812 resultados para Vesicle


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Adaptor protein complex 2 alpha and beta-appendage domains act as hubs for the assembly of accessory protein networks involved in clathrin-coated vesicle formation. We identify a large repertoire of beta-appendage interactors by mass spectrometry. These interact with two distinct ligand interaction sites on the beta-appendage (the "top" and "side" sites) that bind motifs distinct from those previously identified on the alpha-appendage. We solved the structure of the beta-appendage with a peptide from the accessory protein Eps15 bound to the side site and with a peptide from the accessory cargo adaptor beta-arrestin bound to the top site. We show that accessory proteins can bind simultaneously to multiple appendages, allowing these to cooperate in enhancing ligand avidities that appear to be irreversible in vitro. We now propose that clathrin, which interacts with the beta-appendage, achieves ligand displacement in vivo by self-polymerisation as the coated pit matures. This changes the interaction environment from liquid-phase, affinity-driven interactions, to interactions driven by solid-phase stability ("matricity"). Accessory proteins that interact solely with the appendages are thereby displaced to areas of the coated pit where clathrin has not yet polymerised. However, proteins such as beta-arrestin (non-visual arrestin) and autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia protein, which have direct clathrin interactions, will remain in the coated pits with their interacting receptors.


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Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves the assembly of a network of proteins that select cargo, modify membrane shape and drive invagination, vesicle scission and uncoating. This network is initially assembled around adaptor protein (AP) appendage domains, which are protein interaction hubs. Using crystallography, we show that FxDxF and WVxF peptide motifs from synaptojanin bind to distinct subdomains on alpha-appendages, called 'top' and 'side' sites. Appendages use both these sites to interact with their binding partners in vitro and in vivo. Occupation of both sites simultaneously results in high-affinity reversible interactions with lone appendages (e.g. eps15 and epsin1). Proteins with multiple copies of only one type of motif bind multiple appendages and so will aid adaptor clustering. These clustered alpha(appendage)-hubs have altered properties where they can sample many different binding partners, which in turn can interact with each other and indirectly with clathrin. In the final coated vesicle, most appendage binding partners are absent and thus the functional status of the appendage domain as an interaction hub is temporal and transitory giving directionality to vesicle assembly.


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Vesicle and tubule transport containers move proteins and lipids from one membrane system to another. Newly forming transport containers frequently have electron-dense coats. Coats coordinate the accumulation of cargo and sculpt the membrane. Recent advances have shown that components of both COP1 and clathrin-adaptor coats share the same structure and the same motif-based cargo recognition and accessory factor recruitment mechanisms, which leads to insights on conserved aspects of coat recruitment, polymerisation and membrane deformation. These themes point to the way in which evolutionarily conserved features underpin these diverse pathways.


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EpsinR is a clathrin-coated vesicle (CCV) enriched 70-kD protein that binds to phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate, clathrin, and the gamma appendage domain of the adaptor protein complex 1 (AP1). In cells, its distribution overlaps with the perinuclear pool of clathrin and AP1 adaptors. Overexpression disrupts the CCV-dependent trafficking of cathepsin D from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes and the incorporation of mannose-6-phosphate receptors into CCVs. These biochemical and cell biological data point to a role for epsinR in AP1/clathrin budding events in the cell, just as epsin1 is involved in the budding of AP2 CCVs. Furthermore, we show that two gamma appendage domains can simultaneously bind to epsinR with affinities of 0.7 and 45 microM, respectively. Thus, potentially, two AP1 complexes can bind to one epsinR. This high affinity binding allowed us to identify a consensus binding motif of the form DFxDF, which we also find in gamma-synergin and use to predict that an uncharacterized EF-hand-containing protein will be a new gamma binding partner.


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Clathrin-mediated vesicle recycling in synapses is maintained by a unique set of endocytic proteins and interactions. We show that endophilin localizes in the vesicle pool at rest and in spirals at the necks of clathrin-coated pits (CCPs) during activity in lamprey synapses. Endophilin and dynamin colocalize at the base of the clathrin coat. Protein spirals composed of these proteins on lipid tubes in vitro have a pitch similar to the one observed at necks of CCPs in living synapses, and lipid tubules are thinner than those formed by dynamin alone. Tubulation efficiency and the amount of dynamin recruited to lipid tubes are dramatically increased in the presence of endophilin. Blocking the interactions of the endophilin SH3 domain in situ reduces dynamin accumulation at the neck and prevents the formation of elongated necks observed in the presence of GTPγS. Therefore, endophilin recruits dynamin to a restricted part of the CCP neck, forming a complex, which promotes budding of new synaptic vesicles.


