996 resultados para Vibrio spp.


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Vibrio pathogens are causative agents of mid-culture outbreaks, and early mortality syndrome and secondary aetiology of most dreadful viral outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture. Among the pathogenic vibrios group, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi are considered as the most significant ones in the grow-out ponds of giant black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon in India. Use of antibiotics was banned in many countries due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains and accumulation of residual antibiotics in harvested shrimp. There is an urgent need to consider the use of alternative antibiotics for the control of vibriosis in shrimp aquaculture. Biofilm formation is a pathogenic and/or establishment mechanism of Vibrio spp. This study aims to develop novel safe antibiofilm and/ or antiadhesive process using PHB to contain vibrios outbreaks in shrimp aquaculture.


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The occurrence of Aeromonas spp., Vibrio cholerae, and Plesiomonas shigelloides in fresh water from various sources in Araraquara, State of São Paulo, Brazil was determined. Samples from ten distinct irrigation systems used in vegetable cultivation, from five distinct streams, from two reservoirs, from one artificial lake, and from three distinct springs were analyzed. All isolates were serotyped and tested for hemolysin, cytotoxin, heat-stable (ST) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins production; presence of plasmid; autoagglutination and drug resistance. V. cholerae isolates were also tested for cholera enterotoxin (CT) production, and Aeromonas isolates for suicide phenomenon. No P. shigelloides was found. V. cholerae non 01 was found in five irrigation water samples and in three stream samples. Aeromonas sp. were isolated in two samples of irrigation water, in three streams, and in one reservoir. All the V. cholerae and Aeromonas isolates were positive for P-hemolysin production, and all Aeromonas isolates were positive for suicide phenomenon; cytotoxic activities were observed in two Aeromonas strains. Cholera enterotoxin was not found in eight V. cholerae non-01 isolates tested by the Y-1 mouse adrenal cell. All isolates were also negative for the other virulence markers. Ii cholelerae isolates were found to be sensitive to the majority of drugs tested, while Aeromonas strains presented multiple drug resistance..


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The incidence of Vibrio cholerae, Aeromonas spp, and Plesiomonas shigelloides was determined in Rater samples from Cambe Stream. The samples were collected from seven different sites. The serogroups, virulence markers and drug resistance profiles were also evaluated. Twelve. Aer. hydrophila, 12 Aer. caviae, eight Aer. sobria, seven Ple. shigelloides and two V. cholerae non-O1 were isolated. They belonged to different serogroups and all produced haemolysis in different assays. Five of the Aeromonas strains and one of V, cholerae non-O1 were positive for enterotoxin activity. Haemagglutination and its inhibition, using erythrocytes of different origins, was variable for Aeromonas spp and V. cholerae, while none of the Plt. shigelloides haemagglutinated in association with any type of erythrocyte. All isolates exhibited multiple drug resistance. These results indicate that the occurrence of V. cholerae non-O1, Aeromonas spp, and Ple. shigelloides, in water used for vegetable irrigation, human recreation and animal consumption, among others, represents a potential risk for humans.


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The csrA is a carbon storage regulator gene that encodes a protein with multiple RNA interaction sites. Bacterial non-coding small RNAs like csrB, csrC and their counterparts in diverse bacterial genus are identified to control the regulatory activities of CsrA and its orthologs. An attempt has been made in this study to identify 'novel' non-coding small RNAs that are involved in the regulatory activities of csrA gene. All CsrA-interacting small RNAs are computationally fingerprinted to have multiple occurrence of 7-nucleotide CsrA interacting repeats [CAGGA(U/A/C)G] along with a 18-nucleotide upstream binding site. However, in several of the genomes like Haemophilus spp, the upstream binding site is not identified. The current methodology overcomes this difficulty by identifying small RNA-specific orphan transcriptional units within the intergenic regions of the genome. The results could identify all known CsrA-interacting small RNAs in E. coli, Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa genomes and additionally has picked six new possible CsrA-interacting small RNA regions in E. coli. Our computational analysis indicates that known rygD and rprA sRNAs in E. coli could possibly interact with CsrA proteins. The study is extended to three of the Haemophilus genomes that could identify seven new possible CsrA interacting small RNAs.


