988 resultados para Video Processing


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Surveying threatened and invasive species to obtain accurate population estimates is an important but challenging task that requires a considerable investment in time and resources. Estimates using existing ground-based monitoring techniques, such as camera traps and surveys performed on foot, are known to be resource intensive, potentially inaccurate and imprecise, and difficult to validate. Recent developments in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), artificial intelligence and miniaturized thermal imaging systems represent a new opportunity for wildlife experts to inexpensively survey relatively large areas. The system presented in this paper includes thermal image acquisition as well as a video processing pipeline to perform object detection, classification and tracking of wildlife in forest or open areas. The system is tested on thermal video data from ground based and test flight footage, and is found to be able to detect all the target wildlife located in the surveyed area. The system is flexible in that the user can readily define the types of objects to classify and the object characteristics that should be considered during classification.


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Automated security is one of the major concerns of modern times. Secure and reliable authentication systems are in great demand. A biometric trait like the finger knuckle print (FKP) of a person is unique and secure. Finger knuckle print is a novel biometric trait and is not explored much for real-time implementation. In this paper, three different algorithms have been proposed based on this trait. The first approach uses Radon transform for feature extraction. Two levels of security are provided here and are based on eigenvalues and the peak points of the Radon graph. In the second approach, Gabor wavelet transform is used for extracting the features. Again, two levels of security are provided based on magnitude values of Gabor wavelet and the peak points of Gabor wavelet graph. The third approach is intended to authenticate a person even if there is a damage in finger knuckle position due to injury. The FKP image is divided into modules and module-wise feature matching is done for authentication. Performance of these algorithms was found to be much better than very few existing works. Moreover, the algorithms are designed so as to implement in real-time system with minimal changes.


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We propose a simple, reliable method based on probability of transitions and distribution of adjacent pixel pairs for steganalysis on digital images in spatial domain subjected to Least Significant Bit replacement steganography. Our method is sensitive to the statistics of underlying cover image and is a variant of Sample Pair Method. We use the new method to estimate length of hidden message reliably. The novelty of our method is that it detects from the statistics of the underlying image, which is invariant with embedding, whether the results it calculate are reliable or not. To our knowledge, no steganalytic method so far predicts from the properties of the stego image, whether its results are accurate or not.


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Human detection is a complex problem owing to the variable pose that they can adopt. Here, we address this problem in sparse representation framework with an overcomplete scale-embedded dictionary. Histogram of oriented gradient features extracted from the candidate image patches are sparsely represented by the dictionary that contain positive bases along with negative and trivial bases. The object is detected based on the proposed likelihood measure obtained from the distribution of these sparse coefficients. The likelihood is obtained as the ratio of contribution of positive bases to negative and trivial bases. The positive bases of the dictionary represent the object (human) at various scales. This enables us to detect the object at any scale in one shot and avoids multiple scanning at different scales. This significantly reduces the computational complexity of detection task. In addition to human detection, it also finds the scale at which the human is detected due to the scale-embedded structure of the dictionary.


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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar um método para estimar a velocidade de veículos ferroviários usando processamento de vídeo. O sistema proposto consiste na utilização de câmeras ao longo das vias férreas que permitam não só o monitoramento do tráfego ferroviário, mas cujo vídeo captado possa ser utilizado para a obtenção de estimativas para a velocidade instantânea dos trens que por ela trafegam. Tal sistema seria utilizado independentemente dos sistemas de controle já utilizados pela operadora do sistema ferroviário, permitindo que os controladores possam ter uma segunda análise no caso de falha da primeira, assim como um modelo que permita avaliar a velocidade instantânea do veículo ferroviário ao longo do percurso. Os algoritmos de rastreamento empregados para esse fim abordaram diferentes métodos. Confrontaram-se os resultados obtidos com os algoritmos propostos com os dados empíricos de forma a determinar aquele com melhor resposta dada as características do sistema. O algoritmo que apresentou os melhores resultados emprega um único bloco de referência para todos os quadros comparados. A métrica de similaridade responsável por determinar quais blocos são mais ou menos similares dentro do universo de busca estipulado é a soma de diferenças absolutas (SAD, Sum of Absolute Differences). O tempo de processamento requerido por cada um dos métodos de rastreamento estudados também foi considerado nas avaliações de resultados apresentadas. Uma comparação realizada entre as velocidades coletadas e aquelas informadas pelo sistema de controle mostraram que os resultados obtidos com o sistema atual, utilizando a sinalização apenas por circuito de via apresenta resultados pouco confiáveis com erros bastante significativos. Os resultados obtidos com o sistema proposto apresentaram erros menores quando comparados àqueles obtidos pelo sistema vigente, apresentando-se assim como uma solução viável e de baixo custo quando comparada às técnicas atualmente empregadas para a medida de velocidade de trens.


