995 resultados para WHITE CLOVER


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The demand for biomass for bioenergy has increased rapidly in industrialized countries in the recent years. Biogenic energy carriers are known to reduce CO2 emissions. However, the resource-inefficient production of biomass often caused negative impacts on the environment, e.g. biodiversity losses, nitrate leaching, and erosion. The detrimental effects evolved mainly from annual crops. Therefore, the aim of modern bioenergy cropping systems is to combine yield stability and environmental benefits by the establishment of mixed-cropping systems. A particular emphasis is on perennial crops which are perceived as environmentally superior to annual crops. Agroforestry systems represent such mixed perennial cropping systems and consist of a mix of trees and arable crops or grassland within the same area of land. Agroforestry practices vary across the globe and alley cropping is a type of agroforestry system which is well adapted to the temperate zone, with a high degree of mechanization. Trees are planted in rows and crops are planted in the alleyways, which facilitates their management by machinery. This study was conducted to examine a young alley cropping system of willows and two grassland mixtures for bioenergy provision under temperate climate conditions. The first part of the thesis identified possible competition effects between willows and the two grassland mixtures. Since light seemed to be the factor most affecting the yield performance of the understory in temperate agroforestry systems, a biennial in situ artificial shade experiment was established over a separate clover-grass stand to quantify the effects of shade. Data to possible below- and aboveground interactions among willows and the two grassland mixtures and their effects on productivity, sward composition, and quality were monitored along a tree-grassland interface within the alleys. In the second part, productivity of the alley cropping system was examined on a triennial time frame and compared to separate grassland and willow stands as controls. Three different conversion technologies (combustion of hay, integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass, whole crop digestion) were applied to grassland biomass as feedstock and analyzed for its energetic potential. The energetic potential of willow wood chips was calculated by applying combustion as conversion technique. Net energy balances of separate grassland stands, agroforestry and pure willow stands evaluated their energy efficiency. Results of the biennial artificial shade experiment showed that severe shade (80 % light reduction) halved grassland productivity on average compared to a non-shaded control. White clover as heliophilous plant responded sensitively to limited radiation and its dry matter contribution in the sward decreased with increasing shade, whereas non-leguminous forbs (mainly segetal species) benefited. Changes in nutritive quality could not be confirmed by this experiment. Through the study on interactions within the alleys of the young agroforestry system it was possible to outline changes of incident light, soil temperature and sward composition of clover-grass along the tree-grassland interface. Nearly no effects of trees on precipitation, soil moisture and understory productivity occurred along the interface during the biennial experiment. Considering the results of the productivity and the net energy yield alley cropping system had lower than pure grassland stands, irrespective of the grassland seed mixture or fertilization, but was higher than that for pure willow stands. The comparison of three different energetic conversion techniques for the grassland biomass showed highest net energy yields for hay combustion, whereas the integrated generation of solid fuel and biogas from biomass (IFBB) and whole crop digestion performed similarly. However, due to the low fuel quality of hay, its direct combustion cannot be recommended as a viable conversion technique, whereas IFBB fuels were of a similar quality to wood chip from willow.


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In composite agricultural materials such as grass, tee, medicinal plants; leaves and stems have a different drying time. By this behavior, after leaving the dryer, the stems may have greater moisture content than desired, while the leaves one minor, which can cause either the appearance of fungi or the collapse of the over-dried material. Taking into account that a lot of grass is dehydrated in forced air dryers, especially rotary drum dryers, this research was developed in order to establish conditions enabling to make a separation of the components during the drying process in order to provide a homogeneous product at the end. For this, a rotary dryer consisting of three concentric cylinders and a circular sieve aligned with the more internal cylinder was proposed; so that, once material enters into the dryer in the area of the inner cylinder, stems pass through sieve to the middle and then continue towards the external cylinder, while the leaves continue by the inner cylinder. For this project, a mixture of Ryegrass and White Clover was used. The characteristics of the components of a mixture were: Drying Rate in thin layer and in rotation, Bulk density, Projected Area, Terminal velocity, weight/Area Ratio, Flux through Rotary sieve. Three drying temperatures; 40°C, 60° C and 80° C, and three rotation speeds; 10 rpm, 20 rpm and 40 rpm were evaluated. It was found that the differences in drying time are the less at 80 °C when the dryer rotates at 40 rpm. Above this speed, the material adheres to the walls of the dryer or sieve and does not flow. According to the measurements of terminal velocity of stems and leaves of the components of the mixture, the speed of the air should be less than 1.5 m s-1 in the inner drum for the leaves and less than 4.5 m s-1 in middle and outer drums for stems, in such way that only the rotational movement of the dryer moves the material and achieves a greater residence time. In other hand, the best rotary sieve separation efficiencies were achieved when the material is dry, but the results are good in all the moisture contents. The best rotary speed of sieve is within the critical rotational speed, i.e. 20 rpm. However, the rotational speed of the dryer, including the sieve in line with the inner cylinder should be 10 rpm or less in order to achieve the greatest residence times of the material inside the dryer and the best agitation through the use of lifting flights. With a finite element analysis of a dryer prototype, using an air flow allowing speeds of air already stated, I was found that the best performance occurs when, through a cover, air enters the dryer front of the Middle cylinder and when the inner cylinder is formed in its entirety through a sieve. This way, air flows in almost equal amounts by both the middle and external cylinders, while part of the air in the Middle cylinder passes through the sieve towards the inner cylinder. With this, leaves do not adhere to the sieve and flow along drier, thanks to the rotating movement of the drums and the showering caused by the lifting flights. In these conditions, the differences in drying time are reduced to 60 minutes, but the residence time is higher for the stems than for leaves, therefore the components of the mixture of grass run out of the dryer with the same desired moisture content.