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Para avaliar um sistema integrado de aquicultura foram realizadas análises microbiológicas da água utilizada neste sistema e determinada a incidência e resistência antimicrobiana dos enteropatógenos no ecossistema relacionado. As amostras de água testadas apresentaram 32,9% de taxas de coliformes fecais (≤1.600/100mL), de acordo com a OMS para piscicultura em águas residuais. Salmonella spp. foram detectadas em 14,5% das amostras. De um total de 33 cepas, 15,1% eram resistentes a um ou dois antimicrobianos testados e resistência a múltiplas drogas não foi observada. Aeromonas spp. foram identificadas em 91,6% das amostras. De um total de 416 cepas, resistência a uma classe de antimicrobianos foi observada em 66,3% e a multirresistência às drogas em 37,7%. Na avaliação da virulência dos isolados de Aeromonas hydrophila, 85,3% das cepas apresentaram Beta-hemólise nos três diferentes tipos de eritrócitos empregados e 99,1% nos eritrócitos de coelho e cavalo, sendo possível a caracterização através da PCR do gene aerA e lip, em 100% das amostras. Os resultados obtidos apontam para a relevância quanto às vantagens da implementação de um sistema integrado, disponibilizando alimentos com custo reduzido, porém este sistema necessita de um controle rígido e efetivo para que estes produtos não constituam veículos para a disseminação de doenças.


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近几十年来,国内沿海地区频繁发生食用织纹螺中毒事件,并导致数十人死亡,这一问题得到了政府相关部门的高度重视。但是,由于织纹螺毒性变化很大,毒素来源不清楚,因此很难预测食用织纹螺中毒事件的发生,这在很大程度上限制了对食用织纹螺中毒事件的有效监测和管理。目前,对于中国沿海有毒织纹螺体内河豚毒素(tetrodotoxin, TTX)的来源还未见过系统研究。本文选取中国沿海常见的半褶织纹螺(Nassarius semiplicatus)、纵肋织纹螺(N. variciferus)和拟半褶织纹螺(N. semiplicatoides sp. nov.)作为实验对象,从毒素的微生物来源与食物链来源这两个角度分别展开研究,以探讨织纹螺体内 TTX 的可能来源,为提出相应的预防管理措施提供科学依据。 首先,我们先后从曾发生过中毒事件的江苏盐城和连云港采集了织纹螺样品,通过小鼠生物测试法和液-质联用分析技术(LC-MS),对织纹螺的毒性和毒素组成进行了测试和分析,分离培养了织纹螺体内及其生活环境中的细菌,应用河豚毒素单克隆抗体酶联免疫检测方法(ELISA)对细菌的产毒情况进行了测试,并通过 16S 核糖体(rRNA)部分基因序列测定对细菌种类进行了初步的分析。研究发现,采自江苏盐城和连云港的半褶织纹螺的毒性分别约为 2 MU/g 和 200 MU/g 组织,体内的毒素成分是河豚毒素及其同系物。从盐城的半褶织纹螺及其生活环境分离的菌株中随机挑出 14 个菌株中,9 个菌株河豚毒素检测结果呈现阳性。从连云港高毒性半褶织纹螺消化腺中分离到的 45 个菌株中,阳性菌株有 21 个。但是,有毒菌株毒素含量较低,毒素含量范围是 15-184ng/g。通过 16S rDNA 部分序列的测序结果发现,大部分有毒菌株与弧菌属(Vibrio)的细菌在遗传序列信息上比较相近。其余有毒菌株分别与希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella)、海单胞菌属(Marinomonas)、黄杆菌属(Tenacibaculum)、动性菌属(Planococcus)、发光杆菌属 (Photobacterium)和气单胞菌属(Aeromonas)的遗传序列比较相近。其中与海单胞菌属、动性菌属和发光杆菌属亲缘关系较近的产毒细菌是首次报道。这一研究表明织纹螺体内及其生活环境中的存在产河豚毒素的细菌,但由于产毒素的量较低,因此可能在织纹螺体内河豚毒素的产生和累积过程并不发挥主要作用。 织纹螺作为一类腐食性的海洋动物,也有可能通过进食含有河豚毒素的生物而累积河豚毒素。对此,我们开展了高毒性半褶织纹螺的室内培养实验,以及河豚毒素在不同种类织纹螺体内的累积和排出的模拟实验,并定期采样,通过液相色谱与串联质谱联用技术(LC-MS/MS)对织纹螺体内河豚毒素及其同系物的含量变化情况进行了分析。室内培养实验发现,从连云港赣榆县采集的高毒性半褶织纹螺,在实验初期,体内毒素含量呈下降的趋势,但从 7月上旬开始,毒素含量突然快速上升,与连云港赣榆县野外采集的织纹螺的毒素含量表现出相似的变化趋势。河豚毒素在不同种织纹螺体内的累积和排出的模拟实验发现,通过投喂高毒性的河豚鱼肝脏(毒性为5×103 MU/g),纵肋织纹螺在一段时间内能够快速累积少量的河豚毒素。当停止投喂有毒河豚鱼肝脏后,毒素含量会快速下降。而在曾导致中毒事件的拟半褶织纹螺中,投喂有毒河豚鱼的肝脏后,其体内毒素含量只有缓慢增加。但在投喂无毒的河豚鱼肝脏后,其毒性却出现了快速增加的现象,这与该地区野外样品的毒性变动状况类似。这些发现显示高毒性半褶、拟半褶织纹螺体内的河豚毒素应当不是食物链累积的结果,而可能是由其自身产生。并且,毒素含量的变化具有一定的生物节律,有可能与产卵、繁殖等自然节律相关。 通过对半褶、纵肋和拟半褶织纹螺的研究工作可以认为,产河豚毒素的细菌不是织纹螺体内河豚毒素的主要来源,并且毒素也不是来自其摄食的食物,推测可能主要是由织纹螺自身产生。织纹螺所表现出的河豚毒素含量的季节性变化,极有可能与产卵、繁殖等自然节律相关,这些发现为预防和管理食用织纹螺中毒事件提供了科学依据。但是,本研究并未完全阐明织纹螺体内河豚毒素的来源,对于织纹螺体内河豚毒素的确切来源以及河豚毒素的代谢和转化机制,还有待于更加深入地研究工作。


