que se utilizan, manejo de documentación en solicitudes de análisis de muestras y resultados emitidos para mantener la trazabilidad de las mismas. Tres meses posteriores de la pasantía enfocado a un trabajo experimental que se realizó con 4 aves utilizando biología molecular en el estudio de ácidos nucleicos para implementación de una nueva técnica de diagnóstico en el área de Virología para la enfermedad aviar de Newcastle mediante PCR tiempo real ; en la cual lleve un seguimiento desde la elaboración del cronograma de actividades, vacuna de las aves, recolección de muestras por tres semanas, elaboración de bitácora del experimento, presupuesto de equipos y materiales, hasta su extracción y amplificación de ácidos nucleicos en un termociclador. (bajo supervisión del jefe de área) a través de la cadena polimerasa con el objetivo de hacer un aporte en extender el conocimiento de manejo de esta técnica en la Facultad de Ciencia Animal tan actual y para el laboratorio se sustenta la relevancia del experimento, en una necesidad tangible para ser competitivos con el mercado internacional y garantizar la inocuidad de los productos destinados a consumo humano un servicio con mayor rapidez debido a la relevancia de la enfermedad en un país con una economía insipiente donde Nicaragua es libre con vacunación de dicha enfermedad y por el cual necesitamos mantener dicho estatus a nivel internacional mediante pruebas más sensibles que vayan acorde con los requisitos estipulados por la OIE.. La pasantía me permitió la oportunidad de aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en la Universidad Nacional Agraria, intercambiando información científica e investi gación sobre temas innovadores como el de biología molecular en el estudio de ácidos nucleicos. Realizando un conjunto de actividades de carácter teórico –práctico, en este caso en un ente estatal Laboratorio Central de Diagnostico Veterinario y Microbio logía de Alimentos (LCDVMA) IPSA, a fin de aplicar y complementar los conocimientos en el campo especifico de trabajo, colaborar en la solución de problemas y adquirir experiencias laboral.
Aquaculture, is perceived as having the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for aquatic food. Crustaceans form one of the main value added components in aquaculture and among them, shrimp aquaculture is the predominant one. Industrial shrimp fanning, in combination with poor management in shrimp aquaculture, has quickly led to severe pollution in shrimp ponds, thereby creating a suitable environment for development of bacterial and virus diseases. White spot disease is one of the most deadly diseases that are caused heavy loss in all Penaeid shrimps family. In Iran during 2002 to 2004 in the Kuzestan province and in 2005 in Bushehr province, the most ponds and farms infected with white spot and the entire industry was facing threat of closure. Owing to the impact of WSSV infection to shrimp aquaculture, there is an urgent need to develop suitable strategies to protect cultured shrimps and make aquaculture more sustainable. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the possibility of protecting shrimp against white spot syndrome virus using bioencapsulated Anemia with E. coil containing the recombinant protein VP28, designed. Virus genome was extracted from naturally infected Litopenaeus vannamei in the Choebdch farms and VP28 gene by designed primers was amplified, extracted, purified and cloned in E. coli TGI. Protein expression evaluated and inactivated bacteria containing recombinant protein encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. White shrimp post larvae stage 5 were fed for 5 days with recombinant nauplii and twice on days 7 and 25 after feeding with Artemia nauplii were challenged with white spot virus. The results of the first experiment revealed that cumulative mortality percent in the group receiving the bacteria containing recombinant plasmid (pMal + VP28) was %14.44±1.11 and the relative percent survival %80.30±1.51. In this group the mortality rates in the various repetitions varied from the 13.33% to 16.66% and relative percent survival of 77.27% to 81.81%. in the Non-recombinant plasmid group (pMal) Mean percent mortality was% 33.33±3.84 and the Relative Percent Survival %54.54±5.24 and in the group that received bacteria contained no recombinant plasmid the Mean cumulative mortality percent was%48.88 ± 5.87 and Relative Percent Survival%33.33± 8.01.