947 resultados para Vehicle Routing Problem Multi-Trip Ricerca Operativa TSP VRP


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In this thesis we study three combinatorial optimization problems belonging to the classes of Network Design and Vehicle Routing problems that are strongly linked in the context of the design and management of transportation networks: the Non-Bifurcated Capacitated Network Design Problem (NBP), the Period Vehicle Routing Problem (PVRP) and the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows (PDPTW). These problems are NP-hard and contain as special cases some well known difficult problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Steiner Tree Problem. Moreover, they model the core structure of many practical problems arising in logistics and telecommunications. The NBP is the problem of designing the optimum network to satisfy a given set of traffic demands. Given a set of nodes, a set of potential links and a set of point-to-point demands called commodities, the objective is to select the links to install and dimension their capacities so that all the demands can be routed between their respective endpoints, and the sum of link fixed costs and commodity routing costs is minimized. The problem is called non- bifurcated because the solution network must allow each demand to follow a single path, i.e., the flow of each demand cannot be splitted. Although this is the case in many real applications, the NBP has received significantly less attention in the literature than other capacitated network design problems that allow bifurcation. We describe an exact algorithm for the NBP that is based on solving by an integer programming solver a formulation of the problem strengthened by simple valid inequalities and four new heuristic algorithms. One of these heuristics is an adaptive memory metaheuristic, based on partial enumeration, that could be applied to a wider class of structured combinatorial optimization problems. In the PVRP a fleet of vehicles of identical capacity must be used to service a set of customers over a planning period of several days. Each customer specifies a service frequency, a set of allowable day-combinations and a quantity of product that the customer must receive every time he is visited. For example, a customer may require to be visited twice during a 5-day period imposing that these visits take place on Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday or Tuesday-Friday. The problem consists in simultaneously assigning a day- combination to each customer and in designing the vehicle routes for each day so that each customer is visited the required number of times, the number of routes on each day does not exceed the number of vehicles available, and the total cost of the routes over the period is minimized. We also consider a tactical variant of this problem, called Tactical Planning Vehicle Routing Problem, where customers require to be visited on a specific day of the period but a penalty cost, called service cost, can be paid to postpone the visit to a later day than that required. At our knowledge all the algorithms proposed in the literature for the PVRP are heuristics. In this thesis we present for the first time an exact algorithm for the PVRP that is based on different relaxations of a set partitioning-like formulation. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is tested on a set of instances from the literature and on a new set of instances. Finally, the PDPTW is to service a set of transportation requests using a fleet of identical vehicles of limited capacity located at a central depot. Each request specifies a pickup location and a delivery location and requires that a given quantity of load is transported from the pickup location to the delivery location. Moreover, each location can be visited only within an associated time window. Each vehicle can perform at most one route and the problem is to satisfy all the requests using the available vehicles so that each request is serviced by a single vehicle, the load on each vehicle does not exceed the capacity, and all locations are visited according to their time window. We formulate the PDPTW as a set partitioning-like problem with additional cuts and we propose an exact algorithm based on different relaxations of the mathematical formulation and a branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm. The new algorithm is tested on two classes of problems from the literature and compared with a recent branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm from the literature.


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Uno dei problemi più diffusi, nell'ambito della logistica, è rappresentato dai costi di trasporto. La gestione dei flussi merci, l'approvvigionamento dei clienti, e la relativa pianifcazione della movimentazione dei veicoli, hanno incidenze notevoli sui costi di gestione aziendali, i quali vengono stimati mediamente nel 45% dei costi logistici. A ragione di questo, sono sempre di più le aziende che ricorrono all'impiego di uffici dedicati alla pianifcazione delle consegne e la gestione dei trasporti in generale. Sebbene le voci di bilancio relative al trasporto raggiungano cifre rilevanti, fno al 4% del fatturato annuo, il tema della pianifcazione viene spesso sottovalutato. Infatti la soluzione a problemi di pianifcazione e monitoraggio dei costi, è spesso demandata a procedure manuali senza supporto informatico. Nasce da qui l'esigenza di proporre uno strumento informatico che supporti gli addetti preposti alla pianifcazione, sviluppando un sistema che copra esigenze di pianifcazione dei viaggi, controllo e consuntivazione dei costi di trasporto, e monitoraggio dei mezzi in tempo reale. La proposta di Gesp srl, Geographic Information Systems, azienda italiana che opera da anni nel campo delle applicazioni software geo-spaziali, prende il nome di Nuovo Sistema Trasporti, o più semplicemente, NST. In quest'ambito prende corpo questa tesi, la quale si pone l'obiettivo di illustrare le fasi di nascita, analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di un software generico per il supporto alla logistica. Saranno così analizzati: le problematiche affrontate nella fase di defnizione, e kick-off (avvio), del progetto, il problema del routing, o Vehicle Routing Problem e le tecniche di Ricerca Operativa che vengono applicate per la sua risoluzione; le moderne metodologie di gestione e sviluppo di un software; l'architettura e le tecnologie impiegate per la distribuzione dell'applicativo.