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1. In contrast to above-ground insects, comparatively little is known about the behaviour of subterranean insects, due largely to the difficulty of studying them in situ. 2. The movement of newly hatched (neonate) clover root weevil (Sitona lepidus L. Coleoptera: Curculinidae) larvae was studied non-invasively using recently developed high resolution X-ray microtomography. 3. The movement and final position of S. lepidus larvae in the soil was reliably established using X-ray microtomography, when compared with larval positions that were determined by destructively sectioning the soil column. 4. Newly hatched S. lepidus larvae were seen to attack the root rhizobial nodules of their host plant, white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Sitona lepidus larvae travelled between 9 and 27 mm in 9 h at a mean speed of 1.8 mm h(-1). 5. Sitona lepidus larvae did not move through the soil in a linear manner, but changed trajectory in both the lateral and vertical planes.


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Whilst much is known of new technology adopters, little research has addressed the role of their attitudes in adoption decisions; particularly, for technologies with evident economic potential that have not been taken up by farmers. This paper presents recent research that has used a new approach which examines the role that adopters' attitudes play in identifying the drivers of and barriers to adoption. The study was concerned with technologies for livestock farming systems in SW England, specifically oestrus detection, nitrogen supply management, and, inclusion of white clover. The adoption behaviour is analysed using the social-psychology theory of reasoned action to identify factors that affect the adoption of technologies, which are confirmed using principal components analysis. The results presented here relate to the specific adoption behaviour regarding the Milk Development Council's recommended observation times for heat detection. The factors that affect the adoption of this technology are: cost effectiveness, improved detection and conception rates as the main drivers, whilst the threat to demean the personal knowledge and skills of a farmer in 'knowing' their cows is a barrier. This research shows clearly that promotion of a technology and transfer of knowledge for a farming system need to take account of the beliefs and attitudes of potential adopters. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Euro-Mediterranean region is an important centre for the diversity of crop wild relatives. Crops, such as oats (Avena sativa), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), apple (Malus domestica), annual meadow grass (Festuca pratensis), white clover (Trifolium repens), arnica (Arnica montana), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and sage (Salvia officinalis) etc., all have wild relatives in the region. The European Community funded project, PGR Forum (www.pgrforum.org) is building an online information system to provide access to crop wild relative data to a broad user community; including plant breeders, protected area managers, policy-makers, conservationists, taxonomists and the wider public. The system will include data on uses, geographical distribution, biology, population and habitat information, threats (including IUCN Red List assessments) and conservation actions. This information is vital for the continued sustainable utilisation and conservation of crop wild relatives. Two major databases have been utilised as the backbone to a Euro-Mediterranean crop wild relative catalogue, which forms the core of the information system: Euro+Med PlantBase (www.euromed.org.uk) and Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de). By matching the genera found within the two databases, a preliminary list of crop wild relatives has been produced. Around 20,000 of the 30,000+ species listed in Euro+Med PlantBase can be considered crop wild relatives, i.e. those species found within the same genus as a crop. The list is currently being refined by implementing a priority ranking system based on the degree of relatedness of taxa to the associated crop.


