997 resultados para Voltage sensing


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This is an exploratory study to illustrate the feasibility of detecting delamination type of damage in polymeric laminates with one layer of magnetostrictive particles. One such beam encircled with excitation and sensing coils is used for this study. The change in stress gradient of the magnetostrictive layer in the vicinity of delamination shows up as a change in induced voltage in the sensing coil, and therefore provides a means to sense the presence of delamination. Recognizing the constitutive behavior of the Terfenol-D material is highly nonlinear, analytical expressions for the constitutive relations are developed by using curve fitting techniques to the experimental data. Analytical expressions that relate the applied excitation field with the stress and magnetic flux densities induced in the magnetostrictive layer are developed. Numerical methods are used to find the relative change in the induced voltage in the sensing coil due to the presence of delamination. A typical example of unidirectional laminate, with embedded delaminations, is used for the simulation purposes. This exploratory study illustrates that the open-circuit voltage induced in the sensing coil changes significantly (as large of 68 millivolts) with the occurrence of delamination. This feature can be exploited for device off-line inspection techniques and/or linking monitoring procedures for practical applications.


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In order to demonstrate the feasibility of Active Fiber Composites (AFC) as sensors for detecting damage, a pretwisted strip made of AFC with symmetric free-edge delamination is considered in this paper. The strain developed on the top/bottom of the strip is measured to detect and assess delamination. Variational Asymptotic Method (VAM) is used in the development of a non-classical non-linear cross sectional model of the strip. The original three dimensional (3D) problem is simplified by the decomposition into two simpler problems: a two-dimensional (2D) problem, which provides in a compact form the cross-sectional properties using VAM, and a non-linear one-dimensional (1D) problem along the length of the beam. This procedure gives the non-linear stiffnesses, which are very sensitive to damage, at any given cross-section of the strip. The developed model is used to study a special case of cantilevered laminated strip with antisymmetric layup, loaded only by an axial force at the tip. The charge generated in the AFC lamina is derived in closed form in terms of the 1D strain measures. It is observed that delamination length and location have a definite influence on the charge developed in the AFC lamina. Also, sensor voltage output distribution along the length of the beam is obtained using evenly distributed electrode strip. These data could in turn be used to detect the presence of damage.


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Carbon nanotubes dispersed in polymer matrix have been aligned in the form of fibers and interconnects and cured electrically and by UV light. Conductivity and effective semiconductor tunneling against reverse to forward bias field have been designed to have differentiable current-voltage response of each of the fiber/channel. The current-voltage response is a function of the strain applied to the fibers along axial direction. Biaxial and shear strains are correlated by differentiating signals from the aligned fibers/channels. Using a small doping of magnetic nanoparticles in these composite fibers, magneto-resistance properties are realized which are strong enough to use the resulting magnetostriction as a state variable for signal processing and computing. Various basic analog signal processing tasks such as addition, convolution and filtering etc. can be performed. These preliminary study shows promising application of the concept in combined analog-digital computation in carbon nanotube based fibers. Various dynamic effects such as relaxation, electric field dependent nonlinearities and hysteresis on the output signals are studied using experimental data and analytical model.


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We report on the novel flow sensing application of piezoelectric ZnO thin film deposited on Phynox alloy sensing element. Characterization of piezoelectric ZnO films deposited on Phynox (Elgiloy) substrate at different RF powers is discussed. ZnO films deposited at RF power of 100W were found to have fine c-axis orientation, possesses excellent surface morphology with lower rms surface roughness of 1.87 nm and maximum d(31) coefficient value 4.7 pm V-1. The thin cantilever strip of Phynox alloy with ZnO film as a sensing layer for flow sensing has been tested for flow rates ranging from 2 to 18 L min(-1). A detailed theoretical analysis of the experimental set-up showing the relationship between output voltage and force at a particular flow rate has been discussed. The sensitivity of now sensing element is similar to 18 mV/(L min(-1)) and typical response time is of the order of 20 m s. The sensing element is calibrated using in-house developed testing set-up. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the present paper, the ultrasonic strain sensing performance of large-area piezoceramic coating with Inter Digital Transducer (IDT) electrodes is studied. The piezoceramic coating is prepared using slurry coating technique and the piezoelectric phase is achieved by poling under DC field. To study the sensing performance of the piezoceramic coating with IDT electrodes for strain induced by the guided waves, the piezoceramic coating is fabricated on the surface of a beam specimen at one end and the ultrasonic guided waves are launched with a piezoelectric wafer bonded on another end. Often a wider frequency band of operation is needed for the effective implementation of the sensors in the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of various structures, for different types of damages. A wider frequency band of operation is achieved in the present study by considering the variation in the number of IDT electrodes in the contribution of voltage for the induced dynamic strain. In the present work, the fabricated piezoceramic coatings with IDT electrodes have been characterized for dynamic strain sensing applications using guided wave technique at various different frequencies. Strain levels of the launched guided wave are varied by varying the magnitude of the input voltage sent to the actuator. Sensitivity variation with the variation in the strain levels of guided wave is studied for the combination of different number of IDT electrodes. Piezoelectric coefficient e(11) is determined at different frequencies and at different strain levels using the guided wave technique.