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Recent research into the acquisition of spoken language has stressed the importance of learning through embodied linguistic interaction with caregivers rather than through passive observation. However the necessity of interaction makes experimental work into the simulation of infant speech acquisition difficult because of the technical complexity of building real-time embodied systems. In this paper we present KLAIR: a software toolkit for building simulations of spoken language acquisition through interactions with a virtual infant. The main part of KLAIR is a sensori-motor server that supplies a client machine learning application with a virtual infant on screen that can see, hear and speak. By encapsulating the real-time complexities of audio and video processing within a server that will run on a modern PC, we hope that KLAIR will encourage and facilitate more experimental research into spoken language acquisition through interaction. Copyright © 2009 ISCA.


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The capability to automatically identify shapes, objects and materials from the image content through direct and indirect methodologies has enabled the development of several civil engineering related applications that assist in the design, construction and maintenance of construction projects. Examples include surface cracks detection, assessment of fire-damaged mortar, fatigue evaluation of asphalt mixes, aggregate shape measurements, velocimentry, vehicles detection, pore size distribution in geotextiles, damage detection and others. This capability is a product of the technological breakthroughs in the area of Image and Video Processing that has allowed for the development of a large number of digital imaging applications in all industries ranging from the well established medical diagnostic tools (magnetic resonance imaging, spectroscopy and nuclear medical imaging) to image searching mechanisms (image matching, content based image retrieval). Content based image retrieval techniques can also assist in the automated recognition of materials in construction site images and thus enable the development of reliable methods for image classification and retrieval. The amount of original imaging information produced yearly in the construction industry during the last decade has experienced a tremendous growth. Digital cameras and image databases are gradually replacing traditional photography while owners demand complete site photograph logs and engineers store thousands of images for each project to use in a number of construction management tasks. However, construction companies tend to store images without following any standardized indexing protocols, thus making the manual searching and retrieval a tedious and time-consuming effort. Alternatively, material and object identification techniques can be used for the development of automated, content based, construction site image retrieval methodology. These methods can utilize automatic material or object based indexing to remove the user from the time-consuming and tedious manual classification process. In this paper, a novel material identification methodology is presented. This method utilizes content based image retrieval concepts to match known material samples with material clusters within the image content. The results demonstrate the suitability of this methodology for construction site image retrieval purposes and reveal the capability of existing image processing technologies to accurately identify a wealth of materials from construction site images.


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This book explores the processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems. The author describes a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval that have been integrated into a novel method for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks. objects. Therefore, automated methods for the integration of construction images are important for construction information management. During this research, processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems have been explored. Specifically, a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval have been deployed in order to develop a methodology for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks.


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The Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Facilities Management (AEC/FM) industry is rapidly becoming a multidisciplinary, multinational and multi-billion dollar economy, involving large numbers of actors working concurrently at different locations and using heterogeneous software and hardware technologies. Since the beginning of the last decade, a great deal of effort has been spent within the field of construction IT in order to integrate data and information from most computer tools used to carry out engineering projects. For this purpose, a number of integration models have been developed, like web-centric systems and construction project modeling, a useful approach in representing construction projects and integrating data from various civil engineering applications. In the modern, distributed and dynamic construction environment it is important to retrieve and exchange information from different sources and in different data formats in order to improve the processes supported by these systems. Previous research demonstrated that a major hurdle in AEC/FM data integration in such systems is caused by its variety of data types and that a significant part of the data is stored in semi-structured or unstructured formats. Therefore, new integrative approaches are needed to handle non-structured data types like images and text files. This research is focused on the integration of construction site images. These images are a significant part of the construction documentation with thousands stored in site photographs logs of large scale projects. However, locating and identifying such data needed for the important decision making processes is a very hard and time-consuming task, while so far, there are no automated methods for associating them with other related objects. Therefore, automated methods for the integration of construction images are important for construction information management. During this research, processes for retrieval, classification, and integration of construction images in AEC/FM model based systems have been explored. Specifically, a combination of techniques from the areas of image and video processing, computer vision, information retrieval, statistics and content-based image and video retrieval have been deployed in order to develop a methodology for the retrieval of related construction site image data from components of a project model. This method has been tested on available construction site images from a variety of sources like past and current building construction and transportation projects and is able to automatically classify, store, integrate and retrieve image data files in inter-organizational systems so as to allow their usage in project management related tasks.


