913 resultados para Visual short-term memory


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We report that, in the rat hippocampus, learning leads to a significant increase in extracellular lactate levels that derive from glycogen, an energy reserve selectively localized in astrocytes. Astrocytic glycogen breakdown and lactate release are essential for long-term but not short-term memory formation, and for the maintenance of long-term potentiation (LTP) of synaptic strength elicited in vivo. Disrupting the expression of the astrocytic lactate transporters monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) or MCT1 causes amnesia, which, like LTP impairment, is rescued by L-lactate but not equicaloric glucose. Disrupting the expression of the neuronal lactate transporter MCT2 also leads to amnesia that is unaffected by either L-lactate or glucose, suggesting that lactate import into neurons is necessary for long-term memory. Glycogenolysis and astrocytic lactate transporters are also critical for the induction of molecular changes required for memory formation, including the induction of phospho-CREB, Arc, and phospho-cofilin. We conclude that astrocyte-neuron lactate transport is required for long-term memory formation.


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By means of fixed-links modeling, the present study identified different processes of visual short-term memory (VSTM) functioning and investigated how these processes are related to intelligence. We conducted an experiment where the participants were presented with a color change detection task. Task complexity was manipulated through varying the number of presented stimuli (set size). We collected hit rate and reaction time (RT) as indicators for the amount of information retained in VSTM and speed of VSTM scanning, respectively. Due to the impurity of these measures, however, the variability in hit rate and RT was assumed to consist not only of genuine variance due to individual differences in VSTM retention and VSTM scanning but also of other, non-experimental portions of variance. Therefore, we identified two qualitatively different types of components for both hit rate and RT: (1) non-experimental components representing processes that remained constant irrespective of set size and (2) experimental components reflecting processes that increased as a function of set size. For RT, intelligence was negatively associated with the non-experimental components, but was unrelated to the experimental components assumed to represent variability in VSTM scanning speed. This finding indicates that individual differences in basic processing speed, rather than in speed of VSTM scanning, differentiates between high- and low-intelligent individuals. For hit rate, the experimental component constituting individual differences in VSTM retention was positively related to intelligence. The non-experimental components of hit rate, representing variability in basal processes, however, were not associated with intelligence. By decomposing VSTM functioning into non-experimental and experimental components, significant associations with intelligence were revealed that otherwise might have been obscured.


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Visual short-term memory (VSTM) is the storage of visual information over a brief time period (usually a few seconds or less). Over the past decade, the most popular task for studying VSTM in humans has been the change detection task. In this task, subjects must remember several visual items per trial in order to identify a change following a brief delay interval. Results from change detection tasks have shown that VSTM is limited; humans are only able to accurately hold a few visual items in mind over a brief delay. However, there has been much debate in regard to the structure or cause of these limitations. The two most popular conceptualizations of VSTM limitations in recent years have been the fixed-capacity model and the continuous-resource model. The fixed-capacity model proposes a discrete limit on the total number of visual items that can be stored in VSTM. The continuous-resource model proposes a continuous-resource that can be allocated among many visual items in VSTM, with noise in item memory increasing as the number of items to be remembered increases. While VSTM is far from being completely understood in humans, even less is known about VSTM in non-human animals, including the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). Given that rhesus monkeys are the premier medical model for humans, it is important to understand their VSTM if they are to contribute to understanding human memory. The primary goals of this study were to train and test rhesus monkeys and humans in change detection in order to directly compare VSTM between the two species and explore the possibility that direct species comparison might shed light on the fixed-capacity vs. continuous-resource models of VSTM. The comparative results suggest qualitatively similar VSTM for the two species through converging evidence supporting the continuous-resource model and thereby establish rhesus monkeys as a good system for exploring neurophysiological correlates of VSTM.


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In line with current memory theories of a perception-memory continuum along the ventral visual pathway, there is evidence that the specific profile of enhanced memory in special populations (e.g. synaesthesia) is based on increased perceptual sensitivity. The main goal of this study was to test in a more general population, if increased perceptual sensitivity is indeed associated with enhanced memory performance. We measured ERPs in response to simple perceptual stimuli biasing either the ventral or the dorsal route and established if perceptual sensitivity in response to ventrally (but not dorsally) processed stimuli is associated with visual short term memory performance in a change detection task. Preliminary results confirm the hypothesis and strengthen the assumption of a perceptual-memory-continuum.