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Natural anti-parasitic compounds in plants such as condensed tannins (CT) have anthelmintic properties against a range of gastrointestinal nematodes, but for other helminths such effects are unexplored. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of CT from three different plant extracts in a model system employing the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, in its intermediate host, Tenebrio molitor. An in vitro study examined infectivity of H. diminuta cysticercoids (excystation success) isolated from infected beetles exposed to different concentrations of CT extracts from pine bark (PB) (Pinus sps), hazelnut pericarp (HN) (Corylus avellana) or white clover flowers (WC) (Trifolium repens), in comparison with the anthelmintic drug praziquantel (positive control). In the in vitro study, praziquantel and CT from all three plant extracts had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on cysticercoid excystation. The HN extract was most effective at inhibiting excystation, followed by PB and WC. An in vivo study was carried out on infected beetles (measured as cysticercoid establishment) fed different doses of PB, HN and praziquantel. There was a highly significant inhibitory effect of HN on cysticercoid development (p = 0.0002). Overall, CT showed a promising anti-cestodal effect against the metacestode stage of H. diminuta.


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The precipitation of bovine serum albumin (BSA), lysozyme (LYS) and alfalfa leaf protein (ALF) by two large- and two medium-sized condensed tannin (CT) fractions of similar flavan-3-ol subunit composition is described. CT fractions isolated from white clover flowers and big trefoil leaves exhibited high purity profiles by 1D/2D NMR and purities >90% (determined by thiolysis). At pH 6.5, large CTs with a mean degree of polymerization (mDP) of ~18 exhibited similar protein precipitation behaviors and were significantly more effective than medium CTs (mDP ~9). Medium CTs exhibited similar capacities to precipitate ALF or BSA, but showed small but significant differences in their capacity to precipitate LYS. All CTs precipitated ALF more effectively than BSA or LYS. Aggregation of CT-protein complexes likely aided precipitation of ALF and BSA, but not LYS. This study, one of the first to use CTs of confirmed high purity, demonstrates that mDP of CTs influences protein precipitation efficacy.


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Proanthocyanindins (PAs) from shea meal (SM), a by-product obtained after lipid extraction of the nuts, contained B-type linkages, had a high ratio of prodelphinidins (73%) and were galloylated (42%). The average polymer size was 8 flavan-3-ol subunits (≈2384 Daltons) and epigallocatechin gallate was the major subunit. Purified PA fractions from SM were tested in vitro for anthelmintic properties against gastrointestinal nematodes from ruminants (H. contortus and T. colubriformis) [1] by the larval exsheathment inhibition assay and from pigs (A. suum) by the larval migration inhibition assay. Results showed that PAs from SM have a potent anthelmintic activity against those parasites similar to white clover (Trifolium repens) flowers (WCF) [1, 2] (EC50 µg/mL; SM: 55.1, 16.5, 75.9; WCF: 37.4, 14.5, 110.1 for A. suum, H. contortus and T. colubriformis respectively). WCF PAs are constituted almost exclusively of prodelphinidin (PD) compared to SM (98% vs. 73%) but do not contained galloylated PAs. Studies [1, 2] have shown that anthelmintic activity of PAs was mainly associated with their PD ratio but our current results suggest that galloylation can be a major factor to anthelmintic activity and SM as a potential nutraceutical anthelmintic feed for controlling parasitic nematodes.


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An in vitro study was conducted to investigate the effects of condensed tannins (CT) structural properties, i.e. average polymer size (or mean degree of polymerization); percentage of cis flavan-3-ols and percentage of prodelphinidins in CT extracts on methane production (CH4) and fermentation characteristics. CT were extracted from eight plants in order to obtain different CT types: black currant leaves, goat willow leaves, goat willow twigs, pine bark, red currant leaves, sainfoin plants, weeping willow catkins and white clover flowers. They were analysed for CT content and CT composition by thiolytic degradation, followed by HPLC analysis. Grass silage was used as a control substrate. Condensed tannins were added to the substrate at a concentration of 40 g/kg, with or without polyethylene glycol (+ or −PEG 6000 treatment) to inactivate tannins, and then incubated for 72 h in mixed buffered rumen fluid from three different lactating dairy cows per run. Total cumulative gas production (GP) was measured by an automated gas production system. During the incubation, 12 gas samples (10 μl) were collected from each bottle headspace at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 30, 36, 48, 56 and 72 h of incubation and analyzed for CH4. A modified Michaelis–Menten model was fitted to the CH4 concentration patterns and model estimates were used to calculate total cumulative CH4 production (GPCH4). Total cumulative gas production and GPCH4 curves were fitted using biphasic and monophasic modified Michaelis-Menten models, respectively. Addition of PEG increased GP, GPCH4, and CH4 concentration compared to the −PEG treatment. All CT types reduced GPCH4 and CH4 concentration. All CT increased the half time of GP and GPCH4. Moreover, all CT decreased the maximum rate of fermentation for GPCH4 and rate of substrate degradation. The correlation between CT structure and GPCH4 and fermentation characteristics showed that the proportion of prodelphinidins within CT had the largest effect on fermentation characteristics, followed by average 27 polymer size and percentage of cis-flavan-3-ols.


