997 resultados para Vulnerability Assessment
L’obiettivo della presente tesi è evidenziare l’importanza dell’approccio critico alla valutazione della vulnerabilità sismica di edifici in muratura e misti Il contributo della tesi sottolinea i diversi risultati ottenuti nella modellazione di tre edifici esistenti ed uno ipotetico usando due diversi programmi basati sul modello del telaio equivalente. La modellazione delle diverse ipotesi di vincolamento ed estensione delle zone rigide ha richiesto la formulazione di quattro modelli di calcolo in Aedes PCM ed un modello in 3muri. I dati ottenuti sono stati confrontati, inoltre, con l’analisi semplificata speditiva per la valutazione della vulnerabilità a scala territoriale prevista nelle “Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del Patrimonio Culturale”. Si può notare che i valori ottenuti sono piuttosto diversi e che la variabilità aumenta nel caso di edifici non regolari, inoltre le evidenze legate ai danni realmente rilevati sugli edifici mostrano un profondo iato tra la previsione di danno ottenuta tramite calcolatore e le lesioni rilevate; questo costituisce un campanello d’allarme nei confronti di un approccio acritico nei confronti del mero dato numerico ed un richiamo all’importanza del processo conoscitivo. I casi di studio analizzati sono stati scelti in funzione delle caratteristiche seguenti: il primo è una struttura semplice e simmetrica nelle due direzioni che ha avuto la funzione di permettere di testare in modo controllato le ipotesi di base. Gli altri sono edifici reali: il Padiglione Morselli è un edificio in muratura a pianta a forma di C, regolare in pianta ed in elevazione solamente per quanto concerne la direzione y: questo ha permesso di raffrontare il diverso comportamento dei modelli di calcolo nelle sue direzioni; il liceo Marconi è un edificio misto in cui elementi in conglomerato cementizio armato affiancano le pareti portanti in muratura, che presenta un piano di copertura piuttosto irregolare; il Corpo 4 dell’Ospedale di Castelfranco Emilia è un edificio in muratura, a pianta regolare che presenta le medesime irregolarità nel piano sommitale del precedente. I dati ottenuti hanno dimostrato un buon accordo per la quantificazione dell’indice di sicurezza per i modelli regolari e semplici con uno scarto di circa il 30% mentre il delta si incrementa per le strutture irregolari, in particolare quando le pareti portanti in muratura vengono sostituite da elementi puntuali nei piani di copertura arrivando a valori massimi del 60%. I confronti sono stati estesi per le tre strutture anche alla modellazione proposta dalle Linee Guida per la valutazione dell’indice di sicurezza sismica a scala territoriale LV1 mostrando differenze nell’ordine del 30% per il Padiglione Morselli e del 50% per il Liceo Marconi; il metodo semplificato risulta correttamente cautelativo. È, quindi, possibile affermare che tanto più gli edifici si mostrano regolari in riferimento a masse e rigidezze, tanto più la modellazione a telaio equivalente restituisce valori in accordo tra i programmi e di più immediata comprensione. Questa evidenza può essere estesa ad altri casi reali divenendo un vero e proprio criterio operativo che consiglia la suddivisione degli edifici esistenti in muratura, solitamente molto complessi poiché frutto di successive stratificazioni, in parti più semplici, ricorrendo alle informazioni acquisite attraverso il percorso della conoscenza che diviene in questo modo uno strumento utile e vitale. La complessità dell’edificato storico deve necessariamente essere approcciata in una maniera più semplice identificando sub unità regolari per percorso dei carichi, epoca e tecnologia costruttiva e comportamento strutturale dimostrato nel corso del tempo che siano più semplici da studiare. Una chiara comprensione del comportamento delle strutture permette di agire mediante interventi puntuali e meno invasivi, rispettosi dell’esistente riconducendo, ancora una volta, l’intervento di consolidamento ai principi propri del restauro che includono i principi di minimo intervento, di riconoscibilità dello stesso, di rispetto dei materiali esistenti e l’uso di nuovi compatibili con i precedenti. Il percorso della conoscenza diviene in questo modo la chiave per liberare la complessità degli edifici storici esistenti trasformando un mero tecnicismo in una concreta operazione culturale . Il presente percorso di dottorato è stato svolto in collaborazione tra l’Università di Parma, DICATeA e lo Studio di Ingegneria Melegari mediante un percorso di Apprendistato in Alta Formazione e Ricerca.
The premise of automated alert correlation is to accept that false alerts from a low level intrusion detection system are inevitable and use attack models to explain the output in an understandable way. Several algorithms exist for this purpose which use attack graphs to model the ways in which attacks can be combined. These algorithms can be classified in to two broad categories namely scenario-graph approaches, which create an attack model starting from a vulnerability assessment and type-graph approaches which rely on an abstract model of the relations between attack types. Some research in to improving the efficiency of type-graph correlation has been carried out but this research has ignored the hypothesizing of missing alerts. Our work is to present a novel type-graph algorithm which unifies correlation and hypothesizing in to a single operation. Our experimental results indicate that the approach is extremely efficient in the face of intensive alerts and produces compact output graphs comparable to other techniques.
