978 resultados para Virtual network


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The emergence of social movements’ global politics Globalization not only transforms capital, media and technology, but also creates conditions for global politics, beyond ”international politics”. New transnational public arenas emerge, where a broad range of actors articulate demands and interests. A globalized political infrastructure arise from the combination of the (1) internal transnational mobilization within two opposing global networks: movements’ World Social Forum and political economy elites’ World Economic Forum; and a global connection with (2) regular dramatic street protests during multilateral regime summits; and (3) a permanent and virtual network of information communication technology that enables new forms of action, organization and mobilization. Together these arenas make participatory and global politics possible for social movements. Regime confrontations are formed by the new global media of ICT in a way that transforms the struggle into a political drama, where activists’ diversity of tactics – The Majority Drama, The Carnival, and The David-Goliath Drama – creates both competition and collaboration. These arenas are only emerging and this new form of global political structure creates both possibilities and problems. Still, a unique potential to democratize politics is created.


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A community network often operates with the same Internet service provider domain or the virtual network of different entities who are cooperating with each other. In such a federated network environment, routers can work closely to raise early warning of DDoS attacks to void catastrophic damages. However, the attackers simulate the normal network behaviors, e.g. pumping the attack packages as poisson distribution, to disable detection algorithms. It is an open question: how to discriminate DDoS attacks from surge legitimate accessing. We noticed that the attackers use the same mathematical functions to control the speed of attack package pumping to the victim. Based on this observation, the different attack flows of a DDoS attack share the same regularities, which is different from the real surging accessing in a short time period. We apply information theory parameter, entropy rate, to discriminate the DDoS attack from the surge legitimate accessing. We proved the effectiveness of our method in theory, and the simulations are the work in the near future. We also point out the future directions that worth to explore in the future.


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O modelo de negócio MVNO, acrônimo em inglês para operadoras móveis virtuais, foi introduzido no Brasil em Novembro de 2010 por uma regulamentação específica, visando aumentar a qualidade dos serviços e a competição entre as empresas do setor de Telecomunicações Móveis. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o fenômeno MVNO em seu estágio atual de adoção no Brasil, contrapondo as óticas dos atores de mercado, às teorias de Cadeia de Valor (PORTER, 1985), e decupagem da Cadeia de Valor (CHRISTENSEN et al, 2001; ANDERSON; WILLIAMS, 2004). Por se tratar de um fenômeno intrinsecamente ligado à desagregação de atividades de valor, em uma indústria originalmente verticalizada, a análise se concentrou nessa dinâmica, mas não se limitou a ela: o estudo também traz comparações com casos de MVNO estudados em diversos países e outras referências teóricas do campo da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação, tais como Economia da Informação (SHAPIRO; VARIAN, 1999), Inovação Disruptiva (CHRISTENSEN; BOWER, 1999), e Dimensões da Inovação (SAWHNEY et al, 2011). A pesquisa se baseou nas categorias conceituais da Abordagem Multinível (POZZEBON; DINIZ, 2011) – Contexto, Processo e Conteúdo – buscando conhecer os perfis e interesses de cada Grupo Social Relevante e a negociação entre os envolvidos. A partir dessa articulação, foi possível compreender o fenômeno e algumas de suas consequências para o cenário brasileiro de Telecomunicações Móveis, destacando-se entre os resultados encontrados: as linhas gerais da nova Cadeia de Valor em formação, a influência decisiva de um grupo social relevante para a adoção do modelo – os MVNE, que são integradores de MVNOs à estrutura das operadoras – e a utilização da regulação para incentivar negócios com aplicações máquina a máquina (M2M). A descrição do modelo e das características que vem assumindo no Brasil proporcionam insumos tanto para praticantes do mercado, quanto para acadêmicos. Estes últimos podem se beneficiar, além de um ponto de partida para pesquisas futuras sobre MVNO no Brasil, de uma inédita articulação da Abordagem Multinível com a teoria de Cadeia de Valor