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Dois experimentos e um levantamento por amostragem foram analisados no contexto de dados espaciais. Os experimentos foram delineados em blocos completos casualizados sendo que no experimento um (EXP 1) foram avaliados oito cultivares de trevo branco, sendo estudadas as variáveis Matéria Seca Total (MST) e Matéria Seca de Gramíneas (MSGRAM) e no experimento dois (EXP 2) 20 cultivares de espécies forrageiras, onde foi estudada a variável Percentagem de Implantação (%IMPL). As variáveis foram analisadas no contexto de modelos mistos, sendo modelada a variabilidade espacial através de semivariogramas exponencias, esféricos e gaussianos. Verificou-se uma diminuição em média de 19% e 14% do Coeficiente de Variação (CV) das medias dos cultivares, e uma diminuição em média de 24,6% e 33,3% nos erros padrões dos contrastes ortogonais propostos em MST e MSGRAM. No levantamento por amostragem, estudou-se a associação espacial em Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth , Paspalum notatum Fl e Demodium incanum DC, amostrados em uma transecção fixa de quadros contiguos, a quatro tamanhos de unidades amostrais (0,1x0,1m; 0,1x0,3m; 0,1x0,5m; e 0,1x1,0m). Nas espécies Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth e Paspalum notatum Fl, existiu um bom ajuste dos semivariogramas a tamanhos menores das unidades amostrais, diminuíndo quando a unidade amostral foi maior. Desmodium incanum DC apresentou comportamento contrario, ajustando melhor os semivariogramas a tamanhos maiores das unidades amostrais.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate intake behavior of lambs in pasture systems: (1) lambs kept with their dams in ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) without supplementation; (2) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep feeding; (3) lambs kept with their dams in the same pasture but supplemented in creep grazing with white clover. Three evaluations of intake behavior were performed to check the activities carried out by animals (grazing, rumination, suckling and other activities). Grazing, rumination and other activities times were different (p < 0.05) for non-supplemented lambs. For these lambs, grazing and rumination times were longer than other activities time compared to other systems. Creep feeding reduced grazing time (p < 0.05), probably due to easy access and quality of concentrate. Lambs in creep grazing had reduced (p < 0.05) rumination time. Bite mass in creep grazing was higher (p < 0.05), probably due to easy harvesting of leaves by lambs. It was concluded that the production system affects feeding strategy of lambs and the preference for legumes suggests the use of creep grazing for finishing lambs.


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The adoption of no-till system (NTS) combined with crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been a strategy promoted in Brazil, aiming to maximize areas yield and increase agribusiness profitability. This study aimed to evaluate grains yield and phytotechnical attributes from maize and soybean culture by CLI system under NTS after winter annual pure and diversified pastures with the absence or presence of grazing animals. The experiment was installed in Castro (Parana State, Brazil) on in a dystrophic Humic Rhodic Hapludox with a clay texture, using experimental design of randomized complete blocks in 4 x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. Treatments included four pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) subjected or not to grazing animals during the winter. During 2008/09 and 2009/10 summers, the area was cultivated with soybeans and maize, respectively, with yield assessment of grains and phytotechnical attributes. Treatments did not alter the yield and weight of a thousand seeds (WTS) of soybeans. In maize culture, the grazing animal during the winter increased the plant population and grains yield, but gave slight decrease in WTS. Pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) did not interfere in soybean culture, but benefited the maize crop.