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La Ricerca Operativa è considerata una disciplina universitaria il cui insegnamento è previsto nei corsi di laurea di Ingegneria, Matematica e Informatica. Da qualche anno si è verificata una tendenza ad anticipare l'insegnamento della Ricerca Operativa ad un grado scolastico inferiore. In Gran Bretagna e negli Stati Uniti sono presenti organizzazioni molto attive nell'ambito della sua divulgazione e sono nati progetti importanti a livello didattico: corsi di formazione per i docenti, condivisione in rete di materiali e report delle esperienze effettuate. A partire dal 2012 anche nelle indagini internazionali OCSE-PISA si sono aggiunte due aree i cui obiettivi e contenuti si avvicinano alla Ricerca Operativa: financial literacy e problem solving. In Italia, dopo la riforma governativa Gelmini del 2008, sono presenti elementi di Ricerca Operativa solo nei programmi di matematica del quinto anno degli istituti tecnici commerciali e industriali. Tuttavia la Ricerca Operativa può svolgere un ruolo fondamentale nella formazione scientifica, innanzitutto per il suo ruolo di "ponte" tra la matematica e l'informatica, poi per l'importanza dello sviluppo della modellizzazione e per l'interdisciplinarietà della materia e lo stretto contatto con il mondo del lavoro. Inoltre, le esperienze documentate di didattica della Ricerca Operativa hanno potuto verificare l'importante ruolo motivazionale che possiede nei confronti degli studenti meno amanti della matematica. In questo lavoro di tesi si è interrogata la fattibilità di un percorso di Ricerca Operativa per una classe seconda liceo scientifico (anno in cui vengono svolte le indagini internazionali). Viene poi presentata la costruzione di una lezione di Programmazione Lineare che prevede una prima fase di modellizzazione del problema e una seconda fase di soluzione tramite il solutore di excel in laboratorio.