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Constructing ontology networks typically occurs at design time at the hands of knowledge engineers who assemble their components statically. There are, however, use cases where ontology networks need to be assembled upon request and processed at runtime, without altering the stored ontologies and without tampering with one another. These are what we call "virtual [ontology] networks", and keeping track of how an ontology changes in each virtual network is called "multiplexing". Issues may arise from the connectivity of ontology networks. In many cases, simple flat import schemes will not work, because many ontology managers can cause property assertions to be erroneously interpreted as annotations and ignored by reasoners. Also, multiple virtual networks should optimize their cumulative memory footprint, and where they cannot, this should occur for very limited periods of time. We claim that these problems should be handled by the software that serves these ontology networks, rather than by ontology engineering methodologies. We propose a method that spreads multiple virtual networks across a 3-tier structure, and can reduce the amount of erroneously interpreted axioms, under certain raw statement distributions across the ontologies. We assumed OWL as the core language handled by semantic applications in the framework at hand, due to the greater availability of reasoners and rule engines. We also verified that, in common OWL ontology management software, OWL axiom interpretation occurs in the worst case scenario of pre-order visit. To measure the effectiveness and space-efficiency of our solution, a Java and RESTful implementation was produced within an Apache project. We verified that a 3-tier structure can accommodate reasonably complex ontology networks better, in terms of the expressivity OWL axiom interpretation, than flat-tree import schemes can. We measured both the memory overhead of the additional components we put on top of traditional ontology networks, and the framework's caching capabilities.


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ROTEM(®) is considered a helpful point-of-care device to monitor blood coagulation. Centrally performed analysis is desirable but rapid transport of blood samples and real-time transmission of graphic results are an important prerequisite. The effect of sample transport through a pneumatic tube system on ROTEM(®) results is unknown. The aims of the present work were (i) to determine the influence of blood sample transport through a pneumatic tube system on ROTEM(®) parameters compared to manual transportation, and (ii) to verify whether graphic results can be transmitted on line via virtual network computing using local area network to the physician in charge of the patient.


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Recently telecommunication industry benefits from infrastructure sharing, one of the most fundamental enablers of cloud computing, leading to emergence of the Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) concept. The most momentous intents by this approach are the support of on-demand provisioning and elasticity of virtualized mobile network components, based on data traffic load. To realize it, during operation and management procedures, the virtualized services need be triggered in order to scale-up/down or scale-out/in an instance. In this paper we propose an architecture called MOBaaS (Mobility and Bandwidth Availability Prediction as a Service), comprising two algorithms in order to predict user(s) mobility and network link bandwidth availability, that can be implemented in cloud based mobile network structure and can be used as a support service by any other virtualized mobile network services. MOBaaS can provide prediction information in order to generate required triggers for on-demand deploying, provisioning, disposing of virtualized network components. This information can be used for self-adaptation procedures and optimal network function configuration during run-time operation, as well. Through the preliminary experiments with the prototype implementation on the OpenStack platform, we evaluated and confirmed the feasibility and the effectiveness of the prediction algorithms and the proposed architecture.