The information contained in this Annual Safety and Security Report is provided to new and prospective students and employees, as well as their families, and all current members of the campus community. It contains Public Safety Services and Programming,Building Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Program,Campus Security authorities, Annual Preparation of Crime Statistics, Disclosure of Crime Statistics, Daily Crime Log, How to Report a Crime, Suspicious Activity or Emergency, Silent Witness Program, Relationship with Local Authorities, Off-Campus Violations & Criminal Activity, Confidential Reporting, Timely Warning Procedures, Emergency Response, Notification and Evacuation Procedures Activation Authority, Available Communications Media, Emergency Notification Tests, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Shelter-in-Place Procedures,Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs, Emergency Telephones, Access To Facilities, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Sex Offender Registration, Weapons on Campus, Referrals for Disciplinary Action, Crime Information: Definitions and Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions, Reporting Areas. Crime Statistics
The severe accidents deriving from the impact of natural events on industrial installations have become a matter of growing concern in the last decades. In the literature, these events are typically referred to as Natech accidents. Several peculiarities distinguish them from conventional industrial accidents caused by internal factors, such as the possible occurrence of multiple simultaneous failures, and the enhanced probability of cascading events. The research project provides a comprehensive overview of Natech accidents that occurred in the Chemical and Process Industry, allowing for the identification of relevant aspects of Natech events. Quantified event trees and probability of ignition are derived from the collected dataset, providing a step forward in the quantitative risk assessment of Natech accidents. The investigation of past Natech accidents also demonstrated that wildfires may cause technological accidents. Climate change and global warming are promoting the conditions for wildfire development and rapid spread. Hence, ensuring the safety of industrial facilities exposed to wildfires is paramount. This was achieved defining safety distances between wildland vegetation and industrial equipment items. In addition, an innovative methodology for the vulnerability assessment of Natech and Domino scenarios triggered by wildfires was developed. The approach accounted for the dynamic behaviour of wildfire events and related technological scenarios. Besides, the performance of the emergency response and the related intervention time in the case of cascading events caused by natural events were evaluated. Overall, the tools presented in this thesis represent a step forward in the Quantitative Risk Assessment of Natech accidents. The methodologies developed also provide a solid basis for the definition of effective strategies for risk mitigation and reduction. These aspects are crucial to improve the resilience of industrial plants to natural hazards, especially considering the effects that climate change may have on the severity of such events.
The growth of maritime transport and oil exploitation activities may increase the risk of oil spills. Thus, plans and actions to prevent or mitigate impacts are needed to minimize the effects caused by oil. However, tools used worldwide to support contingency plans have not been integrated, thus leading to failure in establishing priority areas. This investigation aimed to develop indices of environmental vulnerability to oil (IEVO), by combining information about environmental sensibility to oil and results of numerical modeling of spilled oil. To achieve that, a case study concerning to oil spills scenarios in a subtropical coastal area was designed, and IEVOs were calculated and presented in maps, in order to make the information about the areas' vulnerability more easily visualized. For summer, the extension of coastline potentially affected by oil was approximately 150. km, and most of the coastline presented medium to high vulnerability. For winter, 230. km coastline would be affected, from which 75% were classified as medium to high vulnerability. Thus, IEVO maps allowed a rapid and clearer interpretation of the vulnerability of the mapped region, facilitating the planning process and the actions in response to an oil spill. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
The study undertakes a review of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs), and Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs) of four selected Caribbean SIDS from the Eastern Caribbean. The countries had participated in the Poverty Reduction Strategy initiative formulated by the World Bank. The country papers reviewed were the Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The review assesses and provides a comparative analysis of the general awareness of the notions of vulnerability and the inclusion and use of strategies that address the reduction of vulnerability and the strengthening of resilience by the countries reviewed. It also explores how vulnerability reduction strategies were applied to differing groups, as elaborated through the PRSPs.
Soil erosion is a natural geological phenomenon resulting from removal and transportation of soil particles by water, wind, ice and gravity. As soil erosion may be affected from cultural factors as well. The physical and social phenomena of soil erosion are researched in six communities in the upper part of Rio Grijalva Basin in the vicinity of Motozintla de Mendoza, Chiapas, Mexico. For this study, the USDA RUSLE model was applied to estimate soil erosion rates in the six communities based on the available data. The RUSLE model is based on soil properties, topography, and land cover and management factors. These results showed that estimated soil erosion rates ranged from a high of 2,050 metric ton ha-1 yr-1 to a low of 100 metric ton ha-1 yr-1. A survey concerning knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) related to soil erosion was also conducted in all 236 households in the six communities. The main findings of the KAP survey were: 69% of respondents did not know what soil erosion was, while over 40% of the population perceived that hurricanes are the biggest factors that cause soil erosion, and about 20 % of the interviewees said that the landslides are the consequences of the soil erosion. People in communities did not perceive cultural factors as important in conservation efforts for reduce vulnerability to erosion; therefore, the results obtained are suggested to be useful for informing efforts to educate stakeholders.