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La tesis está focalizada en la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, haciendo uso de las opciones tecnológicas actuales que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, y la investigación operativa. Los problemas de optimización combinatoria se resuelven en general mediante programación lineal y metaheurísticas. La aplicación de las técnicas de resolución de los problemas de optimización combinatoria requiere de una elevada carga computacional, y los algoritmos deben diseñarse, por un lado pensando en la efectividad para encontrar buenas soluciones del problema, y por otro lado, pensando en un uso adecuado de los recursos informáticos disponibles. La programación lineal y las metaheurísticas son técnicas de resolución genéricas, que se pueden aplicar a diferentes problemas, partiendo de una base común que se particulariza para cada problema concreto. En el campo del desarrollo de software, los frameworks cumplen esa función de comenzar un proyecto con el trabajo general ya disponible, con la opción de cambiar o extender ese comportamiento base o genérico, para construir el sistema concreto, lo que permite reducir el tiempo de desarrollo, y amplía las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto. En esta tesis se han desarrollado dos frameworks de desarrollo. El framework ILP permite modelar y resolver problemas de programación lineal, de forma independiente al software de resolución de programación lineal que se utilice. El framework LME permite resolver problemas de optimización combinatoria mediante metaheurísticas. Tradicionalmente, las aplicaciones de resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria son aplicaciones de escritorio que permiten gestionar toda la información de entrada del problema y resuelven el problema en local, con los recursos hardware disponibles. Recientemente ha aparecido un nuevo paradigma de despliegue y uso de aplicaciones que permite compartir recursos informáticos especializados por Internet. Esta nueva forma de uso de recursos informáticos es la computación en la nube, que presenta el modelo de software como servicio (SaaS). En esta tesis se ha construido una plataforma SaaS, para la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, que se despliega sobre arquitecturas compuestas por procesadores multi-núcleo y tarjetas gráficas, y dispone de algoritmos de resolución basados en frameworks de programación lineal y metaheurísticas. Toda la infraestructura es independiente del problema de optimización combinatoria a resolver, y se han desarrollado tres problemas que están totalmente integrados en la plataforma SaaS. Estos problemas se han seleccionado por su importancia práctica. Uno de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de rutas de vehículos (VRP), que consiste en calcular las rutas de menor coste de una flota de vehículos, que reparte mercancías a todos los clientes. Se ha partido de la versión más clásica del problema y se han hecho estudios en dos direcciones. Por un lado se ha cuantificado el aumento en la velocidad de ejecución de la resolución del problema en tarjetas gráficas. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado el impacto en la velocidad de ejecución y en la calidad de soluciones, en la resolución por la metaheurística de colonias de hormigas (ACO), cuando se introduce la programación lineal para optimizar las rutas individuales de cada vehículo. Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. Otro de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de asignación de flotas (FAP), que consiste en crear las rutas de menor coste para la flota de vehículos de una empresa de transporte de viajeros. Se ha definido un nuevo modelo de problema, que engloba características de problemas presentados en la literatura, y añade nuevas características, lo que permite modelar los requerimientos de las empresas de transporte de viajeros actuales. Este nuevo modelo resuelve de forma integrada el problema de definir los horarios de los trayectos, el problema de asignación del tipo de vehículo, y el problema de crear las rotaciones de los vehículos. Se ha creado un modelo de programación lineal para el problema, y se ha resuelto por programación lineal y por colonias de hormigas (ACO). Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. El último problema tratado en la tesis es el problema de planificación táctica de personal (TWFP), que consiste en definir la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores de menor coste, para cubrir una demanda de carga de trabajo variable. Se ha definido un modelo de problema muy flexible en la definición de contratos, que permite el uso del modelo en diversos sectores productivos. Se ha definido un modelo matemático de programación lineal para representar el problema. Se han definido una serie de casos de uso, que muestran la versatilidad del modelo de problema, y permiten simular el proceso de toma de decisiones de la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores, cuantificando económicamente cada decisión que se toma. Este problema se ha desarrollado con el framework ILP, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. ABSTRACT The thesis is focused on solving combinatorial optimization problems, using current technology options offered by information technology and communications, and operations research. Combinatorial optimization problems are solved in general by linear programming and metaheuristics. The application of these techniques for solving combinatorial optimization problems requires a high computational load, and algorithms are designed, on the one hand thinking to find good solutions to the problem, and on the other hand, thinking about proper use of the available computing resources. Linear programming and metaheuristic are generic resolution techniques, which can be applied to different problems, beginning with a common base that is particularized for each specific problem. In the field of software development, frameworks fulfill this function that allows you to start a project with the overall work already available, with the option to change or extend the behavior or generic basis, to build the concrete system, thus reducing the time development, and expanding the possibilities of success of the project. In this thesis, two development frameworks have been designed and developed. The ILP framework allows to modeling and solving linear programming problems, regardless of the linear programming solver used. The LME framework is designed for solving combinatorial optimization problems using metaheuristics. Traditionally, applications for solving combinatorial optimization problems are desktop applications that allow the user to manage all the information input of the problem and solve the problem locally, using the available hardware resources. Recently, a new deployment paradigm has appeared, that lets to share hardware and software resources by the Internet. This new use of computer resources is cloud computing, which presents the model of software as a service (SaaS). In this thesis, a SaaS platform has been built for solving combinatorial optimization problems, which is deployed on architectures, composed of multi-core processors and graphics cards, and has algorithms based on metaheuristics and linear programming frameworks. The SaaS infrastructure is independent of the combinatorial optimization problem to solve, and three problems are fully integrated into the SaaS platform. These problems have been selected for their practical importance. One of the problems discussed in the thesis, is the vehicle routing problem (VRP), which goal is to calculate the least cost of a fleet of vehicles, which distributes goods to all customers. The VRP has been studied in two directions. On one hand, it has been quantified the increase in execution speed when the problem is solved on graphics cards. On the other hand, it has been studied the impact on execution speed and quality of solutions, when the problem is solved by ant colony optimization (ACO) metaheuristic, and linear programming is introduced to optimize the individual routes of each vehicle. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. Another problem addressed in the thesis, is the fleet assignment problem (FAP), which goal is to create lower cost routes for a fleet of a passenger transport company. It has been defined a new model of problem, which includes features of problems presented in the literature, and adds new features, allowing modeling the business requirements of today's transport companies. This new integrated model solves the problem of defining the flights timetable, the problem of assigning the type of vehicle, and the problem of creating aircraft rotations. The problem has been solved by linear programming and ACO. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. The last problem discussed in the thesis is the tactical planning staff problem (TWFP), which is to define the staff of lower cost, to cover a given work load. It has been defined a very rich problem model in the definition of contracts, allowing the use of the model in various productive sectors. It has been defined a linear programming mathematical model to represent the problem. Some use cases has been defined, to show the versatility of the model problem, and to simulate the decision making process of setting up a staff, economically quantifying every decision that is made. This problem has been developed with the ILP framework, and is available in the SaaS platform.