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In this study, the intestinal microbiota of kuruma shrimp (Marsupenaeus japonicus) was examined by molecular analysis of the 16S rDNA to identify the dominant intestinal bacteria and to investigate the effects of Bacillus spp. on intestinal microbial diversity. Samples of the intestines of kuruma shrimp fed normal feed and Bacillus spp. amended feed. PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analyses were then performed on DNA extracted directly from the guts. Population fingerprints of the predominant organisms were generated by DGGE analysis of the universal V3 16S rDNA amplicons, and distinct bands in the gels were sequenced. The results suggested that the gut of kuruma shrimp was dominated by Vibrio sp. and uncultured gamma proteobacterium. Overall, the results of this study suggest that PCR-DGGE is a possible method of studying the intestinal microbial diversity of shrimp.


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Background: Members of the genus Cronobacter are causes of rare but severe illness in neonates and preterm infants following the ingestion of contaminated infant formula. Seven species have been described and two of the species genomes were subsequently published. In this study, we performed comparative genomics on eight strains of Cronobacter, including six that we sequenced (representing six of the seven species) and two previously published, closed genomes.

Results: We identified and characterized the features associated with the core and pan genome of the genus Cronobacter in an attempt to understand the evolution of these bacteria and the genetic content of each species. We identified 84 genomic regions that are present in two or more Cronobacter genomes, along with 45 unique genomic regions. Many potentially horizontally transferred genes, such as lysogenic prophages, were also identified. Most notable among these were several type six secretion system gene clusters, transposons that carried tellurium, copper and/or silver resistance genes, and a novel integrative conjugative element.