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Biological nanopores provide optimum dimensions and an optimal environment to study early aggregation kinetics of charged polyaromatic molecules in the nano-confined regime. It is expected that probing early stages of nucleation will enable us to design a strategy for supramolecular assembly and biocrystallization processes. Specifically, we have studied translocation dynamics of coronene and perylene based salts, through the alpha-hemolysin (alpha-HL) protein nanopore. The characteristic blocking events in the time-series signal are a function of concentration and bias voltage. We argue that different blocking events arise due to different aggregation processes as captured by all atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These confinement induced aggregations of polyaromatic chromophores during the different stages of translocation are correlated with the spatial symmetry and charge distribution of the molecules.


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The present experimental study investigates the influence of post-deposition annealing on the transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value of ZnO thin films deposited on a flexible metal alloy substrate, and its relationship with the vibration sensing performance. Highly c-axis oriented and crystalline ZnO thin films were deposited on flexible Phynox alloy substrate via radio frequency (RF) reactive magnetron sputtering. ZnO thin film samples were annealed at different temperatures ranging from 100 degrees C to 500 degrees C, resulting in the temperature of 300 degrees C determined as the optimum annealing temperature. The crystallinity, morphology, microstructure, and rms surface roughness of annealed ZnO thin films were systematically investigated by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), respectively. The piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value was measured by 4-point bending method. ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C was highly c-axis oriented, crystalline, possesses fine surface morphology with uniformity in the grain size. This film showed higher d(31) coefficient value of 7.2 pm V-1. A suitable in-house designed and developed experimental set-up, for evaluating the vibration sensing performance of annealed ZnO thin films is discussed. As expected the ZnO thin film annealed at 300 degrees C showed relatively better result for vibration sensing studies. It generates comparatively higher peak output voltage of 147 mV, due to improved structural and morphological properties, and higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value. (C) 2014 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the systematic comparative study of highly c-axis oriented and crystalline piezoelectric ZnO thin films deposited on four different flexible substrates for vibration sensing application. The flexible substrates employed for present experimental study were namely a metal alloy (Phynox), metal (aluminum), polyimide (Kapton), and polyester (Mylar). ZnO thin films were deposited by an RF reactive magnetron sputtering technique. ZnO thin films of similar thicknesses of 700 +/- 30 nm were deposited on four different flexible substrates to have proper comparative studies. The crystallinity, surface morphology, chemical composition, and roughness of ZnO thin films were evaluated by respective material characterization techniques. The transverse piezoelectric coefficient (d(31)) value for assessing the piezoelectric property of ZnO thin films on different flexible substrates was measured by a four-point bending method. ZnO thin films deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed relatively better material characterization results and a higher piezoelectric d(31) coefficient value as compared to ZnO films on metal and polymer substrates. In order to experimentally verify the above observations, vibration sensing studies were performed. As expected, the ZnO thin film deposited on Phynox alloy substrate showed better vibration sensing performance. It has generated the highest peak to peak output voltage amplitude of 256 mV as compared to that of aluminum (224 mV), Kapton (144 mV), and Mylar (46 mV). Therefore, metal alloy flexible substrate proves to be a more suitable, advantageous, and versatile choice for integrating ZnO thin films as compared to metal and polymer flexible substrates for vibration sensing applications. The present experimental study is extremely important and helpful for the selection of a suitable flexible substrate for various applications in the field of sensor and actuator technology.


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Ultrasonic strain sensing performance of the large area PVDF with Inter Digital Electrodes (IDE) is studied in this work. Procedure to obtain IDE on a beta-phase PVDF is explained. PVDF film with IDE is bonded on a plate structure and is characterized for its directional sensitivity at different frequencies. Guided waves are induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor from different directions by placing a piezoelectric wafer actuator at different angles. Strain induced on the IDE-PVDF sensor by the guided waves in estimated by using a Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) and a wave propagation model. Using measured voltage response from IDE-PVDF sensor and the strain measurements from LDV the piezoelectric coefficient is estimated in various directions. The variation of 11 e at different angles shows directional sensitivity of the IDE-PVDF sensor to the incident guided waves. The present study provides an effective technique to characterize thin film piezoelectric sensors for ultrasonic strain sensing at very high frequencies of 200 kHz. Often frequency of the guided wave is changed to alter the wavelength to interrogate damages of different sizes in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. The unique property of directional sensitivity combined with frequency tunability makes the IDE-PVDF sensor most suitable for SHM of structures.


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Minimizing energy consumption is of utmost importance in an energy starved system with relaxed performance requirements. This brief presents a digital energy sensing method that requires neither a constant voltage reference nor a time reference. An energy minimizing loop uses this to find the minimum energy point and sets the supply voltage between 0.2 and 0.5 V. Energy savings up to 1275% over existing minimum energy tracking techniques in the literature is achieved.