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Physical distribution plays an imporant role in contemporary logistics management. Both satisfaction level of of customer and competitiveness of company can be enhanced if the distribution problem is solved optimally. The multi-depot vehicle routing problem (MDVRP) belongs to a practical logistics distribution problem, which consists of three critical issues: customer assignment, customer routing, and vehicle sequencing. According to the literatures, the solution approaches for the MDVRP are not satisfactory because some unrealistic assumptions were made on the first sub-problem of the MDVRP, ot the customer assignment problem. To refine the approaches, the focus of this paper is confined to this problem only. This paper formulates the customer assignment problem as a minimax-type integer linear programming model with the objective of minimizing the cycle time of the depots where setup times are explicitly considered. Since the model is proven to be MP-complete, a genetic algorithm is developed for solving the problem. The efficiency and effectiveness of the genetic algorithm are illustrated by a numerical example.


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In this paper the many to many location routing problem is introduced, and its relationship to various problems in distribution management is emphasised. Useful mathematical formulations which can be easily extended to cater for other related problems are produced. Techniques for tackling this complex distribution problem are also outlined.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Il lavoro di tesi svolto riguarda la progettazione e lo sviluppo di un algoritmo per la pianificazione ottimizzata della distribuzione con viaggi sincronizzati; il metodo sviluppato è un algoritmo mateuristico. I metodi mateuristici nascono dall’integrazione di algoritmi esatti, utilizzati all’interno di un framework metaeuristico, scelto come paradigma di soluzione del problema. La combinazione di componenti esatte e algoritmi metaeuristici ha lo scopo di sfruttare i vantaggi di entrambi gli approcci: grazie all'uso di componenti esatte, è possibile operare in modo efficace e di concentrarsi su alcuni dei vincoli del problema, mentre, con l'utilizzo di un framework metaeuristico, si può efficacemente esplorare grandi aree dello spazio di ricerca in tempi accettabili. Il problema analizzato nel lavoro di tesi è un problema di trasporto, ovvero il Vehicle Routing Problem con finestre temporali e vincoli di sincronizzazione a coppie (VRPTWPS). Il problema richiede di individuare un piano di organizzazione ottimizzato per i viaggi di consegna merci presso un insieme di clienti; ogni cliente richiede che la consegna avvenga all’interno di orari predefiniti; un sottoinsieme di essi richiede, inoltre, che la consegna venga effettuata con la presenza di esattamente due addetti. La presenza di quest’ultimo vincolo richiede, dunque, che due incaricati, indipendentemente dai viaggi di visita che questi effettuano, si incontrino presso uno stesso cliente nello stesso istante. Il vincolo di sincronizzazione rende il problema difficile da risolvere in maniera ottimizzata con i tradizionali metodi di ricerca locale; da ciò nasce l’uso dei metodi mateuristici per la risoluzione ottimizzata del problema. Grazie all’utilizzo di algoritmi esatti, i metodi mateuristici riescono a trattare in maniera più efficace alcuni vincoli dei problemi da risolvere.


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This paper presents the first full-fledged branch-and-price (bap) algorithm for the capacitated arc-routing problem (CARP). Prior exact solution techniques either rely on cutting planes or the transformation of the CARP into a node-routing problem. The drawbacks are either models with inherent symmetry, dense underlying networks, or a formulation where edge flows in a potential solution do not allow the reconstruction of unique CARP tours. The proposed algorithm circumvents all these drawbacks by taking the beneficial ingredients from existing CARP methods and combining them in a new way. The first step is the solution of the one-index formulation of the CARP in order to produce strong cuts and an excellent lower bound. It is known that this bound is typically stronger than relaxations of a pure set-partitioning CARP model.rnSuch a set-partitioning master program results from a Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition. In the second phase, the master program is initialized with the strong cuts, CARP tours are iteratively generated by a pricing procedure, and branching is required to produce integer solutions. This is a cut-first bap-second algorithm and its main function is, in fact, the splitting of edge flows into unique CARP tours.