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While Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) plus Support Vector Machine (SVM) (HOG+SVM) is the most successful human detection algorithm, it is time-consuming. This paper proposes two ways to deal with this problem. One way is to reuse the features in blocks to construct the HOG features for intersecting detection windows. Another way is to utilize sub-cell based interpolation to efficiently compute the HOG features for each block. The combination of the two ways results in significant increase in detecting humans-more than five times better. To evaluate the proposed method, we have established a top-view human database. Experimental results on the top-view database and the well-known INRIA data set have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present results of a study into the performance of a variety of different image transform-based feature types for speaker-independent visual speech recognition of isolated digits. This includes the first reported use of features extracted using a discrete curvelet transform. The study will show a comparison of some methods for selecting features of each feature type and show the relative benefits of both static and dynamic visual features. The performance of the features will be tested on both clean video data and also video data corrupted in a variety of ways to assess each feature type's robustness to potential real-world conditions. One of the test conditions involves a novel form of video corruption we call jitter which simulates camera and/or head movement during recording.


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For modern FPGA, implementation of memory intensive processing applications such as high end image and video processing systems necessitates manual design of complex multilevel memory hierarchies incorporating off-chip DDR and onchip BRAM and LUT RAM. In fact, automated synthesis of multi-level memory hierarchies is an open problem facing high level synthesis technologies for FPGA devices. In this paper we describe the first automated solution to this problem.
By exploiting a novel dataflow application modelling dialect, known as Valved Dataflow, we show for the first time how, not only can such architectures be automatically derived, but also that the resulting implementations support real-time processing for current image processing application standards such as H.264. We demonstrate the viability of this approach by reporting the performance and cost of hierarchies automatically generated for Motion Estimation, Matrix Multiplication and Sobel Edge Detection applications on Virtex-5 FPGA.


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Realising high performance image and signal processing
applications on modern FPGA presents a challenging implementation problem due to the large data frames streaming through these systems. Specifically, to meet the high bandwidth and data storage demands of these applications, complex hierarchical memory architectures must be manually specified
at the Register Transfer Level (RTL). Automated approaches which convert high-level operation descriptions, for instance in the form of C programs, to an FPGA architecture, are unable to automatically realise such architectures. This paper
presents a solution to this problem. It presents a compiler to automatically derive such memory architectures from a C program. By transforming the input C program to a unique dataflow modelling dialect, known as Valved Dataflow (VDF), a mapping and synthesis approach developed for this dialect can
be exploited to automatically create high performance image and video processing architectures. Memory intensive C kernels for Motion Estimation (CIF Frames at 30 fps), Matrix Multiplication (128x128 @ 500 iter/sec) and Sobel Edge Detection (720p @ 30 fps), which are unrealisable by current state-of-the-art C-based synthesis tools, are automatically derived from a C description of the algorithm.


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The initial part of this paper reviews the early challenges (c 1980) in achieving real-time silicon implementations of DSP computations. In particular, it discusses research on application specific architectures, including bit level systolic circuits that led to important advances in achieving the DSP performance levels then required. These were many orders of magnitude greater than those achievable using programmable (including early DSP) processors, and were demonstrated through the design of commercial digital correlator and digital filter chips. As is discussed, an important challenge was the application of these concepts to recursive computations as occur, for example, in Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters. An important breakthrough was to show how fine grained pipelining can be used if arithmetic is performed most significant bit (msb) first. This can be achieved using redundant number systems, including carry-save arithmetic. This research and its practical benefits were again demonstrated through a number of novel IIR filter chip designs which at the time, exhibited performance much greater than previous solutions. The architectural insights gained coupled with the regular nature of many DSP and video processing computations also provided the foundation for new methods for the rapid design and synthesis of complex DSP System-on-Chip (SoC), Intellectual Property (IP) cores. This included the creation of a wide portfolio of commercial SoC video compression cores (MPEG2, MPEG4, H.264) for very high performance applications ranging from cell phones to High Definition TV (HDTV). The work provided the foundation for systematic methodologies, tools and design flows including high-level design optimizations based on "algorithmic engineering" and also led to the creation of the Abhainn tool environment for the design of complex heterogeneous DSP platforms comprising processors and multiple FPGAs. The paper concludes with a discussion of the problems faced by designers in developing complex DSP systems using current SoC technology. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Details of a new low power FFT processor for use in digital television applications are presented. This has been fabricated using a 0.6 µm CMOS technology and can perform a 64 point complex forward or inverse FFT on real-rime video at up to 18 Megasamples per second. It comprises 0.5 million transistors in a die area of 7.8×8 mm and dissipates 1 W. Its performance, in terms of computational rate per area per watt, is significantly higher than previously reported devices, leading to a cost-effective silicon solution for high quality video processing applications. This is the result of using a novel VLSI architecture which has been derived from a first principles factorisation of the DFT matrix and tailored to a direct silicon implementation.