Conclusions: Cronobacter have diverged into two clusters, one consisting of C. dublinensis and C. muytjensii (Cdub-Cmuy) and the other comprised of C. sakazakii, C. malonaticus, C. universalis, and C. turicensis, (Csak-Cmal-Cuni-Ctur) from the most recent common ancestral species. While several genetic determinants for plant-association and human virulence could be found in the core genome of Cronobacter, the four Cdub-Cmuy clade genomes contained several accessory genomic regions important for survival in a plant-associated environmental niche, while the Csak-Cmal-Cuni-Ctur clade genomes harbored numerous virulence-related genetic traits.


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International market access for fresh commodities is regulated by international accepted phytosanitary guidelines, the objectives of which are to reduce the biosecurity risk of plant pest and disease movement. Papua New Guinea (PNG) has identified banana as a potential export crop and to help meet international market access requirements, this thesis provides information for the development of a pest risk analysis (PRA) for PNG banana fruit. The PRA is a three step process which first identifies the pests associated with a particular commodity or pathway, then assesses the risk associated with those pests, and finally identifies risk management options for those pests if required. As the first step of the PRA process, I collated a definitive list on the organisms associated with the banana plant in PNG using formal literature, structured interviews with local experts, grey literature and unpublished file material held in PNG field research stations. I identified 112 organisms (invertebrates, vertebrate, pathogens and weeds) associated with banana in PNG, but only 14 of these were reported as commonly requiring management. For these 14 I present detailed information summaries on their known biology and pest impact. A major finding of the review was that of the 14 identified key pests, some research information occurs for 13. The single exception for which information was found to be lacking was Bactrocera musae (Tryon), the banana fly. The lack of information for this widely reported ‘major pest on PNG bananas’ would hinder the development of a PNG banana fruit PRA. For this reason the remainder of the thesis focused on this organism, particularly with respect to generation of information required by the PRA process. Utilising an existing, but previously unanalysed fruit fly trapping database for PNG, I carried out a Geographic Information System analysis of the distribution and abundance of banana in four major regions of PNG. This information is required for a PRA to determine if banana fruit grown in different parts of the country are at different risks from the fly. Results showed that the fly was widespread in all cropping regions and that temperature and rainfall were not significantly correlated with banana fly abundance. Abundance of the fly was significantly correlated (albeit weakly) with host availability. The same analysis was done with four other PNG pest fruit flies and their responses to the environmental factors differed to banana fly and each other. This implies that subsequent PRA analyses for other PNG fresh commodities will need to investigate the risk of each of these flies independently. To quantify the damage to banana fruit caused by banana fly in PNG, local surveys and one national survey of banana fruit infestation were carried out. Contrary to expectations, infestation was found to be very low, particularly in the widely grown commercial cultivar, Cavendish. Infestation of Cavendish fingers was only 0.41% in a structured, national survey of over 2 700 banana fingers. Follow up laboratory studies showed that fingers of Cavendish, and another commercial variety Lady-finger, are very poor hosts for B. musae, with very low host selection rates by female flies and very poor immature survival. An analysis of a recent (within last decade) incursion of B. musae into the Gazelle Peninsula of East New Britain Province, PNG, provided the final set of B. musae data. Surveys of the fly on the peninsular showed that establishment and spread of the fly in the novel environment was very rapid and thus the fly should be regarded as being of high biosecurity concern, at least in tropical areas. Supporting the earlier impact studies, however, banana fly has not become a significant banana fruit problem on the Gazelle, despite bananas being the primary starch staple of the region. The results of the research chapters are combined in the final Discussion in the form of a B. musae focused PRA for PNG banana fruit. Putting the thesis in a broader context, the Discussion also deals with the apparent discrepancy between high local abundance of banana fly and very low infestation rates. This discussion focuses on host utilisation patterns of specialist herbivores and suggests that local pest abundance, as determined by trapping or monitoring, need not be good surrogate for crop damage, despite this linkage being implicit in a number of international phytosanitary protocols.