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Ready-to-use screen printed glucose sensors are fabricated using Prussian Blue (PB) and Cobalt Phthalocyanine (CoPC) mediated carbon inks as working electrodes. The reference and counter electrodes are screen printed using silver/silver chloride and graphitic carbon paste respectively. The screen printed reference electrodes (internal reference electrode (IRE)) are found to be stable for more than 60 minutes when examined with saturated calomel electrode. Optimal operating voltage for PB and CoPC screen printed sensors are determined by hydrodynamic voltammetric technique. Glucose oxidase is immobilized on the working electrodes by cross-linking method. PB mediated glucose sensor exhibits a sensitivity of 5.60 mA cm(-2)/mM for the range, 10 to 1000 mu M. Sensitivity of CoPC mediated glucose sensor is found to be 5.224 mu A cm(-2)/mM and amperometeric response is linear for the range, 100 to 1500 mu M. Interference studies on the fabricated glucose sensors are conducted with species like uric acid and ascorbic acid. PB mediated sensors showed a completely interference-free behavior. The sensing characteristics of PB mediated glucose sensors are also studied in diluted human serum samples and the results are compared with the values obtained through standard clinical method. The co-efficient of variation is found to be less than 5%. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Fabrication of a thin praseodymium oxide film is of great technological interest in sensor, semiconducting, and ceramic industries. It is shown for the first time that an ultrathin layer of praseodymium oxide can be deposited on tin-doped indium oxide surface (ITO) by applying a negative sweeping voltage (cathodic electrodeposition) to the aqueous solution containing Pr(NO3)(3) and H2O2 using cyclic voltammetry, followed by annealing the film at 500 S C for 1 h. X-ray diffraction suggested that the predominant phase of the film is Pr6O11 and atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy characterizations indicated that this film is assembled with a monolayer coverage of spherical praseodymium oxide nanoparticles packed closely on the ITO surface. AC impedance measurements of the thin Pr6O11 film on ITO also revealed that the composite material displays a much higher electrical conductivity compared to the pure ITO. As a result, the material could suitably be used as a new chemical sensor. (c) 2006 The Electrochemical Society.


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Potassium and phosphorus are important macronutrients for crops but are often deficient in the field. Very little is known about how plants sense fluctuations in K and P and how information about K and P availability is integrated at the whole plant level into physiological and metabolic adaptations. This chapter reviews recent advances in discovering molecular responses of plants to K and P deficiency by microarray experiments. These studies provide us not only with a comprehensive picture of adaptive mechanisms, but also with a large number of transcriptional markers that can be used to identify upstream components of K and P signalling pathways. On the basis of the available information we discuss putative receptors and signals involved in the sensing and integration of K and P status both at the cellular and at the whole plant level. These involve membrane potential, voltage-dependent ion channels, intracellular Ca and pH, and transcription factors, as well as hormones and metabolites for systemic signalling. Genetic screens of reporter lines for transcriptional markers and metabolome analysis of K- and P-deficient plants are likely to further advance our knowledge in this area in the near future.


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The concern related to the environmental degradation and to the exhaustion of natural resources has induced the research on biodegradable materials obtained from renewable sources, which involves fundamental properties and general application. In this context, we have fabricated thin films of lignins, which were extracted from sugar cane bagasse via modified organosolv process using ethanol as organic solvent. The films were made using the vacuum thermal evaporation technique (PVD, physical vapor deposition) grown up to 120 nm. The main objective was to explore basic properties such as electrical and surface morphology and the sensing performance of these lignins as transducers. The PVD film growth was monitored via ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance, revealing a linear relationship between absorbance and film thickness. The 120 nm lignin PVD film morphology presented small aggregates spread all over the film surface on the nanometer scale (atomic force microscopy, AFM) and homogeneous on the micrometer scale (optical microscopy). The PVD films were deposited onto Au interdigitated electrode (IDE) for both electrical characterization and sensing experiments. In the case of electrical characterization, current versus voltage (I vs V) dc measurements were carried out for the Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film, leading to a conductivity of 3.6 x 10(-10) S/m. Using impedance spectroscopy, also for the Au IDE coated with the 120 nm lignin PVD film, dielectric constant of 8.0, tan delta of 3.9 x 10(-3)) and conductivity of 1.75 x 10(-9) S/m were calculated at 1 kHz. As a proof-of-principle, the application of these lignins as transducers in sensing devices was monitored by both impedance spectroscopy (capacitance vs frequency) and I versus time dc measurements toward aniline vapor (saturated atmosphere). The electrical responses showed that the sensing units are sensible to aniline vapor with the process being reversible. AFM images conducted directly onto the sensing units (Au IDE coated with 120 nm lignin PVD film) before and after the sensing experiments showed a decrease in the PVD film roughness from 5.8 to 3.2 nm after exposing to aniline.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)