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Epidermal growth factor receptor pathway substrate clone 15 (Eps15) is a protein implicated in endocytosis, endosomal protein sorting, and cytoskeletal organization. Its role is, however, still unclear, because of reasons including limitations of dominant-negative experiments and apparent redundancy with other endocytic proteins. We generated Drosophila eps15-null mutants and show that Eps15 is required for proper synaptic bouton development and normal levels of synaptic vesicle (SV) endocytosis. Consistent with a role in SV endocytosis, Eps15 moves from the center of synaptic boutons to the periphery in response to synaptic activity. The endocytic protein, Dap160/intersectin, is a major binding partner of Eps15, and eps15 mutants phenotypically resemble dap160 mutants. Analyses of eps15 dap160 double mutants suggest that Eps15 functions in concert with Dap160 during SV endocytosis. Based on these data, we hypothesize that Eps15 and Dap160 promote the efficiency of endocytosis from the plasma membrane by maintaining high concentrations of multiple endocytic proteins, including dynamin, at synapses.


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Amphiphysin is a protein enriched at mammalian synapses thought to function as a clathrin accessory factor in synaptic vesicle endocytosis. Here we examine the involvement of amphiphysin in synaptic vesicle recycling at the giant synapse in the lamprey. We show that amphiphysin resides in the synaptic vesicle cluster at rest and relocates to sites of endocytosis during synaptic activity. It accumulates at coated pits where its SH3 domain, but not its central clathrin/AP-2-binding (CLAP) region, is accessible for antibody binding. Microinjection of antibodies specifically directed against the CLAP region inhibited recycling of synaptic vesicles and caused accumulation of clathrin-coated intermediates with distorted morphology, including flat patches of coated presynaptic membrane. Our data provide evidence for an activity-dependent redistribution of amphiphysin in intact nerve terminals and show that amphiphysin is a component of presynaptic clathrin-coated intermediates formed during synaptic vesicle recycling.


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It has been hypothesized that in the mature nerve terminal, interactions between synapsin and actin regulate the clustering of synaptic vesicles and the availability of vesicles for release during synaptic activity. Here, we have used immunogold electron microscopy to examine the subcellular localization of actin and synapsin in the giant synapse in lamprey at different states of synaptic activity. In agreement with earlier observations, in synapses at rest, synapsin immunoreactivity was preferentially localized to a portion of the vesicle cluster distal to the active zone. During synaptic activity, however, synapsin was detected in the pool of vesicles proximal to the active zone. In addition, actin and synapsin were found colocalized in a dynamic filamentous cytomatrix at the sites of synaptic vesicle recycling, endocytic zones. Synapsin immunolabeling was not associated with clathrin-coated intermediates but was found on vesicles that appeared to be recycling back to the cluster. Disruption of synapsin function by microinjection of antisynapsin antibodies resulted in a prominent reduction of the cytomatrix at endocytic zones of active synapses. Our data suggest that in addition to its known function in clustering of vesicles in the reserve pool, synapsin migrates from the synaptic vesicle cluster and participates in the organization of the actin-rich cytomatrix in the endocytic zone during synaptic activity.