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Esse projeto investigou as habilidades cognitivas da Memória de Trabalho de crianças e adolescentes com o “Transtorno do Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade” (TDAH). Foi aplicado teste TIHC - Teste Infantil de Habilidades Cognitivas informatizado, avaliando principalmente cinco habilidades cognitivas Raciocínio Indutivas (RI), Memória de Armazenamento Auditiva (MAA) e Visual e Memória de Trabalho Auditiva (MTA) e Visual (MTV) usando o modelo de Cattell-Horn-Carroll. O teste foi aplicado em 62 sujeitos sendo 32 com TDAH do Hospital das Clínicas-SEPIA-USP e 30 sujeitos controle “normal” do Ensino Fundamental da rede municipal de 1ª à 8ª séries com idades entre 7 e 15 anos, de ambos os sexos. As análises executadas indicaram a existência de diferenças em diversos aspectos relacionados à memória nos tipos peculiares de crianças com TDAH. Verificou-se que as crianças com TDAH obtiveram bom desempenho nas provas de memória visual em detrimento as provas de memória auditiva. A correlação dos resultados do TIHC verificara que o tempo de reação da prova de memória de armazenamento visual manteve uma correlação significativa com a prova de cálculo.


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Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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La mémoire à court terme visuelle (MCTv) est un système qui permet le maintien temporaire de l’information visuelle en mémoire. La capacité en mémoire à court terme se définit par le nombre d’items qu’un individu peut maintenir en mémoire sur une courte période de temps et est limitée à environ quatre items. Il a été démontré que la capacité en MCTv et les habiletés mathématiques sont étroitement liées. La MCTv est utile dans beaucoup de composantes liées aux mathématiques, comme la résolution de problèmes, la visualisation mentale et l’arithmétique. En outre, la MCTv et le raisonnement mathématique font appel à des régions similaires du cerveau, notamment dans le cortex pariétal. Le sillon intrapariétal (SIP) semble être particulièrement important, autant dans la réalisation de tâches liées à la MCTv qu’aux habiletés mathématiques. Nous avons créé une tâche de MCTv que 15 participants adultes en santé ont réalisée pendant que nous enregistrions leur activité cérébrale à l’aide de la magnétoencéphalographie (MEG). Nous nous sommes intéressés principalement à la composante SPCM. Une évaluation neuropsychologique a également été administrée aux participants. Nous souhaitions tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’activité cérébrale aux capteurs pariéto-occipitaux pendant la tâche de MCTv en MEG sera liée à la performance en mathématiques. Les résultats indiquent que l’amplitude de l’activité pariéto-occipitale pendant la tâche de MCTv permet de prédire les habiletés mathématiques ainsi que la performance dans une tâche de raisonnement perceptif. Ces résultats permettent de confirmer le lien existant entre les habiletés mathématiques et le fonctionnement sous-jacent à la MCTv.


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Two experiments examine the effects of extraneous speech and nonspeech noise on a visual short-term memory task administered to younger and older adults. Experiment 1 confirms an earlier report that playing task-irrelevant speech is no more distracting for older adults than for younger adults (Rouleau T Belleville, 1996), indicating that "irrelevant sound effects" in short-term memory operate in a different manner to recalling targets in the presence of competing speech (Tun, O'Kane, T Wingfield, 2002). Experiment 2 extends this result to nonspeech noise and demonstrates that the result cannot be ascribed to hearing difficulties amongst the older age group, although the data also show that older adults rated the noise as less annoying and uncomfortable than younger adults. Implications for theories of the irrelevant sound effect, and for cognitive ageing, are discussed.


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of sensory modality on short-term memory recall. An exploratory, cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 119 individuals participated. There were 70 female and 49 male subjects, aged 4 to 80 years (M=34,3). The participants were presented with 12 different objects in auditory, visual or auditory/visual mode over a period of 24 seconds. The participants were then asked to recall as many of the 12 objects as possible in any order. The study took place at a day nursery, junior high schools, meetings with elderly and adults with house calls. Non-probability samples were used. The conclusion was that visual short-term memory generated the highest recollection and that adults had the highest mean on the different stimuli. A visual element is recommended at recollection.