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El presente texto se ha desarrollado como Proyecto Fin de Grado en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid en colaboración con la Consultora Tecnológica everis. El mismo tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio de los requisitos necesarios para poder desplegar un servicio que permita ofrecer a las Operadoras Móviles Virtuales (OMV) soporte técnico a sus clientes a través de las redes sociales. Este módulo establecerá una nueva vía de comunicación entre el consumidor y el cliente de la OMV con la propia OMV, el cual se caracterizará por una alta accesibilidad y una gran rapidez en el servicio permitiendo de este modo, una mayor satisfacción del cliente con su operador móvil y por tanto de una nueva vía para conseguir la fidelización del mismo y la captación de nuevos clientes. Para ello, este proyecto se lleva a cabo sobre el sistema de información 4mobile el cual es comercializado por la mencionada Consultora Tecnológica. Este sistema consiste en una plataforma web la cual permite cubrir todos los procesos de negocio comunes que un OMV necesita gestionar. Es por ello, que el mencionado estudio se centra en la evaluación de los aspectos necesarios para la integración de un módulo de estas características dentro de la plataforma de 4mobile. Este módulo, estará basado en una herramienta software que permitirá gestionar el ciclo de vida completo del comentario realizado por el cliente a través de una red social, desde que es publicado por el cliente, hasta que se haya respondido al mismo y su solución sea considerada como satisfactoria por el cliente. Por ello, y de cara a definir correctamente esta herramienta, será necesario un detallado análisis el cual recoja diversos aspectos y que a lo largo del texto, será denominado como Plan de Marketing de Medios Sociales (PMMS). Estos aspectos versarán tanto de las necesidades tecnológicas para su mencionada integración, como de la serie de características funcionales que una solución basada en servicio técnico a través de las redes sociales deberá poseer con el objetivo de ofrecer un servicio técnico de calidad. Finalmente, estas funcionalidades y necesidades tecnológicas se expondrán en forma de propuesta a everis para su integración en la plataforma 4mobile junto con un análisis de diseño a alto nivel software de la solución a desarrollar. ABSTRACT. This text has been developed as Final Degree Project in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Sistemas de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in collaboration with the Technology Consultant everis, aims to conduct a study of how to provide technical support through social networks and the evaluation of the integration of a social support module within the system platform 4mobile, which cover all business processes that need to manage a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), which is marketed by above-mentioned consultant . This module will establish a new communication channel between the consumer and the client with the OMV and itself, which is characterized by high accessibility and great fast service. Thus will allow a higher customer satisfaction with him service and thus a new way to get the same loyalty and attract new customers To this end, this project is performed on the information system 4mobile which is marketed by the consulting part thereof everis. This system is a platform to cover all business processes that need to manage an MVNO. Therefore, the mentioned study focuses on the evaluation of the elements necessary for integrating module these features within the platform 4mobile. This module will be based on a software tool for managing the entire lifecycle of the comment made by the customer via social networking, from the moment it is published, until it has been respond and their solution is considered satisfactory for the customer. So, in order to properly define this tool, a detailed analysis which will be necessary to collect various aspects and throughout the text, it will be referred to as Plan of Social Media Marketing (PMMS). These aspects will be address both: the technological needs for the mentioned integration, and the number of functional characteristics-based service through social networking solution, as this must in order to provide a quality service Finally, these goals and requirements will be discussed as everis offer for integration into the platform 4mobile analysis along with a high level of software design to develop the solution.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es estudiar, desde un punto de vista práctico, las posibilidades que ofrece la plataforma de ejercicios de ciberseguridad propuesta por la Universidad de Rhode Island en Estado Unidos, denominada Open Cyber Challenge Platform (OCCP); para ello primero nos ubicaremos dentro del campo de la ciberseguridad, estudiando porqué este área está tomando tanta relevancia, observando datos de estudios reales realizados por instituciones de prestigio, al mismo tiempo estudiaremos la tendencia actual y futura de los ciberataques. Seguidamente, analizaremos el estado del arte de la enseñanza en ciberseguridad y como se está enfocando por parte de las universidades y empresas más importantes en el sector. En esta parte del sector se está imponiendo una novedosa forma para desarrollar el aprendizaje tanto práctico como teórico basada en simular situaciones reales mediante escenarios virtuales. Una vez vistas otras opciones, nos centraremos en OCCP, podremos estudiar el estado de desarrollo de esta plataforma, la situación actual y las principales características. Además detallaremos el primer escenario propuesto por ellos mismos, estudiando los principales componentes, la topología de la red virtual de la empresa virtualizada, los principales ficheros de configuración, e incluso la montaremos y ejecutaremos y podremos observar como el equipo rojo ataca el servidor web de la empresa que lo tiene que proteger el equipo azul y consigue que la web deje de funcionar. También incluiremos una guía de instalación del escenario para que el lector pueda probar con su propio ordenador las posibilidades de esta plataforma. VirtualBox es un programa gratuito de virtualización perteneciente a la empresa Oracle. Más adelante estudiaremos este programa centrándonos en el servicio web ofrecido por VirtualBox ya que es utilizado por la plataforma Open Cyber Challenge Platform como virtualizador o hipervisor. Podremos ver como suelen funcionar los servicios web de este tipo en general y después nos centraremos principalmente en el archivo descriptivo de las interfaces que ofrece esta plataforma. Finalmente, resumiremos los resultados y conclusiones proponiendo un trabajo futuro ya que como hemos dicho esta plataforma está en estado de desarrollo y seguramente al final de la lectura del proyecto incluso el lector se haya podido percatar del potencial tan elevado que tiene una plataforma de este estilo. ABSTRACT. The main objective of this project is to study, from a practical standpoint the possibilities offered by the cybersecurity exercises platform proposed by the University of Rhode Island in United States, called Cyber Challenge Open Platform (OCCP); therefore we will place first in the field of cybersecurity, studying why this area is taking so much relevance, watching real data studies by prestigious institutions and the current and future trend of cyber-attacks. Then, we will discuss the state of the art of teaching cybersecurity and how universities and major companies in the sector are focusing to reach the aims among students or workers. In this part of the sector it is increasing the popularity of a new way to develop both practical and theoretical learning based on simulating real situations through virtual scenarios. Once seen other options, we will focus on OCCP, we can study the state of development of this platform, the current situation and main characteristics. In addition we will detail the first proposed scenario by the very own university, studying the main components, the topology of the virtual network virtualized enterprise, the main configuration files, and even we would mount and execute it. We will see how the red team attacks the web server of the company and get it thrown out. At the same time the blue team will have to protect it. We will also include an installation guide of the scenario so that the reader can test in their own computer the possibilities of this tool. VirtualBox is a free virtualization program belonging to the Oracle enterprise. Later on we will study this program focusing on the web service provided by VirtualBox because it is used by the Open Cyber Challenge Platform like hypervisor. We will see how this kind of web services work and then we will focus mainly on the descriptive file of the interfaces provided by this tool. Finally we summarize the results and conclusions proposing a future work since as we have said this platform is in the development stage and certainly at the end of reading the project even the reader may have realized of such high potential as would have a tool of this kind.