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During synaptic transmission, NT-filled synaptic vesicles are released by Ca2+-triggered exocytosis at the active zone. Following exocytosis, SV membrane is immediately re-internalized and synaptic vesicles (SVs) are regenerated by a local recycling mechanism within the presynaptic terminal. It is debated whether an endosomal compartment is involved in this recycling process. In contrast, it is well known from cultured mammalian cells, that endocytic vesicles fuse to the early sorting endosome. The early endosome is a major sorting station of the cell where cargo is send into the degradative pathway to late endosome and lysosome or towards recycling. Each trafficking step is mediated by a certain protein of the Rab family. Rab proteins are small GTPases belonging to the Ras superfamily. They accumulate at their target compartments and have thereby been used as markers for the different endocytic organelles in cultured mammalian cells. Rab5 controls trafficking from the PM to the early endosome and has thereby been used as marker for this compartment. A second marker is based on the specific binding of the FYVE zinc finger protein domain to the lipid PI(3)P that is specifically generated at the early endosomal membrane. This study used the Drosophila NMJ as a model system to investigate the SV recycling process. In particular, three questions were addressed: First, is an endosomal compartment present at the synapse? Second, do SVs recycle through an endosome? Third, is Rab5 involved in SV recycling? We used GFP fusions of Rab5 and 2xFYVE to visualize endosomal compartments at the presynaptic terminal of Drosophila third instar larval NMJs. Furthermore, the endosomes are located within the pool of recycling SVs, labeled with the styryl-dye FM5-95. Using the temperature-sensitive mutation in Dynamin, shibirets, we showed that SV recycling involves trafficking through an intermediate endosomal compartment. In cultured mammalian cells, interfering with Rab5 function by expressing the dominant negative version, Rab5SN causes the fragmentation of the endosome and the accumulation of endocytic vesicles. In contrast, when Rab5 is overexpressed enlarged endosomal compartments were observed. In Drosophila, the endosomal compartment was disrupted when loss of function and dominant negative mutants of Rab5 were expressed. In addition, at the ultrastructural we observed an accumulation of endocytic vesicles in Rab5S43N expressing terminals and enlarged endosomes when Rab5 was overexpressed. Furthermore, interfering with Rab5 function using the dominant negative Rab5S43N caused a decrease in the SV recycling kinetics as shown by FM1-43 experiments. In contrast, overexpression of Rab5 or GFP-Rab5 caused an increase in the FM1-43 internalization rate. Finally, standard electrophysiological techniques were used to measure synaptic function. We found that the Rab5-mediated endosomal SV recycling pathway generates vesicles with a higher fusion efficacy during Ca2+-triggered release, compared to SVs recycled when Rab5 function was impaired. We therefore suggest a model in which the endosome serves as organelle to control the SV fusion efficacy and thereby the synaptic strength. Since changes in the synaptic strength are occuring during learning and memory processes, controlling endosomal SV recycling might be a new molecular mechanism involved in learning and memory.


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Chromaffin cells release catecholamines by exocytosis, a process that includes vesicle docking, priming and fusion. Although all these steps have been intensively studied, some aspects of their mechanisms, particularly those regarding vesicle transport to the active sites situated at the membrane, are still unclear. In this work, we show that it is possible to extract information on vesicle motion in Chromaffin cells from the combination of Langevin simulations and amperometric measurements. We developed a numerical model based on Langevin simulations of vesicle motion towards the cell membrane and on the statistical analysis of vesicle arrival times. We also performed amperometric experiments in bovine-adrenal Chromaffin cells under Ba2+ stimulation to capture neurotransmitter releases during sustained exocytosis. In the sustained phase, each amperometric peak can be related to a single release from a new vesicle arriving at the active site. The amperometric signal can then be mapped into a spike-series of release events. We normalized the spike-series resulting from the current peaks using a time-rescaling transformation, thus making signals coming from different cells comparable. We discuss why the obtained spike-series may contain information about the motion of all vesicles leading to release of catecholamines. We show that the release statistics in our experiments considerably deviate from Poisson processes. Moreover, the interspike-time probability is reasonably well described by two-parameter gamma distributions. In order to interpret this result we computed the vesicles’ arrival statistics from our Langevin simulations. As expected, assuming purely diffusive vesicle motion we obtain Poisson statistics. However, if we assume that all vesicles are guided toward the membrane by an attractive harmonic potential, simulations also lead to gamma distributions of the interspike-time probability, in remarkably good agreement with experiment. We also show that including the fusion-time statistics in our model does not produce any significant changes on the results. These findings indicate that the motion of the whole ensemble of vesicles towards the membrane is directed and reflected in the amperometric signals. Our results confirm the conclusions of previous imaging studies performed on single vesicles that vesicles’ motion underneath plasma membranes is not purely random, but biased towards the membrane.


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The self-assembly of the peptide amphiphile (PA) hexadecyl-(β-alaninehistidine) is examined in aqueous solution, along with its mixtures with multilamellar vesicles formed by DPPC (dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine). This PA, denoted C16-βAH, contains a dipeptide headgroup corresponding to the bioactive molecule L-carnosine. It is found to selfassemble into nanotapes based on stacked layers of molecules. Bilayers are found to coexist with monolayers in which the PA molecules pack with alternating up−down arrangement so that the headgroups decorate both surfaces. The bilayers become dehydrated as PA concentration increases and the number of layers in the stack decreases to produce ultrathin nanotapes comprised of 2−3 bilayers. Addition of the PA to DPPC multilamellar vesicles leads to a transition to well-defined unilamellar vesicles. The unique ability to modulate the stacking of this PA as a function of concentration, combined with its ability to induce a multilamellar to unilamellar thinning of DPPC vesicles, may be useful in biomaterials applications where the presentation of the peptide function at the surface of self-assembled nanostructures is crucial.