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Mercury (Hg) pollution is a global environmental problem. Numerous Hg-contaminated sites exist in the world and new techniques for remediation are urgently needed. Phytoremediation, use of plants to remove pollutants from the environment or to render them harmless, is considered as an environment-friendly method to remediate contaminated soil in-situ and has been applied for some other heavy metals. Whether this approach is suitable for remediation of Hg-contaminated soil is, however, an open question. The aim of this thesis was to study the fate of Hg in terrestrial plants (particularly the high biomass producing willow, Salix spp.) and thus to clarify the potential use of plants to remediate Hg-contaminated soils. Plants used for phytoremediation of Hg must tolerate Hg. A large variation (up to 30-fold difference) was detected among the six investigated clones of willow in their sensitivity to Hg as reflected in their empirical toxicity threshold (TT95b), the maximum unit toxicity (UTmax) and EC50 levels. This gives us a possibility to select Hg-tolerant willow clones to successfully grow in Hgcontaminated soils for phytoremediation. Release of Hg into air by plants is a concern when using phytoremediation in practice. No evidence was found in this study that Hg was released to the air via shoots of willow, garden pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Faenomen), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Dragon), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. cv Monohill), oil-seed rape (Brassica napus L. cv Paroll) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.). Thus, we conclude that the Hg burden to the atmosphere via phytoremediation is not increased. Phytoremediation processes are based on the ability of plant roots to accumulate Hg and to translocate it to the shoots. Willow roots were shown to be able to efficiently accumulate Hg in hydroponics, however, no variation in the ability to accumulate was found among the eight willow clones using CVAAS to analyze Hg content in plants. The majority of the Hg accumulated remained in the roots and only 0.5-0.6% of the Hg accumulation was translocated to the shoots. Similar results were found for the five common cultivated plant species mentioned above. Moreover, the accumulation of Hg in willow was higher when being cultivated in methyl-Hg solution than in inorganic Hg solution, whereas the translocation of Hg to the shoots did not differ. The low bioavailability of Hg in contaminated soil is a restricting factor for the phytoextraction of Hg. A selected tolerant willow clone was used to study whether iodide addition could increase the plant-accumulation of Hg from contaminated soil. Both pot tests and field trials were carried out. Potassium iodide (KI) addition was found to mobilize Hg in contaminated soil and thus increase the bioavailability of Hg in soils. Addition of KI (0.2–1 mM) increased the Hg concentrations up to about 5, 3 and 8 times in the leaves, branches and roots, respectively. However, too high concentrations of KI were toxic to plants. As the majority of the Hg accumulated in the roots, it might be unrealistic to use willow for phytoextraction of Hg in practice, even though iodide could enhance the phytoextraction efficiency. In order to study the effect of willow on various soil fractions of Hg-contaminated soil, a 5-step sequential soil extraction method was used. Both the largest Hg-contaminated fractions, i.e. the Hg bound to residual organic matter (53%) and sulphides (43%), and the residual fraction (2.5%), were found to remain stable during cultivations of willow. The exchangeable Hg (0.1%) and the Hg bound to humic and fulvic acids (1.1%) decreased in the rhizospheric soil, whereas the plant accumulation of Hg increased with the cultivation time. The sum of the decrease of the two Hg fractions in soils was approximately equal to the amount of the Hg accumulated in plants. Consequently, plants may be suitable for phytostabilization of aged Hg-contaminated soil, in which root systems trap the bioavailable Hg and reduce the leakage of Hg from contaminated soils.


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Reverse transcribed RNAs coding for YnKn, YnSKn, SKn, and KS dehydrin types in drought-stressed white clover (Trifolium repens) were identified and characterized. The nucleotide analyses revealed the complex nature of dehydrin-coding sequences, often featured with alternative start and stop codons within the open reading frames, which could be a prerequisite for high variability among the transcripts originating from a single gene. For some dehydrin sequences, the existence of natural antisense transcripts was predicted. The differential distribution of dehydrin homologues in roots and leaves from a single white clover stolon under normal and drought conditions was evaluated by semi-quantitative RT-PCR and immunoblots with antibodies against the conserved K-, Y- and S-segments. The data suggest that different dehydrin classes have distinct roles in the drought stress response and vegetative development, demonstrating some specific characteristic features. Substantial levels of YSK-type proteins with different molecular weights were immunodetected in the non-stressed developing leaves. The acidic SK2 and KS dehydrin transcripts exhibited some developmental gradient in leaves. A strong increase of YK transcripts was documented in the fully expanded leaves and roots of drought-stressed individuals. The immunodetected drought-induced signals imply that Y- and K-segment containing dehydrins could be the major inducible Late Embryogenesis Abundant class 2 proteins (LEA 2) that accumulate predominantly under drought.