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Aims This research sought to determine optimal corn waste stream–based fermentation medium C and N sources and incubation time to maximize pigment production by an indigenous Indonesian Penicillium spp., as well as to assess pigment pH stability. Methods and Results A Penicillium spp. was isolated from Indonesian soil, identified as Penicillium resticulosum, and used to test the effects of carbon and nitrogen type and concentrations, medium pH, incubation period and furfural on biomass and pigment yield (PY) in a waste corncob hydrolysate basal medium. Maximum red PY (497·03 ± 55·13 mg l−1) was obtained with a 21 : 1 C : N ratio, pH 5·5–6·0; yeast extract-, NH4NO3-, NaNO3-, MgSO4·7H2O-, xylose- or carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)-supplemented medium and 12 days (25°C, 60–70% relative humidity, dark) incubation. C source, C, N and furfural concentration, medium pH and incubation period all influenced biomass and PY. Pigment was pH 2–9 stable. Conclusions Penicillium resticulosum demonstrated microbial pH-stable-pigment production potential using a xylose or CMC and N source, supplemented waste stream cellulose culture medium. Significance and Impact of the Study Corn derived, waste stream cellulose can be used as a culture medium for fungal pigment production. Such application provides a process for agricultural waste stream resource reuse for production of compounds in increasing demand.


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Wolbachia pipientis is an endosymbiotic bacterium present in diverse insect species. Although it is well studied for its dramatic effects on host reproductive biology, little is known about its effects on other aspects of host biology, despite its presence in a wide array of host tissues. This study examined the effects of three Wolbachia strains on two different Drosophila species, using a laboratory performance assay for insect locomotion in response to olfactory cues. The results demonstrate that Wolbachia infection can have significant effects on host responsiveness that vary with respect to the Wolbachia strain-host species combination. The wRi strain, native to Drosophila simulans, increases the basal activity level of the host insect as well as its responsiveness to food cues. In contrast, the wMel strain and the virulent wMelPop strain, native to Drosophila melanogaster, cause slight decreases in responsiveness to food cues but do not alter basal activity levels in the host. Surprisingly, the virulent wMelPop strain has very little impact on host responsiveness in D. simulans. This novel strain-host relationship was artificially created previously by transinfection. These findings have implications for understanding the evolution and spread of Wolbachia infections in wild populations and for Wolbachia-based vector-borne disease control strategies currently being developed.


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Extracts of Echinacea spp. are widely used as therapeutic immunostimulants with such activity being attributed in part to the alkamide fractions of these plants. Using high performance liquid chromatography, the levels of 8 alkamides, including 2 tetraene alkamides (dodeca-2E, 4E, 8Z, 10E/Z-tetraenoic acid isobutylamide), were quantitatively determined in 2 Australian-grown Echinacea spp. Overall, the levels of alkamides in Australian-grown E. angustifolia were found to be comparable with levels obtained in this study and other studies for USA and European Echinacea spp. However, results obtained for one sample of E. angustifolia suggested that it may have been mislabelled and that it was most likely a sample of E. pallida. Levels of tetraene alkamides in Australian-grown E. purpurea were also similar to, if not higher, than levels which have been reported for the same species grown in Germany and the USA. Preliminary studies on the stability of alkamide compounds in E. angustifolia indicated that they are susceptible to degradation, with a 13% loss of alkamide level over 2 months. Overall, results indicate that there is considerable potential to develop Echinacea as a viable crop in Australia.


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During the nineteenth century and in the early years of the twentieth century wattle was circulated by botanists, botanical institutions, interested individuals, commercial seedsmen and government authorities. Wattle bark was used in the production of leather and was the subject of debate regarding its commercial development and conservation in Australia. It was also trialled in many other locations including America, New Zealand, Hawaii and Russia. In the process, South Africa became a major producer of wattle bark for a global market. At the same time wattle was also promoted as a symbol of Australian nationalism. This paper considers this movement of wattles, wattle material and wattle information by examining the career of one active agent in these botanical transfers: Joseph Maiden. In doing so it demonstrates that these seemingly different uses of the wattle overlap transnational and national spheres.