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Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein (SV)2A is a transmembrane protein found in secretory vesicles and is critical for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis in central neurons, although its mechanism of action remains uncertain. Previous studies have proposed, variously, a role of SV2 in the maintenance and formation of the readily releasable pool (RRP) or in the regulation of Ca2+ responsiveness of primed vesicles. Such previous studies have typically used genetic approaches to ablate SV2 levels; here, we used a strategy involving small interference RNA (siRNA) injection to knockdown solely presynaptic SV2A levels in rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neuron synapses. Moreover, we investigated the effects of SV2A knockdown on voltage-dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) function in SCG neurons. Thus, we extended the studies of SV2A mechanisms by investigating the effects on vesicular transmitter release and VDCC function in peripheral sympathetic neurons. We first demonstrated an siRNA-mediated SV2A knockdown. We showed that this SV2A knockdown markedly affected presynaptic function, causing an attenuated RRP size, increased paired-pulse depression and delayed RRP recovery after stimulus-dependent depletion. We further demonstrated that the SV2A–siRNA-mediated effects on vesicular release were accompanied by a reduction in VDCC current density in isolated SCG neurons. Together, our data showed that SV2A is required for correct transmitter release at sympathetic neurons. Mechanistically, we demonstrated that presynaptic SV2A: (i) acted to direct normal synaptic transmission by maintaining RRP size, (ii) had a facilitatory role in recovery from synaptic depression, and that (iii) SV2A deficits were associated with aberrant Ca2+ current density, which may contribute to the secretory phenotype in sympathetic peripheral neurons.


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Dispersions of saturated anionic phospholipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) have been extensively studied regarding their peculiar thermostructural behavior. At low ionic strength, the gel-fluid transition is spread along nearly 17 degrees C, displaying several thermal events in the calorimetric profile that is quite different from the single sharp peak around 23 degrees C found for higher ionic strength DMPG dispersions. To investigate the role of charge in the bilayer transition, we carefully examine the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of DMPG dispersions at different concentrations, correlating the data with the corresponding differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) traces. Electrical conductivity together with electrophoretic mobility measurements allowed the calculation of the dependence of the degree of ionization of DMPG vesicles on lipid concentration and temperature. It was shown that there is a decrease in vesicle charge as the lipid concentration increases, which is probably correlated with the increase in the concentration of bulk Na(+). Apart from the known increase in the electrical conductivity along the DMPG temperature transition region, a sharp rise was observed at the bilayer pretransition for all lipid concentrations studied, possibly indicating that the beginning of the chain melting process is associated with an increase in bilayer ionization. It is confirmed here that the gel-fluid transition of DMPG at low ionic strength is accompanied by a huge increase in the dispersion viscosity. However, it is shown that this measured macroviscosity is distinct from the local viscosity felt by either charged ions or DMPG charged aggregates in measurements of electrical conductivity or electrophoretic mobility, Data presented here give support to the idea that DMPG vesicles, at low ionic strength, get more ionized along the temperature transition region and could be perforated and/or deformed vesicle structures.


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Insulin-regulated aminopeptidase (IRAP), a marker of glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) storage vesicles (GSVs), is the only protein known to traffic with GLUT4. In the basal state, GSVs are sequestered from the constitutively recycling endosomal system to an insulin-responsive, intracellular pool. Insulin induces a rapid translocation of GSVs to the cell surface from this pool, resulting in the incorporation of IRAP and GLUT4 into the plasma membrane. We sought to identify proteins that interact with IRAP to further understand this GSV trafficking process. This study describes our identification of a novel interaction between the amino terminus of IRAP and the Akt substrate, AS160 (Akt substrate of 160 kDa). The validity of this interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of both overexpressed and endogenous proteins. Moreover, confocal microscopy demonstrated colocalization of these proteins. In addition, we demonstrate that the IRAP-binding domain of AS160 falls within its second phosphotyrosine-binding domain and the interaction is not regulated by AS160 phosphorylation. We hypothesize that AS160 is localized to GLUT4-containing vesicles via its interaction with IRAP where it inhibits the activity of Rab substrates in its vicinity, effectively tethering the vesicles intracellularly.