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We aimed to determine whether human subjects' reliance on different sources of spatial information encoded in different frames of reference (i.e., egocentric versus allocentric) affects their performance, decision time and memory capacity in a short-term spatial memory task performed in the real world. Subjects were asked to play the Memory game (a.k.a. the Concentration game) without an opponent, in four different conditions that controlled for the subjects' reliance on egocentric and/or allocentric frames of reference for the elaboration of a spatial representation of the image locations enabling maximal efficiency. We report experimental data from young adult men and women, and describe a mathematical model to estimate human short-term spatial memory capacity. We found that short-term spatial memory capacity was greatest when an egocentric spatial frame of reference enabled subjects to encode and remember the image locations. However, when egocentric information was not reliable, short-term spatial memory capacity was greater and decision time shorter when an allocentric representation of the image locations with respect to distant objects in the surrounding environment was available, as compared to when only a spatial representation encoding the relationships between the individual images, independent of the surrounding environment, was available. Our findings thus further demonstrate that changes in viewpoint produced by the movement of images placed in front of a stationary subject is not equivalent to the movement of the subject around stationary images. We discuss possible limitations of classical neuropsychological and virtual reality experiments of spatial memory, which typically restrict the sensory information normally available to human subjects in the real world.


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PURPOSE. To evaluate the change in vision after 3 monthly consecutive intravitreal injections of 1.25 mg of bevacizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD). METHODS. A retrospective analysis of 35 eyes was performed. Visual acuity (VA) at initial visit and at each follow-up visit was compared. The injection of bevacizumab was performed at 30-day intervals and patients were observed for 5 months after the last injection. RESULTS. Of the 35 eyes, 9 had received previous treatment with photodynamic therapy with or without 4 mg of intravitreal triamcinolone. VA was measured in Snellen table and transformed into logMAR for statistical purposes. Mean age was 76.66 years (range, 49-90 years). There were 24(69%) women and 11(31%) men. Mean VA at the initial visit was 0.92 +/- 0.50. At month 1, mean VA was 0.84 +/- 0.51 and at month 2 was 0.74 +/- 0.51. At month 3, mean VA remained 0.74 +/- 0.49. Six and 8 months after the initial visit, VA was 0.79 +/- 0.49 and 0.77 +/- 0.50, respectively. The improvement in VA was statistically significant at month 2 and at the end of the follow-up (8 months) compared with the baseline VA. CONCLUSIONS. Three consecutive monthly injections of intravitreal bevacizumab to treat neovascular AMD is effective in improving VA in the short term. Longer prospective studies should be performed to confirm VA stability after the third injection. (Eur J Ophthalmol 2010; 20: 740-4)


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This study investigated the development of all 3 components of episodic memory (EM), as defined by Tulving, namely, core factual content, spatial context, and temporal context. To this end, a novel, ecologically valid test was administered to 109 participants aged 4-16 years. Results showed that each EM component develops at a different rate. Ability to memorize factual content emerges early, whereas context retrieval abilities continue to improve until adolescence, due to persistent encoding difficulties (isolated by comparing results on free recall and recognition tasks). Exploration of links with other cognitive functions revealed that short-term feature-binding abilities contribute to all EM components, and executive functions to temporal and spatial context, although ability to memorize temporal context is predicted mainly by age.


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Because memory retrieval often requires overt responses, it is difficult to determine to what extend forgetting occurs as a problem in explicit accessing of long-term memory traces. In this study, we used eye-tracking measures in combination with a behavioural task that favoured high forgetting rates to investigate the existence of memory traces from long-term memory in spite of failure in accessing them consciously. In 2 experiments, participants were encouraged to encode a large set of sound-picture56 location associations. In a later test, sounds were presented and participants were instructed to visually scan, before a verbal memory report, for the correct location of the associated pictures in an empty screen. We found the reactivation of associated memories by sound cues at test biased oculomotor behaviour towards locations congruent with memory representations, even when participants failed to consciously provide a memory report of it. These findings reveal the emergence of a memory-guided behaviour that can be used to map internal representations of forgotten memories from long-term memory.