In natural hazard research, risk is defined as a function of (1) the probability of occurrence of a hazardous process, and (2) the assessment of the related extent of damage, defined by the value of elements at risk exposed and their physical vulnerability. Until now, various works have been undertaken to determine vulnerability values for objects exposed to geomorphic hazards such as mountain torrents. Yet, many studies only provide rough estimates for vulnerability values based on proxies for process intensities. However, the deduced vulnerability functions proposed in the literature show a wide range, in particular with respect to medium and high process magnitudes. In our study, we compare vulnerability functions for torrent processes derived from studies in test sites located in the Austrian Alps and in Taiwan. Based on this comparison we expose needs for future research in order to enhance mountain hazard risk management with a particular focus on the question of vulnerability on a catchment scale.
In many different ways psychologists are challenged to evaluate their work and be accountable when therapy is not progressing. One time honored approach to addressing the lack of progress is to seek formal psychological assessment to gain a better diagnostic understanding as well as treatment recommendations. The perspective on the purpose of the assessment seems to have changed however. Historically, the presumption was that there was some kind of pathology that the clinician was not seeing, where currently the perspective seems to be shifting more towards a focus on what might not be working in the therapeutic process. This shift in focus has led to new styles of collaborative and consultative assessment such as Therapeutic Assessment. Therapeutic Assessment was developed by Stephen Finn and has shown a great deal of promise helping clients and therapists gain valuable insight and move toward meaningful life changes (1998). Amidst the promise of consultative assessment also lie potential challenges for the referring clinician. This paper will explore the nature of consultative relationships in the field of mental health and the current thoughts about the advantages and challenges of these relationships. Using a case study format, it will discuss and illustrate issues of professional vulnerability that can arise during these relationships and postulate that a similar vulnerability could be present during a consultative assessment. Recommendations are made for maximizing the success of this type of assessment, and ideas for future research are reviewed. Through the lens of a couples Therapeutic Assessment case, this paper will examine what it is about this unique kind of professional relationship that garners such powerful potential and pitfalls.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Outlining the best strategies for seismic risk mitigation requires that both benefits and costs of retrofitting are known in advance. The assessment of the vulnerability of building typologies is a first step of a more extensive effort, concerning the analysis of the viability of seismic risk mitigation and taking into account retrofitting costs. The methodology adopted to obtain the seismic vulnerability of some classes of residential buildings existing in mainland Portugal is presented. This methodology is based on a structural analysis of individual buildings belonging to the same typology. An application example is presented to illustrate the methodology. Fragility curves of “boxed” building typology are also presented and broken down into three height classes: low rise, medium-rise and high-rise. These curves are based on average capacity spectra derived from several individual buildings belonging to the same typology.
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon, for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences
The excessive use of pesticides and fertilisers in agriculture has generated a decrease in groundwater and surface water quality in many regions of the EU, constituting a hazard for human health and the environment. Besides, on-site sewage disposal is an important source of groundwater contamination in urban and peri-urban areas. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination is an important tool to fulfil the demands of EU Directives. The purpose of this study is to assess the groundwater vulnerability to contamination related mainly to agricultural activities in a peri-urban area (Vila do Conde, NW Portugal). The hydrogeological framework is characterised mainly by fissured granitic basement and sedimentary cover. Water samples were collected and analysed for temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, chloride, phosphate, nitrate and nitrite. An evaluation of groundwater vulnerability to contamination was applied (GOD-S, Pesticide DRASTIC-Fm, SINTACS and SI) and the potential nitrate contamination risk was assessed, both on a hydrogeological GIS-based mapping. A principal component analysis was performed to characterised patterns of relationship among groundwater contamination, vulnerability, and the hydrogeological setting assessed. Levels of nitrate above legislation limits were detected in 75 % of the samples analysed. Alluvia units showed the highest nitrate concentrations and also the highest vulnerability and risk. Nitrate contamination is a serious problem affecting groundwater, particularly shallow aquifers, especially due to agriculture activities, livestock and cesspools. GIS-based cartography provided an accurate way to improve knowledge on water circulation models and global functioning of local aquifer systems. Finally, this study highlights the adequacy of an integrated approach, combining hydrogeochemical data, vulnerability assessments and multivariate analysis, to understand groundwater processes in peri-urban areas.
Until 1999 the endemic cases of Sylvatic Yellow Fever were located in the states of northern, midwestern and pre-Amazon regions. Since then, the disease progressively expanded its territory of occurrence, cases being registered beyond the traditional boundaries of endemism. The São Paulo State is considered to be part of this context, since after decades without registration of autochthonous cases of the disease, it reported, in 2000 and 2008-2009, epizootic occurrence in non-human primates and 30 cases in humans. Facts like these, added to the increase in incidences of serious adverse effects resulting from the Yellow Fever vaccination, have highlighted the importance of defining priority municipalities for vaccination against the disease in the state. Two groups of municipalities, some affected and some non-affected by YF, were compared for environmental variables related to the eco-epidemiology of the disease according to literature. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) was used to pinpoint the factor able to differentiate the two groups of municipalities and define the levels of risk. The southeast region of the São Paulo State was considered to be the area with a higher number of municipalities classified as high risk and should be considered a priority for the application of prevention measures against Yellow Fever.