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Network Virtualization is a key technology for the Future Internet, allowing the deployment of multiple independent virtual networks that use resources of the same basic infrastructure. An important challenge in the dynamic provision of virtual networks resides in the optimal allocation of physical resources (nodes and links) to requirements of virtual networks. This problem is known as Virtual Network Embedding (VNE). For the resolution of this problem, previous research has focused on designing algorithms based on the optimization of a single objective. On the contrary, in this work we present a multi-objective algorithm, called VNE-MO-ILP, for solving dynamic VNE problem, which calculates an approximation of the Pareto Front considering simultaneously resource utilization and load balancing. Experimental results show evidences that the proposed algorithm is better or at least comparable to a state-of-the-art algorithm. Two performance metrics were simultaneously evaluated: (i) Virtual Network Request Acceptance Ratio and (ii) Revenue/Cost Relation. The size of test networks used in the experiments shows that the proposed algorithm scales well in execution times, for networks of 84 nodes


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El presente artículo muestra cómo Internet se convierte en una herramienta de comunicación importante para reconfigurar la red social primaria del adulto mayor, fracturada por efecto de la migración. En la investigación que le da origien, se pudo constatar que hoy esta red se encuentra dividida en red primaria natural, conformada por los parientes y amigos con los que comparte el día a día, y red primaria virtual, integrada por los parientes migrantes. El escrito centra su interés en presentar las características de la red primaria virtual en la que el adulto mayor se vio impelido a participar para satisfacer sus necesidades comunicacionales. Esta red cumple la función de mantener, pero no de extender, su red social primaria. Los resultados dan cuenta de 4 aspectos: las competencias digitales desarrolladas por el adulto mayor, la estructura, las funciones y los atributos de vínculo de la red primaria virtual. Para ello se acudió a autores como Cabrera, Castell; Madarriaga, Abello & Sierra; Narváez A.; Soto, Navarro & Sánchez; Tovar & Villarraga. La investigación fue de tipo etnográfico, con enfoque cualitativo. Se aplicaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas. Para el tratamiento de la información se utilizó la teoría Fundamentad, de Strauss & Corbin (2002).


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The increasingly widespread use of large-scale 3D virtual environments has translated into an increasing effort required from designers, developers and testers. While considerable research has been conducted into assisting the design of virtual world content and mechanics, to date, only limited contributions have been made regarding the automatic testing of the underpinning graphics software and hardware. In the work presented in this paper, two novel neural network-based approaches are presented to predict the correct visualization of 3D content. Multilayer perceptrons and self-organizing maps are trained to learn the normal geometric and color appearance of objects from validated frames and then used to detect novel or anomalous renderings in new images. Our approach is general, for the appearance of the object is learned rather than explicitly represented. Experiments were conducted on a game engine to determine the applicability and effectiveness of our algorithms. The results show that the neural network technology can be effectively used to address the problem of automatic and reliable visual testing of 3D virtual environments.


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Control of flow in duct networks has a myriad of applications ranging from heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning to blood flow networks. The system considered here provides vent velocity inputs to a novel 3-D wind display device called the TreadPort Active Wind Tunnel. An error-based robust decentralized sliding-mode control method with nominal feedforward terms is developed for individual ducts while considering cross coupling between ducts and model uncertainty as external disturbances in the output. This approach is important due to limited measurements, geometric complexities, and turbulent flow conditions. Methods for resolving challenges such as turbulence, electrical noise, valve actuator design, and sensor placement are presented. The efficacy of the controller and the importance of feedforward terms are demonstrated with simulations based upon an experimentally validated lumped parameter model and experiments on the physical system. Results show significant improvement over traditional control methods and validate prior assertions regarding the importance of decentralized control in practice.


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Effective network overload alleviation is very much essential in order to maintain security and integrity from the operational viewpoint of deregulated power systems. This paper aims at developing a methodology to reschedule the active power generation from the sources in order to manage the network congestion under normal/contingency conditions. An effective method has been proposed using fuzzy rule based inference system. Using virtual flows concept, which provides partial contributions/counter flows in the network elements is used as a basis in the proposed method to manage network congestions to the possible extent. The proposed method is illustrated on a sample 6 bus test system and on modified IEEE 39 bus system.